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A life in science and literature

Alison Abbott reviews the latest autobiography of Carl Djerassi, father of the Pill.

hemist Carl Djerassi published showed that the corpus luteum, a


his first full-length autobiog- progesterone-rich structure that
raphy just before his 70th develops around the egg during the
birthday. Now, just weeks after his menstrual cycle, had contraceptive
91st, he delivers his second. Remark- properties, and he tried to persuade
ably, In Retrospect does have new the pharmaceutical industry to
things to say. develop a contraceptive for humans.
At an age when most scientists Haberlandt committed suicide at 47
retire, Djerassi launched a second in 1932, apparently in despair at the
career as a novelist and playwright. hostility that greeted his ideas.
And in the preface, he announces Syntex filed its patent on norethin­
that In Retrospect is largely an drone in 1951. More than a year
“autopsychoanalysis”, searching later, another company, Searle,
within his fiction for an understand- filed a patent on the similar com-
ing of his true self and motivations. pound norethynodrel — a steroid
The book is, however, much more that is converted to norethindrone
wide-ranging and outward-looking in the body. Neither company at
than that implies, although Djerassi’s first thought of marketing the com-
powerful ego is ever-present — pounds as contraceptives, fearing that
sometimes irritatingly, but often public acceptance would be too low
endearingly. for profitability. Both got marketing
Djerassi was born in Vienna to approval from the US Food and Drug
secular Jewish doctors who divorced, Administration for their use in men-
then remarried after Austria was strual disorders and other indications
annexed by Nazi Germany, so that in 1957. Soon after, both decided to
Carl and his mother could escape forge ahead with contraception. But
to his father’s native Bulgaria. From Syntex lost two years in that race
there, mother and son emigrated to because its clinical-trials partner
the United States, where Djerassi Parke-Davis, fearing a possible reli-
learnt English and studied fero- gious backlash, suddenly pulled out
ciously. In 1949, he joined the labs — so Searle’s product was first on the
of the pharmaceutical company Syn- market.
tex in Mexico City, where he led the Djerassi quotes his own literary
research team that synthesized the works at length. Four of his five
first orally active steroid contracep- Carl Djerassi moved from chemistry to fiction-writing. novels form his “science in fiction”
tive compound, norethindrone. In series, the most well-known being
1959, he became a member of the chemis- It also airs a few grievances, particularly Cantor’s Dilemma (Penguin, 1989), a
try faculty at Stanford University in Cali- that the Stanford University chemistry fac- saucy tale about a scientific race marred by
fornia; he consolidated his reputation as ulty did not give him a leaving party when he misconduct. It is used in some university
a front-line chemist over three decades. retired — an omission that raised eyebrows scientific-ethics courses. His nine plays
Then he shifted his academic attention in academic circles even at the time. include Immaculate Misconception, which
to outreach, before becoming a professor Furthermore, the book attempts to settle addresses the dilemmas and possibilities
emeritus in 2002. who did what, and when, regarding the of a method of in vitro fertilization called
Djerassi became enormously wealthy development of the ICSI. Another, Oxygen, co-authored with
thanks to the soaring value of the Syntex Pill. Scientific prior- Nobel laureate and fellow chemist Roald
stock acquired when he worked at the com- ity is an important Hoffmann, creates a retrospective Nobel
pany, and he took up art (and house) col- issue for Djerassi. He committee to deliberate on who should
lecting. Emotionally, his life was turbulent: details the frequently win a prize for the discovery of oxygen. In
he married three times, and had to face the overlooked work of In Retrospect, Djerassi defends the much-
tragedy of his daughter’s suicide in 1978. Austrian physiologist criticized didacticism that characterizes
His marvellous first autobiography, The Ludwig Haberlandt, these works.
Pill, Pygmy Chimps and Degas’ Horse (Basic, w hom he c re d it s Djerassi’s multifaceted life has been
1992), covers this era in his life. In Retro- with being the first intense, high-octane and successful. The
spect goes over some of the same ground, to understand that In Retrospect: vigour of his prose suggests how much he
From the Pill
using the prism of his other writings — progesterone-related to the Pen has enjoyed it. ■
rediscovering his Jewish identity through steroids could act as CARL DJERASSI
fictional characters in his books and plays, contraceptives. In the Imperial College Press: Alison Abbott is Nature’s Senior European
for example. 1920s, Haberlandt 2014. Correspondent.

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