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In certain ways and for certain people, we are all heroes.

Simple acts of
kindness, such as assisting people in need, elevate us to the status of hero. We are all
heroes of ourselves if we are not heroes for others. When we fall, we assist ourselves in
getting back up and fighting the conflicts of life. However, we tend to lose sight of how to
act like one sometimes. That is why a country needs a national hero that people can
look up to and who can remind us to care for humanity despite our differences. We all
have various perspectives, ideas, lifestyles, religions, races, and socioeconomic
statuses, but a national hero would remind us to be unselfish, sincere, and helpful, and
to be the person who makes a difference in other people's lives. Heroes bring joy,
adoration, and respect in us. These emotions motivate us to want to be like our heroes,
to believe that everything is possible, and to strive to be a better version of ourselves.
Heroes may not have true superpowers, but they do have the ability to transform
people's lives and perspectives. Being a hero does not always include battling demons;
nonetheless, they may be prepared to fight in life's conflicts. There are many different
sorts of heroes in our lives: politicians, teachers, physicians, and so on. They are
heroes in a variety of fields. Our heroes, as in this pandemic, are our health-care
professionals. Even after losing one, they were able to rescue hundreds of lives by
trying their best. Being a hero isn't about the amount of people you've influenced or
affected; it's about the reason you're doing what you're doing. To summarize, we all
need heroes to fight in life's conflicts and do deeds that will live on in people's hearts till
they die, memories that they will eternally look back on for hope and strength. So, if you
would ask me, if it is important for a country to have a national hero, I would definitely
say yes.

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