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SITUATION 4: A 2 year old boy is brought to the health center because he felt hot for 2 days. There is
malaria risk. He does not have general danger signs. He does not have cough or difficult breathing or
diarrhea. When the health worker assessed the child’s fever, he found out that the child has runny nose.

48. Classify:
a. Very severe febrile disease
b. Fever: no malaria
c. Fever: malaria unlikely
d. Malaria

49. Management:
a. First dose of antibiotic , prevent low blood sugar, give paracetamol, refer urgently
b. Give paracetamol, advise mother when to return, follow up in 2 days
c. Refer urgently
d. Give antibiotics and follow up in 2 days

50. Harris, 18 months old, weight 10 lbs. his temperature is 38.9 degrees centigrade. The child is
coughing for 5 days. He is brought to the clinic for the first time by mother. The health center nurse
checked data for general danger signs and classified him under “pink” of the IMCI color coded triad.
Which of the following assessment finding made the nurse such classification?
a. Harris does not want to drink or breastfeed, he is not abnormally sleepy
b. Harris is no able to drink from a cup, he is vomiting, no convulsion
c. Harris is not having vomiting or convulsion
d. Harris is abnormally sleepy or difficult to awake

51. Mario a 3 months old baby was brought by his mother to the RHU because of cough and colds and
based on your assessment the respiration of Mario is 59 beats per minute. Referring to the available
chart, which classification does he belong?
b. Severe pneumonia or very severe disease
c. No pneumonia
d. Possible serious bacterial infection

52. In case of pneumonia in a 2 year old child, which drug must be available at the RHU based on the
standard IMCI management?
a. Chloramphenicol
b. Oxygen tank
c. Cotrimoxazole
d. Injectables gentamycin

53. Yellow color coded triage in a patient with cough and colds means:
a. Severe pneumonia or very severe pneumonia
b. Pneumonia
d. No pneumonia
e. Bronchitis
54. Recommended treatment to soothe the throat and relieve the cough includes:
a. Oral and nasal decongestants
b. Cough syrup
c. Tamarind, calamansi and ginger juice
d. Antitussive
e. All of the above

55. The following are treatment to severe dengue hemorrhagic fever includes the following, except:
a. Do not give paracetamol with aspirin
b. If the skin petechiae or with positive tourniquet test, give fluids rapidly as in plan C
c. Treat the child to prevent low blood sugar
d. Refer the child to the nearest hospital
e. None of the above

56. Carlo is 15 months old weights 5.5kgs and it is her initial visit. Her mother says that Carlo is not
eating well & unable to abnormally sleepy or difficult to awaken. Her temperature is 38.9 C. using the
integrated management of childhood illness or IMCI strategy, if you were the nurse in charge of Carlo,
how will you classify her illness?
a. A child at a general danger sign
b. Very severe febrile disease
c. Severe pneumonia
d. Severe malnutrition

57. A child has stridor if the following evidence are present:

a. A calm child produces wheezing noise as he breaths out
b. A calm child produces harsh noise as he breaths out
c. A calm child produces harsh noise as he breaths in
d. An agitated child produces harsh noise as he breaths in

58. Using the IMCI strategy how should you manage a child that was brought to you in the health
a. Check main symptoms
b. Check the child’s immunization
c. Check danger signs
d. Check feeding problems
e. Classifies the child based on the evidence signs
f. Check the child’s nutritional status
g. Check the child for other potential status

a. A,B,C,D,E,F,G
b. A,C,B,D,G,E
c. C,A,F,B,D,G,E
d. C,A,B,F,D,G,E
e. C,A,B,D,F,E,G
59. A nurse working in the community assumes different roles. When the nurse acts as a community
organizer, she does which of the following functions?
a. Motivate the enhance community participation when planning and implementing health programs
and services
b. Develops family capability to take care to a sick member
c. Identifies needs priorities and problems of individuals families and community
d. Participate in community development activities
e. Coordinates with government and non-government organization in the implementation research and

a. II and III
b. IV and V
c. I and IV
d. III and V

60. As community health nurse engage in the process of community empowerment, it is essential that
a. Gather data for the community
b. Form partnerships with people in the community
c. Make decisions for people in the community
d. Accepts responsibility for people’s actions.

61. This phase of COPAR signals the start of community self-management of any development program.
a. Consolidation and expansion phase
b. Core group formation
c. Entry phase
d. Organization-building phase

62. During the presentation of baseline survey it is important that the CHN encourage the presentators
a. Present a clear concise and comprehensive picture of communities specific health problems
b. Utilize computer generated presentation to formalize presentation
c. Use creative art work in the form of picture caricature to arouse their interest
d. Use role playing and dramatization to facilitate better understanding

63. The actual exercise of people power occurs during?

a. Integration
b. Social mobilization
c. Ground work
d. Mobilization

64. One of the critical steps in COPAR is becoming one with the people and understanding their culture
and lifestyle. Which critical steps in COPAR will the nurse try to immerse himself in the community?
a. Integration
b. Social mobilization
c. Ground work
d. Mobilization

65. Sheena is assigned as the new CH nurse. Upon entrance to the community. Sheena should;
a. Courtesy call to the barangay captain
b. Conduct community assembly
c. Identify the presence of community problem
d. Encourage community participation

66. To identify & organize a core group for planning is done in what stage?
a. Community study
b. Design and initiation
c. Program maintenance
d. Reassessment

67. Based on the 5 stage organizing model for health promotion, what stage is the nurse performing if
she or he assessing and defining the needs of the community?
a. Community study
b. Design and initiation
c. Program maintenance
d. Reassessment

68. The following are accepted principles of community organizing except:

a. Decisions must be done by the group
b. Plan group needs to represented by all concern
c. Power resides in the nurse for the community health project
d. Must have shared core values

69. COPAR maximize community participation and involvement. To make this possible, which of the
following is primarily utilized for community services?
a. Government donation
b. Community resources
c. Free clinic
d. Local government assistance

70. Social preparation phase in COPAR is said to be successful only when:

a. People learn to identify their own health problem
b. People starts to plan for the solution of their health problem
c. The people are all set and ready to conduct formal research
d. People are able to evaluate health projects

71. The nurse should know that the activities listed below belong to the
a. Developing of secondary leaders
b. Ratification of constitution and by laws
c. Continuing education
d. Organization and training of CHW
72. Training of HRDP staff and faculty in CO-PAR happens in what phase?
a. Pre-entry
b. Community building
c. Entry
d. Sustenance

73. The purpose of preliminary social investigation:

a. To gather information as to the general health situation of the adopted barangay
b. To inform the leaders of the importance of training for basic health skills
c. To gather necessary information about the different areas of the potential project municipalities that
best conform the criteria set.
d. To identify specific health problems of the community

74. The national objectives of the department of health are all towards the improvement of health for
all Filipinos. Which of the following is the DOH’s objective?
a. Ensure accessibility and quality of health care to improve the quality of life of all Filipinos, especially
the poor
b. Improve the general health status of the population
c. Reduce morbidity,disability and complications from noted diseases
d. Promote healthy lifestyle through diet and nutrition,physical activity and fitness, hygiene and mental

75. To fulfill these mandate, the DOH launched what it describes as an implementation framework for
the health sector reform, DOH refers to this as the
a. Health for all agenda
b. Fourmula 1 for health
c. Medium term development plan
d. Good governance in health

76. What are the components of this reform agenda?

a. Health financing
b. Health regulation
c. Health service delivery
d. Good governance in health

a. A,B,C
b. B,C,D
c. A,C,D
d. all of these

77. The strategy objective of maternal program is to reduce women’s exposure to health risks through
the institionalization of responsible parenthood, specially this targets EXCEPT:
a. Those who are less than 18 years old and over 35 years of age
b. Women with low education and financial resources
c. Women with unmanaged chronic illness
d. Women who had just given birth in the last 18 months
a. A & B b. 2 only c. none of these d. all of these
78. Which of the following dose of tetanus toxoid is given to the mother to protect her infant from
neonatal tetanus and likewise provide 10 years protection for the mother?
a. Tetanus toxoid 3
b. Tetanus toxoid 2
c. Tetanus toxoid 1
d. Tetanus toxoid 4

79. The most common form of this intervention is the distribution of iodized salt sachets in some health
centers, these are commonly called as:
a. FIDEL salt
b. GLORIA salt
c. ERAP salt
d. None of these

Situation 5: Nurse Karen is a new BSN graduate and has just passed her licensure Examination for Nurses
in the Philippines. She has likewise been hired as a new Community Health Nurse in one of the Rural
health Units in their city.

80. In community health nursing, which of the following is our unit of service?
a. The community
b. The family
c. The individual members of the barangay
d. The extended members of the family

81. The theoretical basis of community health nursing practice are theories and principles of
a. Community development
b. Public health and research
c. Nursing and public health
d. Nursing and health sciences

82. Which of the following best explains the concept of the people empowerment?
a. People are the recipients of health services
b. People are partners in health
c. People are health beneficiaries
d. The people themselves are health resources

83. A key component of health promotions is that people in a community are able to:
a. Access private health insurance to cover their medical expenses
b. Recognizing their health needs and help develop strategies to improve their own health care
c. Stop activities such as smoking or alcohol consumption that are harmful to health
d. None of the above

84. As a PHN, what is your primary function or responsibility?

a. Reporting of cases as mandated by law
b. Creating a comprehensive community diagnosis
c. Assisting the doctor in his daily tasks
d. Instigating healthy lifestyle through effective health teaching
85. Community health workers health influence the health of communities through which of the
following functions?
a. Legislating health behavior
b. Recording health status of individuals in a similar geographic region
c. Influencing health behavior and engaging in health promotion
d. Encouraging self-care & self determination

SITUATION 6: When there is an increasing documented cases of CANCER, the best alternative of
treatment is still PREVENTION. The following conditions apply.

86. Which among the following is the primary focus of prevention of cancer?
a. Elimination of conditions causing cancer
b. Diagnosis and treatment
c. Treatment and early stage
d. Early detection


88. What health teaching is appropriate to known drug users?

a. Cause of drugs dependency
b. Proper nutrition
c. Ways to control use of drugs
d. The effects of prohibited drugs to the body

89. Humanitarian issues affect care for the elderly Filipino values are changing. Which one would you
maintain in the care of the elderly?
a. Security and protection
b. Education and recreation
c. Income of the elderly
d. Labor and management

90. In the Philippines, the older persons are cared for by the family. As a community health nurse what
should be observed during a home visit?
a. Social development
b. Emotional symptoms
c. Total developmental tasks
d. Physiologic status

91. As a CHN, one of your responsibilities is the supervision of midwife. You know very well that the
midwife under your supervision is adept in immunizing infants if she administers DPT by observing:
a. Injects 0.05ml, ID at the right deltoid area
b. Injects 0.5ml, SQ at the right upper arm
c. Injects 0.5ml, IM at the right vastus lateralis
d. Aspirates first before injecting 0.5ml, IM at the right vastus lateralis
92. After giving OPV to a child, which of the following statement of the mother indicates that she
understood the instruction given by the nurse?
a. “she must be thirsty so I will give her glucose water.”
b. “I will give my baby paracetamol right away.”
c. “The vaccine must taste awful, she should have some fruit juices.”
d. “I will not feed or give anything to my baby.”

93. The mother asked the nurse how often should she give paracetamol to her infant after a dose of DPT
vaccine. Which of the following responses is correct?
a. Give when temperature is 38.5 C and above
b. Give it once and them every 4 hours round the clock for 24 hours
c. Give at once and when there is pain over injection site
d. Give 3x a day

94. Which of the following conditions is NOT true about contraindication to immunization?
a. Do not give DPT2 or DPT3 to a child who has had convulsions within 3 days of DPT1
b. Do not give BCG if the child has cough and fever
c. Do not give DPT to a child who has recurrent convulsion or active neurologic disease
d. Do not give BCG if the child has known AIDS

95. Which of the following statement is FALSE?

a. Hepatitis B (HB) vaccine shall be stored in a freezer
b. DPT and tetanus toxoid vaccine shall be stored in refrigerator and transported in properly ice-packed
c. All cases of jaundice in children shall be referred to the provincial hospital for laboratory test for HB
virus infection
d. The usual inflammation and pain at the injection site of HB vaccine can be managed with antipyretics
and physical care

96. Which of the following are considered contraindication for immunization?

a. ARI with fever
b. Mild malnutrition
c. Diarrhea
d. Convulsion after DPT1

Situation 7: Public Health is defined by the who as the art of applying science in the context of politics so
as to reduce inequalities in health while ensuring the best health for the greatest number.

97. WHO further consider this as the core of element of government attempts to improve and promote
health and welfare of their citizens.
a. Community heath
b. Primary health care
c. Public health
d. Home visitation
98. The diseases today which are largely man-made such as poor sanitation, poor garbage collection, air
pollution, smoking and utilization of chemicals and pesticides refer to:
a. Political
b. Bahavior
c. Health care delivery system
d. Environment

99. According to Hanlon, health is “The result of the combination of many forces, intrinsic, inherited and
contrived, individuals and collective, private and public, medical, environmental and social and it is
conditioned by culture, economy, law and government.” Experts and authorities agree on four basic
factors that affects and determine health status of human populations, namely:
a. Human biology/hereditary, environment, health care system and lifestyle
b. Demography, socioeconomic, epidemiology, ecology, human biology
c. Political, socioeconomic, spiritual and ecology
d. Education, hereditary, environment, family, health care delivery system

100. Which level of health facility is the usual point of entry of a client into the health care delivery
a. intermediate
b. tertiary
c. primary
d. secondary

101. Which of the following herbal medicine is used to lower cholesterol level?
a. Tsaang gubat
b. Ulasimang bato
c. Niyug-niyogan
d. bawang

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