5eslesson Plan Day 5

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Learning Competency: Relate the ability of material to block, absorb or transmit light

Duration: 1 day

I. Learning Objectives
 Define what a shadow is
 Appreciate a puppet shadow show
 Create a puppet shadow show using the opaque, translucent and transparent
II. Creating a Puppet Shadows Show Using Opaque, Translucent and
Transparent Materials
A. Concept:
 A shadow is a dark area produced by an opaque object which
does not allow light to pass through
B. Materials:
Any transparent, translucent and opaque objects that can be used in the
C. References:
Curriculum Guide
Del Prado, Daryl A. and Esguerra Narcisa A. Moving Ahead with Science,
Copyright 2005 by Innovative Educational Materials, Inc.
Carmelita, Coronel C. and Daquiz Neriza L. Workbook in Science and Health
Elementary Series, Copyright 2004 by Sd Publications Inc.
Mingoa, Melvin M., Padua, Alicia M. and Romero Miliza Exploring and
Protecting Our World, Copyright 2005 by Vibal Publishing House, Inc.
Villanueva, Lilia R. Science Health and Environment Towards an Active and
Responsible Living, Copyright 2006 by The Bookmark, Inc.
D. Process Skills: Observing, Describing, Constructing
E. Values: Cooperation and Teamwork/Appreciation of a puppet shadow show
III. Learning Task
A. Engagement
1. Checking of Assignment
2. Review
a. What are transparent materials?
b. What are translucent materials?
c. What are opaque materials?
3. Present the new lesson
Watching a short video clip about shadows.
https://www.you.tube.com/search?=What Causes a Shadow
B. Exploration
1. Divide the class into three groups.
Group I- Activity 1
Group II- Activity 2
Group III- Activity 3
2. Set standards to follow during group activity.
3. Have each group put out the materials assigned for them to bring.
4. Say: The materials you brought are needed for the activity we will be
performing today.
5. Instruct the pupils on how to go about the activities.
6. Go around and inspect what the pupils are doing. Ask or answer question
if necessary

C. Explanation
Teacher will ask some questions about the show presented
1. What was the show all about? (the show was about a puppet shadow
that demonstrate different characteristic playing or showing how to save
Mother Earth)
2. What are the materials that you used in the activity? (answers may
3. Did all the materials produced or cast shadows? (yes)
4. What materials cast or formed dark shadows and why? (opaque
materials because they block and absorbed the light)
D. Elaboration
What are shadows?
 A shadow is a dark area produced by an opaque object which
does not allow light to pass through
Ask: (Application/ Valuing)
 Mang Ben is a farmer he harvested his crops and felt tired
after and he rested under a big tree. He feels cool and relaxed
sitting underneath a tree. Why is it good to rest under a big
tree? (A tree is an opaque object, which formed shadows.
Shadows give us shade, which make us feel cool from the heat
of the sun)
E. Evaluation
Formative assessment (activity output). Use the rubrics in assessing the
group performance

Criteria 5 points 3 points 1 point

Creativity and Demonstrates Demonstrates Lacks imaginative
Innovativeness creative thinking and moderate creative thinking and the
the performance has thinking and the performance
innovative and performance has lacks/has no
unique some innovative and innovative and
qualities/concepts unique unique qualities/
qualities/concepts concepts
Content and Concepts presented Concepts presented Both the concepts
Organization are very substantive are moderately presented and the
and well- organized, substantive and well- message
and conveyed very organized, and conveyed are not
clear message conveyed ambiguous well-organized and
message ambiguous
Teamwork Cooperation among Cooperation among Cooperation
group members is group members is among group
very evident; 75%- moderately evident; members is not
100% of the 50%-75% of the evident; 50% of the
members of the members of the members of the
group work group work group work
collaboratively collaboratively collaboratively

IV. Assignment
Name 5 objects that cast shadow.

Creating a Puppet Shadow Show

I. Objective: Create a puppet shadow show using transparent, translucent and opaque

Note: A day before the teacher will assign each group to make a puppet using transparent,
translucent and opaque materials. They will produce different cutouts figures which will they
use in the puppet shadow show. The group will allow to talk about how will they prepare for
tomorrows activity. Teacher will assign the topic that each group will present using their

Group I – Proper Waste Disposal

Group II- Conserving our Forest

Group III- Protecting and Saving Animals

*Each group will be given 5 minutes for presentation

*Room should be dark for a better presentation. Give standards to follow in doing the

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