Module 2 Ergonomics

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` Ergonomics and Facility Planning in the Hospitality Industry

I. Introduction to Ergonomics and Facility Planning in the

Hospitality industry

This module is one of the major subject in Bachelor of Science in

Hospitality Management. The management in the Hospitality Industry , in most
cases, overlooks the factors related to human comfort. For same surroundings
two different employees may need different ergonomic solutions because no two
persons are alike. Whenever there is a change in the working area in terms of
employee, furniture, environment, new ergonomic solution is required. If not
taken care, this would result in fatigue within the employees, both physically and
mentally. This was created to lighten the minds of every students on how to
work carefully.

In this course, you will be exposed to basic ergonomics, scope of

ergonomics and facility planning. This will also be your access to identify if your
working areas are preventing risk to the employees.

To the Learner:

This manual provide relevant topic and activities to determine your

understanding the concept of ergonomics and Facilities Planning in the hospitality

II. Content Summary

The title of this module is Ergonomics and Facilities Planning in the

Hospitality Industry. Ergonomics literally derived from the Greek ergo
(meaning work) and nomos (meaning law). Workers in restaurants and
lodging facilities perform many types of jobs. Ergonomics is very important in
hospitality industry because they are a prime candidate to implement
ergonomic solutions.

Objectives of ergonomics are; to optimize the integration of man and

machine in order to increase productivity with accuracy; to take care of the
factors governing the physical and mental strain (i.e. fatigue) so as to get
maximum satisfaction for the worker which at the same time enhances the
productivity; Attempts to minimize the risk of injury, illness, accidents and
errors without compromising productivity; To improve the design of machine
at the initial design stage or later whenever the existing product or process is

III. Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Define and understand the introduction of Ergonomics.

2. Discuss categories of ergonomics
3. Discuss Facility Planning

IV. Lecture Notes

Lesson 1: What is Ergonomics?

The term ergonomics, which was used for the first time by Wojciech
Jastrzebowski in 1857, is literally derived from the Greek ergo (meaning
work) and nomos (meaning law). While it has its roots in several branches of
study such as work physiology, biomechanics, and workstation design, its
close synonym, Human Factors, has its origin in experimental psychology
with the focus in human performance and systems design. Use of the
term human factors tends to be a North American phenomenon with
individuals concerned with above the neck processing (perceptual and
cognitive processes as in research, teaching and practicing).

Whereas in the rest of the world, ergonomics is used to refer to both above

the neck and below the neck processing. Despite these differences between
them, the two approaches are coming closer, and there appears to be a
growing consensus that human factors and ergonomics refer essentially to
the same body of knowledge. For all practical purposes these two terms may
be used interchangeably in all situations.

The concept of ergonomics, if properly implemented, human force

would perform in much better way in any organization.Activities in any
organization has few factors which may or may not be controlled. We can
mould the controllable factors to fit the employees and benefit the
organization in the long run. “Ergonomics is the theoretical and fundamental
understanding of human behavior and performance in purposeful interacting
socio-technical systems, and the application of that understanding to design
of interactions in the context of real settings. Hotel employees have higher
rates of occupational injuries and sustain more severe injuries than most
other service workers.

Management of any organization can evaluate the working condition and

modify the situation as per the guidance of an ergonomic expert. This may
not involve huge investment but would result in great profit in future. By
creating a situation friendly to the worker, the management not only wins the
heart of the employees but also maximize the yield indirectly. Ergonomic
changes have manifold benefits.

Ergonomics is the science of making the work environment fit the worker. By
understanding the human-factors requirements of work, we can avoid work-
related illnesses or injuries.

Companies are in business to bring a product or service to market, and

anything that makes it more difficult for employees to perform their jobs is
likely to affect productivity—and productivity is money. A mismatch between
the physical requirements of the job and the physical capacity of the worker
can result in RSIs (repetitive stress injuries), as well as other CTDs
(cumulative trauma disorders).

Ergonomic assessments define the potential risks for injury or illness in a

facility, and ergonomic plans are written to mitigate those risks. An
ergonomically designed space can increase productivity and efficiency while
reducing stress and fatigue.

Why Ergonomics is Important

The hospitality industry is a prime candidate to implement ergonomic

solutions. Workers in restaurants and lodging facilities perform many types of
jobs. Many of these jobs are very physical. Dishwashers, servers, bartenders
and luggage handlers are all at risk of on-the-job injuries.Housekeepers lift
and carry heavy objects. They push heavy carts and vacuums. They reach
high and low to clean rooms. They do it over and over again, every day.
Ergonomics is about ensuring a good fit between people and the things they
interact with. This could include the objects they use or the environments
they live in. You should consider ergonomics in the design of every product,
system or environment.
You should focus on ergonomics early in the design process. Ignoring
ergonomics can lead to designs that are likely to fail commercially - as they
don't fit the needs of the user.

Objectives of Ergonomics:

1. To optimize the integration of man and machine in order to increase

productivity with accuracy.

It involves in the design of:

(a) A work place suitable for the worker,

(b) Machinery and controls, so as to minimize mental and physical strain on

the worker to enable the improvement in efficiency,

(c) A, favourable environment for performing the task most effectively,

(d) Task and work organization,

2. To take care of the factors governing the physical and mental strain (i.e.
fatigue) so as to get maximum satisfaction for the worker which at the same
time enhances the productivity.

3. Attempts to minimize the risk of injury, illness, accidents and errors

without compromising productivity.

4. To improve the design of machine at the initial design stage or later

whenever the existing product or process is modified.

Questions for Discussion

1. Does ergonomics is a topic use only at work?
2. In what way, ergonomics helps you?
3. Do you think it will helps you in the future?
Lesson 2: Categories of Ergonomics

Categories of ergonomics
There are three broad areas of ergonomics:
Physical ergonomics looks at how human anatomical, anthropometric,
physiological and biomechanical characteristics relate to physical activity. This
 working postures
 manual handling
 repetitive movements
 musculoskeletal disorders
 workplace layout and environment

Psychological ergonomics studies mental processes (eg perception, cognition,

memory, reasoning and emotion) and how people interact with products,
systems and environments. This includes:
mental workload
human-computer interaction
human reliability
cultural differences
Organisational ergonomics is about optimising the organisational structures,
policies and processes of socio-technical systems. This includes:
 Communication
 work design
 staff resource management
 working time patterns
 co-operative work
 quality management
 organizational culture

To ensure that you keep your end users' needs in focus at all times, you
should make ergonomists an integral part of your design development team.

Questions for Discussion

1. In your own opinion which categories of ergonomics is
most important that you need to follow? Why?
2. Did you consider or think your self while working?

Lesson 3: What is Facility Planning

Facility Planning determine how an activity’s tangible fixed assests

best support achieving’ objectives.
a. In manufacturing, the objective is to support production.
b. In an airport, the objective is to support the passenger airplane
c. In a hospital, the objective is to provide medical care to patients


Facilities can be broadly defined as buildings where people, material,

and machines come together for a stated purpose – typically to make a
tangible product or provide a service.

`The facility must be properly managed to achieve its stated purpose

while satisfying several objectives.

Such objectives include producing a product or producing a service ;

at lower cost, ;at higher quality, ; or using the least amount of resources.

Facility Planning Objectives

1. Support the organization's mission through improved material handling,
materials control, and good housekeeping.
2. Effectively utilize people, equipment, space, and energy.
3. Minimize capital investment.
4. Be flexible and promote ease of maintenance.
5. Provide for employee safety and job satisfaction.

Hierarchy of Facility Planning


Facility Layout
design Design

Location: is the placement of a facility with respect to customers, suppliers,
and other facilities with which it interfaces. Structure: consists of the building
and services (e.g., gas, water, power, heat, light, air, sewage). Layout:
consists of all equipment, machinery, and furnishings within the structure.
Handling System: consists of the mechanism by which all interactions
required by the layout are satisfied (e.g., materials, personnel, information,
and equipment handling systems)

Strategic Facilities Planning Issues

1. Number, location, and sizes of warehouses and/or distribution centers.

2. Centralized versus decentralized storage supplies, raw materials, work-in
process, and finished goods for single- and multi-building sites, as well as
single- and multi-site companies.
3. Acquisition of existing facilities versus design of model factories and
distribution centers of the future.
4. Flexibility required because of market and technological uncertainties.
5. Interface between storage and manufacturing.
6. Level of vertical integration, including "subcontract versus manufacture"
7. Control systems, including materials control and equipment control.
8. Movement of materials between buildings, between sites.
9. Changes in customers' and suppliers' technology as well as firm's own
manufacturing technology and materials handling, storage, and control
10. Design-to-cost goals for facilities

Questions for Discussion

1. How important Facility planning in ergonomics? Why?

2. Why there is facility planning objectives?

V. Teaching Methods and Activities

Lesson 1: What is Ergonomics

Teaching method: Lecture and Discussion Watch power point

presentation about ergonomics and facility planning in hospitality
industry, essay, recitation, brain storming, group discussion

Activity #1: Answer activity sheets

ergonomics and facility planning in hospitality industry

Directions: Create a poster shows ergonomic and facilities planning.
Use short bond paper ( Scoring Rubrics)

1. How do you find the activity?
2. Explain the importance details why we need to implement Ergonomics?
Questions for discussion
1. Does ergonomics is a topic use only at work?

2. In what way, ergonomics helps you?

3. Do you think it will helps you in the future?

Lesson 2:Categories of Ergonomics

Activity #2: There are five words that you can find below. However the
letters are jumbled. Kindly write the correct word/ phrase on blanks provided.
1. Moncumniotaci - _____________________
2. Seding krow -________________________
3. Tutitodes - __________________________
4. Torsupes krowing - ___________________
5. Tivomoanit - ________________________

Lesson 3: What is Facility Planning

Activity # 3: Individual activity.

Directions: Plan a design that has a strategic planning issues. Write in a short
bond paper. Students will present and discuss their output.( Scoring Rubrics)

VI. Assessment or Rubrics

Lesson 1: What is Ergonomics?

Activity #1 Rubrics: Activity sheet Poster

Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 3 2 1
Content ‐Originality The text and One or two The text No original
graphics elements of and text or
used on the text and graphics graphics
poster graphics are made made by
reflect an used on the by the the student
exceptional poster student, are
degree of reflect but are included. .
student student based on
creativity in creativity in the
their their designs or
creation creation ideas of
and/or and/or other.
display.. display
All graphics All graphics All Graphics do
are related are related graphics not relate
to the topic to the topic relate to to the topic
and make it and most the topic. OR several
easier to make it Most borrowed
Graphics ‐ Relevanc understand. easier to borrowed graphics do
e All borrowed understand. graphics not have a
graphics All borrowed have a source
have a graphics source citation.
source have a citation.
citation.. source
Attractiveness The poster is The poster The The poster
exceptionally is attractive poster is is
attractive in in terms of acceptably distractingly
terms of design, attractive messy or
design, layout and though it very poorly
layout, and neatness. may be a designed. It
neatness. Color and bit messy. is not
The overall space use is . attractive..
organization good but a
and use of little
color and disorganized
space make
the poster

VII. Additional Data or Looking Ahead

Introduction to ergonomics and Facilities Planning in the Hospitality

Industry is just an overview of the subject. Looking forward, students may
expect more elaborate topics in the succeeding topic.

VIII. References

Online Sources and Readings:


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