Proposal Eka

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in partial fulfillment of the requirements for undergraduate degree

English Education Study Program




This chapter consists of the background, research question, objective of the research,

significance of the research, research methodology, and key terms definition

A. Background

English as a Foreign Language (EFL) is the term used to describe the study of

English by non-native speakers in countries where English is not the dominant language.

This is not to be confused with English as a Second Language—also called English as an

Additional Language—which is the practice of learning English in a predominantly

English-speaking country. The movement towards English as a foreign language began at

independence, and English is now the main foreign language being learned in Indonesia.

English is taught for eight or nine years from primary s chool (from Grade 4 or 5) through

high school (Renandya, 2000). The main objective is to provide reading skills to enable

Indonesians to read science-related materials in English," (Bautista and Gonzalez 2006).

Teaching is a process in which one individual teaches or instruct another individual.

Teaching is considered as the act of imparting instructions to the learners in the classroom

situation. Teaching is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings,

and intervening so that they learn new things, and go beyond the given.  H C

Morrison:- Teaching is an intimate contact between the more mature personality and a

less mature one. Jackson:- Teaching is a face to face encounters between two or more

persons, one of whom ( teacher) intends to effect certain changes in the other participants

( students). J B Hough and James K Duncan:- Teaching is an activity with four phases, a

curriculum planning phase, an instructing phase, and an evaluating phase.

This definition presents the organizational aspect by which we can describe and analyze

the teaching process.

Some people complain about the poor English mastery of Junior High School

graduates, in spite of their having studied it for three years. Therefore the Indonesian

government has been searching for the best way of teaching English. The Indonesian

government has made a lot of efforts, such as changing the curriculum and introducing new

approaches (method) of teaching to English teachers. In addition, the teaching process not

only focuses on the text itself but also focuses on how to construct a new text. For

example, when the English teacher explains a procedure text, he does not only explain the

generic structure of a procedure text but also gives the example of procedure text and

explains how to construct or make a procedure text so that the students will be able to

make their own procedure text.

Procedure text is a type of text that describes how something can be made or used

through steps. The procedure text itself aims to provide instructions on the steps /

methods / ways of making, operating, or doing something. Ismail masya (1994: 74), A

procedure is a series of interconnected tasks which are sequences according to a certain

time and procedure to carry out a job that is carried out repeatedly.Amin Widjaja (1995:

83), A procedure is a set of interrelated parts, for example: people, a network of

warehouses that must be served in a certain way by a number of factories and in turn send

customers according to a certain process. Ida Nuraida (2008) The meaning of procedure
text is text that describes the sequence of steps in which the work is done, related to what is

done, how to do it, when to do it, where to do it, and who does it.

In teaching procedure text, of course, using learning strategies. Talking about

strategy, one application of knowledge that can make it easier for students to digest and

understand the material taught by the teacher, but sometimes there are still teachers or

educators who complain because the material to be taught is too long or there is not enough

time to be able to apply it all. Also, there is less application to students so that students are

less encouraged to develop their thinking skills to channel it in everyday life. Therefore,

the teacher must be able to have the ability and understanding in other knowledge and

skills such as the ability to apply appropriate learning strategies according to the material

to be taught, so that students can really capture the material and understand it well and can

be applied into it. everyday life. Learning strategies according to Frelberg & Driscoll

(1992) can be used to achieve various purposes of providing subject matter at various

levels, for different students, in different contexts. Gerlach & Ely (1980) said that the

learning strategy is the chosen method to deliver subject matter in a learning environment

specific, includes the nature, scope, and sequence of activities that it can provide learning

experience to students. Dick & Carey (1996) argues that learning strategies are not only

limited to activity procedures, but rather also includes learning materials or packages.

Strategy learning consists of all components of subject matter and procedures which will

be used to help students achieve learning goals certain.

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