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Tidoy, Zairrel Jan B.

A Portfolio submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
in the Department of Management of
Cavite State University – Carmona Campus

June 2021


Student Name: Tidoy, Zairrel Jan, B

Student Number: 1901-00521
Section: ☐ HM 2A ☒ HM 2B ☐ HM 2B

(*Please tick in the appropriate box.)

Grade Received
Items to be included
Reflectio Meme’ Reflecti Meme’
n s on s

1. Chapter VII ☒ ☒

2. Chapter VI ☒ ☒

3. Chapter V ☒ ☒

4. Chapter IV ☒ ☒

5. Chapter III ☒ ☒

6. Chapter II ☒ ☒

7. Chapter I ☒ ☒

In this topic I learnt the importance of time management in our lives. There are so many positive

outcomes when we choose to manage our time properly. Time management has numerous

advantages. We may achieve more in life if we understand the value of time management. The

24 hours in a day are the same for everyone. It's critical to learn how to make the most of your

time in order to be more effective at work and in life. We may change our lives and the world

around us by grasping the value of time management skills, because there is a lot of positive

benefit. One of the most significant benefits of time management is that it enables us to be more

productive by allowing us to regulate how we spend our time. We can concentrate better on

critical tasks, which leads to increased efficiency. A person who understands the value of time

management skills is more likely to make better choices. You won't have enough time to

understand and foresee the consequences of your decisions if you don't manage your time well.

You may be pressured for time and make a hasty decision based on what appears to be the most

convenient alternative. Taking the easy route, on the other hand, puts you at danger of losing out

in the long term. At home, conflict should be avoided because it degrades the atmosphere and

promotes negativity. As a result of disagreements, people tend to disregard others. Conflict

resolution prevents squabbles among family members, friends, and relatives, as well as making

life calmer and stress free. Blame game never helps anyone; it only makes life more difficult. If

people battle among themselves, no concept will ever be implemented. As a result of conflict

resolution, stress decreases, individuals feel driven and happy, and the world becomes a much

better place to live. Stress management can significantly raise the risk of developing depression,

anxiety, or other mental health problems. When you manage your stress, you'll feel less

frustrated with life's obstacles, have less anxieties about the future, and have a better sense of


Good hygiene provides a number of advantages, including lowering your risk of illnesses,

diseases, and infections. Furthermore, there is no danger in maintaining good hygiene! The

significance of hygiene might be a touchy subject, but it doesn't have to be. One of the most

fundamental activities for a long, happy, and healthy life is to be concerned for your own well-

being. The things we undertake to clean and care for our bodies are referred to as personal

hygiene. If we don't clean ourselves regularly, dirt, physiological secretions, food particles, and

even infections can accumulate on our body. The development of habits that help us keep clean

not only prevents this accumulation, but also helps us maintain it. Most people despise being

discussed, especially in a negative light. We can increase our chances of projecting a positive

body image that reflects our personality by keeping our bodies clean and well-presented. To keep

themselves and others healthy, and to lessen the chance of being harassed at school, children

should be taught the value of hygiene and how to achieve good hygiene at a young age.

Grooming is the act of caring for oneself and one's body, and it is something that everybody can

and should do. It's how you keep yourself looking and feeling wonderful. All you have to do now

is build a decent daily routine to be fit, healthy, and clean. To put it another way, it's about

making the best of what you've got. Down-at-heel shoes and a lack of personal care will always

bring an outfit down, no matter how costly it is. However, a low-cost clothing that is clean and

well-presented can appear to be worth a million dollars. We can all improve our personal

presentation, and knowing you look your best will enhance your self-confidence significantly.

These revealing gestures aid in conveying a message's intricacies. In rare cases, they can even

take the place of words.


In this topic I learnt how to gain confidence for public speaking. To be honest, public speaking is

one of my fears not because I am shy but because I am afraid of public mistakes. But when

someone choose me to run as a SSG president when I was in high school and senior high school

it really boosts my confidence in public speaking because I know someone is has trust in me and

my capabilities, so since then I manage myself to be the best version of whenever I speak

publicly because I know I can. The etiquettes that are stated in this chapter is really must needed

to overcome public speaking in a nicest way. Because it really shows that we`re enjoying and we

are capable in what are we talking about. Actually, even speaking in telephone makes me

nervous every time it rings when I worked on my cousin`s office. I am afraid that I answered it

with wrong grammar and intonation and maybe the caller misunderstood me, but then I try to

make things okay and I really try my best to cope up with this kind of fears. One of the most

basic human wants is connection; individuals want to be valued and respected, which is why

being friends with strangers has so many advantages. I've discovered that the advantages of

being friendly have helped me create and sustain connections in a variety of situations, so I'm

going to share some of these advantages with you. Significant advantages of being friendly is the

ability to make a difference in someone's life. Everyone has ups and downs throughout the day

someone you encounter might be having the worst day of his or her life, and by merely lending a

hand or smiling at them, you could have a significant impact on his or her day. For cultures all

around the world, dining has always been a moment of regard and respect. In fact, it's a moment

that's almost hallowed or religious in nature. With this in mind, it's easy to see why good table

manners are so important. At the same time, it's clear why excellent manners are so crucial when

youngsters are eating with visitors or eating out.


Customer service refers to a series of activities by a business person that lead to the final

satisfaction of the customer. I always thought that I entailed designing ways of dealing with

different people at the place of work. I looked at it as a way of promoting one’s business by

using promotions and other advertising means in order to get an edge over his or her competitors.

This course has clearly illustrated that there is more to that. I have learnt many virtues that have

to be practiced in order to ensure that the customers are well served. This qualities touch on the

relationship one has with the customer before the latter buys, after purchasing, and until he or she

uses the product. Motivation and teamwork stand out as the most interesting concepts of

customer service. Motivation is like a spark in any business that controls the attitude and mood

that the customers may have. It starts with the internal workers and then expands to the

customers. Motivated employees will offer the best services to the customers. They have little to

worry about, and they will strive to ensure the success of the business. This has to trickle down

to the customers. One can provide after sale services or even take upon him or herself to replace

any default product. Keeping in touch with your customers is also a boost to the business’

image. Teamwork mainly helps since no man is an island. It helps in generating new ideas and

eventually boosting the sales. It also provides the basis for relationship building and

understanding between employees and customers. This opens the business up to criticism

whenever an error is committed hence it is easier to improve and work on flaws. These two

qualities are very essential to the success of any business.

“Customer’s satisfaction is the key to a successful business” is my philosophy for customer

service. Satisfied customers keep on flowing back to your business on daily basis.





All the speakers had a different path to their success. However, there were several factors that I

learned from them. One factor that I learned was that to be successful in the hospitality industry

is to be open to all opportunities that come your way. Be willing to explore other areas of the

hospitality industry because it can benefit us in many ways. Having that door open for

opportunities can get us new experience in that specific department and can help on the long

run. Which also leads to become a manager with experience in other departments. Another

factor that stuck out to me was to have a passion for what we do. Passion for the industry is

important to have because if not otherwise is going to start feeling hectic and exhausting. To be

a successful leader in the industry customer service has to be on point. What I mean by this is

that if working at a hotel or restaurant and being a manager that approaches customers with a

bad mood or attitude, they for sure will not come back to your property. A lack of passion

towards the industry can cause to feel feed up leading to expose a lack of customer service.

Since the hospitality industry is all about customer service, managers need to demonstrate the

perfect example of customer service to its employees. If not, employees will perform poorly,

and its reputation will fall apart. And this type of skills is really happening in real life, most of

us has the eagerness to be leader in one’s path or industry. But then did we ask are self if we are

physically and mentally prepared for this kind of job? Are we ready to push ourselves to be a

leader in one industry? And this is the reason why we need to learn some techniques and ideas

based on our topic that have been discussed.

And since I become a SSG President in our school when I was in SHS, I would like to share

that being a leader is never easy. But at some point, it really gives me the idea of how to

handle a problem in one big situation. It teaches me how to become a hardworking and
understanding in any situation. Being a leader is not that easy so that being a member too







In society today, communication classes are highly over looked because of our new developing

technology. People don’t realize how much a communication class could benefit them. We

have lost sight of verbal communication skills. This class has taught me to put my phone down

and communicate with others. It has opened my eyes to the real world without technology. It

has taught me various skills within enculturation, facial feedback, empathetic listening,

primary emotion, tolerance for ambiguity, distracted listening and perception. Enculturation

has taught me to know my values and beliefs. It has made it clear to me about my culture and

what I do and do not believe in within my generation. Also, within other cultures, it has made

me curious to learn the similarities and differences they have from me. I have felt more

connected within my family and the society from researching and studying enculturation. For

example, I have learned that a tend to drift away from my beliefs more than anyone else in my

family because I am so curious of other beliefs and the way they view things. ow the
communication class is almost over I have realized how important is to have good

communication skills, and how it is key to life. I have learned many things in this class for

example ways to approach strangers. Another thing that I have learned how to handle conflict

and how sometimes it could be good it not always bad and many others. The way I look things

have change to have reach my goals. This class was has also taught me how to look in the

“other” perceptive, and not being selfish by just seeing one side. All that I have learn will help

me and other around me to be able to communicate better, in different type of people or circle

of friends that I will encounter. Communication adds meaning to the things we experience

each and every day; without it, the world we live in would be much more different and chaotic.

Communication is the universal basis of understanding our environment.




This paper will reflect how I define personality, some key personality features that define me,

whether other’s view me differently than I view myself, reflect if my personality features are

consistent or if they change with a

particular situation, describe any

personality tests I may have taken

and my reaction to the analysis, and

finally my thoughts on what would

make a personality valid or not. How

would you define personality?

Personality is the qualities and traits

that reflect a person’s character

or behavior specific to that person and

makes him or her who they are. I believe a person’s personality is shown in a number of ways;

first through one’s feelings, thoughts, and actions. For the most part a person’s personality is

consistent with minimal change on a daily basis. Our personality allows us to act in certain

ways and respond to certain things in our lives. What are some key personality features that

define you? Some of the key personality features that define me are that I am an Introvert. This

means I am a very responsible person, organized and task-oriented, serious about almost

everything, I have a very good memory when it comes to facts and data, my work ethic is

unmatched by my peers, I like to use a logical approach to everything, and I’m not easily

distracted. Do others view you differently than you view yourself? I do not think so, for the

most part any feedback I ever received from others. I feel if you have issues or concerns that

you might not be up to the challenge, leave all that at the door before you walk through it. Are

your personality features consistent or do they change according to the situation? I really want

to say “no” to this question, but I would not be very truthful if I did. So, my answer would

have to be “yes”, my personality features change a little depending on the situation. And I

would love to share that in this chapter, I must say that I appreciate myself as individual and

figured out things why does my personality is kind a like this. I do believe that whatever kind

of conspiracy or theory it is, we have our own personality to be proud of.




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