GE 3 - Video 1 (Until 9 Mins)

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Theorizing Globalization - A complex phenomenon of global political,

economic, and cultural processes. (In
VIDEO #1; Theoretical Perspectives of
modern the term imperialism has actually
expanded to include a broader discussions on
the complex phenomenon of global political,
global economics and global cultural.
Theories of Globalization (6 ideas to better
understand globalization today) - Both past and present conceptions of
imperialism attached it with negative
6 perspective of Globalization - First used in 17th literatures but its
1. Imperialism widespread use came around late 1900’s as a
number of countries like Germany, Italy,
2. Colonialism Belgium, Great Britain, France and United
3. Development States competed for control over vast
resources and territories in previously
4. Americanization underdeveloped geographic areas especially
5. Neoliberalism in the continent of Africa. (scramble for
Africa is indulged in mainly by the previous
6. Neo- Marxism mentioned European powers and they are
1. Imperialism viewed either as an attempt by these powers
to extend or advance their political or
- methods employed by one nation-sate to gain economic interest
power over an area(s) and then to exercise
control over it.  Economic view point

 Political dominion - Imperialism can be considered closely

associated with the economic nature of
 Economic control capitalism
 Cultural influence  Imperialism and Capitalism (argument
being forwarded by historians and
- The term imperialism is derived from latin
globalist or globalization theorist)
the roman word imperium
- Capitalist – driven European nation-states
o Imperium refers to roman rule
who became industrialized experienced:
especially the supreme power held
by the roman imperator or emperor  Increasing rate in the mass production of
goods and various commodities
- Imperialism has basically changed across
time because in the classical sense  Accumulation of growing quantities of
imperialism simply meant the empire or the surplus products which far exceeded the
imperial government and the huge chasm that need and therefore the consumption
existed between imperial ruler and his capacity of their people
subjects (very strong political and militaristic
sense)  Production reached the saturation point as
it exceed what the people can possibly
- Traditionally implies a strong and militaristic consume
 Profit of the capitalist owners of as they look back to their past
manufacturing industries declined greatness or national glory in the
significantly days of Imperial Rome
In order to regain and even maximize profit, o Adolf Hitler of Germany and his
capitalist German Nazis they envisioned of
establishing the
 Sought-out to gain control of distant
third right which was actually driven
by their belief that only the Germans
 Established foreign investment in these were a true folk or people descended
foreign markets from a race that maintained blood
purity they call this the Aryan race –
- Nature of Capitalism is its tendency to they think that they ought to dominate
expand imperialistically throughout the the world being a superior and a
world, imperialism and capitalism are very purely blooded race
much synonymous with each other in terms
of their economic nature. - Past scholars have argued that it's some kind
of a heavy-handed and nationalistic or
- Imperialism as an economic enterprise nation-centered form have been actually
- Imperialism also had so much to do with 19th replaced by a new form of imperialism
century European ideology of nationalism o New form of Imperialism – a kind of
 Imperialism and European Nationalism imperialism that is no longer
centered on the power and control
In the 1900’s, the aggressive, militaristic, and exercised by a given nation-state.
expansionist behaviour of most European nation
states were driven by their: Imperialism: New Form

 National prestige and pride and superior - No longer centered on a nation-state’s power
culture and control

 Belief that they are suited to rule and - Characterized by fusion of

others are suited to be ruled  Political interest (territorial expansion) and
 Belief that they have the right to exploit  Economic – interest (control and
and “civilize” countries they thought were exploitation of a territory’s resources) by
backward and barbaric capitalist

- Each believing in their own military o This new form of imperialism is

superiority over other neighbors European characterized by some kind of a
arms race which resulted to a series of fusion or a combination or a mix of
international crises which eventually led to political interest in territorial
the outbreak of world war one and world expansion and the economic nature of
war two in 1942 as a result of intense imperialism which basically reflects
national pride and inspiration among the the capitalist interest in gaining
Japanese, Italians and German to pursue control of territories and other
imperial expansion resources - these are basically the
o Benito Mussolini and his Italian reflections of recent images and
fascists they justify their aggression meaning of imperialism as they
describe in a more subtle and  Emigrating settlers to the colony
complex network of global political
economic and cultural processes that  Creating mechanism of political control or
are exercising and occurring around authority over colonized people
the world.  2nd recent ages
 For instance, a very reason of - 1st
incursion of china in the  Started in the second half of the 15th
territorial waters of the century
Philippines within our  Led by Portugal and Spain
exclusive economic zones  Established colonies in Africa, Asia and
(these basically reflect on as a the Americas between 1580 and 1640
modern form of imperialistic ) - 2
 Lasted between 1820 to the end of WW I
 Division and control of Africa by Great
2. Colonialism Britain, France, Germany, Portugal,
Belgium, Italy and Spain
- Is almost always a consequence of
Imperialism, As when an imperial or a Decolonization  Neo-colonization
dominating European Nation state begins to
Decolonization – The process of revealing and
strengthen control over its subjects in distant
dismantling colonialist power in all its form
territories either by establishing European
settlements in foreign territories or by  Decolonization movement began to
creating apparatuses to administer direct succeed at the outset of the 20th century.
fool and uninterrupted political control over  Achievement of political independence by
the internal affairs of its colonies former colonies in Africa, Asia, and South
- In other words colonialism generally America
involves settlers or colonist emigrating to a
colony and it also involves the formal
mechanism of political control or an attempt Neo-colonization – The resurgence of efforts
to extend political at regaining control over former colonies and
- Imperialism and Colonialism involved both other nation states in a more INDIRECT and
economic and political as well as cultural SUBTLE economic control and exploitation of
control their natural resources
- Colonialism is more about political control
- Colonialism as a global phenomenon is Examples:
ancient it can be traces back to ancient  Payne-Aldrich Act of 1909
Greek romans Egyptians , Phoenicians,  Philippines was compelled to trade and
Sumerian colonies which extended across the buy more American made products
Mediterranean  Philippines was obliged to import more
- The creation by a colonial power of an American product
administration in an area that has been  Quantities of Philippine made products
colonized to run its internal affairs. exported to the US were limited through
quotas and other restrictions
- Involves
 Establishing settlements in foreign  Tydings-McDuffie Act og 1934
territories  Filipinos were compelled to allow the flow
of American capital, technology, and
products (medicines, chemicals, wheat
flour, and preserved meat
- Residues of colonialism in this former
colonies still provided the precondition
which enabled it to resurge
- There was in fact a resurfacing of
colonialism through a new mode of
colonization and that is the process called
neo-colonialism now under this neo-
colonialism trend or mode control over the
former colonies was more indirect it was
more subtle and even more focused on
economic control and exploitation of their

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