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This chapter includes the methodology used by the researchers. In more details, in this part
the author outlines the research approach, the research design, the research method and the
methods of data collection, the selection of the sample, the research process, and the type of data
analysis, the ethical considerations and the research limitations.

3.2 Research Approach

This research makes use of quantitative research strategy. Descriptive approach will be use
in this research. This method attempts to categorize the characteristics of a problem through
description since the subject cannot be described in all detail, careful selection of details and facts
must occur. Facts to be gathered will be used to determine the solution to this research.

3.3 Research Design

This research makes use of a quantitative research strategy in the sense that there will also
a qualitative data to be produced. A quantitative strategy is applicable for this research, where facts
gathered in the online survey will be used to justify the solution of effectivity of modular distance

3.4 Research Method

For the purpose of this research, the researchers has decided to use online survey form. The
link of the online survey form will be given among guardians of Grades 1 to 3 pupils of Dagatan
Elementary School. The online survey form consists of the following information, demographical
profile and a table of different aspects related to modular distance learning of their children
wherein the guardians will rank it according to their present condition.

3.5 Sampling Strategy

For the purpose of this research, the researchers had to ask guardians of Grades 1 to 3
pupils to answer the online survey form. A simple random strategy is to be used, in this case each
individual is chosen entirely by chance and each participant of the population has an equal chance
of being selected.

3.6 Instrument Design

Online Survey Form

For the purpose of this research the most applicable that the researchers think off is
with the use of online survey form. Due to the pandemic that everyone is experiencing and for the
safety of both the participants and researcher this form is suited to continue the research. The first
part of the online survey consist of demographical data of the respondents. Included in here are as
follows, age, sex, relationship to the pupils, number of children, civil status, occupation, educational
attainment, and house ownership. The second part of the survey will ask them to rank certain
aspects related on how they assist their children or the pupil during modular distance learning.
Being strongly agree as the highest answer and strongly disagree as the lowest base on their
present situation.

For the validation purposes the online survey form was given to 10 guardians of the same
school from Grades 4 to 6 for them to fill out. The said guardians did not participate in the study,
after they had fill out the copies the answers were reviewed by the researchers and the adviser for
validation purposes.

3.7 Data Collection

Most of the communication with the respondents took place via facebook messenger.
Before however, the researchers ask permission to school administration and teachers. They
targeted the primary grade level because they are the ones which needs more assistance. The
researchers prepared letters for approval before conducting the research, this was given to the
school administrator, and a copy was also given to the college professor. After it was approved and
handled to the right person, the researchers talked to the grade level class adviser and also seek
permission and help in conducting the online survey form. The link to this online survey was given
to the guardians via personal message using the messenger as platform. Specific date was given to
the guardian for them to accomplished the online form, they were also informed that all the data
that they will be given is considered confidential at all cause.

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