African Countries

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Done by Elena Ivanova (questions 1 and 2)

1. Kenya: Key economic data

Kenya is one of the fastest growing economies in Africa. Kenya had the
biggest GPDs on the continent at 89 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. Also,
Kenya is the powerhouse in East Africa. Economic and political reforms
during the last years led the country to macroeconomic stability and
services sector. The country’s economy was seriously damaged by the
COVID-19 virus in 2020, which influenced Kenya’s industries and
agriculture. However, Kenya will receive some help in 2021-2022. Kenya
receives $750 million for COVID-19 recovery efforts from the World Bank.
National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) will also help Kenyans to get a
better healthcare and disease prevention, especially for the poorest and
most vulnerable people. [ CITATION Ver21 \l 1033 ]

Agriculture: the economy’s engine

Agricultural activities play a very important part in the country and are more
than 50 percent of the total employment in Kenya. Also, agriculture sector
is 30 percent of Kenya’s GDP. One of the most important commodities in
Kenya is tea. Kenya is one of the tea leading in the world, and earned
around 1.1 billion U.S. dollars on export of tea 2019. Coffee and flowers are
also one of the biggest export earners. Agriculture has suffered from
severe weather phenomena and locust attacks. A slow process of transition
from an agriculture-based to a service-oriented economy is happening at
the moment.

Services sector 

Services contributed to more than 40 percent of Kenya’s GDP. Tourism

plays the most important role in the sector. However, employment
opportunities in the services industry are smaller than in agriculture sector.
Services were growing during the last few years and now had a share of
nearly 39 percent of the total employment. Moreover, the rate of
unemployment was at 2.64 percent in 2020, while approximately 18 million
people were employed. More than 80 percent of people worked in the
informal market places, mostly in wholesale and retail trade, hotels, and

Consumption on the rise

Kenya has one of the largest consumer markets in Africa. In 2019, the final
household consumption was at 78.8 billion U.S. dollars, up from 28.2 billion
U.S. dollars in 2009. Middle class Is rising in the country and has driven the
retail market and e-commerce activities. E-commerce reached more than
one billion U.S. dollars in 2020. Kenya has important challenges to

[ CITATION Jul21 \l 1033 ]

1. Kenya: Demographic data

The total population in Kenya was estimated at 53.7 million people in 2020,
according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading
The population of Kenya represents 0.60 percent of the world´s total
population which arguably means that one person in every 168 people on
the planet is Kenya’s resident.

[ CITATION Ken211 \l 1033 ]

The population of Kenya will surpass 100 million people by the end of 2058
and will reach 125 million by the end of the century. Kenya’s annual
population growth rate is 2.28% per year. The population growth rate was
as high as 3.94% in 1981 and 1982 but has since decreased. 

The total fertility rate in Kenya has also decreased over the years. In 1977,
the fertility rate was 8.1 births per woman. The current fertility rate is 3.416
births per woman, contributing to the lower population growth rate. 

Although the fertility rate is less than half of what it was decades ago,
Kenya still sees rapid population growth. This is because there are many
more families in Kenya today because of high fertility rates in the past, so
women are having fewer children but there are more families having kids.
Additionally, Kenyan life expectancy is increasing. 

Kenya Population Growth

Over the past 20 years, Kenya's population has doubled. Although Kenya
has sustained growth of population, but it has both high birth and infant
mortality rates. This is consistent with the country in a whole. There has
been a marked improvement in life expectancy, especially during the recent
years. In 2006, the average level stood at 48.9 years. This figure increased
to 59 years in 2016. This has increased to 64 years of age in 2018. The
current median age is only 19.7 years of age in Kenya.

Kenya Population Projections

Although Kenya's extreme growth is expected to slow in the coming years,

it will be very significant. The current rate of change of 2.52% annually is
predicted to decrease to 2.20% by 2030. During this time, the population
should increaase from 53,491,697 in 2020 to 66,959,993 in 2030.
[ CITATION Ken21 \l 1033 ]

Kenya Population by Year (Historical)

Kenya Population Density Map

Faria, J. (16 March 2021 г.). Key economic indicators of Kenya - statistics & facts. Retrieved from
Kenya Population 2021 (Live. (2021). Retrieved from World Population review:
Rosauer, V. (11 June 2021 г.). Kenya Receives $750 million Boost for COVID-19 Recovery Efforts.
Retrieved from The World Bank:
Statistics, K. N. (2021). Kenya Population. Retrieved fromTrading economies:

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