OBLICON, Section 4

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obligation, but solidarity among creditors

Section 4-JOINT AND SOLIDARY increases each creditor's right. The law
OBLIGATIONS favors the debtors by assuming that
they are obligated jointly rather than in
ARTICLE 1207.The agreement of two or more solidarity.
creditors or debtors in the same obligation
does not mean that each of the creditor has the Article 1209. Because the prestation is
right to demand, and each of the debtor is physically indivisible, compliance with the
obligated to give, complete compliance with the obligation is indivisible. In terms of the debtor
prestation. Solidary liability exists only where and creditor's liability and rights, however, the
the obligation clearly says so, or when the law obligation is joint.
or nature of the obligation demands it.
Article 1210. Solidarity is not always
Article 1208.When there is no solidarity generated by the indivisibility of a duty.
obligation, the credit or debt is believed to be Solidarity does not entail indivisibility in and of
distributed equally among the debtors and itself. In short, an indivisible obligation's
creditors; the credits or debts being considered responsibility can be joint or solidary, and the
distinct from one another, subject to the Rules subject matter might be divided or indivisible in
of Court governing multiplicity of suits (the total a solidary obligation.
number of complaints must equal the total
number of creditors and debtors).  Indivisible obligations or indivisibility (1)
refers to the prestation, (2) only the
 There's two types of obligations based obligor guilty of breach of obligation is
on the number of parties involved. (1) liable for damages in indivisible
Individual obligation, in which only one obligations, (3) exists even if there is
obligor (debtor) and one obligee only one debtor and one creditor, and
(creditor) are involved; and (2) (4) other debtors are not liable in the
Collective obligation, in which two or event of the insolvency of one.
more debtors and/or creditors are However, in solidarity, (1) it refers to a
involved. It might be solidary or joint. formal or juridical relationship, (2) all
 Joint obligation- Different debtors are accountable for a debtor's
debtors and creditors must breach of duty, (3) there must be at
fulfill/demand the entire obligation least two debtors and two creditors, and
proportionally. (4) other debtors are proportionally
 Solidary obligation- Each liable for the insolvency of one debtor.
debtor is responsible for fulfilling
the obligation, and creditors can Article 1211. Solidarity may exist even though
demand payment from any of the creditors and debtors are not tied in the same
debtors. way, for the same duration, and under the
 There are many types of solidarity same conditions.
depending on the parties and the
source.  According to the legal ties, there are two
 According to the parties, there types of solidary obligations. (1) Uniform
are three forms of solidarity: (1) parties are bound by the same terms;
Passive- any one of the debtors (2) non-uniform or varied parties are not
can be held responsible for the obligated by the same terms.
full obligation's fulfillment; (2)
Active- every creditor has the Article 1212. Each of the solidary creditors is
right to demand complete free to do whatever is beneficial to others, but
fulfillment of the obligation; (3) not when it is harmful to others.
Mixed- each debtor is required to
render, and each creditor has the  If he causes damage to others, his
right to demand. obligation will be terminated, and he will
 There are three types of be held accountable for damages. The
solidarity, according to the act shall be legal and binding in the
source: (1) Conventional eyes of the debtor(s). The notion of
solidarity is agreed upon by the mutual agency among solidary creditors
parties; (2) Legal solidarity is explains this.
enforced by law; (3) Real
Article 1213. Because each creditor
solidarity is imposed by the
represents the others, a solidary creditor
nature of the duty.
cannot assign his right to a third party without
 Solidarity not presumed—When two or
the permission of others. Another reason for
more people are bound by the same
this is that the assignee (assigned person for
obligation, the obligation is presumed to
the creditor's right) may not have the original
be joint. Solidary liabilities are extremely
solidary creditor's trust and may refuse to
onerous since they establish unusual
distribute other creditors' shares. This article
rights and responsibilities. Solidarity
implies that such assignment is invalid.
among debtors increases their
Article 1214. A debtor may pay to any of the Article 1220. One of the solidary debtors'
creditors in general; but, if one of the creditors remission of the whole obligation does not
makes a demand (judicial or extrajudicial), the entitle him to restitution from his co-debtors.
debtor must pay to that creditor. The debtor is
still accountable for the creditor who made the - Remission is essentially gratuitous (you
first demand if the debtor paid the other expect nothing in return).
creditor who did not demand and the latter - This is applicable only when
refuses to deliver the portion of the first creditor remission is for the whole obligation.
who made a demand. - In the case of novation, compensation,
or confusion, the debtor with whom it is
Article 1215. Novation, compensation, accomplished is entitled to collect the
confusion or remission of the debt. appropriate portions of the obligation
from his co-debtors.
an obligation is caused by novation, Article 1221. General rule: The obligation
compensation, confusion, and will be terminated if the item is lost or if the
remission. The creditor who carried out performance has become impracticable.
any of these acts is accountable for the
share of those who were harmed as a Rules in case thing has been lost or
result of his or her actions. prestation has become impossible-
 JOINT OBLIGATION- Novation, depends upod fault and delay.
compensation, confusion, and remission
do not cancel or alter an obligation  If the loss of the item is not due to the
except with the creditor or debtor who is debtor's fault and they have not been
affected, without extending their delayed, the obligation will be
operations to any other component of discharged.
the debt or credit.  Any delay caused by one solidary
debtor is the fault or delay of all solidary
Article 1216. Any one, part, or all of the debtors. As a result, if the item is lost
solidary debtors may be forced to pay the debt due to the negligence of the solidary
if it has not been fully collected under a debtor, they are all responsible for the
solidary obligation. It is up to the solidary item's price plus damages. If the co-
creditor to decide who he would seek collection debtors contributed to the payment, they
against. may request repayment for the guilty
debtor. The culpable debtor has no right
Article 1217. Effects of payment by solidary to seek restitution from his co-debtors if
debtor. he has fully paid the price and damages.
However, the guilty debtor alone may
 The obligation ceases if one of the pay for damages and interests.
solidary debtors pays. The creditor has  If the thing was lost without the fault of
the ability to select from two or more one solidary debtor but after delay, all of
debtors who have offered to pay. the solidary debtor may be responsible
 After the debt is settled, the solidary even for a fortuitous event. The
debtor who paid it may seek obligation is not extinguished.
reimbursement from his co-debtors for
their proportionate portions, plus interest Article 122. Defenses available to a
from the date of payment. He has no solidary debtor.
right to claim interest if his co-debtors
paid before the debt was due.  A defense derived from the nature of
 If one of the borrowers becomes the obligation is a complete defense
bankrupt and is unable to repay his part because it nullifies the obligation or
of the debt to the solidary debtor who renders it ineffective.
paid it, the debt shall be reimbursed  Defenses personal to, or which
proportionally by the other debtors. pertain to share of, debtor sued.
 Defenses personal to other solidary
Article 1218. If the payment was made after debtors.
the obligation was prescribed or become
illegal, the solidary debtor who paid the debt
has no right to seek repayment from his co-

Article 1219. The remission has no effect if the

payment was paid first. There is no longer any
duty to remit, although the debtor may prove
that he paid before remission. If the payment is
paid after the remission, however, solution
indebiti occurs.

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