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Detail Standard Limit Remarks

Square butt t ≤ 5 mm

G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm

Single bevel butt t > 5 mm

G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm

Double bevel butt t > 19 mm

G ≤ 3 mm

Double vee butt, uniform bevels

G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm

Double vee butt, non-uniform bevel

G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm
Detail Standard Limit Remarks

Single Vee butt, one side welding with

backing strip (temporary or permanent)

G = 3 to 9 mm G = 16 mm

Single vee butt

G ≤ 3 mm G = 5 mm
Detail Standard Limit Remarks

Tee Fillet

G ≤ 2 mm G = 3 mm

Inclined fillet

G ≤ 2 mm G = 3 mm

G = 16 mm
Single bevel tee with permanent backing

G ≤ 4 to 6 mm
θ° = 30° to 45°

Single bevel tee

G ≤ 3 mm
Detail Standard Limit Remarks

Single ‘J’ bevel tee

G = 2.5 to 4 mm

Double bevel tee symmetrical t > 19 mm

G ≤ 3 mm

Double bevel tee asymmetrical t > 19 mm

G ≤ 3 mm

Double ‘J’ bevel tee symmetrical

G = 2.5 to 4 mm

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