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Basics of computer science

Introduction to Computer Science

Chapter 1 - Overview of Computer Science
Chapter objectives
After completing this chapter, students are required to have a fundamental understanding about:

• Introduction to Information and Communication Technology

• Key terminologies and their definitions
o Computer
o Computer science
o Information technology
o Computer Hardware and Software
• Types of computers
o Based on their size and data processing capability
o Based on the number of users they serve at a time
o Based on the type of data they receive and process
• Applications of computers

Introduction to Information and Communication Technology

Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications

equipments to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or
other enterprise.
The term is commonly used as a synonym for computers and computer networks, but it also
encompasses other information distribution technologies such as television and telephones.
Several industries are associated with information technology, including computer
hardware, software, electronics, semiconductors, internet, telecommunications
equipments, engineering, healthcare, e-commerce, and computer services.
Human beings have been storing, retrieving, manipulating and communicating information since
about 3000 BC, but the term information technology in its modern sense first appeared in a 1958
The definition of ICT consists of three categories:
• techniques for processing,
• the application of statistical and mathematical methods to decision-making, and
• the simulation of higher-order thinking through computer programs.
Based on the storage and processing technologies employed, it is possible to distinguish four
distinct phases of IT development:
• Pre-mechanical (3000 BC – 1450 AD),

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Basics of computer science

• Mechanical (1450–1840),
• Electromechanical (1840–1940) and

• Electronic (1940–present).
Definition of key terms:

Computer: - A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions

stored in its own memory that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified
rules, produce information (output), and store the information for future use.

• Computer is a machine that was basically designed to perform (or to process) different
types of computations and assist human beings in solving their problems in a better
accuracy and speed.
• A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in
its own memory that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified rules,
produce information (output), and store the information for future use

Computer science is the study of computers and computing as well as their theoretical and
practical applications. Computer science applies the principles of mathematics, engineering, and
logic to a plethora of functions, including algorithm formulation, software and hardware
development, and artificial intelligence.

• Computer science is the study of computers and computing concepts. It includes

hardware and software, as well as networking and the internet.
• Computer science, the study of computers and computing, including their theoretical
and algorithmic foundations, hardware and software, and their uses for processing

Information Technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, and manipulate
data or information. IT is typically used within the context of business operations as opposed to
personal or entertainment technologies. IT is considered to be a subset of information and
communications technology (ICT).

• Information technology is building communications networks for a company,

safeguarding data and information, creating and administering databases, helping
employees troubleshoot problems with their computers or mobile devices, or doing a
range of other work to ensure the efficiency and security of business information systems.

Computer Hardware and Software: - Computer hardware is any physical device used in or with
your machine (computer), whereas software is a collection of codes installed onto your
computer's hard drive.

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• Hardware refers to the physical elements of a computer. This is also sometimes called the
machinery or the equipment of the computer. Examples of hardware in a computer
system are the keyboard, the mouse, and the central processing unit.

The Four Categories of Hardware

Based on their function to the computer system, hardware are broadly classified into four major
parts as:

Input hardware: - Are those hardware types that are used to insert data and instructions to the
computer system for the purpose of being processed.

Examples of input devices are keyboard, mouse, light pen, screen, …

Central Processing Unit: - is a type of hardware that is basically used to process the inserted
data according to the requirements of the user and produce a result to the user in the form of

Storage hardware: - is a type of hardware that is responsible to store data, instruction, and
information for temporary and/or permanent period of time.

Examples of storage hardware are hard disk drive, CD, DVD, Flash disk, Memory stick,…

Output hardware: - is a type of hardware that is used to retrieve out the processed data from the
inside of the computer system to the outside world through different formats.

Examples of output devices are screen, printer, speaker,…

• Software is a collection of instructions and data that tell the computer how to perform the
task. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually
performs the work.
o Software is often used to describe all the functional aspects of a computer that do
not refer to its physical components (hardware). Scripts, applications, programs
and a set of instructions are all terms often used to describe software.

The Four Categories of Software

Based on their purpose, software are broadly categorized into four major parts as:

Programming software:
Programming software is a set of tools to aid developers in writing programs. The various tools
available are compilers, linkers, debuggers, interpreters and text editors.

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System software
System software serves as a base for application software. System software includes device
drivers, operating systems (OSs), compilers, disk formatters, text editors and utilities helping the
computer to operate more efficiently.
It is also responsible for managing hardware components and providing basic non-task-specific
functions. The system software is usually written in the C programming language.

Application software
Application software is intended to perform certain tasks. Examples of application software
include office suites, gaming applications, database systems and educational software.
Application software can be a single program or a collection of small programs. This type of
software is what consumers most typically think of as "software."

Malicious software (malware)

Malicious software is intentionally developed to damage computers and/or disrupt other
software. Examples of malware are:

• Spyware
• Computer viruses
• Trojan horses
• Worms
• Adware

Types of computers

Computers can be classified in to several types based on different parameters like based on their:

• Processing capability,
• Type of data they use,
• Physical size,
• Year of establishment (generation), and several other parameters

Based on the type of data they use to process, computers are classified in to three types as:

Analog computers: - is a type of computer that uses continuous physical phenomena such as
electrical, mechanical, or hydraulic quantities to model the problem being solved.

Digital computers: - Are computers that perform calculations and logical operations with
quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number systems. These computers use
discrete data types.

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Hybrid computers: - Are those combinations of computers those are capable of inputting and
outputting in both digital and analog signals. A hybrid computer system setup offers a cost
effective method of performing complex simulations.

Based on their physical size and data processing capability, computers are classified in to four
parts as:
Super Computer: - Is the fastest and most powerful type of computer. Supercomputers are very
expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require huge amounts of
mathematical calculations.

• For example, weather forecasting requires a supercomputer. Other uses of

supercomputers include animated graphics, fluid dynamic calculations, nuclear energy
research, and petroleum exploration.

Mainframe Computer: - A very large and expensive computer capable of supporting hundreds,
or even thousands, of users simultaneously. In the hierarchy that starts with a
simple microprocessor (in watches, for example) at the bottom and moves to supercomputers at
the top, mainframes are just below supercomputers.

• In some ways, mainframes are more powerful than supercomputers because they support
more simultaneous programs. But supercomputers can execute a single program faster
than a mainframe.

The chief difference between a super computer and a mainframe computer is that a
supercomputer channels all its power into executing a few programs as fast as possible, whereas
a mainframe computer uses its power to execute many programs concurrently.

Mini Computer: - A midsized computer. In size and power, minicomputers lie

between workstations and mainframes. In general, a minicomputer is a multiprocessing system
capable of supporting from 4 to about 200 users simultaneously.

Micro Computer: - is the smallest in size and capability of other computer types. This type of
computer consists of three categories as:

 Desktop Computer: a personal or micro-mini computer sufficient to fit on a desk.

 Laptop Computer: a portable computer complete with an integrated screen and
keyboard. It is generally smaller in size than a desktop computer and larger than a
notebook computer.
 Palmtop Computer/Digital Diary /Notebook /PDAs: a hand-sized computer. Palmtops
have no keyboard but the screen serves both as an input and output device.
Based on the number of users they serve at a type, computers can also be classified in to two
parts as personal computers, and server computers. Personal computers are those computers that

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serve a single user at a time and server computers are those that can be used by several users at a

Areas of Applications of Computers

Computers play a role in every field of life. They are used in homes, business, educational
institutions, research organizations, medical field, government offices, entertainment, etc.


Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or
shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc. They
provide communication through electronic mail. They help to avail work from home facility for
corporate employees. Computers help the student community to avail online educational

Medical Field

Computers are used in hospitals to maintain a database of patients’ history, diagnosis, X-rays,
live monitoring of patients, etc. Surgeons nowadays use robotic surgical devices to perform
delicate operations, and conduct surgeries remotely. Virtual reality technologies are also used
for training purposes. It also helps to monitor the fetus inside the mother’s womb.


Computers help to watch movies online, play games online; act as a virtual entertainer in
playing games, listening to music, etc. MIDI instruments greatly help people in the
entertainment industry in recording music with artificial instruments. Videos can be fed from
computers to full screen televisions. Photo editors are available with fabulous features.


Computers are used to perform several tasks in industries like managing inventory, designing
purpose, creating virtual sample products, interior designing, video conferencing, etc. Online
marketing has seen a great revolution in its ability to sell various products to inaccessible
corners like interior or rural areas. Stock markets have seen phenomenal participation from
different levels of people through the use of computers.


Computers are used in education sector through online classes, online examinations, referring e-
books, online tutoring, etc. They help in increased use of audio-visual aids in the education


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In government sectors, computers are used in data processing, maintaining a database of

citizens and supporting a paperless environment. The country’s defense organizations have
greatly benefitted from computers in their use for missile development, satellites, rocket
launches, etc.


In the banking sector, computers are used to store details of customers and conduct transactions,
such as withdrawal and deposit of money through ATMs. Banks have reduced manual errors
and expenses to a great extent through extensive use of computers.


Nowadays, computers are totally integrated into business. The main objective of business is
transaction processing, which involves transactions with suppliers, employees or customers.
Computers can make these transactions easy and accurate. People can analyze investments,
sales, expenses, markets and other aspects of business using computers.


Many organizations use computer-based training to train their employees, to save money and
improve performance. Video conferencing through computers allows saving of time and
travelling costs by being able to connect people in various locations.


Computers are extensively used in dance, photography, arts and culture. The fluid movement of
dance can be shown live via animation. Photos can be digitized using computers.

Science and Engineering

Computers with high performance are used to stimulate dynamic process in Science and
Engineering. Supercomputers have numerous applications in area of Research and Development
(R&D). Topographic images can be created through computers. Scientists use computers to plot
and analyze data to have a better understanding of earthquakes.

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