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Before start the OM , we need to have 3 Responsibilities .

They are (i) Advance Pricing

(ii) Order Management

(iii) Receivables

Now we going to Define 3 Responsibilities for these and assign it to our User .

Switch to System Administrator Responsibility: Security >> Responsibility >> Define

Order Management :
Advance Pricing:

Now need to assign these responsibilities to my User .

Switch to System Administrator Responsibility: System >> Security >> User >> Define

Search the User And Add the Responsibility to the User .

Now Need to Set up some of the Profile Options for these responsibility.

(N) System Administrator Responsibility >> Profile >> System

Search for the Responsibility and MO: Security Profile Name

Do the same for the Responsibility Receivables.
MO: Default Operating Unit

Set the below profile potation. Set for both Order Management & Receivables.
Set Profile Option QP: Item Validation Organization for Advance Pricing Responsibility.
Define System Options in Receivables
Switch to Responsibility : Receivables

(N) Set Up >> System >> System Options

In the New form Operating Unit Field is blank, just CTRL+F11 to get the Default one.

Give the Ledger Name in the Name field .

In the Same manner we can define the options for other Operating Unit .

Define System Parameters in Order Management

Switch to Order Management Responsibility.

(N) Set Up >> System Parameters >> Values

If our organization have more than one master inventory org , so we need to define more
than one Order Management Responsibility and each responsibility will point to a unique
Master Organization .

Define Transaction Type

Transaction types are two types

(i) Order Transaction Type : is used to process order Headers .

(ii) Line Transaction Type : is used to process Order Lines .

Responsibility: Order Management

(N) Set Up >> Transaction Types >> Define

Create Line Transaction Type :

Create Order Transaction Type :

Click on Assign Line Flows and add the details.

One Sales order contain different type of Transactions. So if we define different line
transaction types , then we can associate those line transactions with Order Transaction on
The Work Flow Assignment . But The default Transaction type will be “Default Order Line
Type “as per screen shot.

When we define a Order Transaction, System Automatically generates a Document Category

with the same name as Order Transaction Type .
Define Document Sequence
(N) Order Management Responsibility >> Set Up >> Documents >> Define

Assign the Document Sequence to the Document

(N) Order Management Responsibility >> Set Up >> Documents >> Assign

The above setup is done for , whenever we going to create any Sales Order using the
Transaction type , we created above , the Sales Order number will going to generate
automatically .(The sales Order number will depend on the setup you going we made
it automatic..)

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