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Experiment 103: Projectile Motion. Projectile Motion is defined as a

predictable path traveled by an object that is influenced only by the initial launch
speed, launch angle, and the acceleration due to gravity. A projectile is any object
that is given an initial velocity, and then follows a path determined entirely by
gravity. There are a variety of examples of projectiles: (a) An object dropped from
rest is a projectile provided, (b) An object that is thrown vertically upward is also a
projectile, and (c) An object which is thrown upward at an angle to the horizontal
is also a projectile. (Provided that the influence of air resistance is negligible)

It is a special case of two-dimensional motion. It is special because, while

the projectile is airborne, the only external force on it is the gravity. In this
experiment we were able to observe the effects of variable launch angles and
initials speeds to the position of the projectile along the x-axis and y-axis.

A projectile is an object launched with a certain initial speed at an angle. The

path of the motion is called trajectory, it is a parabolic curve. Once the projectile is
launched, the only force affecting its motion would be gravity. Since gravity acts
along the y-axis, there is no force on the projectile along the x-axis. See figure 1.

Max. Height
Object Trajectory


Angle of Departure of Fall
Horizontal Plane

(Figure 1: Short Description Projectile Motion)

From Newton’s Second Law of motion, it states that Acceleration is
produced when a force acts on a mass. The greater the mass (of the object being
accelerated) the greater the amount of force needed (to accelerate the object). As
the force acting upon an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is
increased. As the mass of an object is increased, the acceleration of the object is
decreased. The motion of the projectile is simply that of a body in free fall. The
horizontal motion, in the absence of a force along the x-axis, is uniform with
constant velocity.

We know that the change in velocity is the integral of acceleration with

respect to time:
v t

∫ dv=∫ adt ;
vo 0

v−v 0 =at


v=v 0 + at

(Equation 1: Change in Velocity)

The change in position is the time integral of velocity:

x t t

∫ dx=∫ vdt=∫ ( v 0 +at ) dt ;

xo 0 0

x−x 0=v 0 t +( at 2 )

(Equation 2: Change in Position)

The change in velocity is the integral of acceleration with respect to
v x

∫ vdv=a∫ dx ;
vo x0

1 2
( v −v o2)=a(x−x 0 )


v 2=v 02 +2 a( x−x 0 )

(Equation 3: Change in Velocity)

From equations 1 to 3, we can derive the equations for projectile motion.

Consider a projectile launched with an initial velocity v o at an angle θ with the
horizontal. Its initial velocity can be resolved into the x and y components.

vOx =v o cosθ

(Equation 4: Horizontal Velocity)

v yx =v o sinθ

(Equation 5: Vertical Velocity)

Since the acceleration along the x-axis is zero, the horizontal velocity is
constant all throughout the motion. Along the y-axis, the velocity changes because
of the acceleration due to gravity. The velocity at any given time is given by:

v fy =v oy +¿

v fy =√ v oy 2+2 gy

(Equation 6: Velocity of Projectile at a given Time)

Where t = time traveled, y = Vertical distance traveled.

The horizontal distance travelled can be computed using the following


x=v 0 cosθ t

(Equation 7: Horizontal Distance)

If the projectile start and ends along the same vertical level. The horizontal
distance travelled, called the range (R) can be computed from the equation.

v o2 sin 2 θ

(Equation 8: Range)

For the vertical distance travelled at any given time, the following equation
can be used:

y=v 0 sinθt + g t 2

(Equation 9: Vertical Distance)

For the maximum vertical distance reached by the projectile also known as
maximum height, it can be computed using:

(v o sinθ)2
y max =

(Equation 10: Maximum Height reached by the Projectile)

Experiment 103: Projectile Motion has the following objectives: [1] To

analyze the motion of a projectile; and [2] To compare the ranges of projectiles
launched at different angles. This experiment has 3 parts. The 1st part is about
determining the initial velocity of the projectile. The 2 nd part is determining the
range of the projectile, and the 3rd part is determining the maximum height of the

The materials needed for this experiment to be successful are: projectile

launcher, metal ball (25mm in diameter), meter stick, plumb line, iron stand with
clamp and a target board.

In Part A: Determining the initial Velocity of the Projectile, our group

followed 11 procedures:

Carbon Paper

Bond Paper

(Figure 2: Initial Velocity)
1. Setup the launcher on the wooden platform attached the iron stand.
2. Place the launcher setup on the flat surface. Set the angle to 0 ° so that the
launcher is in a horizontal position.

3. Measure the vertical distance (y) between the floor and the crosshairs on the
side of the launcher.
4. Use a plumb line to locate the point on the floor directly below the cross
5. Place the metal ball in the launcher and use the ramrod to set into the long-
range setting.

6. Quickly pull the release cord to launch the ball. For consistent launches, the
release cord must be pulled at right angles to the launcher.
7. Use a pencil to mark the point on the floor where the ball lands.

8. Repeat procedure 4 and 5.

9. Measure the distances of the marks from the reference point. Record
distances Table 1 under X.
10. Compute the time of travel of the projectile using:
√ g
; Where: g=9.8 m/s 2.

(Equation 11: Time of Travel)

11. Compute the launch velocity using:
v 0=
(Equation 12: Initial Velocity)

Vertical Distance (y) = 0.261m

Time of Travel (t) = 0.2308

Trial Horizontal Distance (x) Initial Velocity ( v 0)

1 0.784m 3.3969m/s
2 0.791m 3.4272m/s
3 0.721m 3.1289m/s
4 0.737m 3.1932m/s
5 0.799m 3.4619m/s
AVERAGE 3.32m/s
(Table 1: Getting the Initial Velocity of the Projectile)
In Part A: Determining the Initial Velocity of the Projectile. By
following the 11 procedures, we we’re able to gather the following data. We’ve set
the projectile launcher at 0 ° making it at a horizontal position. Using a meter stick,
we’ve measured the vertical distance from the crosshair which is located on the
side of the projectile launcher to the surface measured as 0.261m.

We first made a trial run, so that we could know where to place the carbon
paper. Upon seeing where the ball landed, we place there the papers to mark the
distance of the ball. We taped a carbon paper over the clear bond paper to mark
where the ball landed. Again, using the meter stick, we’ve measured the mark
made by the projectile, recorded as Horizontal Distance. With this we’ve computed
the initial velocity using Equation 12 from the procedures. (See table 1 for details)

After gathering all the data’s needed, we’ve also computed the average of
the initial velocity. It is needed on Part 2 and Part 3 of the experiment.

Average v 0= m/s

Average v 0=3.3 2m/ s

In Part B: Determining the Range of the Projectile, our group followed 5


Carbon Paper
Bond Paper

(Figure 4: Range)

1. Set the launcher on the floor near the edge of the laboratory table. Set it at
long-range and at 30 °.

2. Launch the ball and mark the point on the table where it lands. Cover this
point with a carbon paper over a blank sheet.
3. Launch the ball. Make 5 trials.
4. Measure the distances of the marks from the reference point. Record these
distances in Table 2 under Range (Experimental Value).
5. Repeat procedures 1-4 using long range 60 °

Average Initial Velocity ( v 0)=3. 3 2 m/s

Launch Angle = 30 ° Launch Angle = 60 °
R (Computed Value) = 0.9744m R (Computed Value) = 0.9744m
Trial Range Percentage Range Percentage
(Experimental Difference (Experimental Difference
Value) Value)
1 0.983m 0.8787% 0.925m 5.2016%
2 0.992m 1.7901% 0.947m 2.8521%
3 1.002m 2.7930% 0.986m 1.1834%
4 1.011m 3.6869% 0.988m 1.3861%
5 1.010m 3.5880% 0.993m 1.8908
(Table 2: Determining the Range of the Projectile)
In Part B, by following the 5 procedures, we we’re able to gather the data
that is stated at table 2. The first part of this experiment is setting the launcher at
30 ° long-range. Again, we first made a trial run so that we would know where the

metal ball lands and where to place the blank sheet together with the carbon paper.
After the metal ball has made its mark, 1 of our members labeled the mark as trial
1. We’ve made 5 trials by following these steps. After 5 trials, we now change or
Launch angle at 60 °. Same steps are applied. We’ve computed the Range (R) value

v o2 sin 2 θ
by using Equation 8: R= . At 30 ° the Range Value is 0.9744 and at 60 ° the
Range Value is 0.9744. We’ve also computed the Percentage Difference by using
the Formula:

%Difference=¿ 2 (Theoretical Value−Experimental Value )∨ ¿ x 100 % ¿

Theoretical Value+ Experimental Value

Our group was able to observe that, the range launched at both angles has
almost no difference. It is consistent with the theory because force acting on y-axis
is independent from the force acting on x-axis.

In Part C: Determining the Maximum Height of the Projectile, our group

followed 7 procedures:

vo d


(Figure 5: Max Height)

1. Set the launcher on the floor. Set it at long-range at 30 °.

2. Place the target board at the middle of the computed range in Table 2.
3. Make a practice launch to ensure that the ball will hit the target board.

4. Cover the target point with a carbon paper over a blank sheet.
5. Launch the ball. Make 5 trials
6. Measure the distances of the marks from the flow. Record these distances in
Table 3 under maximum vertical distances (Experimental Value).
7. Repeat procedure 1 to 6 using a long-range 60 °.

Average Initial Velocity ( v 0)=3. 3 2 m/s

Launch Angle = 30 ° Launch Angle = 60 °
Y max (Computed Value)= 0.0121m Y max (Computed Value)= 0.0363m
Trial Range Percentage Range Percentage
(Experimental Difference (Experimental Difference
Value) Value)
1 0.0305m 0.86% 0.0765m 0.71%
2 0.0328m 0.92% 0.0353m 0.41%
3 0.0295m 0.83% 0.0574m 0.45%
4 0.0240m 0.66% 0.0610m 0.51%
5 0.0350m 0.97% 0.0725m 0.66%
(Table 3: Determining the Maximum Height of the Projectile)

In Part C: Determining the Maximum Height of the Projectile. By following

the 5 procedures, we we’re able to gather the data that is stated at table 3. Given

(v o sinθ)2
the angle at 30 ° ,60 ° using Equation 10: y max = , we we’re able to compute the
maximum vertical distance of the projectile. At 30 °, the vertical distance is
0.0121m. At 60 °, the vertical distance is 0.0363m. Using the formula for
percentage difference stated at table 2. We were able to compute the percentage
difference of the experimental value and the actual value.

The vertical distance launched at 60 ° is, somewhat, three times higher than
the one launched at 30 °. The formula of the vertical distance has sin0 which gives
higher value for 60 ° compared to 30 °. It is still consistent with the theory since we
are comparing two different projectiles in different angle; the values will not be the

The Experiment 103 Projectile Motion has the following objectives: (a) to
analyze the motion of the projectile and; (b) to compare the range of projectiles
launched at different angles.

We have observed that the projectile is an object upon which the only force
is gravity. Gravity, being a downward force, causes a projectile to accelerate in the
downward direction. In vertical motion, the acceleration due to gravity is said to be
-9.8m/ s2 since it is going down. This means that, our velocity decreases -9,8m/s² in
each second. The path taken by the projectile is somewhat a parabolic curve. In
horizontal velocity, we have constant motion, because there is no force acting on
our object in the horizontal direction. Therefore the acceleration in X direction is
In launching the projectiles at different angles, our group concluded that.
The projectiles launched at 30 ° and 60 ° have no difference. It supports the theory
because; the force acting on the y-axis is independent from the x-axis. From the

v o2 sin 2 θ
formula of Range (R): R= . The twice of 30 is 60 and the twice of 60 is 30.

Sin 60 and Sin 120 will have the same result that is equal to √ and also because
30 ° and 60 ° are complementary angles.

With the help of the experiment, I concluded that: (a) we’ve analyzed the
motion of the projectile; (b) We’ve compared the range of projectiles launched at
different angles.

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