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Subject English Language Class Number 44
Course 6th basic year afternoon Date from 13 to 17,
Review for the First Quimestre Exam


By the end of GRAMMAR SECTION NO Homework

the class,
students will be
able to review
the topics for
the first
Observe the question and choose the right answer.
1. What’s your name?

a. Her name is Petra.

b. My name is Mary
c. His name is Peter
d. I am 10 years old.

2. What’s his name?

a. His name is Raul

b. Her name is Ruby
c. My name is Tamara
d. He is 10 years old.

3. How old are you?

a. I am 9 years old.
b. She is 9 years old.
c. He is 9 years old.
d. It is 9 years old.

4. How old is she?

a. I am 5 years old.
b. She is 5 years old.
c. He is 5 years old.
d. It is 5 years old.
5. What’s she doing? She is _______
a. running b. run c. runs d. to run

6. They love ________ in the park.

a. Swim b. swimming c. to swim d. swims

7. She doesn’t enjoy ________ salad.

a. eats b. eat c. to eat d. eating
8. I _______ a big car for my family.
a. have got b. has got c. got has d. got have

9. My friend, Carla, ___________ many toys in her bedroom.

a. has got b. have got c. got has d. got have

10. This flat ______________ a lift, so I have to climb up the stairs.

a. have got b. hasn’t got c. got has d. haven’t got

NOTA: Para facilitar el trabajo en casa:

● Si tienes un cuaderno limpio u hojas, puedes usarla para realizar tu tarea.
● Si puedes, descarga, contesta e imprime la guía. Si no puedes imprimir, utiliza un cuaderno usado que aun tenga hojas para trabaja.
● Utiliza lápiz o esferográfico de cualquier color para escribir.
● No es necesario copiar toda la clase en tu cuaderno, solo debes escribir la fecha, número de clase, y las respuestas de tu tarea (homework)
● Recuerda que las tareas serán revisadas cuando se reanuden las clases en forma presencial, por lo tanto, debes guardarlas.
● Vuelve a la clase (video) las veces que sean necesarias para que realices un buen trabajo

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