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A. Definisi Ellipsis

The ellipse is a removal of a word or a number of words of a sentence that aims for the
sentence to be shorter and better arranged. Elliptical Sentence is a combination of two different
sentences whose subjects are predicate, and used to avoid the repetition of words. The
purpose of the formation of the ellipis sentence is to convey a statement in a simple and at the
same time avoiding the repeat of the same sentence.

B. Elliptical Markers

1. Single Elliptical
Penanda in Single Elliptical consists of: so-too, either-neither, and but-while. Single elliptical
markers often use in positive elliptic, negative elliptic,and contrary elliptical.

1.)Positive Elliptical (Too-So)

Positive elliptic is a merging process of two positive sentences that have predicates (VERB)
equals including (objects and density). In positive elliptical sentences using Too and So, in this
form there are 2 things to note:
 Auxialiary verb used should be in accordance with the first time sentence.
 Too the same time behind the auxiliary verb while the location of So always at the
beginning of the Auxilliary Verb.

Examples :
She sits on the chair.
I sit on the chair.
Elliptical sentence :
She sits on the chair, and I do too
She sits on the chair, and so do I

Raja was a dilligent boy.

Rama was a dilligent boy.
Elliptical sentence :
Raja was a dilligent boy, and so was Rama
Raja was a dilligent boy, and Rama was too.

Lina will go to college tomorrow afternoon.

Regina will go to college tomorrow afternoon.
Elliptical sentence :
Lina will go to college tomorrow afternoon, and Regina will too.
Lina will go to college tomorrow afternoon, and so will Regina.

According to the examples above, the formulas of positive elliptic are:

Subject + Verb + and + So + To Do (do/does/did) + Subject
Subject + Verb + and + Subject + To Do (do/does/did) + too

Subject + Auxiliary + Verb + and + So + auxiliary + Subject

Subject + Auxiliary + Verb + and + Subject + Auxiliary + too.

2.) Negative Elliptical

Negative Elliptal is a merging process of 2-negative calibanates that have the same (predat)) (including objects
and density). What if in a negative sentence we find the same predicate, we should use the word "either" or
"neither" which means "also not". There are some important things to be considered in the formation of Egliptical
negative sentences, are as follows:

Auxiliary Verb (auxiliary aids) used to match the form of the first sentence time.
Either the time is behind the Auxiliary verb while the location of the Neither always at the beginning of the
auxiliary verb.
For the neither no need to add NOT behind the Auxiliary verb, because the shape of Neither comes from No +

Examples :
Vera did not go to college yesterday.
Mala did not go to college yesterday.
Elliptical sentence :
Vera did not go to college yesterday, and neither did Mala.
Vera did not go to college yesterday, and Mala did not either.

She does not like Katty Perry song.

I do not like Katty Perry song.
Elliptical sentence :
She does not like Katty Perry song, and neither do I.
She does not like Katty Perry song, and I do not either.

She does not sleep in the class when there is a teacher.

He does not sleep in the class when there is a teacher.
Elliptical sentence :
She does not sleep in the class when there is a teacher, and neither does He.
She does not sleep in the class when there is a teacher, and He does not either.

According to the examples, we can make the formulas of negative elliptical

construction :
Subject + Auxiliary not + verb + and + neither + auxiliary + subject
Subject + Auxiliary not + verb + and + subject + auxiliary not + either

Subject + To Do + not + verb + and + subject + To Do + not + either

Subject + To Do + not + verb + and + Neither + To Do + subject.
3.) Contrary Elliptical

The architement of the form of this ELLIPTICAL form is used to combine 2 pieces that have the opposite
predicate (one positive and one negative). In the formation of this Elliptical form of the form, things to note:

 Auxiliary Verb (auxiliary aids) used to match the form of the first sentence time.
 If the first sentence is positive, then the auxiliary is plus Not.
 If the first sentence is negative, then the auxiliary is not added with not.

Examples :
Rian will not go to market.
Rani will go to market.
Elliptical sentence :
Rian will not go to market, but Rani will.

Farah come to my party.

Erna does not come to my party.
Elliptical sentence :
Farah come to my party, but Erna does not.

She does not work hard in the office.

He does work hard in the office.
Elliptical sentence :
She does not work hard in the office, but He does.

According to the examples, we can make the formulas of contrary elliptical

construction :
Subject + auxiliary + verb + but + subject + auxiliary not + verb
Subject + auxiliary not + verb + but + subject + auxiliary + verb

2. Double Elliptical Markers

a. Both ... and

Both ... And 'is a correlative conjuction with meaning good... and is used to connect two parallel structures,
two nouns, adjectives, two verbs, two adverbs, or two prepitional phrases.

I am speaking English. She is speaking English.
Elliptical sentences :
Both I and She are sspeaking English.

You will go to Raha. He will go to Raha.

Elliptical sentences :
Both You and He will go to Raha.

(1) both + noun + and + noun

Examples :
He painted both the door and the window.
They have both the book and the magazine.

(2) both + adjective + and + adjective

Examples :
She is both pretty student and smart student.
The beach is both beautiful place and pleasant place.

(3) both + verb + and + verb

Examples :
We gave him some money both to buy his easily needs and to pay for the rent.
They make some cakes both to eat and to give my parents.

(4) both + adverb + and + adverb

Examples :
Mina speak both slowly and clearly
He cleaned his room both quickly and cleanly

(5) both + prepositional phrase + and + prepositional phrase

Examples :
They will go to your home both in the morning and in the evening
we want to be both at the restorant and the cinema.

B. Not only .... But also

Not only ... but also ... 'is a correlative conjuction with no means ... but also ... and used to
combine two parallel structures, two nouns, adjectives, two verbs, or two prepitional phrases.

(1) not only + noun + but also + noun

Examples :
Please buy not only a book but also a pen.
Not only my friend but also my parents like to read book.
(2) not only + adjective + but also + adjective
Examples :
Miya is not only pretty but also smart.
He is not only handsome but also tall.

(3) not only + verb + but also + verb

Examples :
We not only study English but also study Japanese.
She not only came late but also forgot to bring her books.

(4) not only + adverb + but also + adverb

Examples :
She talked not only softly but also fastly.
My brother buy his book not only in the Gramedia but also in the Online Store.

(5) not only + prepositional phrase + but also

Example :
A good student should study not only in the morning but also in the night.
You need to eat not only in the morning but also in the evening.

C. As well as
As well as is a correlative conjunction with meaning and also and is used to juggling the parallel structures
such as two nouns, adjectives, two verbs, two adverbs, or two prepitional phrases.

Examples :
noun + as well as + noun
Examples :
He enjoys playing football as well as basketball.
She likes black coffee as well as milk tea.

adjective + as well as + adjective

Examples :
she is diligent as well as smart.
Miya is a teacher as well as a writer.

verb + as well as + verb

Examples :
You need to organize as well as execute it.
Please learn to speak as well as write.

adverb + as well as + adverb

Examples :
Please do it carefully as well as quickly.
We must drinks coffee as well as eat pizza.

prepositional phrase + as well as + prepositional phrase

Examples :
We went to Bali as well as to Sumatera.
They studied in the class as well as in the library.
D. Not... But
'Not ... But 'is a correlateive conjunction with no means ... but or not ... but and is used to combine parallel
structures, ie two nouns, adjectives, two verbs, two adverbs, or two prepitional phrases, and two clauses.

Not + noun + but + noun

Examples :
The beautiful island is not Bokori island but Namu island.

Not + adjective + but + adjective

Examples :

Not + verb + but + verb

Examples :

Not + adverb + but + adverb

Examples :

Not + prepositional phrase + but + prepositional phrase

Examples :

Not + clause + but + clause

Examples :

E. Either.... Or
Either ... or as conjunction has the meaning of One or the other of and used to show options to two
alternatives or more.' Either ... or 'can be used with noun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition phrase, clauses
and other along the parallel construction. Using neither ... nor is more formal in writing and speech.

Examples :
You can give it to me either today or tomorrow.
I put it either in my pocket or on my desk.
Either my sisters or my father is coming.

Either ... or can use with singular or plural verb. The pattern is as follows:
Either + noun + or + singular noun + singular verb
Either my father or my mother was the teacher
Either Mia or Nia is smart student

Either + noun + or + plural noun + plural verb

Either the dog or the cats eat the fish.
Either Surya or his sisters are coming late.
F. Neither.....nor
Neither.... nor is as conjuction has meaning of not one nor not other of two people or things
and used to show no choice of two alternatives or more,neither...or can be used with noun, adjective, verb,
adverb, preposition phrase and other along the parallel construction.. Using neither ... nor is more formal in
writing and speech.

Examples :
He has neither sister nor brother.
He likes neither black coffee nor americano.

Neither ... nor can use with singular or plural verb. The pattern is as follows:
Neither + noun + nor + plural noun + plural verb
Neither Farel nor his brothers are watching TV.
Neither her brother nor her sisters come to my party.

Neither + noun + nor + singular noun + singular verb

Neither his brother nor Farel is watching TV.
Neither her sisters nor her brother was come to my party yesterday.

'Either ... or and neither... or' can be followed by singular or plural verb depending on which nouns are closer
to the verb. For informal use, we can use plural verb.

C. Some places of the archissions arrangement

Elliptical at nominal Sentence

On the nominal sentence and when there is only "to be" on the main clause, then the same tenses of "to be"
are used in the second clause.

Examples :
My father is a lecturer in my college.
You are a lecturer in my college.
Elliptical sentence:
My father is a lecturer in my college, and so are you.
My father is a lecturer in my college, and you are too.
Fira is a smart student in the English course.
Bella is a smart student in the English course.
Elliptical sentences :
Fira is a smart student in the English course, and so is Bella.
Fira is a smart student in the English course, and Bella is too.

According to the examples, we can make the formulas of contrary nominal

elliptical :
To be + and + subject + to be + too
To be + and + so + to be + subject

Elliptical at Verbal Sentence

At the time there is Verb without auxiliary verb on the main clause, auxiluary verb
Do, Does, or Did used on the second clause.
Examples :
Mina drinks coffe in the canteen.
Fiya drinks coffee in the canteen.
Elliptical sentences :
Mina drinks coffee in the canteen, and so does Fiya.
Mina drinks coffee in the canteen, and Fiya does too.

My mother went to the market.

Your sister went to the market.
Elliptical sentences :
My mother went to the market, and so did your sister.
My mother went to the market, and your sister did too.

According to the examples, we can make the formulas of contrary nominal

elliptical :
(verb except “to be”) + and + subject + (do, does, did) + too
(verb except “to be”) + and + so + (do, does, did) +subject

Elliptical sentences at Auxiliary Verb

If there is only auxiliaary verb, for example: Will, Should, has, have, must, etc on the main clause,
the verb should also be used in the second clause.
Examples :
Rudi has lived in Dubai for five years.
They have lived in Dubai for five years.
Elliptical sentences :
Rudi has lived in Dubai for five years, and so have they.
Rudi has lived in Dubai for five years, and they have too.

They will go to the party tonight.

We will go to the party tonight.
Elliptical sentences :
They will go to the party tonight, and so will we .
They will go to the party tonight, and we wil too.
Ellipsis which is using coordinate conjunction, like and, or

Examples :
I bought a new car. He bought a new motorcycle.
Elliptical sentences :
I bought a new car and he motorcycle.

Merlin likes swimming, Salma likes singing, Dora likes dancing.

Elliptical sentences :
Merlin likes swimming, Salma singing and Dora dancing.

Should I go now?, Should I go tomorrow?

Elliptical sentences :
Should I go now or tomorrow?

Ellipsis for clause which minus words (reduced clause)

The same happens when we do not repeat words in clauses connected with and, but
and or (coordinated clauses). We understand what the ‘missing’ items are:

Examples :
He wrote to everyone he could think of who might help and he phoned everyone he
could think of who might help.
Elliptical sentence :
He wrote to everyone he could think of who might help and he phoned everyone he
could think of who might help.
He wrote and phoned everyone he could think of who might help.

I can remember his face but I can not remember his name.
Elliptical sentence :
I can remember her face but I can not remember her name.
I can remember her face but can not remember her name.

However he is busy, he always comes on time.

Elliptical sentence :
However he is busy, he always comes on time.
However busy, he always comes on time.

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