Syllabus Trends and Issues

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II. Subject Code: SS MAJOR 9

III. Number of Units: 3 UNITS

IV. Subject Description: Trends and Issues in Social Studies is a 3-unit course which
focuses on contemporary domestic and global issues concerning
social and environmental problems. This course is a study of
peace, global and environment issues, human rights, gender,
multicultural issues in the national and global contexts.

V. General Objectives: Upon successful completion of the course, the students should
be able to:
1. have a better understanding of the scope of conditions
currently considered to be social problems by
2. acquire knowledge on the different conceptual
approaches to the study of social problems; and
3. relate that the social problems are interconnected and that
every individual living in our society is in some way
implicated in current social problems.

VI. Scope and Sequence

Preliminary Period

Social problems are always equated to population problems which lead to social
disorganization. This period covers the discussion of the relationship of social problems to social
changes and disorganizations. Week 1 covers issues on population, determinants of demographic
trends up to the implications of rapid population growth. Week 2, on the other hand, covers the
issues on marriage and family. Third week tackles family disintegration from its forms up to the
effects on family of working abroad. Week 4 is about human sexuality, its sociological
perspectives, homosexuality and its causes, celibacy, prostitution, and AIDS. Week 5 discusses
social values and social conscience, and the re-examination of the Philippine Value System. And
the last week is all about human rights, its history, types and components, general forms,
promotion and protection up to the legal and peace documents presented in human rights.
Subject Matter Strategies/ Indicators of
Techniques Learning
Week 1

At the end of the first

week, the students are
I. Population and  Classroom  Critiquing the
Related Issues discussion performance of
expected to:
 Panel group reporting
1. explain clearly the
A. Determinants of discussion  Submission of
determinants of
Demographic  Reporting written reports
Trends  Semantic  Learners have
B. Components of Webbing better
Population understanding of
2. discuss the
Change the different
components of
C. Population implications of
population change
Structure rapid population
and structure; and
D. Population growth
3. identify the
Distribution of
the Philippines
implications of
E. Implications of
rapid population
Week 2

At the end of the second

week, the students are
II. Marriage and the  Developing  Learners identify
Family graphic the nature of both
expected to:
organizers marriage and the
A. Nature of  Classroom family
1. expound the basic
Marriage discussion  Submission of
functions of the
B. Nature of the
marriage and  Concept written reports
Family  Critiquing the
family; mapping
C. Basic Functions
2. identify the rapid  Group performance of
of the Family group reporting
changes in the reporting
D. Changes in the
family; and
3. present the
E. Resulting
different resulting
Changes in the
changes in the
Family Due to
family due to rapid
Rapid Changes
changes in the new
in the New
Week 3

At the end of the week, the III. Family  Venn  Critiquing the
students are expected to: Disorganization diagram performance of
 Classroom group reporting
1. internalize how A. Forms of Family discussion  Submission of
families are Disorganization  Role written reports
disorganized; B. Marital Conflict playing
2. discuss the C. Family Violence  Concept
different marital D. Alternate Family mapping
conflicts and Forms
family violence, E. Child Abuse
child abuse and F. Illegitimacy
illegitimacy; and G. OFWs and Their
3. explain how Effects on the
working abroad has Family
huge effects on the

Week 4

At the end of the week, the IV. Human Sexuality  Venn  Learners can
students are expected to: diagram explain the
A. Sociological  Discussion sociological
1. explain the Perspectives Web perspectives of
sociological B. Sexual
 Semantic human sexuality
perspectives of Revolution Webbing  Critiquing the
human sexuality C. Heterosexuality
 Panel performance of
and sexual D. Homosexuality group reporting
revolution; E. Causes of
 Group
2. compare Homosexuality
heterosexuality and F. Celibacy
homosexuality; G. Prostitution
3. identify the H. AIDS
different causes of
homosexuality; and
4. identify the
different problems
in human sexuality
prostitution and
Week 5

At the end of the week, the V. Social Values and  Panel  Learners can
students are expected to: Social Conscience discussion identify the
 Seminar and importance of the
1. discuss the A. Meaning of forum study of values
importance of the Values  Concept  Critiquing the
study of values; B. Importance of mapping performance of
2. identify the the Study of  Group group reporting
different values Values reporting  Submission of
operative in a C. Classification of written reports
society; and Values
3. explain the D. Identification of
Philippine Value Values
System. Operative in a
E. Re-examining
the Philippine
Value System

Week 6

At the end of the week, the VI. Human Rights  Reporting  Students can
students are expected to:  Group identify the types
A. History of Dynamics and components
1. identify the types Human Rights
 Classroom of human rights
and components of B. Human Rights  Critiquing the
human rights; and Rights of
 Concept performance of
2. explain the history the Society group reporting
of human rights C. Types and  Submission of
and human rights Components of written reports
violations; and Human Rights
3. discuss the D. General Forms
importance human of Human
rights. Rights Violation
E. Promotion and
Practice of
Human Rights
F. Legal and Peace
Midterm Period

This term discusses the different concepts and theories of multiculturalism during the first
week. Second week talks about the nature of bureaucracy, graft and corruption, its history,
causes and effects, the different preventive measures up to the different prohibited acts and
transactions. Week 3 is all about agrarian reform in national development. Week 4 tackles the
cooperative movement, the concept of cooperatives, how it began, and how it works. Fifth week
deals with poverty, theories, effects and causes up to some probable solutions and the different
government programs to alleviate poverty during the present time. The last week is allotted to
the common forms of malnutrition affecting Filipinos.

Objectives Subject Matter Strategies/ Indicators of

Techniques Learning
Week 1

At the end of the week, I. Multiculturalism  Group  Learners can

the students are expected dynamics identify the
to: A. Concepts and  Group concepts and
Theories of Reporting theories of
1. identify the Multiculturalis  Diorama- multiculturalism
concepts and m making  Submission of
theories of B. Different  Venn written report
multiculturalism; Approaches in Diagram  Critiquing the
2. compare and Multiculturalis performance of
contrast the m group reporting
different C. Cross-cultural,
approaches in Inter-social, and
multiculturalism;a Multi-cultural
nd D. Similarities and
3. prepare Differences in
assessment and Multi-
evaluation tools culturalism
on the similarities
and differences in

Week 2

At the end of the week, II. Graft and  Concept  Students can
the students are expected Corruption Mapping explain the
to:  Classroom nature of
A. Nature of Discussion bureaucracy
1. explain the nature Bureaucracy
 Brainstorming  Critiquing the
of bureaucracy; B. Graft and
 Roundtable performance of
2. reflect on the Corruption in Discussion groups
history of graft and the Philippines  Group  Submission of
corruption in the (Then and dynamics the learners’
country and how Now) reflection on the
we still have the C. Effects of graft history of graft
same; and and Corruption and corruption in
3. identify the causes D. General Causes the country
and effects of graft of Graft and
and corruption and Corruption
how to prevent E. Preventive
them. Measures
F. Code of
Conduct and
G. Prohibited Acts

Week 3

At the end of the week, III. Agrarian Reform in  Concept  Learners can
the students are expected National Development Mapping explain how to
to:  Classroom utilize the
A. Cropland Discussion different
1. explain how to Utilization (Food  Brainstorming croplands in the
utilize the different Crops,  Roundtable country
croplands in the Commercial Discussion  Critiquing the
country; Crops, Export  Group performance of
2. evaluate the Crops, and dynamics group reporting
different Livestock
 Group
government Development) reporting
policies with B. Government
regard agrarian Policies
reform including C. The Agrarian
Comprehensive Reform Program
Agrarian Reform D. The Fundamental
Program; and Bases of Agrarian
3. give examples of Reform
the different issues E. Comprehensive
pertaining the Agrarian Reform
related issues on Law
agrarian reform. F. Comprehensive
Agrarian Reform
Program and
Other Related

Week 4

At the end of the week, IV. The Cooperative  Concept  Students can
the students are expected Movement: on Mapping fully understand
to: National Development  Classroom the significance
Discussion of cooperative
1. discuss the A. The  Brainstorming movement.
significance of Cooperative  Roundtable  Learners can
cooperative Movement Discussion explain the
movement; B. The Beginning  Group concepts of
2. explain concepts of of Cooperative Dynamics cooperative
cooperatives and Movement in movement
how cooperative the Philippines  Critiquing the
work; and C. The Concept of performance of
3. identify the Cooperative group reporting
significance of D. How does
Land Bank of the Cooperative
Philippines. Work?
E. The Land Bank
of the

Week 5

At the end of the week, V. Poverty in the  Brainstorming  Learners can

the students are expected Philippines
 Classroom explain the
to: theories as to
A. Definition and
 Venn how poverty
1. explain the Theories of began.
theories as to how Poverty 
 Group Preparing rubrics
poverty began; B. Effects of for the group’s
2. identify the Poverty presentation.
different causes C. Causes of
and effects of Poverty
poverty; and D. Some
3. assess the different Correlates of
programs of the Poverty
government to E. Solutions,
alleviate poverty. Programs, and
Projects Aimed
to Minimize
F. Government
Programs to

Week 6

At the end of the week, VI. Common Forms of  Brainstorming  Learners can
the students are expected Malnutrition Afflicting  Classroom identify the
to: Filipinos Discussion common forms
 Venn of malnutrition
1. identify the A. Nature of Diagram  Preparing rubrics
common forms of Malnutrition  Group for the group’s
malnutrition B. Factors that presentation presentation.
affecting Filipinos; Influence  Submission of
2. understand how Malnutrition written reports
the different C. Common
factors influence Forms of
malnutrition; Malnutrition
3. explain the causes D. Causes of
and effects of Malnutrition
malnutrition; and E. Effects of
4. assess and evaluate Malnutrition
the government F. Government
nutritional Nutritional
programs and Programs and
policies. Policies

Final Period

The last term of the semester deals with the issues concerning the Philippine Health, its
problems and causes and effects of poor health condition, up to the health facilities and
manpower during the first week. Second week is concern about the concept and nature of
ecology which tackles the Philippine ecosystem up to environmental management and legal
issues. Week 3 is the continuation of environmental issues. Drug abuse, on the other hand, is
discussed on week 4, its causes and effects, and the different government programs on drug
abuse. Week 5 talks about peace and global issues while terrorism and the Abu Sayyaf Group is
in week 6.
Objectives Subject Matter Strategies/ Indicators of
Techniques Learning
Week 1

At the end of the week, I. The Philippine Health  Group  Learners can
the students are expected Problem dynamics identify the
to:  Group indicators of
A. Indicators of Reporting health, its
1. identify the Health  Diorama- problems and
indicators of B. The Problem and making causes of poor
health, its Causes of Poor  Venn health
problem and Health Condition Diagram condition.
causes of poor C. The Effects of  Submission of
health condition; Health Condition written report
2. assess the health D. Health  Critiquing the
facilities and Expenditures performance of
manpower of the E. Health Facilities group reporting
country; and and Manpower
3. evaluate the F. Health Delivery
different health System
programs of the

Week 2

At the end of the week, II. Concept and Nature of  Concept  Students can
the students are expected Ecology Mapping explain the
to:  Classroom principles and
A. Principles and Discussion meaning of
1. explain the Meaning of
 Brainstorming ecology
principles and Ecology 
 Roundtable Critiquing the
meaning of B. Components of performance of
ecology; the Ecosystem
 Group groups
2. reflect on the C. Interaction of  Submission of
Philippine and Species in the the learners’
urban ecosystem; Ecosystem reflection on the
and D. The Philippine Philippine
3. assess and Ecosystem ecosystem
evaluate the E. The Urban
Philippine Ecosystem
environmental F. Philippine
management. Environmental
Management and
Legal Issues

Week 3

At the end of the week, III. Environmental Issues

the students are expected  Concept  Learners can
to: A. Global Concern Mapping explain the
Over the  Classroom global concerns
1. explain global Environment Discussion over the
concerns over the B. Price of  Brainstorming environment
environment; Prosperity  Roundtable  Critiquing the
2. discuss the effects C. Greenhouse Discussion performance of
of greenhouse Gases  Group group reporting
warming; D. Effects of dynamics  Submission of
3. identify the Greenhouse  Group written report
causes of El Niño Warming reporting
and La Niña E. El Niño and La
Phenomena; and Niña Phenomena
4. evaluate and F. UN Conference
assess the UN on Environment
Conference on

Week 4

At the end of the week, IV. Drug Abuse

 Concept  Students can
the students are expected fully understand
to: A. General
 Classroom nature of drug
Orientation on dependence
1. identify nature of Drugs
 Brainstorming  Submission of
drug dependence; B. Nature of written report
2. reflect on the Dependence  Roundtable
Discussion  Critiquing the
Philippine Drug C. Dangerous Drugs performance of
Scenario; and D. Philippine Drug  Group
Dynamics group reporting
3. evaluate and Scene
assess the E. Causes of Drug
different Abuse and
government Dependency
programs on drug F. Alternatives for
abuse. Drug Use or
G. Government
Programs on
Drug Abuse

Week 5

At the end of the week, V. Peace and Global  Brainstorming  Learners can
the students are expected Issues  Classroom differentiate the
to: Discussion different types
A. Peace from  Venn of conflicts
1. differentiate the Personal to Diagram  Preparing
different types of Global  Group rubrics for the
conflicts; B. Positive and presentation group’s
2. identify the Negative Aspects presentation.
different issues of Peace  Submission of
affecting peace; C. Types of Conflict written report.
3. discuss the D. Basic Issues
positive and Affecting Peace
negative aspects E. Socio-cultural
of peace; and Issues on
4. understand the Globalization
issues on

Week 6

At the end of the week, VI. Terrorism and the  Brainstorming  Learners can
the students are expected Abu Sayyaf group  Classroom identify the
to: Discussion nature of
A. Meaning of
 Venn Bangsa Moro
1. cognize the Terrorism Liberation
radicalization of B. Radicalization of
 Group Organization,
Islam in the Islam in the Moro National
Philippines; Philippines Liberation
 Research
2. assess the Tripoli C. The Moro Front, and Moro
agreement; National Islamic
3. identify the nature Liberation Front Liberation front
and objectives of and the Moro  Preparing
Bangsa Moro Islamic rubrics for the
Liberation Liberation front group’s
Organization, D. The Tripoli presentation.
Moro Islamic Agreement  Submission of
Liberation Front, E. Bangsa Moro written reports
and Moro Liberation and research
National Organization
Liberation Front; F. The Emergence
4. know the of Abu Sayyaf
chronology of the Group
Abu Sayyaf G. Chronology of
Group terrorism Abu Sayyaf
activities; and Group Terrorism
5. evaluate the Activities
different H. Government
government Programs on
programs on Terrorism

VII. Subject Requirement

 Quizzes and Long Tests

 Periodic Examinations
 Written reports
 Classroom-based Action Research
 Making of Graphic Organizers and Portfolio Assessment
 Case Study
 Museum Visits

VIII. References

 Salcedo, Lucila, et al., Curernt Issues (Third Edition), Katha Publishing Co., Inc., c2002
 Carter, Brenda, et al., (CQ Reporters) Global Issues, CQ Press, USA, c2009
 Hector S. de Leon, Textbook on Agrarian Reform and Taxation (with Cooperatives), Rex
Printing Co., Inc., c2005
 Philip B. Heymann, Terrorism, Freedom, and Security (Winning Without War), The MIT
Press, England, c2003
 Stephen H. Aby, Sociology: A Guide to reference and Information Sources, 3rd ed.,
Littleton Co. Libraries Unlimited Inc., c2005
 John J. Macionis, Sociology (10th Edition), Prentice Hall, c2004
 Humanism and Theocentrism in Islamic and Western Thought (Collection of Speeches
and Lectures), UP Institute of Islamic Studies, Al-Hoda Publishing, c2008


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