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HEALTH Independence - Freedom - Happiness

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No. 46/2007/QD-BYT Hanoi, December 19, 2007

Pursuant to the Decree No.49/2003/ND-CP of May 15, 2003 of the Government stipulating the
functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Health;
Pursuant to the July 26, 2003 Ordinance No. 12/2003/PL-UBTVQH11 of The Standing
Committee of National Assembly, on food hygiene and safety;
Pursuant to the Government’s Decree No.163/2004/ND-CP of September 7, 2004 detailing the
implementation of a number of articles of the Ordinance on food hygiene and safety;
At the proposal of the director of the Food Safety and Hygiene Department, the director of the
Legal Department under the Ministry of Health,
Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision “the Regulation of maximum level of
biological and chemical pollution in food”.
Article 2. This Decision takes effect after 15 days from the day of its publication in the Official
To Annul the April 04, 1998 Decision No. 867/1998/QD-BYT of the Minister of Health on
promulgation “the List of Food Hygiene Standards”. In case the similar national technical
standards be promulgated, the maximum level of micro-organisms and residue of pollution
substance in food be implemented according to that technical standard.
Article 3. Mr (Mrs): Chief of Office, Chief of Health Inspectorate, Directors of Departments:
Science and Education, Legislation under the Ministry of Health, directors of the Food Safety
and Hygiene Department, directors of provincial/municipal Health Services, heads of units under
the Ministry of Health, and heads of health agencies of branches shall implement this Decision.



Cao Minh Quang

(Promulgated together with the December 19, 2007 Decision No. 46/2007/QD-BYT of the Health
Part 1. General provisions
Part 2. Maximum level of veterinary medicine residue in food
Part 3. Maximum limit of bacterial and mildew toxin in food
Part 4. Regulation of hygienic safety for wrapping, tools containing food
Part 5. Maximum limit of metal in food
Part 6. Limit of micro-organisms in food
Part 7. The list of processing-aid substances permitted to use in manufacturing and processing
Part 8. Maximum pesticide residue limits in food
Appendix. Reference instructions
Part 1.
1. Scope of application
This Regulation provides maximum level of biological and chemical pollution in food and list of
processing-aid substances permitted to use in manufacturing, processing food.
2. Objects of application
This Regulation applies to organizes, individuals manufacturing, processing and doing business
of food in Vietnam.
3. Abbreviations
- ADI (Acceptable Daily Intake)
- GAP (Good Agriculturing Practice)
- GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
- ML (Maximum Level)
- MRL (Maximum Residue Level)
- UHT (Ultra Heat Treated)
- MPN (Most Probable Number Method)
- B. cereus: Bacillus cereus
- Cl.botulinums: Clostridium botulinums
- Cl. perfringens: Clostridium perfringens
- E.coli: Escherichia coli
- P.aeruginosa: Pseudomonas aeruginosa
- S. aureus: Staphylococcus aureus
- TSVSVHK: Total aerobic plate counts
- V. Parahaemolyticus: Vibrio parahaemolyticus
- TSBTNM-M: Total of mould and yeast count
- dm: decimet
- kg: kilogram
- l: liter
- v/v: unit to count volume on volume
- mg: miligram
- ml: mililiter
- mm: milimeter
- mg: microgram
4. Interpretation of terms
In this Regulation, the following terms are construed as follows:
4.1. Veterinary medicine is substance or compound originating from animals, plants, micro-
organisms , minerals, chemicals used in prophylaxis, diagnosis, treatment or rehabilitation,
adjustment, improvement of functions of animal body, including pharmaceutical products,
chemicals, vaccines, hormones, some of other biological products and micro-organisms using in
4.2. Plant protection drug is products originating from chemicals, plants, animals, micro-
organisms and other products used to prevent and exterminate organisms that cause harm to plant
4.3. Food processing-aid substance is substance used in processing of food material or food
ingredient in order to complete the technology of food processing and handling.
4.4. Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) is quantity of a kind of substance go into body daily without
causing harmful effect to human health (unit: mg/kg weight).
4.5. Maximum residue level (MRL) of veterinary medicine is maximum level of a kind of
veterinary medicine after using, remaining in food and counted by microgram of veterinary
medicine per one kilogram of solid food or one liter of liquid food.
4.6. Maximum residue level (MRL) of plant protection drug is maximum quantity of plant
protection drug accepted to exist in agricultural product, food without causing harm to human.
MRL is shown by milligram of plant protection drug per one kilogram of food.
4.7. Maximum level (ML) is limit of a specific polluted or natural poisonous substance permitted
to be in food counting by milligram of polluted or natural poisonous substance per one kilogram
of food (mg/kg).
4.8. Non-heat treated processed meat is product to be processed from meat under technology
process without going through heat treament stage that the temperature of the product center is
under 70oC and not neccesary for heating before eating.
4.9. Heat-treated processed meat is product processed from meat under technology process with
heat treament stage which ensure that the temperature of the product center is over 70 oC and not
neccesary for heating before eating.
4.10. Functional food is food used to assist function of parts in human body, with nutrition
effect, make body comfortable, reinforce resistance and reduce risk of disease.
4.11. Tool to contain food is tool used with the purposes to prepare, cook, serve meal and
preserve food or drinks.
4.12. Tool to cook is tool used to heat in processing food and drinks by method of normal
heating or microwave.
4.13. Tool made of pottery is tool used to contain food include tools made of porcelain, terra-
4.14. Tool for containing with shallow and flat bowel is tool made of pottery or glass with the
depth inside not more than 25mm be measured from the deepest dot to horizontal surface go pass
overflow point.
4.15. Tool for containing made of pottery with deep bowel is tool made of pottery with the
depth inside more than 25mm be measured from the deepest dot to horizontal surface go pass
overflow point. Tool for containing with deep bowel is divided into groups:
- Small size: have capacity less than 1.1 liter;
- Big size: have capacity from 1.1 liter to 3 liter;
- Using for preserving: have capacitymore than 3 liter;
- Tumbler, bowl: tool made of pottery,has small size with deep bowel (have capacity about 240
ml) usually used for containing drinks such as coffee, tea at high temperature.
4.16. Tool for containing made of glass with deep bowel is tool made of glass with the depth
inside more than 25mm be measured from the deepest dot to horizontal surface go pass overflow
point. Tool for containing with deep bowel is divided into groups:
- Small size: have capacity less than 600 ml;
- Big size: have capacity from 600 ml to 3 liter;
- Using for preserving: have capacity more than 3 liter.
5. Inspection, supplement
Yearly, The Ministry of Health organizes the consideration of maximum level of micro-
organisms and polluted substance residue in food on the basis of ensuring consumer’s health,
conforming with regulation of nations in the world and Codex.
Part 2.
1. ABAMECTIN (anthelmintic)
ADI: 0 - 2 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Avermectin B1a
Foodstuff MRL (g/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Livers 100
Kidneys 50
Fat 100

2. ALBENDAZOLE (anthelmintic)
ADI: 0 - 50 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: 2-aminosulfone, excluding milk
Foodstuff MRL (g/kg) Note
Muscle 100
Livers 5000
Kidneys 5000
Milk (g/l) 100
Fat 100

ADI: 0 - 40 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Altrenogest
Foodstuff MRL (g/kg) Note
Muscle 1
Livers 4

ADI: 0 - 25 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Apramycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Kidneys 100

ADI: 0 - 6 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Total azaperone and azaperol
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 60
Livers 100
Kidneys 100
Fat 60


ADI: 0 - 30 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day Residues of benzylpenicillin and procaine
benzylpenicillin must be lower than such level.
Active ingredient: Benzylpenicillin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 50
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Milk (mg/l) 4
Muscle 50
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Muscle 50 Only applicable to procaine
Livers 50 Only applicable to procaine
Kidneys 50 Only applicable to procaine

ADI: 0 - 0.1 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Carazolol
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 5
Livers 25
Kidneys 25
Fat/Skin 5

ADI: 0 - 50 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Desfuroyl ceftiofur
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/l) 100
Muscle 1000
Livers 2000
Kidneys 6000
Fat 2000
Muscle 1000
Livers 2000
Fat 2000
Kidneys 6000

ADI: 0 - 30 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Medicines of the same genus, simple or combined
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 1200
Milk (mg/l) 100
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 1200
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 1200
Milk (mg/l) 100
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 1200
Egg 400
Muscle 200 Only applicable to oxytetracycline
Muscle 200 Only applicable to oxytetracycline

ADI: 0 - 8 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Clorsulon
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Kidneys 1000
Muscle 100

11. CLOSANTEL (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 30 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Closantel
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 1000
Livers 1000
Kidneys 3000
Fat 3000
Muscle 1500
Livers 1500
Kidneys 5000
Fat 2000

12. CYFLUTHRIN (Pesticide)

ADI: 0 - 20 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Cyfluthrin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 20
Livers 20
Kidneys 20
Fat 200
Milk (mg/l) 40

13. CYHALOTHRIN (Pesticide)

ADI: 0 - 5 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Cyhalothrin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 20
Livers 20
Kidneys 20
Fat 400
Milk (mg/l) 30
Muscle 20
Livers 20
Kidneys 20
Fat 400
Muscle 20
Livers 50
Kidneys 20
Fat 400


ADI: 0 - 20 mg/kg weight per day for both Cypermethrin and alpha-Cypermethrin
Active ingredient: Total amount of Cypermethrin residue
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals and sheep
Muscle 50
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Fat 1000

15. DANOFLOXACIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 20 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Danofloxacin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 200
Livers 400
Kidneys 400
Fat 100
Muscle 100
Livers 50
Kidneys 200
Fat 100
Muscle 200
Livers 400
Kidneys 400
Fat 100 The ratio of fat to skin is normal

ADI: 0 - 75 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Decoquinate
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 1000
Muscle 1000
Muscle 1000

17. DELTAMETHRIN (Pesticide)

ADI: 0 - 10 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Deltamethrin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 30
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Fat 500
Milk (mg/kg) 30
Muscle 30
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Fat 500
Muscle 30
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Fat 500
Egg 30

ADI: 0 - 0.015 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Dexamethazon
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 0.5
Livers 2.5
Kidneys 0.5
Milk (mg/kg) 0.3

19. DICLAZURIL (Coccidiocide and coccidiostat)

ADI: 0 - 30 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Diclazuril
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Sheep, rabbits and hares,
Muscle 500
Livers 3000
Kidneys 2000
Fat 1000

20. DICYCLANIL (Pesticide)

ADI: 0 - 7 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Dicyclanil
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 150
Livers 125
Kidneys 125
Fat 200


ADI: 0 - 50 (mg/kg) body weight, applicable to dihydrostreptomycin and streptomycin
Active ingredient: Total dihydrostreptomycin and streptomycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals and sheep
Milk (mg/kg) 200
Muscle 600
Livers 600
Kidneys 1000
Fat 600
Pigs, fowls
Muscle 600
Livers 600
Kidneys 1000
Fat 600
ADI: 0 - 100 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Diminazene
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 150 Quantitative limits by analyzing
Muscle 500
Livers 12000
Kidneys 6000

23. DORAMECTIN (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 0.5 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Doramectin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 10
Livers 100
Kidneys 30
Fat 150
Muscle 5
Livers 100
Kidneys 30
Fat 150

24. EPRINOMECTIN (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 10 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Eprinomectin B1a
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 100
Livers 2000
Kidneys 300
Fat 250
Milk (mg/kg) 20

ADI: 0 - 3 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Desethylene ciprofloxacin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Livers 100


ADI: 0 - 7 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Total fenbendazole, oxfendazole and oxfendazole sulphone, calculated by
oxfendazole sulphone equivalent
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals and sheep
Milk (mg/kg) 100
Muscle 100
Livers 500
Kidneys 100
Fat 100
Pigs, goats and horses
Muscle 100
Livers 500
Kidneys 100
Fat 100

ADI: 0 - 10 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Florfenicol
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 300
Livers 3700
Muscle 200
Livers 2500
Muscle 1000

28. FLUAZURON (Pesticide)

ADI: 0 - 40 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Fluazuron
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 200
Livers 500
Kidneys 500
Fat 7000

29. FLUBENDAZOLE (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 12 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Flubendazole
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 10
Livers 10
Muscle 200
Livers 500
Egg 400
30. FLUMEQUINE (Antibiotics)
ADI: 0 - 30 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Flumequine
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals, sheep, pigs and
Muscle 500
Livers 500
Kidneys 3000
Fat 1000
Muscle 500

ADI: 0 - 0.72 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Flunixin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 2
Muscle 25
Livers 125
Muscle 25
Livers 30
Muscle 1000

32. GENTAMICIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 20 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Gentamicin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 100
Livers 2000
Kidneys 5000
Fat 100
Milk (mg/kg) 200
Muscle 100
Livers 2000
Kidneys 5000
Fat 100

33. IMIDOCARB (Coccidiocide and coccidiostat)

ADI: 0 - 10 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Imidocarb
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 300
Livers 2000
Kidneys 1500
Fat 50
Milk (mg/kg) 50

ADI: 0 - 100 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Isometamidium
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 100
Livers 500
Kidneys 1000
Fat 100
Milk (mg/kg) 100

35. IVERMECTIN (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 1 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: 22,23-Dihydroavermectin B1a (H2B1a)
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Fat 40
Livers 100
Milk (mg/kg) 10
Sheep, pigs
Fat 20
Livers 15

ADI: 0 - 7.5 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Laidlomycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Livers 200

ADI: 0 - 10 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Lasalocid
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Livers 700
Skin (with fat) 1200
Livers 400
Livers 400
Rabbits or hares
Livers 700
Livers 100

38. LEVAMISOLE (Anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 6 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Levamisole
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals, sheep, pigs and
Muscle 10
Livers 100
Kidneys 10
Fat 10

39. LINCOMYCIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 30 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Lincomycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 200
Livers 500
Kidneys 1500
Fat 100 MRL for subcutaneous fat is 300
Muscle 200
Livers 500
Kidneys 500
Fat 100 MRL for subcutaneous fat is 300
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 150

ADI: 0 - 12.5 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Monensin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Edible parts 50
Edible parts 50

41. MOXIDECTIN (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 2 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Moxidectin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 20 Very high and various concentration at
the injection site for 49 days since
medicine is administered
Livers 100
Kidneys 50
Fat 500
Muscle 50
Livers 100
Kidneys 50
Fat 500
Muscle 20
Livers 100
Kidneys 50
Fat 500

ADI: 0 - 5 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Narasin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Belly fat 480

43. NEOMYCIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 60 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Neomycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 500
Livers 500
Kidneys 1000
Fat 500
Milk 1500
Muscle 500
Livers 500
Kidneys 1000
Fat 500
Egg 500
Goats, sheep, pigs, turkeys and
Muscle 500
Livers 500
Kidneys 10000
Fat 500

44. NICARBAZIN (Coccidiocide and coccidiostat)

ADI: 0 - 400 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Nicarbazin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 200 Applicable to cockerel
Livers 200 -do.
Kidneys 200 -do.
Fat/Skin 200 -do.

45. PHOXIM (Pesticide)

ADI: 0 - 4 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Phoxim
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Goats, sheep and pigs
Muscle 50
Livers 50
Kidneys 50
Fat 400

46. PIRLIMYCIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 8 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Pirlimycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 100
Muscle 400
Livers 1000
Kidneys 400
Fat 100

ADI: 0 - 1.25 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Ractopamine hydrochloride
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 30
Livers 90
Muscle 50
Livers 150

48. SARAFLOXACIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 0.3 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Sarafloxacin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 10
Livers 80
Kidneys 80
Fat 20
Muscle 10
Livers 80
Kidneys 80
Fat 20

ADI: 0 - 180 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Semduramicin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 130
Livers 400
Muscle 50
Livers 150

50. SPECTINOMYCIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 40 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Spectinomycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 200
Muscle 500
Livers 2000
Kidneys 5000
Fat 2000
Sheep, pigs
Muscle 500
Livers 2000
Kidneys 5000
Fat 2000
Egg 2000
Muscle 500
Livers 2000
Kidneys 5000
Fat 2000

51. SPIRAMYCIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 50 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Total spiramycin and neospiramycin (applicable to bovine animals) or
equivalent spiramycin (active antibacterial residues) (applicable to pigs).
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 200
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 300
Fat 300
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 300
Fat 300
Muscle 200
Livers 600
Kidneys 800
Fat 300

52. SULFADIMIDINE (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 50 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Sulfadimidine
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 25
Regardless of species
Muscle 100
Livers 100
Kidneys 100
Fat 100

53. THIABENDAZOLE (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 100 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Total thiabendazole and 5-hydroxythiabendazole
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals and goats
Milk (mg/kg) 100 Such limit includes the residues from
cattle feed due to the application of
argicultural practice
Muscle 100 -do.
Livers 100 -do.
Kidneys 100 -do.
Fat 100 -do.
Sheep and pigs
Muscle 100 -do.
Livers 100 -do.
Kidneys 100 -do.
Fat 100 -do.

54. TILMICOSIN (antibiotics)

ADI: 0 - 40 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Tilmicosin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 100
Livers 1000
Kidneys 300
Fat 100
Muscle 100
Livers 1500
Kidneys 1000
Fat 100
Milk (mg/l) 50
Muscle 100
Livers 1000
Kidneys 300
Fat 100
55. TRENBOLONE ACETATE (Anabolic steroid)
ADI: 0 - 0.02 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: beta-Trenbolone, applicable to bovine animals’ muscle
or alpha-Trenbolone, applicable to bovine animals’ livers
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 2
Livers 10

56. TRICLABENDAZOLE (anthelmintic)

ADI: 0 - 3 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: 5-Chloro-6-(2’,3’-dichlorophenoxyl)-benzimidazole-2-one
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 200
Livers 300
Kidneys 300
Fat 100
Muscle 100
Livers 100
Kidneys 100
Fat 100


ADI: 0 - 2 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient:
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Milk (mg/kg) 50

ADI: 0 - 250 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Virginiamycin
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Muscle 100
Livers 300
Kidneys 300
Fat 300

59. ZERANOL (Anabolic steroid)

ADI: 0- 0.5 µg per kilogram bodyweight per day
Active ingredient: Zeranol
Foodstuff MRL (mg/kg) Note
Bovine animals
Muscle 2
Livers 10
Part 3.
Food Name of mycotoxin ML
Foodstuff (applied to all kind of food) Aflatoxin B1 5
Foodstuff (applied to all kind of food) Aflatoxin B1B2G1G2 15
Cereal grains and products of cereal grains Ochratoxin A 5
Fruit and fruit juices 50
Condensed fruit juices and products thereof 50
Wheat flour and products thereof Deoxynivalenol (DON) 1000
Corn and other cereal grains Zearalenone 1000
Corn Fumonisin 1000
Milk and milk products Aflatoxin M1 0.5
Part 4.
4.1. Maximum Level of heavy metals leaching from food containers made of ceramic and glass
Food container n Unit Of lead Of
Leaching limit
Plain and shallow 4 Average amount ≤ limit mg/dm2 0.8 0.07
containers made of ceramic
or glass
Deep, small containers 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 2 0.5
made of ceramic
Big, deep containers made 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 1 0.25
of ceramic
Deep containers made of 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 0.5 0.25
ceramic for preservation
Glass 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 0.5 0.25
Containers used for 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 0.5 0.05
n: the number of specimens.
4.2. Standards of containers made of glass which are deep
Deep containers made of n Leaching limit Unit Of lead Of
glass cadmium
Small size 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 1.5 0.5
Big size 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 0.75 0.25
For preservation 4 All types ≤ limit mg/l 0.5 0.25
n: the number of specimens.
4.3. Standards of alloys used for producing metal cans (excluding those containing dry food or
oil and fat)
Limit and test method
Name of metal
Leaching condition Leaching solution Maximum limits
Water 0.2 mg/kg
Arsenic 60oC, 30 minutes
0.5% citric acid solution (As2O3)
Cadmium 60oC, 30 minutes 0.1 mg/kg
0.5% citric acid solution
Lead 60oC, 30 minutes Water 0.4 mg/kg
0.5% citric acid solution
Phenol 5 mg/kg
60oC, 30 minutes Water
Formaldehyde Negative
25oC, 1 hour n-heptane 90 mg/kg
Residue on 60 C, 30 minutes 20% ethanol
evaporate Water 30 mg/kg
60oC, 30 minutes
4% acetic acid
Epichlohydrin 25 C, 2 hours n-heptane 0.5 mg/kg
Vinylclorua 5oC or lower, 24 hours Ethanol 0.05 mg/kg
4.4.Standards of containers/packings made of synthetic resin
Elution test
Type Material test Leaching Leaching
Test item Standards
condition solution
Lead 4% acetic Not more than 1
Synthetic resin Cadmium, Lead:
At 60 C for 30 acid
o mg/kg
(general not more than 100 Quantity of
KMnO4 minutes
standard) mg/kg Not more than 10
consumed Water
Synthetic resin Phenol Negative
made from Water
Formaldehyde At 60oC for 30 Negative
(Specific Evaporation 4% acetic Not more than 30
standard) residue acid mg/kg
At 60oC for 30 Not more than 15
Capro-lactam 20% ethanol
minutes mg/kg
At 25oC for 1
Nylon PAĐ At 60oC for 30
Evaporation 20% ethanol Not more than 30
residue mg/kg
At 60oC for 30
minutes 4% acetic
At 25oC for 1 Not more than 120
Polymethyl Evaporation hour mg/kg
pentene (PMP) residue At 60oC for 30 Not more than 30
20% ethanol
minutes mg/kg
At 60oC for 30
minutes 4% acetic
- Bisphenol A At 25oC for 1
(including phenol hour
and p-t- Bisphenol A At 60oC for 30
butylphenol): not (phenol and p- minutes 20% ethanol Not more than 2.5
more than 500 t- mg/kg
mg/kg butylphenol) Water
At 60oC for 30
- Diphenyl minutes 4% acetic
Polycarbonate carbonate: not acid
(PC) more than 500 At 25oC for 1
mg/kg n-heptane
- Amines At 60oC for 30
(Triethylamine Evaporation 20% ethanol Not more than 30
and residue mg/kg
tributylamine): Water
At 60oC for 30
not more than 1 4% acetic
mg/kg acid
At 25oC for 1
Polyvinyk Evaporation At 60oC for 30
20% ethanol Not more than 30
alcohol (PVA) residue minutes mg/kg
At 60oC for 30 Water
minutes 4% acetic acid
Volatile substance At 25oC for 1 Not more than 240
as a total of hour mg/kg
styrene, toluene,
At 60oC for 30
ethylbenzene, 20% ethanol
Polystyrene Evaporation minutes
(PS) residue Not more than 30
and n- Water
propylbenzene: o
At 60 C for 30 mg/kg
not more than minutes 4% acetic acid
5000 mg/kg
At 25oC for 1
- Barium: not n-heptane
Polyvinylidene more than 100
Evaporation Not more than 30
chloride mg/kg At 60oC for 30
residue 20% ethanol mg/kg
(PVDC) minutes
- Vinylidene
chloride: not more At 60oC for 30 Water
than 6 mg/kg minutes 4% acetic acid
Methyl At 60oC for 30 Not more than 15
20% ethanol
methacrylate minutes mg/kg
At 25oC for 1
Polymethyl hour
Evaporation At 60oC for 30
(PMMA) 20% ethanol Not more than 30
residue minutes mg/kg
At 60 C for 30 Water

minutes 4% acetic acid

4.5. Standards for detergents used for cleaning food-contacted tools
Specifications and usage Standards
Specifications of component - Arsenic (As): 0.05 mg/kg or less (as As2O3)
- Lead (Pb): not more than 1 mg/kg
- Methanol: 1 mg/ml or less
Basic component of solution (with pH)
+ Fatty-acid based detergents: 6.0 - 10.5
+ Other than the abovementioned: 6.0 - 8.0
- Not containing enzymes or components with
bleaching action
Aromatic agents as specified on the list of the
Ministry of Health
Food additives as specified on the list of the
Ministry of Health
Biodegradability: not less than 85%
Standards for use Concentrations (of the surfactant used):
+ Fatty-acid based detergents shall be 0.5% or less
+ Detergents other than fatty-acid based detergents
shall be 1.0% or less
Fruits and vegetables are not to be immersed in a
detergent solution for more than 5 minutes
Fruits, vegetables and tableware, once washed, are
to be rinsed with potable water under the following
+ Fruits and vegetables should be put under running
water for longer than 30 seconds and tableware for
longer than 5 seconds
+ When using collected water, change the water at
least twice
4.6. Maximum Level of heavy metals leaching from food containers for preservation or cooking
(excluding those made of ceramic or glass)
4.6.1. Maximum Level of heavy metals leaching from food containers Level of heavy metal
No. Name of metal ML
1 Antimony (Sb) 0.2

2 Arsenic (As) 0.2

3 Cadmium (Cd) 0.2

4 Lead (Pb) 2 Notes to testing methods

Preparation of specimens of food containers:
a. Containers shall be cleaned carefully with soap and clean water, surface of cleaned containers
must not be touched.
b. Container shall be filled with acetic acid 4% and left for 24 hours at ambient temperature (the
amount of solution shall be noted).
c. 24 hours later, acetic acid 4% shall be stirred; a sufficient amount shall be taken for analyzing
Sb, As, Cd and Pb.
4.6.2. Maximum Level of heavy metals leaching from food containers serving food cooking Level of heavy metal
No. Name of metal ML
1 Antimony (Sb) 0.7

2 Arsenic (As) 0.7

3 Cadmium (Cd) 0.7

4 Lead (Pb) 7 Notes to testing methods

Preparation of specimens of food containers used for cooking:
a. Containers shall be cleaned carefully with soap and clean water, surface of cleaned containers
must not be touched.
b. 2/3 of the container shall be filled with acetic acid 4%; the level of the volume of acetic acid
shall be marked before being boiled for 2 hours. During the boiling process, acetic acid 4% shall
be poured in the container, ensure that the level of acetic acid is always at the marked level. After
2 hours, acetic acid 4% shall be poured in the container to the marked level and left for 22 hours
at ambient temperature (the amount of solution shall be noted).
c. 22 hours later, acetic acid 4% shall be stirred; a sufficient amount shall be taken for analyzing
Sb, As, Cd and Pb.
Part 5.
No. Name of metal Food ML
1 Antimony (Sb) Milk and milk products (mg/kg)
Meat and meat products 1.0
Fish and fish products 1.0
Fats and oils 1.0
Fruits and vegetables (excluding fruit and 1.0
vegetable juices)
Tea and tea products 1.0
Coffee 1.0
Cocoa and cocoa products 1.0
Flavors 1.0
Sauces 1.0
Vegetable and fruit juices 0.15
Alcoholic drinks 0.15
Condensed beverages 0.15
Ready-to-use beverages 0.15
Special food:
- Food for childen under 1 year old 1.0
- Canned food for childen under or over 1 year 1.0
- Food made from grain for childen under or over 1.0
1 year old
2 Arsenic (As) Milk and milk products 0.5
Meat and meat products 1.0
Agar-agar (for inorganic arsenic) 1.0
Shrimps, crabs (for inorganic arsenic) 2.0
Fish (for inorganic arsenic) 2.0
Molluscs (for inorganic arsenic) 1.0
Fats and oils 0.1
Fruits and vegetables (excluding fruit and 1.0
vegetable juices)
Tea and tea products 1.0
Coffee 1.0
Cocoa and cocoa products 1.0
Flavors 5.0
Sauces 1.0
Vegetable and fruit juices 0.1
As (cont.) Alcoholic drinks 0.2
Condensed beverages 0.5
Ready-to-use beverages 0.1
Grain 1.0
Supplementary foods 5.0
Special food:
- Food for childen under 1 year old 0.1
- Canned food for childen under or over 1 year 0.1
- Food made from grain for childen under or over 0.1
1 year old
3 Cadmium (Cd) Milk and milk products 1.0
Meat of bovine animals, sheep, pigs and poultry 0.05
Horse meat 0.2
Kidneys of bovine animals, sheep, pigs and 1.0
Livers of bovine animals, sheep, pigs and poultry 0.5
Fish (excluding the below species) 0.05
Tuba, common bream, anchovy, mullet, 0.1
mackerel, sardine, turbot
Bivalvia 1.0
Shrimps, crabs, crustaceans 0.5
Fats and oils 1.0
Vegetables, fruits (excluding leafy, stem 0.05
vegetables, mint vegetables, mushroom, root
Leafy vegetables,
vegetables mint vegetables, celery,
and potatoes) 0.2
Stem and root vegetables (excluding celery and 0.1
Potato (peeled) 0.1
Other vegetables (excluding mushroom and 0.05
Tea and tea products 1.0
Coffee 1.0
Chocolate and cocoa products 0.5
Flavors 1.0
Sauces 1.0
Vegetable and fruit juices 1.0
Alcoholic drinks 1.0
Condensed beverages 1.0
Ready-to-use beverages 1.0
Peanut 0.1
Wheat seed, germ and rice 0.2
Cd (cont.) Soybean 0.2
Grains, beans (excluding bran, germ, wheat, rice, 0.1
soybean and peanut)
Supplementary food 0.3
Special food:
- Food for childen under 1 year old 1.0
- Canned food for childen under or over 1 year 1.0
- Food made from grain for childen under or over 1.0
1 year old
4 Lead (Pb) Milk and milk products 0.02
Meat of bovine animals, poultry, sheep and pigs 0.1
Edible parts of bovine animals, pigs and poultry 0.5
(offal, head, tale, etc.)
Oils and fats, including fat in milk 0.1
Fish (excluding the below species) 0.2
Tuba, common bream, anchovy, mullet, 0.4
mackerel, sardine, turbot
Bivalvia 1.5
Supplementary food 10.0
Shrimps, crabs, crustaceans, excluding brown 0.5
Fruits meat 0.1
Small fruits, juicy fruits and grap 0.2
Fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice (ready to use) 0.05
and fruit nectar
Vegetable, including peeled potato (excluding 0.1
cabbage, leafy vegetables, mushroom, hops and
Cabbage (excluding kale), leafy vegetable 0.3
(excluding spinach)
Grains, beans 0.2
Tea and tea products 2.0
Coffee 2.0
Cocoa and cocoa products 2.0
Flavors 2.0
Sauces 2.0
Alcoholic drinks 0.5
Wines 0.2
Food for childen under 1 year old 0.02
5 Mercury Milk and milk products 0.05
(Hg) Meat and meat products 0.05
All kind of fish (excluding meat eating fishes) 0.5
Hg (cont.) Meat eating fishes (shark, swordfish, tuna, 1.0
knifetooth sawfish, etc.)
Shrimps, crabs, bivalvia 0.5
Supplementary food 0.5
Fats and oils 0.05
Fruits and vegetables (excluding fruit and 0.05
vegetable juices)
Tea and tea products 0.05
Coffee 0.05
Cocoa and cocoa products 0.05
Flavors 0.05
Sauces 0.05
Vegetable and fruit juices 0.05
Alcoholic drinks 0.05
Condensed beverages 0.05
Ready-to-use beverages 0.05
Special food:
- Food for childen under 1 year old 0.05
- Canned food for childen under or over 1 year 0.05
- Food made from grain for childen under or over 0.05
1 year old
6 Tin (Sn) Canned food, excluding beverages 200
Canned drink, including vegetable and fruit juice 100
Canned food for children under or over 1 year
old, excluding that in form of powder and dried:
- Canned food and food made from grain for 50
children under or over 1 year old
- Canned food for children under 1 year old or 50
from 1 to 3 years old, including milk
- Dietetic foods and food for special purpose, 50
canned, for children under 1 year old
7 Copper (Cu) Milk and milk products 30
Meat and meat products 20
Fish and fish products 30
Fats and oils 0.5
Fruits and vegetables (excluding fruit and 30
vegetable juices)
Tea and tea products 150
Coffee 30
Cocoa and cocoa products 70
Flavors 30
Cu (cont.) Sauces 30
Vegetable and fruit juices 10
Alcoholic drinks 5.0
Condensed beverages 10
Ready-to-use beverages 2.0
Special food:
- Food for children under 1 year old 5.0
- Canned food for children under or over 1 year 5.0
- Food made from grain for children under or 5.0
over 1 year old
8 Zinc (Zn) Milk and milk products 40
Meat and meat products 40
Fish and fish products 100
Fats and oils 40
Fruits and vegetables (excluding fruit and 40
vegetable juices)
Tea and tea products 40
Coffee 40
Cocoa and cocoa products 40
Flavors 40
Sauces 40
Vegetable and fruit juices 5.0
Alcoholic drinks 2.0
Condensed beverages 25
Ready-to-use beverages 5.0
Special food:
- Food for children under 1 year old 40
- Canned food for children under or over 1 year 40
- Food made from grain for children under or 40
over 1 year old
Part 6.
6.1. Limit of micro-organism in milk and milk products
ORGANISMS (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1 Liquid milk and milk beverages, including liquid milk with flavoring or other food
1.1 Pasteurized milk TSVSVHK (a) 5x105
Coliforms Negative
E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
1.2 Milk sterilized through TSVSVHK (a) 102
UHT process or other
Coliforms Negative
sterilization process E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S.aureus Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
2 Fermented milk, including liquid and condensed milk
Coliforms 10
E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S.aureus Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
Yeast 102
Molds and fungi 102
3 Milk powder
Coliforms 10
B.cereus 102
E.coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S.aureus 10
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
4 Condensed milk
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
5 Cream
5.1 Pasteurized cream Coliforms 10
E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
5.2 UHT sterilized cream TSVSVHK (b) 102
Coliforms Negative
E.coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
6 Cheese
Coliforms 104
E. coli 102
S. aureus 102
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
Salmonella.spp Negative
(a) TSVSVHK at 21oC
(b) TSVSVHK at 30oC
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella.spp and Listeria monocytogenes
6.2. Limit of micro-organism in meat and meat products
(In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1. Fresh and frozen meat
1.1 Fresh meat, frozen TSVSVHK 105
meat, in whole
Coliforms 102
quantity or cut
E. coli 102
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
1.2 Fresh meat, TSVSVHK 106
comminuted frozenColiforms 102
E. coli 102
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
2. Meat and processed meat, not heat-treated (ready to eat)
2.1 Salted and smoked TSVSVHK 103
meat and meat
Coliforms 50
E. coli 10
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
2.2 Fermented meat and Coliforms 50
meat products
E. coli 10
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
3. Meat and meat products, heat-treated
3.1 Packed meat and TSVSVHK 104
meat products
Coliforms 50
E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 10
Cl. botuliniums Negative
Salmonella Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
3.2 Unpacked meat TSVSVHK 105
and meat products
Coliforms 50
E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
3.3 Dried meat TSVSVHK 105
Coliforms 50
E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
Listeria monocytogenes Negative
3.4 Canned meat E. coli Negative
(or < 3 MPN)
S. aureus Negative
Cl.perfringens Negative
Cl.botuliniums Negative
Salmonella Negative
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes
6.3. Limit of micro-organism in fish and aquatic animals and plants
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1 Fresh fish and aquatic TSVSVHK 106
products: frozen fish,
E.coli 102
fresh fish, molluscs,
products thereof (require S.aureus 102
heat treatment before Cl.perfringens 102
Salmonella Negative
V. parahaemolyticus 102
2 Products of fish and TSVSVHK 105
aquatic animals: lobster, Coliforms 10
streamed or smoked fish,
E.coli 3
grilled chopped fish,
grilled chopped S.aureus 10
cuttlefish, boiled or Cl.perfringens 10
streamed crustaceans,
molluscs (ready to eat Salmonella Negative
without heat treatment) V. parahaemolyticus 10
3 Prepared dried aquatic TSVSVHK 106
products (require heat
Coliforms 102
treatment before use)
E.coli 10
S.aureus 102
Cl.perfringens 20
Salmonella Negative
V. parahaemolyticus 102
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella
6.4. Limit of micro-organism in eggs and egg products
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)

1 Fresh eggs, fresh or frozen TSVSVHK 105

liquid eggs
Coliforms 102
E.coli 3
S.aureus 10
Salmonella Negative
2 Egg products (pasteurized) TSVSVHK 103
Coliforms 10
E.coli Negative
S.aureus 3
Salmonella Negative
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella
6.5. Limit of micro-organism in cereal and cereal products
(In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1 Cereal products, TSVSVHK 106
potatoes, beans: flour,
Coliforms 103
transparent vermicelli,
noodle (require heat E.coli 102
treatment before use) S.aureus 102
Cl. perfringens 102
B.cereus 102
2 Cereal products, TSVSVHK 104
potatoes, beans: bakers’
Coliforms 10
ware, flour (ready to eat
without heat treatment) E.coli 3
S.aureus 10
Cl. perfringens 10
B.cereus 10
6.6. Limit of micro-organism in vegetables and fruits and products thereof
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1 Fresh or frozen TSVSVHK Limited by G.A.P
vegetables and fruits
Coliforms 10
E.coli Limited by G.A.P
S.aureus Limited by G.A.P
Cl. perfringens Limited by G.A.P
Salmonalla Negative
2 Salted and dried TSVSVHK 104
vegetables and fruits
Coliforms 10
E.coli Negative
Cl. perfringens 10
B.cereus 102
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella
6.7. Limit of micro-organism in mineral water and bottled beverages
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (**)
1 Alcoholic beverages TSVSVHK 10
E.coli Negative
S.aureus Negative
Streptococci faecal Negative
P.aeruginosa Negative
Cl. Perfringens Negative
2 Non-alcoholic TSVSVHK 102
Coliforms 10
E.coli Negative
S.aureus Negative
Streptococci faecal Negative
P.aeruginosa Negative
Cl. Perfringens Negative
3 Bottled mineral TSVSVHK Limited by GMP
Coliforms Negative
Streptococci faecal Negative
P.aeruginosa Negative
Cl. Perfringens Negative
(**) Calculated in 250 ml for bottled mineral water
6.8. Limit of micro-organism in flavors and sauces
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1 Flavors TSVSVHK 104
Coliforms 102
E.coli 3
S.aureus 102
Salmonella Negative
2 Sauces derived from TSVSVHK 104
Coliforms 102
E.coli Negative
S.aureus 3
Cl.perjringens 10
Salmonella Negative
V.parahaemolyticus 10
3 Sauces derived from TSVSVHK 104
Coliforms 102
E.coli Negative
S.aureus 3
Cl. Perfringens 10
Salmonella Negative
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella
6.9. Limit of micro-organism in special food
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
1 Dried food and nutritious TSVSVHK 105
food for children, special
Coliforms 102
subtitute of food (require
heat treatment before use) E.coli 10
S.aureus 102
Cl. Perfringens 10
Salmonella Negative
B.cereus 102
2 Dried food and nutritious TSVSVHK 104
for for children, special
Coliforms 10
substitute for food (ready
to use without heat E.coli Negative
treatment) S.aureus 3
Cl. Perfringens 10
Salmonella Negative
B.cereus 10
(*) Calculated in 25 g for Salmonella
6.10. Limit of micro-organism in ice cream and ice
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
Ice cream, ice TSVSVHK 5.104
Coliforms 102
E.coli Negative
S.aureus 10
Salmonella Negative
Cl. Perfringens 10
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella
6.11. Limit of micro-organism in canned food
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product)
Products derived from E.coli Negative
meat, canned fish,
S.aureus Negative
canned vegetables
Cl. Perfringens Negative
Cl. botuliniums Negative
TSBTNM-M Negative
6.12. Limit of micro-organism in fats and oils
MICROORGANISM (In 1 g or 1 ml of the product) (*)
Fats and oils TSVSVHK 103
Coliforms 10
E.coli 3
S.aureus Negative
Salmonella Negative
TSBTNM-M Negative
(*) Calculated in 25 g or 25 ml for Salmonella
Part 7
Vietnamese names in accordance with Vietnam’s Chemical Dictionary
Enlish name and use areas and MRL in accordance with Codex.
No. Vietnamese name English name Use areas MRL
1. Các tác nhân chống 1. Antifoam agents
tạo bọt
1. Sản phẩm ankylen oxit Alkylene oxide adduct Juice production
2. Đimetylpolysiloxan Dimethylpolysiloxane Beer, oils and fats
3. Copolyme etilenoxit - Ethylene oxide - propylene Juice production
propilen oxit oxide copolymers
4. Metyl este của axit béo Fatty acid methyl ester
5. Este poliankilen glicol của Fatty acid polyakylene glycol
axit béo (1-5 phân tử ester (1-5 moles ethylene
etylen oxit hay propylen oxide or propylene oxide)
6. Ete glycol - Ancol béo Fatty alcohol-glycol ether Juice production
R=CnH2n+1, n=8-30
7. Ancol béo, CnH2n+1OH Fatty alcohols (C8-C30)
8. Dầu dừa đó hydrogen hóa Hydrogenated coconut oil Confectionery 5 - 15
9. Este acyl béo ưa nước gắn Hydrophillic fatty acyl ester, Juice production
thờm chất mang trung tính linked to a neutral carrier
10. Dung dịch Alfa metyl Alpha – methyl glycoside Juice production
glycozit water
11. Hỗn hợp các dẫn xuất acyl Mixture of naturally Juice production
béo tổng hợp và tự nhiên occurring and synthetic fatty
với các chất nhũ hóa acyl derivatives, with added
12. Sản phẩm không sinh ion Non-ionogenic alkylene Juice production
ankylen oxit với chất nhũ oxide adduct with emulgator
13. Các oxo-ancol C9-C30 Oxoalcohols C9-C30
14. Ancol polyetoxyl hóa, biến Polyethoxylated alcohols, Juice production
tính modified
15. Copolyme polyglycol Polyglycol copolymer Juice production
16. Este polyoxyetylen của Polyoxyethylene esters of
axit béo C8-C30 C8-C30 fatty acids
17. Este polyoxyetylen của Polyoxyethylene esters of
oxoancol C9-C30 C9-C30 oxoalcohols
18. Metyl glycozit este dầu Methylglycoside coconut oil Juice production
dừa ester
19. Hỗn hợp este Mixtures of polyoxyethylene
polyoxyetylen và and polyoxypropylene esters
polyoxypropylen của các of C8-C30 fatty acids
axit béo C8-C30
20. Ancol bậc cao biến tính. Modified higher alcohol Juice production
21. Polyme khối polypropylen Polypropylene- proethylene Juice production
– polyetylen block polymer
22. Este của axit béo thực vật Vegetable fatty acid esters Juice production
23. Axyl béo thực vật (ưa Vegetable fatty acyl Juice production
nước) (hydrophillic)
2. Các chất xúc tác 2. Catalysts
24. Nhôm Alluminium Hydrogenated food
25. Crụm Chromium Hydrogenated food < 0.1
26. Đồng Copper Hydrogenated food < 0.1
27. Đồng cromat Copper chromate Hydrogenated food
28. Đồng cromit Copper chromite
29. Mangan Manganese Hydrogenated food < 0.4
30. Molipđen Molybdenum Hydrogenated food < 0.1
31. Niken Nickel Sugar; alcohols <1
Manufacture of < 0.8
harden oil
Hydrogenated food 0.2 - 1.0
32. Palađi Palladium Hydrogenated food < 0.1
33. Platin Platinum Hydrogenated food <0.1
34. Kali kim loại Potassium metal Esterified food oils <1
35. Kali metylat (metoxit) Potassium methylate Esterified food oils <1
36. Kali etylat (etoxit) Potassium ethylat (ethoxide) Esterified food oils <1
37. Bạc Silver Hydrogenated food <0.1
38. Natri amid Sodium amide Esterified food oils <1
39. Natri etylat Sodium ethylate Esterified food oils <1
40. Natri metylat (metoxit) Sodium methylate Esterified food oils <1
41. Axit triflometan sunfonic Trifluoromethane sulfonic Substitutes for cocoa <0.01
(CF3 SO3H) acid butter
42. Zirconi Zirconium
3. Các tác nhân làm 3. Clarifying agents/
trong/chất trợ lọc filtration aids
43. Đất sét hấp phụ (tẩy màu, Absorbent clays (bleaching, Starch hydrolysis;
đất tự nhiên hay hoạt tính) natural, or activated earths) sugars, vegetable oils
44. Anbumin Albumin
45. Asbestos Asbestos
46. Bentonit Bentonite Starch hydrolysis
47. Nhựa đivinylbenzen Chloromethylated aminated Production of starch <1
clometyl hóa và amin hóa styrene – divinylbenzene
48. Điatomit Diatomaceous earth Juice production
Starch hydrolysis
49. Copolyme đivinylbenzen- Divinylbenzen – Aqueous foods 0.00002
etyl vinylbenzen ethylvinylbenzen copolymer (excluding carbonated extract
beverages) from
50. Đất sét hoạt tính Fulleris earth Starch hydrolysis
51. Nhựa trao đổi ion Ion exchange resins (see ion
exchange resins)
52. Isinglass Ising lass
53. Cao lanh Kaolin
54. Magiờ axetat Magnesium acetate
55. Perlite Perlite Starch hydrolysis
56. Axit polymaleic và natri Polymaleic acid and sodium Sugar processing <5
polymaleat Polymaleate
57. Tananh Tannin
58. Than hoạt tính, than không Vegetable carbon (activated, Starch hydrolysis
có hoạt tính unactivated)
4. Tác nhân làm lạnh và 4. Category contact
làm mát freezing and cooling agents
59. Điclofluorometan Dichlorofluoromethane Frozen food 100
5.Tác nhân làm khô/ tác 5. Desiccating
nhân chống đóng bánh agent/anticaking agents
60. Nhôm stearat Aluminum stearate
61. Canxi stearat Calcium stearate
62. Magiê stearat Magnesium stearate
63. Octađecylammoni axetat Octadecylammonium acetate
(trong amoni clorua (in ammmonium chloride)
64. Kali nhôm silicat Potassium aluminum silicate
65. Natri canxi silicoaluminat Sodium calcium
6.Chất tẩy rửa (tác nhân 6. Detergents (wetting
làm ẩm) agents)
66. Đioctyl natri sunfosucxinat Dioctyl sodium Fruit juice <10
67. Các hợp chất amoni bậc 4 Quaternary ammonium
68. Natri lauryl sunfat Sodium lauryl sulphate Food fats and oils <1
69. Natri xylen sunfonat Sodium xylene sulphonate Food fats and oils <1
7. Các tác nhân cố định 7. Enzyme immobilization
enzim và chất mang agents and supports
70. Polyetylenimin Polyethylenimine
71. Glutaranđehit Glutaraldehyde
72. Đietylaminoetyl xenluloza Diethylaminoethyl cellulose
8. Chế phẩm enzim 8.Enzyme preparations
(kể cả các enzim đã được (including immobilized
cố định trên chất mang) enzymes)
Chế phẩm enzim có nguồn Animal – derived
gốc từ động vật preparations
73. Catalaza (gan bò hay Catalase (bovine or horse
ngựa) liver)
74. Chymosin (bê, dê non, cừu Chymosin (calf, kid, or lamb
non) abomasum)
75. Chymosin A từ Chymosin A from Milk clotting in
Eschorichia coli K-12 Eschorichia coli K – 12 cheese and other
chứa gene prochymosin A containing calf prochymosin milk-derived products
của bê A gene)
76. Chymosin B Chymosin B produced from
Aspergillus niger var
awamori containing calf
prochymosin B gene
77. Lipaza (dạ dày bò) (Tuyến Lipase (bovine stomach)
nước bọt hay thực quản (salivary glands or
của bê, dê non, cừu non) forestomach of calf, kid, or
(heo hay tụy bò) lamb) (hog or bovine
78. Lysozim (lòng trắng trứng) Lysozyme (egg whites) Butter, cheese
79. Pepsin, avian (của chim, Pepsin, avian (proventicum
gia cầm) of poultry)
80. Photpholipaza (tụy) Phospholipase (pancreas) Baking
81. Rennet (dạ dày bò, dê hay Rennet (bovine, calf, goat,
cừu) kid, or sheep, lamb stomach)
82. Typsin (Tụy heo hay bò) Typsin (porcine or bovine
Chế phẩm enzim có nguồn pancreas)
gốc từ thực vật Plant – derived preparations
83. Chymopapain (từ quả đu Chymopapain (Carica
đủ) papaya)
84. Ficin (từ cây sung) Ficin (Ficus spp)
85. Liposydaza (từ đậu nành) Liposydase (soya) Baking
86. Men rượu (Saccharomyces Alcohol dehydrogenase
cerevisia) (Saccharomyces cerevisia)
87. Alpha- galactosidaza Alpha galactosidase
88. Arabinofuranosidaza Arabinofuranosidease
89. Beta-glucanaza Beta glucanase
90. Cellobiaza Cellobiase
91. Xenlulaza Cellulase Vegetable processing,
fruit juice processing,
baking, beer
production, starch
92. Dextranaza Dextranase
93. Endo-beta glucanaza Endo-beta glucanase Beer
94. Esteraza Esterase
95. Exo-alpha glucozidaza Exo-alpha glucosidase
(được cố định trên chất (immobilized) (same sources
mang) (cùng nguồn như as above) no more than
trên) không nhiều hơn 10mg/kg glutaraldehyde
10mg/kg glutaraldehyd
96. Glucoamylaza hay Glucoamylase or Starch hydrolysis
amyloglucosidaza amyloglucosidase Gluco syrup
97. Glucose isomeraza Glucose isomerase Isomerized glucose
98. Hemixenlulaza Hemicellulase Vegetable processing,
fruit juice processing,
baking, beer
production, starch
99. Inulinaza Inulinase
100. Invertaza Invertase
101. Isoamylaza Isoamylase
102. Lactaza Lactase Production of milk
103. Lactoperoxidaza Lactoperoxidase
104. Decacboxylaza đối với Malic acid decarboxylase
axit malic
105. Maltaza hay Maltase or alphaglucosidase
106. Melibiaza (anpha- Melibiase (alpha-
galactosidaza) galatosidase)
107. Enzim khử nitrat Nitrate reductase
108. Pectin esteraza Pectin esterase
109. Pectinlyaza Pectinlyase
110. Polygalacturonaza Polygalacturonase
111. Proteaza Protease Cheese cake
production, Starch
production of glucose
syrups and maltose
112. Pullulanaza Pullulanase Starch hydrolysis
113. Serin proteinaza Serine proteinase
114. Tannaza Tannase
115. Xylanaza Xylanase Baking, cereal
processing, brewing,
starch processing,
production of juice
and wine
116. Beta-xylosidaza Beta-xylosidase Baking
9.Các tác nhân keo tụ 9. Flocculating agents
117. Nhựa acrylat - acrylamit Acrylate - acrylamide resin Production of sugar 10 in sugar
118. Chitin/chitosan Chitin/chitosan
119. Phức của muối nhôm hũa Complexes of soluble Production of
tan và axit photphoric aluminum salt and drinking water
phosphoric acid
120. Copolime đimetylamin- Dimethylamine - Sugar processing <5
epiclohidrin epichlorohydrin copolymer
121. Đất sét chuổi vải (dạng Fuller’s earth (calcium
Canxi của Natri analogue of sodium
montmmorillonit) montmorillonite)
122. Huyết thanh dạng khô và Dried and powdered blood
dạng bột plasma
123. Nhựa acrylamit biến tính Modified acrylamide resin Sugar, boiler water
124. Axit poliacrylic Polyacrylic acid Sugar
125. Poliacrylamit Polyacrylamide Sugar (sugar beet)
126. Natri poliacrylat Sodium polyacrylate Sugar (sugar beet)
127. Trinatri điphotphat Trisodium diphosphate
128. Trinatri orthophotphat Trisodium orthophosphate
10. Nhựa trao đổi ion, 10. Ion exchange resins,
màng và rây phân tử membranes and molecular
129. Copolyme của metyl Completely hydrolyzed Carrier serving starch <1
acrylat và đivinylbenzen bị copolymers of methyl hydrolysis (calculated
thủy phân hoàn toàn acrylate and divinylbenzene at toal
and acrylonitrile organic
130. Đietylentriamin, Diethylenetriamine,
trietylentetramin, triethylenetetramine,
tetraetylenpantamin được tetraethylenepentamine cross
tạo mạng với epiclohiđrin - linked with epichlorohydrin
131. Copolyme của axit Metacrylic acid-
metacrylic và đivinylbenze divinylbenzene copolymer
132. Copolyme của axit Methacrylic acid-
metacrylic và divinylbenzene copolymer
đivinylbenzen với nhóm with RCOO active groups
hoạt động RCOO
133. Polystyren và Polystyrene- divinylbenzene Sugar, distilled Migrants
đivinylbenzen cầu hóa reticulum with liquors from resin
bằng các nhóm trimethylammonium groups <1
11. Chất bôi trơn, các tác 11. Lubricants, release and
nhân loại bỏ và chống kẹt anti - stick agents,
cứng, trợ khuụn moulding aids
134. Đimetylpolisiloxan (CH3-[ Dimethylpolysiloxane
Si(CH3)2] – CH3
12. Tác nhân kiểm soát vi 12. Micro-oganism control
sinh vật agents
135. Đioxit clo Cl02 Chlorine dioxide Flours
136. Hipoclorit Hypochlorite Food oils
137. Iodophors Iodophors Food oils
138. Axit peraxetic Peracetic acid
139. Hợp chất amoni bậc 4 Quaternary ammonium Food oils
140. Muối của axit sunfurơ Salt of sulfurous acid Starch hydrolysis of < 100
milled corn
141. Hệ enzim lactoperoxiđaza Lactoperoxidase system
(latoperoxiđaza, gluco (lactoperoxidase, glucose
oxiđaza, muối thioxianat) oxidase, thiocyanate salt)
13. Tác nhân đẩy tơi và 13. Propellant and
các khí bao gói packaging gases
142. Không khí Air
143. Acgon Argon
144. Cacbon đioxit Carbon dioxide
145. Clopentafluoroetan Chloropentafluoroethane
146. Điclođifluorometan Dichlorodifluoromthan
147. Heli Helium
148. Hiđro Hydrogen
149. Nitơ oxit Nitrous oxide
150. Octa fluoroxyclobutan Octafluorocyclobutane
151. Propan Propane
152. Triclorofluorometan Trichlorofluoromethane
14. Các dung môi, quá 14. Solvents, extraction and
trình chiết và chế biến processing
153. Axeton (đimetylxeton) Acetone (dimethyl ketone) Flavourings and < 30, 2 &
colors of food oils 0.1
154. Amyl axetat Amyl acetate Flavourings, colors
155. Benzyl ancol Benzyl alcohol Flavourings and
colors of fatty acids
156. Butan Butane Flavourings and food <1.01
157. Butan-1,3-điol Butane-1,3-diol Flavourings
158. Ancol 1- Butylic Butan – 1-ol Fatty acid, <1000
flavourings, colors
159. Ancol 2- Butylic Butanol-2-ol Flavourings 1
160. Butyl axetat Butyl acetate
161. Xiclohexan Cyclohexane Flavourings and food <1
162. Đibutyl ete Dibutyl ether Flavourings <2
163. 1,2- đicloetan (điclo etan) 1,2- Dichlororethane Decaffeination of <5
(Dichloroethane) products
164. Điclofluorometan Dichlorodifluoromethane Flavourings <1
165. Đietyl xitrat Diethyl citrate Flavourings, colors
166. Đietyl ete Diethyl ether Flavourings, colors <2
167. Etyl axetat Ethyl acetate
168. Ancol n-octyl n-octyl alcohol Citric acid
169. Pentan Pentane Flavourings and food <1
170. Ete dầu hỏa Petroleum ether (light Flavourings and food <1
petroleum) oils
171. Propan 1,2 – điol Propane – 1,2 – diol Fatty acid,
flavourings, colors
172. Ancol 1- Propiolic Propane- 1-ol Fatty acid,
flavourings, colors
173. Ancol tectiary butyl Tertiary butyl alcohol
174. 1,1,2 – tricloetylen 1,1,2- Trichloroethylene Flavourings and food <2
175. Triđođexylamin Tridodecylamine Citric acid
176. Toluen Toluene Flavourings <1
177. Etyl metyl xeton Ethylmethylketone Fatty acid, <2
(Butanon) (butanone) flavourings,
decaffeination of
coffee, tea
178. Glyxerin tributyrat Glycerol tributyrate Flavourings, colors
179. Hexan Hexane Flavourings and food <0.1
180. Isobutan Isobutane Flavourings <1
181. Hyđrocacbon từ Isoparaffinic petroleum Citric acid
isoparafinic dầu mỏ hydrocarbons
182. Isopropyl myristat Isopropyl myristate Flavourings, colors
183. Clorua metylen Methylene chloride Food oils <0.02
(điclometan) (dichloromethane)
184. Metyl propanol –1 Methyl propanol –1 Flavourings 1
15. Tác nhân tẩy rửa và 15.Washing and peeling
búc vỏ agents
185. Amoni orthophosphat Ammonium orthophosphate Vegetables and fruits
186. Điamoni orthophosphat Diammonium Canned vegetables
(5% trong dung dịch nước) orthophosphate, (5% aquaous and fruits
187. Đitiocacbamat Dithiocarbamate Sugar beet
188. Etylen điclorid (đicloetan) Ethylene dichloride Sugar beet 0.00001 in
sugar beet
and 0 in
189. Ete etylen glicol Ethylene glycol monobutyl Sugar beet 0.00003 in
monobutyl ether sugar beet
and 0 in
190. Hiđro peroxit (H2O2) Hydrogen peroxide Sugar beet
191. Monoetanolamin Monoethanolamine Sugar beet 0.0001 in
sugar beet
and 0 in
192. Kali bromua Potassium bromide Vegetables and fruits
193. Natri hipoclorit Sodium hypochlorite Vegetables and fruits
194. Natri tripoliphosphat Sodium tripolyphosphate
195. Tetra kali pyrophosphat Tetrapotassium Sugar beet 0.00002 in
pyrophosphate sugar beet
and 0 in
196. Tetra natri Tetrasodium Sugar beet 0.000003
etilenđiamintetra axetat ethylenediaminetetraacetate in sugar
beet and 0
in sugar
197. Trietanolamin Triethanolamine Sugar beet 0.00005 in
sugar beet
and 0 in
16.Các chất hỗ trợ chế 16. Other processing aids
biến khác
198. Nhôm ôxit Aluminum oxide
199. Canxi tactrat Calcium tartrate
200. Axit erythorbic Erythorbic acid
201. Etyl parahyđroxybenzoat Ethyl parahydroxybenzoate
202. Axit giberelic Gibberellic acid
203. Magie tactrat Magnesium tartrate
204. Kali giberelat Potassium gibberellate
205. Natri Sodium
206. Natri silicat Sodium silicates
Danh mục các hợp chất Codex inventory of all
hỗ trợ chế biến được compounds as processing
dùng làm phụ gia aids
(Bao gồm tất cả các chất (Includes substances that
có thể dùng cho các chức may serve other functions)
năng khác)
1.Tác nhân chống tạo bọt 1.Antifoam agents
207. Hiđroxianisol butyl hóa Butylated hydroxyanisole (as
(chất chống oxi hóa trong antioxidant in defoamers)
thiết bị loại bọt)
208. Hyđroxytoluen butyl hóa Butylated hydroxytoluene (as
(chất chống oxi hóa trong antioxidant in defoamers)
thiết bị loại bọt)
209. Axit béo Fatty acids
210. Lecitin hyđroxyl hóa Hydroxylated lecithin
211. Magarin Margarine
212. Mono – và điglycerit của Mono – and diglycerides of
các axit béo fatty acids
213. Axit oleic từ các axit béo Oleic acid from tall oil fatty
của dầu nặng acids
214. Sáp dầu mỏ Petroleum wax
215. Sáp dầu mỏ (tổng hợp) Petroleum wax (synthetic)
216. Petrolatum Petrolatum
217. Polietilen glicol Polyethylene glycol
218. Polypropylen glicol Polypropylene glycol
219. Polysorbat 60 Polysorbate 60
220. Polysorbat 65 Polysorbate 65
221. Polysorbat 80 Polysorbate 80
222. Propylen glicol alginat Propylene glycol alginate
223. Silic đioxit Silicon dioxide
224. Axit béo của dầu đỗ tương Soybean oil fatty acids
2.Các chất xúc tác 2.Catalysts
225. Amoniac Ammonia
226. Amonibisulphit Ammonium bisulfite
227. Sắt (II) sulphat Ferrous sulfate
228. Đioxit lưu huỳnh Sulfur dioxide
3.Các tác nhân làm 3.Clarifying agents/
trong/ trợ lọc filtration aids
229. Acacia Acacia
230. Carrageenan/Furcelleran Carrageenan/ Furcelleran
231. Casein Casein
232. Gelatin (ăn được) Gelatin (edible)
4. Nhựa trao đổi ion 4. Ion exchange resins
233. Axit photphoric Phosphoric acid
234. Đioxit silic vô định hình – Silicon dioxide amorphous –
silica hyđrogel silica hydrogel
235. Silica sol bền vững trong Stabilized aqueous silica sol
236. Axit tanic Tannic acid
237. Bột gỗ/ than mựn Wood flour/ Sawdust
5. Các chất ổn định màu 5. Colour stabilizers
238. Đextroza Dextrose
239. Natri pirophosphat axit Sodium acid pyrophosphate
6. Các tác nhân làm lạnh 6. Contact freezing and
và làm mát cooling agennts
240. Nước muối Brine (eg, Salt brine)
7. Các tác nhân làm khô/ 7. Desicating
tác nhân chống đông tụ agent/anticaking agents
241. Silic đioxit vô định hình - Silicon dioxide amorphous –
silicagel silica gel
242. Tricanxi đioctophotphat Tricalcium diorthophosphate
8. Dung môi (Chiết và 8. Solvents(extraction and
chế biến) processing)
243. Benzyl benzoat Benzyl benzoate
244. 1,2 – đicloetan (đicloetan) 1,2 – Dichlororethane
245. Đietyl tactrat Diethyl tartrate
246. Etanol Ethanol
247. Etyl lactat Ethyl lactate
248. Isobutanol (2-metylpropan Isobutanol (2- methylpropan
–1- ol) –1- ol)
249. Ancol Isopropyl Isopropyl alcohol
250. Metanol Methanol
251. Metyl propanol -1 Methyl propanol -1
252. Axit nitric Nitric acid
253. 2 – Nitropropan 2- Nitropropane
254. n-Octyl alcohol n-Octyl alcohol
255. Propan-2- ol (isopropyl Propane 2- ol (isopropyl
ancol) alcohol)
256. Triclorofluorometan Trichlorofluoromethane
257. Nước Water
9. Các chất điều chỉnh 9. Fat crystal modifiers
tinh thể chất béo biến
258. Este poliglixerin của axit Poliglycerol esters of fatty
béo acids
259. Natri đođexylbenzen Sodium dodecylbenzene
sunfonat sulphonate
260. Natri lauryl sunfat Sodium lauryl sulphate
261. Sorbitan monostearat Sorbitan monostearate
262. Sorbitan tristearat Sorbitan tristearate
10. Tác nhân keo tụ 10. Flocculating agents
263. Nhựa acrylamit Acrylamide resins
264. Axit xitric Citric acid
265. Silica Silica
11. Các chất bôi trơn, các 11. Lubricants, relase and
tác nhân tẩy rửa và anti – stick agents,
chống dính, trợ khuôn moulding aids
266. Sáp ong Beeswax
267. Sáp carnauba Carnauba wax
268. Dầu thầu dầu Castor oil
269. Dầu cá nhà táng hiđro hóa Hydrogenated sperm oil
270. Lecitin lecithin
271. Magie trisilicat Magnesium trisilicate
272. Mono – và điglixerit của Mono – and diglycerides of
các axit béo fatty acids
273. Parafin và dầu parafin Paraffin and paraffin oils
274. Nhựa cỏnh kiến Shellac
275. Axit stearic Stearic acid
276. Stearin Stearins
277. Talc Talc
278. Tetranatri điphotphat Tetrasodium diphosphate
279. Tricanxi photphat Tri – calcium phosphat
12. Các tác nhân kiểm 12. Micro – organism
soát vi sinh vật control agents
280. Đinatri etilen bis Disodium ethylene bis
đithiocacbamat dithiocarbamate
281. Etylenđiamin Ethylenediamine
282. Propylen oxit Propylene oxide
283. Natri clorua Sodium chlorite
13.Tác nhân tách đẩy và 13. Propellant and
các khí đóng gói packaging gases
284. Oxy Oxygen
14.Các tác nhân rửa và 14. Washing and peeling
búc vỏ agents
285. Axit oleic Oleic acid
15.Chất dinh dưỡng men 15.Yeast nutrients
286. Amoni clorua Ammonium chloride
287. Amoni sulphat Ammonium sulphate
288. Amoni phosphat Ammonium phosphates
289. Vitamin B tổng hợp B – Complex vitamins
290. Biotin Biotine
291. Đồng sulphat Cupric sulphate
292. Sắt (II) amonisulphat Ferrous ammonium sulphate
293. Sắt sulphat(II) Ferrous sulphate
294. Inositol Inositol
295. Magie sulphat Magnesium sulfate
296. Niaxin Niacin
297. Axit pantothenic Pantothenic acid
298. Kali hidro cacbonat Potassium hydrogen
299. Enzim tự phân giải Yeast autolysates
300. Kẽm sulphat Zinc sulphate
16.Các chất hỗ trợ chế 16.Other processing aids
biến khác
301. Sản phẩm ankylen oxit Alkylene oxide adduct
302. Amoni bicacbonat Ammonium bicarbonate
303. BHA BHA
304. BHT BHT
305. Canxi phosphat Calcium phosphate
306. Hương caramen Caramel flavoring
307. Đinatri hiđro phosphat Disodium hydrogen
308. Axit béo từ dầu đậu tương Fatty acid of soybean oil
309. Ancol béo – glycol ether Fatty alcohol – glycol ether
310. Dầu đậu tương được phân Fractionated soybean oil
311. Axit fumaric Fumaric acid
312. Glyxerol tripropionat Glycerol tripropionate
313. Glyxin Glycine
314. Axit clohyđric Hydrochloric acid
315. Magiờ clorua Magnesium chloride
316. Magiờ xitrat Magnesium citrate
317. Magiê hiđroxit Magnesium hydroxide
318. Magiờ phosphat Magnesium phosphate
319. Anpha- metyl glucosit  - Methyl glycoside water
trong nước
320. Sản phẩm ankilen oxit Non - ionogenic alkylene
không ion hóa với chất oxide adduct with emulgator
phân tán
321. Axit oxalic Oxalic acid
322. Alcol polietoxi hóa, được Polyethoxylated alcohol,
biến tính modified
323. Polyphosphat Polyphosphate
324. Polyme khối polypropylen Polypropylene –
- polyetylen polyethylene block polymer
325. Kali phosphat Potassium phosphates
326. Kali sulphat Potassium sulfate
327. Propyl galat Propyl gallate
328. Propan-1-ol Propan –1-ol
329. Propan-1,2-diol Propane –1,2 - diol
330. Natri bisulphit Sodium bisulfite
331. Natri bicacbonat Sodium bicarbonate
332. Natri hexameta phosphat Sodium hexametaphosphate
333. Natri metabisulphit Sodium metabisulfite
334. Mono natri phosphat, Sodium phosphate
NaH2PO4 monobasic
335. Đi natri phosphat Sodium phosphate dibasic
336. Tri natri phosphat, Sodium phosphate tribasic
337. Natri poliacrylat – nhựa Sodium polyacrylate –
acrylamit acrylamide resin
338. Natri tactrat Sodium tartrate
339. Este axyl béo sobitan và Sorbitan – fatty acyl esters
este của axit béo and polyoxyethylene –20-
polioxietilen-20- sobitan. sorbitan fatty acyl esters
340. Lexitin đậu tương Soy lecithin
341. Axit sulphuric Sulfuric acid
342. Axit tanic với dịch chiết Tannic acid with quebracho
quebracho extract
343. Este axit béo thực vật Vegetable fatty acid esters
344. Axyl béo thực vật (ưa Vegetable fatty acyl
nước) (hydrophillic)
345. Xyloza Xylose

Part 8.
names are used according to the names defined in the list of pesticides announced by
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
(Enclosed with Decision No. 31/2006/QD-BNN dated April 27, 2006).
– Codes of pesticides arranged according to the list of Codex Alimentarius
8.1. Maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods arranged according to pesticide name
No. Code Pesticide ADI Foods MRL
(CAC) Common name IUPAC name (mg/kg) (mg/kg)
1. 121 2,4,5-T (2,4,5- 0.03 Apples, apricots, eggs, 0.01
trichlorophenoxy) milk, meat, rice, barley,
acetic acid wheat
2. 20 2,4-D (2,4 - 0.01 Eggs, milk, soya-beans, 0.01
dichlorophenoxy) pome fruits
acetic acid
Maize, sorghum 0.05
Blackberrries, 0.1
strawberry and berries,
Cattle meat, potato 0.2
Citrus fruits 1
Rye, wheat 2
Edible offal of 5
3. 56 2-phenyl phenol Biphenyl-2-ol 0.4 Citrus fruit juice 0.5
Citrus fruits 10
Pear 20
4. 177 Abamectin Avermectin B1a, 0.002 Goat milk, cattle milk 0.005
Avermectin B1b
Goat meat, meat of 0.01
cattle, cucumber, potato,
watermelon, cucurbits
(summer), citrus fruits,
cottonseed, pecan,
Pear, apple, strawberry, 0.02
tomato, pepercorns,
sweet peppers
Cattle kidney,lettuce 0.05
Liver and fat of cattle, 0.1
edible offal of goats, dry
5. 95 Acephate (RS)-(O,S-dimethyl 0.03 Eggs, poultry meat, 0.01
acetylphosphorami edible offal of poultry
Milk 0.02
Meat and edible offal of 0.05
Poultry fat, sugar beet 0.1
Soya-bean (dry), 0.3
Tomato, potato 0.5
Cottonseed, broccoli, 2
Lettuce 5
Leaves and tops of sugar 10
beet, alfalfa
6. 117 Aldicarb (EZ)-2-methyl-2- 0.003 Cattle meat, milk, cotton 0.01
(methylthio)propio seed oil, peanut oil
naldehyde O- (processed)
Soya-bean (dry), peanut, 0.02
wheat, barley
Maize, sunflower seed, 0.05
husks and stems of
barley and sorghum,
sugar beet
Coffee beans, 0.1
cottonseed, beans (dry),
sweet potato, sugar
cane, Brussels sprouts,
onions and leeks
Citrus fruits, grapes 0.2
Potato, dry sorghum 0.5
(hulls and stems), maize
fodder (dry), corns for
Leaves and tops of sugar 1
beet, pecan
7. 1 Aldrin và dieldrin 0.0001 Milk 0.006
Cereal grains 0.02
Citrus fruit juice, apple 0.05
juice, spring onion,
pulses, lagume
vegetables, fresh
Eggs, fruits and 0.1
vegetables, tuberous
Cattle meat, poultry 0.2
8. 122 Amitraz N,N′- 0.01 Milk 0.01
Cattle meat, pig meat, 0.05
cotton seed oil (dry)
Sheep meat 0.1
Edible offal of cattle 0.2
Sweet oranges, pome 0.5
fruits, cherries, peach,
cottonseed, cucumbers,
9. 79 Amitrole 1H-1,2,4-triazole-3- 0.0005 Grapes, pome fruits, 0.05
ylamine stone fruits
10. 163 Anilazine 4,6-dichloro-N-(2- 0.1 Milk 0.01
chlorophenyl)-1,3,5 -
Poutry meat, cattle meat, 0.02
Tomato, celery 10
11. 2 Azinphos - methyl S-3,4-dihydro-4- oxo- 0.005 Soya-bean (dry), 0.05
1,2,3- benzotriazin-3- tomato, tree nuts
ylmethyl O,O-
Sugar cane, cottonseed, 0.2
muskmelon, cucumbers,
Walnuts, pecan 0.3
Vegetables 0.5
Tomato, peppercorns, 1
mustard greens, fruits
(except for otherwise
Apple, pear, cherries, 2
plums (including
prunes), nectarine, peach
Almond hulls, 5
blackberries, alfalfa
Alfalfa stems and roots 10
12. 129 Azocyclotin Tri(cyclohexyl)-1H - 0.007 Milk, milk products 0.05
1,2,4-triazol-1- yltin
Eggplant 0.1
Grapes, immature beans, 0.2
meat of mammals
Strawberry, cucumbers, 0.5
sweet peppers
Gherkins 1
Citrus fruits 2
13. 155 Benalaxyl Methyl N - 0.05 Potato 0.02
phenylacetyl - N - 2,6 -
Cucumbers, peppercorns 0.05
xylyl - DL- alaninate
Melons (except 0.1
Dry hops, grapes, onion 0.2
Tomato 0.5
14. 137 Bendiocarb 2,2 - dimethyl - 1,3 - 0.004 Milk, meat, fat and 0.05
benzodioxol - 4 - yl edible offal (of poutry
methylcarbamate and cattle), eggs, maize,
potato, sugar beet
Kidney of cattle 0.2
15. 69 Benomyl Methyl [1- 0.02 Coffee beans, 0.1
[(butylamino)carbo cucumbers, tomato
Banana, orange 0.5
yl]carbamate Celery, legume 1
vegetables, mango, bulb
onions, rice
Citrus fruit juice 2
16. 172 Bentazone 3 - isopropyl - 1H - 0.1 Milk, meat, eggs, 0.05
2,1,3- benzothiadiazin peanuts, soya-bean,
- 4(3H) - one 2,2 - Lima bean, dry beans,
dioxide broad beans (dry)
Linseed, onion, potato, 0.1
wheat, sorghum, barley,
rye, oat, rice
Immature beans, maize 0.2
Pea (dry) 1
Alfalfa leaves 2
17. Bifenazate 1-methylethyl 2-(4- 0.01 Milk, meat and edible 0.01
methoxy[1,1’ - offal of cattle (pig,
biphenyl]-3-yl) sheep, beef, horse, goat),
hydrazine carboxylate eggs, meat and edible
offal of poutry
Wheat, barley, rice, 0.02
maize, buckwheat, other
cereal grains, soya-bean,
pea, peanuts, other
beans, sweet potato,
sugar beet, sugar cane,
radish leaves and stems,
turnip, horseradish,
watercress, cabbages,
kale, brussels sprouts,
cauliflower, flowerhead
brassicas, other
cruciferous vegetables,
common burdock,
lettuce, witloof chicory,
onions, leeks, asparagus,
parsnip, parsley, celery,
apiaceae vegetables,
spinach, bamboo shoots,
ginger, edible fungi,
blackberries, avocado,
pineapple, guava,
passion fruits, dates,
rapeseed, coffee beans,
cocoa beans
Potato, taro, sweet 0.05
Beef fat, cattle fat, cattle 0.1
Mango,chestnut, Pecan, 0.2
almond, walnuts
Citrus fruits, lemon, 0.7
sweet oranges, grapes,
Tomato, quince, 1
Japanese camellia,
persimmon, Japanese
plums, cottonseed
Apple, pear, peach, 2
nectarine, papaya, dried
grapes, cherries, tea
Grapes, apricot, plums 3
Strawberry 5
Hobs 15
18. 178 Bifenthrin 2- methylbiphenyl-3- 0.02 Chicken eggs 0.01
ylmethyl (1RS, 3RS)-
Citrus fruits, grapes, 0.05
3-[(Z)-2- chloro-3,3,3- potato, maize and corn-
trifluoroprop-1- enyl]- stalk, barley, meat, fat
2,2- and edible offal of
dimethylcyclopropa chicken, milk, kidney
necarboxylate and liver of cattle
Wheat stems and hulls, 0.2
dry corn-stalk
Pea, meat and fat of 0.5
cattle, barley, wheat
Strawberry 1
Wheat bran 2
Dry hops 10
19. 93 Bioresmethrin 5 - benzyl - 3- 0.03 Wheat, virgin wheat, 1
furylmethyl (1R,3R)- wheat flour
2,2- dimethyl- 3- (2-
Wheat germ 3
methylprop-1- enyl)
cyclopropanecarboxyla Wheat bran 5
te (unprocessed)
20. 144 Bitertanol (1RS,2RS;1RS, 2SR)- 0.01 Eggs, meat and edible 0.01
1- (biphenyl-4- yloxy)- offal of poultry
3,3- dimethyl-1- (1H-
Barley, wheat, oats, 0.05
peanuts, milk
yl)butan-2-ol (20:80
ratio of (1RS,2RS)- Banana, cucumbers 0.5
and (1RS,2SR)- Peach, apricot, nectarine 1
Pome fruits, plums 2
(including prunes)
Tomato 3
21. 47 Bromide ion 1 Fruits, prunes, sweet 20
Citrus fruits, dried fruits, 30
Cereal grains, crude 50
wheat, peach (dry)
Tomato, avocado 75
Dried grapes, cabbages, 100
lettuce, dates (dried and
candied), cucumbers
Okra, radish, garden 200
turnip, squash (summer)
Figs (dried and candied) 250
Celery 300
Spices, dried herbs 400
Immature broad beans, 500
immature pea
22. 70 Bromopropylate Isopropyl 4,4 - 0.03 Squash (summer), 0.5
dibromobenzilate cucumber, melons
(except watermelon)
Strawberry, pome fruits, 2
grapes, citrus fruits,
plums (including
Immature beans 3
23. 173 Buprofezin (EZ)-2-tert- 0.01 Citrus fruits 0.5
Cucumbers, tomato 1
isopropyl-5- phenyl-
24. 174 Cadusafos S,S-di-sec-butyl O- 0.0003 Banana 0.01
Potato 0.02
25. 7 Captan 3a,4,7,7a- tetrahydro- 0.1 Potato 0.05
Almond 0.3
1,3(2H)- dione Cucumbers, nectarine 3
Peach, tomato 15
Strawberry, blueberries, 20
Apple, pear 25
26. 8 Carbaryl 1- naphthyl 0.003 Maize, sweet potato 0.02
Milk, milk products, 0.05
cattle meat, sunflower
Sugar beet, sweet corn, 0.1
maize oil
Soya-bean, soya-bean 0.2
oil, wheat flour, potato,
meat (goat, sheep and
Carrot 0.5
Eggplant, rice, cattle 1
liver, wheat germ, tree
Wheat, unprocessed 2
wheat bran
Pig kidney, tomato juice 3
Apple, grapes, pear, 5
peppercorn, sweet
peppers, tomato, beans,
immature peas,
cabbages, barley, apples,
banaba, oats, rye
Strawberry, citrus fruits 7
Plums (including 10
prunes), cherries,
apricot, peach, leafy
vegetables, okras,
nectarine, raspberries
(black, red), tomato
Asparagus, soya-bean 15
Sorghum 20
Olive oil 25
Leaves and tops of sugar 100
beet, runner beans, dry
peanuts, sorghum
leaves, alfalfa leaves,
bean leaves, soya-bean
27. 72 Carbendazim Methyl benzimidazol-2 0.03 Coffee beans, peanuts, 0.1
- ylcarbamate asparagus, tree nuts
Soya-bean (dry) 0.2
Plums, tomato, brussels 0.5
Sweet potato, banana 1
Mango, apricot, peach, 2
nectarine, beans
Potato, pome fruits 3
Barley, apple (dry) 5
28. 96 Carbofuran 2,3- dihydro-2,2- 0.002 Meat, fat and edible 0.05
dimethylbenzofuran-7 offal (of horse, buffalo,
- yl methylcarbamate beef, goat, sheep, pigs),
milk, maize, rape seed
Banana, wheat, maize, 0.1
oats, sugar cane, bulb
onion, eggplant, tomato,
fresh maize, sugar beet,
sorghum, oilseeds,
sunflower seed, potato
Sugar beet, brown rice, 0.2
Leaves and tops of sugar 0.3
Sorghum 0.5
Coffee beans 1
Alfalfa stems, roots and 10
29. 11 Carbophenothion S-4- Milk 0.004
Walnuts, potato 0.02
thyl O,O-diethyl
phosphorodithioate Crude olive oil 0.1
Olives, sugar beet 0.2
Cauliflower 0.5
Cattle meat, sheep meat, 1
apple, apricot, peach,
plums, pome fruits
Orrange, mandarin, 2
30. 145 Carbosulfan 2,3-dihydro-2,2- 0.01 Milk 0.03
dimethylbenzofuran -
Eggs, meat and edible 0.05
7-yl (dibutylaminothio)
offal of mammals, meat
and edible offal of
poultry, maize, potato,
cottonseed, rice, leaves
and tops of sugar beet
Citrus fruits 0.1
Sugar beet 0.3
31. 97 Cartap S,S'-(2-dimethyl 0.1 Rice, ginger, chestnuts, 0.1
aminotrimethylen) fresh maize, potato
Cabbages 0.2
Grapes 1
Chinese broccoli 2
Tea (green, black) 20
32. 80 Chinomethionat 6-methyl-1,3- 0.006 Milk 0.01
Watermelon 0.02
Meat of mammals 0.05
Grapes, avocado, cereal 0.1
grains, tree nuts, melons
(except watermelon),
Apple, strawberry 0.2
Citrus fruits 0.5
Papaya 5
33. 12 Chlordane 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,8- 0.0005 Milk 0.002
Tree nuts, eggs, fruits 0.02
2,3,3a,4,7,7a -
and vegetables, maize,
hexahydro-4,7 -
rye, rice, oats, wheat,
hazelnuts, sorghum,
pecan, walnuts
Crude cottonseed oil, 0.05
crude soya-bean oil,
crude linseed oil
Poultry meat 0.5
34. 14 Chlorfenvinphos (EZ)-2-chloro-1-(2,4- 0.0005 Milk 0.008
dichlorophenyl)viny l
Rice, maize, wheat, 0.05
diethyl phosphate
cottonseed, peanuts,
leeks, onion, eggplant,
cabbages, potato, sweet
Cauliflower, tomato 0.1
Cattle meat 0.2
Carrots, celery 0.4
Citrus fruits 1
35. 15 Chlormequat 2- chloroethyltrimethyl 0.05 Poultry meat 0.04
Eggs, edible offal of 0.1
poultry, cattle liver
Goat meat, meat of 0.2
cattle, pigs, sheeps
Goat milk, pig kidney, 0.5
kidney of sheep, goats
and cattle
Wheat flour 2
Wheat, rye 3
Rapeseed oil 5
Oats 100
36. 16 Chlorobenzilate Ethyl 4,4′- 0.02 Milk (buffalo, cows, 0.05
dichlorobenzilate sheep, goats)
Potato 0.2
Orrange, mandarin, 1
Grapes, stone fruits 2
Apple 5
37. 81 Chlorothalonil Tetrachloroisophtha 0.03 Sweet corn, banana 0.01
Peanuts 0.05
Wheat, barley 0.1
Peach, potato, sugar beet 0.2
Grapes, cherries, onion 0.5
and garlic (dry)
Cabbages, cauliflower, 1
Melons (except 2
Celery leaves, parsley 3
Immature beans, 5
currants, tomato,
cucumber, blueberries,
broccoli, brussels
sprouts, squash, citrus
Sweet peppers, 7
Celery 10
Leaves and tops of sugar 20
17 Chlorpyrifos O,O- diethyl 0-3,5,6- 0.01 Eggs, beans, cattle liver, 0.01
trichloro -2- cattle kidneus, poultry
pyridylphosphorothi meat and edible offal of
oate poultry, sweet corn
Cattle milk, goat milk, 0.02
sheep milk, pig meat
Cottonseed oil, 0.05
cottonseed, onion,
cabbages, cauliflower,
mushroom, potato, sugar
beet, celery
Carrots, dried grapes, 0.1
soya-bean, wheat flour
Maize oil, onion and 0.2
Cottonseed, strawberry 0.3
Grapes, peach, plums, 0.5
rice, sorghum, wheat,
Sheep meat, cattle meat, 1
cabbages, bok choy,
citrus fruits
Kiwifruit, banana, 2
potato, flowerhead
brassicas, peppercorn,
green tea, black tea
Alfalfa leaves 20
Leaves and tops of sugar 40
39. 90 Chlorpyrifos- 0,0-dimethyl 0-3,5,6- 0.01 Milk, mushroom 0.01
methyl trichloro-2- pyridyl Meat, fat and edible 0.05
phosphorothioate offal (of chicken and
cattle), eggs, dates
Beans (young pods), 0.1
eggplant, lettuce,
Chinese broccoli,
cabbages, rice, tea
(green, black),
artichoke, radish
Grapes 0.2
Tomato, chilli, peach, 0.5
apple, oranges, white
Wheat flour, bread 2
Wheat, sorghum 10
Wheat bran 20
40. 156 Chlofentezine 0.02 Cattle milk 0.01
Cattle meat, eggs, meat 0.05
and edible offal of
poultry, currants (red,
Edible offal of cattle 0.1
Stone fruits 0.2
Citrus fruits, pome fruits 0.5
Grapes, cucumbers 1
Strawberry 2
41. 187 Clethodim (5RS)-2-{(E)-1-[(2E)- Eggs, milk 0.05
3- chloroallyloxyimin
Stems and leaves of 0.1
sugar beet, sugar beet,
sunflower oil
1-one Cattle meat, edible offal 0.2
of cattle, poultry meat
Cottonseed, cottonseed 0.5
oil, beans, rape seed,
garlic, onion and leeks,
sunflower seed
Tomato, soya-bean oil 1
Pea, beans (dry) 2
Peanuts 5
Alfalfa stems and leaves 10
42. 179 Cycloxydim (5RS)-2-[(EZ)-1- 0.07 Sugar beet, lettuce, head 0.2
(ethoxyimino)butyl]-3- lettuce, leeks
Carrots, grapes, 0.5
thian-3- yl]cyclohex-2-
en-1- one
Leaves and tops of sugar 1
beet, immature beans,
immature pea
Rape seed, potato, pea 2
(shelled), beans (dry),
soya-bean (dry),
brassica vegetables
43. 157 Cyfluthrin (RS)--cyano-4- 0.02 Cattle milk 0.01
fluoro-3- Maize, cottonseed, rape 0.05
phenoxybenzyl seed
3-(2,2- dichlorovinyl)- Sweet peppers, 0.2
2,2- peppercorns
dimethylcyclopropa Apple, tomato 0.5
44. 146 Cyhalothrin (RS)--cyano-3- 0.002 Cottonseed oil, 0.02
phenoxybenzyl cottonseed, potato
(1RS,3RS)-3- [(Z)-2- Pome fruits, cabbages 0.2
trifluoropropenyl]-2 ,
2- dimethylcyclopropa
45. 67 Cyhexatin Tricyclohexyltin 0.007 Milk, milk products 0.05
Grapes, meat of 0.2
Orrange, mandarin, 2
apple, pear, tomato
46. 118 Cypermethrin (RS)--cyano-3- 0.05 Maize, milk, eggs, 0.05
phenoxybenzyl poultry meat, edible
(1RS,3RS;1RS, 3SR)- offal of mammals,
3-(2,2- dichlorovinyl)- coffee beans, peanuts,
soya-bean (dry), fresh
2,2- maize, mushroom, beans
dimethylcyclopropa (shelled), immature pea,
necarboxylate tuberous vegetables
Buln onion and leeks 0.1
Wheat, meat of 0.2
mammals, oilseeds
(except peanuts),
cucumber, eggplant
Strawberry and other 0.5
small fruits, vegetable
oil, peppercorns, tomato,
immature beans, leeks,
Cherries, plums 1
(including prunes), kale,
brassica vegetables
Citrus fruits, pome 2
fruits, nectarine, peach,
lettuce, spinach
Maize fodder (dry), 5
alfalfa leaves, sorghum
stems, wheat stems
Tea (green, black) 20
47. 207 Cyprodinil 4-cyclopropyl-6- Milk 0.0004
Meat and edible offal of 0.01
mammals, eggs, meat
and edible offal of
Almond 0.02
Almond hulls, apple 0.05
Cucumber, eggplant, 0.2
cucurbits (summer)
Onion and leeks 0.3
Peppercorns, sweet 0.5
peppers, tomato, beans,
Pear 1
Strawberry, wheat bran 2
Barley, grapes 3
Dried grapes, plums 5
Lettuce, head lettuce, 10
cereal grains
48. 169 Cyromazine N- cyclopropyl-1,3,5- 0.02 Milk 0.01
triazine- 2,4,6 –
Sheep meat, poultry 0.05
Cucumber, melons 0.2
(except watermelon)
Tomato 0.5
Peppercorns 1
Lettuce, mushroom, 5
49. 21 DDT 4,4'-(2,2,2- 0.02 Milk 0.02
Cereal grains, eggs 0.1
) Carrots 0.2
Poultry meat 0.3
Cattle meat 5
50. 135 Deltamethrin (S)-  - cyano-3- 0.01 Potato, radish 0.01
phenoxybenzyl (1R, Eggs, edible offal of 0.02
3R)- 3-(2,2- poultry, pecan, sweet
dibromovinyl)- 2,2- corn, carrots, citrus
dimethylcyclopro- fruits
Cattle liver, pig kidney, 0.03
sheep kidney, poultry
meat, meat of mammals
Milk, edible fungi, 0.05
onion and leeks, tree
nuts, sunflower seed,
Flowerhead brassica 0.1
Apple, grapes, 0.2
strawberry, legume
vegetables, leeks
Wheat flour, tomato 0.3
Leafy vegetables, dry 0.5
Dry beans, lentil (dry), 1
cereal grains, virgin
wheat, dry pea, olives,
Cereal grains 2
Wheat bran 5
(unprocessed), tea
(green, black)
51. 22 Diazinon O,O-diethyl 0-2- 0.002 Walnuts, potato 0.01
Milk, fresh maize, eggs, 0.02
meat and edible offal of
yl) phosphorothioate
Liver and kidney of 0.03
cattle, pigs, sheep, goat
Tree nuts, onion, kale, 0.05
leeks, bok choy,
cucurbits, peppercorns,
sweet peppers
Sugar beet, strawberry, 0.1
pineapple, cucumber,
Currants, blackberries, 0.2
kiwifruit, apple,
kohlrapi, immature
beans, peach,
watermelon (red), beans
Cabbages, broccoli, 0.5
lettuce, head lettuce,
tomato, carrots, spinach
Cherries, fresh plums, 1
Prunes, apple juice, goat 2
meat, cattle meat, pig
meat, sheep meat
Almond hulls, leaves 5
and tops of sugar beet
52. 82 Dichlofluanid N- dichlorofluorometh 0.3 Barley, oats, rye, wheat, 0.1
ylthio-N′,N′- dimethyl- onion and leeks, potato
N- phenylsulfamide
Eggplant 1
Cherries, peppercorns, 2
tomato, immature beans
Apple, avocado, peach, 5
Mulberries 7
Blackberries, lettuce, 10
Grapes, raspberries 15
53. 25 Dichlorvos 2,2-dichlorovinyl 0.004 Milk 0.02
dimethyl phosphate
Meat of mammals, 0.05
poultry meat
Mango 0.1
Mushroom 0.5
Wheat flour 1
Wheat (milled) 2
Cereal grains 5
Wheat (unprocessed), 10
wheat germ
54. 83 Dicloran 2,6-dichloro- 4- 0.01 Tomato, onion, leeks 0.2
Grapes, strawberry, 7
nectarine, plums (fresh
plums and prunes)
Carrots 15
55. 26 Dicofol 2,2,2- trichloro-1,1-bis 0.002 Pecan, walnuts 0.01
Eggs, edible offal of 0.05
Cottonseed, beans (dry), 0.1
milk, poultry meat
Melons (except 0.2
Cucumbers, cottonseed 0.5
Squash, peppercorns, 1
tomato, plums, edible
offal of cattle, chilli
Immature beans 2
Cattle meat, prunes 3
Citrus fruit juice, grapes, 5
peach, cherries
Dry hobs, tea (green, 50
56. 130 Diflubenzuron 1-(4- chlorophenyl)-3- 0.02 Rice 0.01
(2,6- difluorobenzoyl)
Milk 0.02
Eggs, poultry meat 0.05
Cattle meat 0.1
Mushroom, soya-bean 0.3
Citrus fruits 0.5
Apple, pear, plums 5
(including prunes)
57. 151 Dimethipin 2,3-dihydro-5,6 0.02 Milk, meat and edible 0.01
dimethyl- 1,4 dithi-ine offal of mammals, eggs,
1,1,4,4- tetraoxide meat and edible offal of
Potato 0.05
Rape seed, cottonseed 0.1
oil, sunflower seed oil,
crude cottonseed oil,
crude sunflower seed oil
Rape seed 0.2
Cottonseed, sunflower 1
58. 27 Dimethoate O,O-dimethyl S- 0.002 Artichoke, asparagus, 0.05
methylcarbamoylm cabbages, savoy
ethyl cabbage, wheat, olive
phosphorodithioate oil, potato, meat of
cattle, goat, horse, pig,
sheep, cattle milk, goat
milk, sheep milk, eggs,
poultry fat, poultry
meat, edible offal of
Bulb onion, radish, kale 0.2
Celery, olives 0.5
Leavs and tops of sugar 1
beet, grapes, strawberry,
banana, apple, pear,
peppercorns, tomato,
Currants (black), citrus 2
fruits, cherries, peach,
cabbages, cauliflower,
59. 87 Dinocap (RS)-2,6-dinitro-4- 0.008 Cucurbitaceous 0.05
octylphenyl crotonates vegetables
and (RS)-2,4-dinitro-6-
Peach 0.1
octylphenyl crotonates
in which “octyl” is a Peppercorns, apple 0.2
mixture of 1- Tomato 0.3
methylheptyl, 1-
ethylhexyl and 1- Grapes, strawberry 0.5
propylpentyl groups
60. 29 Diphenyl Biphenyl Citrus fruits 110
61. 30 Diphenylamin N-phenylbenzenamin 0.02 Cattle milk 0.004
Cattle kidney, cattle 0.01
Cattle liver 0.05
Apple juice 0.5
Pear 5
Apple 10
62. 31 Diquat 1,1'-ethylene-2,2'- 0.002 Milk 0.01
Vegetables (except 0.05
dibromide salt
otherwise listed), meat
and edible offal of
mammals, eggs, maize,
crude vegetable oil,
potato, meat and edible
offal of poultry
Rice, beans (dry), lentil, 0.2
pea (dry), soya-bean
Wheat flour 0.5
Cottonseed, brown rice, 1
sunflower seed
Virgin wheat, oats, 2
sorghum, wheat, rape
Wheat bran 5
(unprocessed), barley
Rice 10
Alfalfa stems and roots 100
63. 74 Disulfoton O,O-diethyl S-2- 0.0003 Cattle milk, goat milk, 0.01
ethylthioethyl sheep milk
Eggs, poultry meat, 0.02
asparagus, maize, sweet
corn, oats
Cottonseed, green pea, 0.1
pineapple, peanuts,
Cereal grains, coffee 0.2
beans, sugar beet,
Japanese radish
Vegetables (except 0.5
otherwise listed), oats
Maize, fresh maize, rice, 1
potato, wheat
Leaves and tops of sugar 2
Maize fodder (dry), 3
husks and stems of
Sweet potato greens, 5
alfalfa stems and roots
64. 180 Dithianon 5,10-dihydro-5,10- 0.01 Grapefruits, grapes, 3
dioxonaphtho[2,3- b]- thin-skinned oranges,
1,4-dithiine-2,3- mandarin
Apple juice, cherries 5
Dry hops 100
65. 105 Dithiocarbamates 1 Milk, eggs, meat of 0.05
Edible offal of 0.1
mammals, meat and
edible offal of poultry,
peanuts, tree nuts,
squash (winter), fresh
maize, asparagus, potato
Potato, winter melon 0.2
Melons (except 0.5
watermelon), sugar beet,
onion, garlic, leeks
Cucumbers, carrots, 1
barley, wheat,
watermelon, sweet
peppers, carrots, squash
Banana, apple, 2
pineapple, cucumber,
mango, sour orange,
sweet orange, tomato
Cabbages, grapes, 5
banana, pome fruits,
strawberry, cherries,
plums (including
prunes), barley
Lettuce, head lettuce, 10
mandarin, onion
Kale 15
Leaves and tops of sugar 20
beet, almond hulls
Barley 25
Dry hops 30
66. 84 Dodine 1- dodecylguanidinium 0.01 Cherries 3
Peach, nectarine, pome 5
67. 99 Edifenphos O- ethyl S,S- diphenyl 0.003 Eggs, milk 0.01
Meat and edible offal of 0.02
(buffalo, beef, chicken,
duck), rice
Brown rice 0.1
Unhusked rice 1
68. 32 Endosulfan 1,4,5,6,7,7- 0.006 Milk 0.004
Sugar beet, mammal 0.1
meat, rice, coffee beans,
cocoa beans
Bulb onion, sweet 0.2
potato, carrots, potato,
Cottonseed oil (crude), 0.5
immature beans,
hyacinth bean, immature
pea, cucumbers,
cauliflower, sweet
orange, sour orange,
rape seed, cucurbits
(summer), tomato
Pome fruits, cherries, 1
plums (inlcyding
prunes), cottonseed,
kale, lettuce, soya-bean,
cabbages, grapes,
sunflower seed, alfalfa
leaves, leaves and tops
of sugar beet
Spinach, celery, 2
cabbage, eggplant
Tea (green, black) 30
69. 33 Endrin (1R,4S,4aS,5S,6S,7R,8 0.0002 Poultry meat 1
octahydro-6,7- epoxy-
dimethanonaphthal ene
70. 204 Esfenvalerate (S)- -cyano-3- Eggs, meat and edible 0.01
phenoxybenzyl (S)-2- offal of poultry, rape
(4- chlorophenyl)-3- seed
71. 106 Ethephon 2- Cattle milk 0.05
Meat of cattle, goat, 0.1
horse, pig, sheep,
poultry meat
Eggs, edible offal of 0.2
cattle, edible offal of
Tree nuts 0.5
Barley, rye, wheat, 1
Tomato, apple (dry), 2
Apple, dried grapes, 5
Cherries, figs (dried or 10
Blackberries 20
72. 107 Ethiofencarb -ethylthion 0- tolyl Milk, eggs, meat (of 0.02
methylcarbmate buffalo, beef, pig,
chicken, duck)
Barley, wheat, oats 0.05
Sugar beet 0.1
Potato, radish 0.2
Cucumbers 1
Jujube red dates, beans, 2
currants, eggplant
Apple, apricot, 5
artichoke, Chinese
broccoli, peach, pear,
plums, leaves and tops
of sugar beet
Cherries, lettuce 10
73. 34 Ethion O,O,O′,O′- tetraethyl 0.002 Milk 0.02
S,S′- methylene
Maize 0.05
ate) Cherries, tree nuts, 0.1
walnuts, pecan,
meat of goat, horse, pig, 0.2
sheep, eggs, meat and
edible offal of poultry
Cottonseed, cucumber, 1
Peach, nectarine, garlic, 1
onion, peppercorns,
Grapes, strawberry, 2
citrus fruits, pear,
plums, muskmelon,
tomato, beans
Meat of buffalo and beef 2.5
Tea (green, black) 5
74. 149 Ethoprophos O- ethyl S,S- dipropyl 0.0004 Milk, cattle meat, 0.01
phosphorodithioate tomato, cucumber
Grapes, muskmelon, 0.02
banana, pineapple, sugar
cane, maize, peanuts,
bulb onion, muskmelon,
cucumber, soya-bean,
lettuce, peppercorns,
tomato, pea, cabbages,
gherkins, sugar beet,
Potato, taro, 0.05
75. 35 Ethoxyquin 1,2-dihydro-2,2,4- 0.005 Pear 3
ethyl ether
76. 184 Etofenprox 2-(4- ethoxyphenyl)-2- 0.03 Potato 0.01
methylpropyl 3-
Pome fruits 1
phenoxybenzyl ether
77. 123 Etrimfos O-6-ethoxy-2- 0.003 Beetroot, cherries, eggs, 0.01
ethylpyrimidin-4-yl soya-bean, milk, meat
O,O-dimethyl and edible offal of
phosphorothioate buffalo, beef
Meat of chicken and 0.02
Apricot, peach, 0.05
Rice, garlic chives, 0.1
cabbages, cucumbers,
radish, potato
Plums, grapes, tomato, 0.2
pea, beans, artichoke
Kale 0.5
Wheat flour, apple 1
Wheat, barley, maize 5
78. 208 Famoxadone (RS)-3-anilino-5- Eggs, poultry meat, 0.01
methyl-5-(4- edible offal of poultry
Potato 0.02
oxazolidine-2,4- dione
Milk 0.03
Wheat 0.1
Barley, cucumber, 0.2
cucurbits (summer)
Meat and edible offal of 0.5
Grapes, tomato 2
Dried grapes 5
79. 85 Fenamiphos (RS)-(ethyl 4- 0.0008 Milk 0.005
Cattle meat, poultry 0.01
meat, edible offal of
poultry, eggs
Pineapples, cottonseed, 0.05
peanuts, cabbages,
cauliflower, melons
(except watermelon),
soya-bean (dry), sugar
beet, kiwifruits,
broccoli, brussels
Grapes, banana, coffee 0.1
beans, potato, grinded
coffee beans
Tomato, carrots, potato 0.2
Orange 0.5
80. 192 Fenarimol (RS)-2,4′-dichloro-- 0.01 Cattle meat, liver and 0.02
(pyrimidin-5- kidney of cattle, pecan
yl)benzhydryl alcohol Cattle liver, melons 0.05
(except watermelon)
Artichoke tea 0.1
Dried grapes, banana 0.2
Grapes, hard-skinned 0.3
Peach, sweet peppers 0.5
Strawberry, cherries 1
Dried hops, dried apple 5
juice powder
81. 197 Fenbuconazole (RS)-4-(4- 0.03 Banana, sunflower seed, 0.05
chlorophenyl)-2- pecan, squash (summer),
phenyl-2-(1H-1,2,4- cattle fat, cattle kidney,
triazol-1- cattle liver, cattle meat,
ylmethyl)butyronitr ile cattle milk, eggs, poultry
meat, edible offal of
Wheat, rye 0.1
Cucumber, melons 0.2
(except watermelon)
Peach, apricot 0.5
Prunes, cherries 1
Stems and hulls of 3
wheat (dry)
82. 109 Fenbutatin oxide Bis [tris (2- methyl-2- 0.03 Milk, meat of mammals, 0.05
phenylpropyl) tin] eggs, meat and edible
oxide offal of chicken
Edible offal of cattle 0.2
Tree nuts, pecan, 0.5
cucumbers, walnuts
Tomato 1
Plums (including 3
Grapes, orange, 5
mandarin, pome fruits
Peach 7
Strawberry, cherries, 10
Dried grapes 20
Dried apple juice 40
Dried grape juice 100
83. 37 Fenitrothion O,O-dimethyl O-4- 0.005 Milk 0.002
Meat of mammals, bulb 0.05
onion, cucumbers,
Cocoa beans, 0.1
cauliflower, soya-bean
(dry), peppercorns,
White bread, radish, 0.2
Tea (green, black), 0.5
grapes, strawberry, pear,
apple, immature pea,
cherries, cabbages,
lettuce, tomato
Husked rice, peach 1
Wheat flour, citrus fruits 2
Virgin wheat 5
Unhusked rice 10
Wheat bran 20
(unprocessed), rice bran
84. 185 Fenpropathrin (RS)- - cyano- 0.03 Eggs, edible offal of 0.01
phenoxybenzyl 2,2,3,3 poultry
- tetramethyl Poultry meat 0.02
xylate Edible offal of cattle 0.05
Cattle milk 0.1
Gherkins, eggplant 0.2
Cattle meat 0.5
Cottonseed, sweet 1
peppers, tomato
Crude cottonseed oil 3
Pome fruits, grapes 5
85. 188 Fenpropimorph (RS)-cis-4-[3-(4-tert- Mammalian fat (except 0.01
butylphenyl)-2- milk fat), milk, poutry
methylpropyl]-2,6- fat, eggs, meat and
dimethylmorpholine edible offal of poultry
Meat of mammals 0.02
Liver of cattle, pigs, 0.05
goat, sheep, sugar beet
Liver of cattle, goat, 0.3
pigs, sheep
Barley, oats, rye, wheat 0.5
Leaves and tops of sugar 1
Banana 2
Stems and leaves of 5
86. 193 Fenpyroximate Tert-butyl (E)- - (1,3- Cattle milk 0.005
dimethyl-5- Kidney and liver of 0.01
phenoxypyrazol-4- cattle
xy)-p-toluate Cattle meat 0.02
Sweet orange, sour 0.2
Dry hops 10
87. 38 Fensulfothion O,O-diethyl O-4- 0.0003 Banana, meat of buffalo, 0.02
methylsulfinylphen yl beef, goat, and edible
phosphorothioate offal of goats
Peanuts, pineapple 0.05
Meat and edible offal of 0.02
Maize, onion, potato, 0.01
sugar beet, tomato,
88. 39 Fenthion O,O-dimethyl O-4- 0.007 Milk, brown rice 0.05
methylthio-m-tolyl Olives, olive oil 1
Citrus fruits, cherries, 2
89. 40 Fentin Triphenyltin 0.0005 Potato, rice 0.1
Sugar beet 0.2
Hops (dry) 0.5
90. 119 Fenvalerate (RS)- -cyano-3- 0.02 Edible offal of 0.02
phenoxybenzyl (RS)-2- mammalians
(4- chlorophenyl)-3- Tuberous vegetables 0.05
Milk, cottonseed oil, 0.1
sunflower seed, peanuts,
soya-bean (dry), fresh
maize, beans (shelled),
Wheat flour, cottonseed, 0.2
muskmelon (except
watermelon), cucumber,
tree nuts
Squash, watermelon, 0.5
sweet peppers
Berries and other small 1
fruits, mammalian meat,
Chinese broccoli,
tomato, beans (except
broad beans and soya-
Citrus fruits, pome 2
fruits, cherries, cereals,
cauliflower, lettuce,
celery, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts
Cabbages 3
Wheat bran 5
kiwifruits, peach
Kale 10
Alfalfa stems and roots 20
91. 202 Fipronil 5-amino-1-(2,6- Barley, oats, rye, 0.002
dichloro-,,- sunflower seed, wheat
trifluoro-p-tolyl)-4- Banana 0.005
nylpyrazole-3- Maize, rice, poultry 0.01
carbonitrile meat
Cabbages, cattle milk, 0.02
cattle kidney, eggs,
edible offal of poultry,
potato, flowerhead
Cattle liver, baby corn 0.1
Sugar beet, leaves and 0.2
tops of sugar beet
Cattle meat 0.5
92. 152 Flucythrinate (RS)- -cyano-3- 0.02 Fresh maize, coffee 0.05
phenoxybenzyl (S)-2- beans, rape seed, beans
(4- difluoromethoxyph (dry), potato, Japanese
enyl)-3- radish, sugar beet
methylbutyrate Cottonseed 0.1
Barley, oats, wheat, 0.2
cottonseed oil, tomato,
Cabbages, artichoke 0.5
Grapes 1
Leaves and tops of sugar 2
Hops (dry) 10
93. 211 Fludioxonil 4-(2,2-difluoro-1,3- Meat (mammals), milk, 0.01
benzodioxol-4- yl)-1H- poultry meat, soya-bean
pyrrole-3- carbonitrile (dry), sunflower seed,
sweet corn
Potato, rape seed 0.02
Cereal grains, 0.05
cottonseed, edible offal
of cattle, eggs and edible
offal of poultry
Almonds 0.2
Onion and leeks 0.5
Flowerhead brassicas, 0.7
Blackberries, grapes, 2
Strawberry 3
Raspberries, onion 5
Basil, shallots, mustard 10
greens, watercress
Basil (dry) 50
94. 195 Flumethrin (RS)--cyano-4- 0.004 Cattle milk 0.05
fluoro-3- Cattle meat 0.2
(1RS,3RS;1RS, 3SR)-
95. 165 Flusilazole Bis(4-fluorophenyl) 0.001 Meat, fat and milk of 0.01
(methyl)(1H-1,2,4- cattle, chicken eggs,
triazol-1- meat and edible offal of
ylmethyl)silane chicken, sugar beet
Edible offal of cattle 0.02
Rape seed 0.05
Banana, barley, rye, 0.1
Apple juice 0.2
Grapes, nectarine, 0.5
peach, apricot
Dried grapes 1
Barley, wheat, barley 2
(hulls and stems)
96. 206 Flutolanil ,,-trifluoro-3′- Meat of mammals, milk, 0.05
isopropoxy-o- eggs, meat and edible
toluanilide offal of poultry
Kidney of cattle (pigs, 0.1
sheep, goats)
Liver of cattle (pigs, 0.2
goats, sheep)
Rice 1
Brown rice 2
Rice bran 10
97. 41 Folpet N- 0.1 Potato 0.1
Cucumbers, onion, leeks 1
Grapes 2
Melons (except 3
Strawberry 20
98. 42 Formothion S-[formyl(methyl)car 0.02 Citrus fruits 0.2
bamoylmethyl] O,O-
99. 175 Gluphosinate- 0.02 Milk 0.02
Asparagus, sugar beet, 0.05
carrots, immature beans,
baby corns, onion and
leeks, sunflower seed
oil, poultry meat, eggs,
mammalian meat
Fresh maize, bulb 0.1
onions, crude cottonseed
oil, hard-skinned fruits,
pome fruits, kiwifruits,
leaves and tops of sugar
beet, soya-bean (dry),
citrus fruits,
pomegranate and other
Banana 0.2
Currants, potato 0.5
beans (dry), broad beans 2
Pea (dry) 3
Sunflower seed, rape 5
100. 158 Glyphosate N-(phosphonomethyl) 0.3 Cottonseed oil 0.05
Fresh maize, kiwifruits, 0.1
rice, sorghum, eggs,
milk and meat of cattle,
pig meat, poultry meat
Soya beans (immature) 0.2
Wheat flour 0.5
Maize, edible offal of 1
Edible offal of cattle, 2
beans (dry)
Virgin wheat, dry pea, 5
immature soya bean,
Rape seed, cottonseed 10
Barley, oats, sorghum, 20
soya-bean (dry), wheat
bran (unprocessed)
Cereal hulls and stems 100
Soya-bean (dry) 200
101. 114 Guazatine Guazatine 0.03 Pineapple, cereal grains, 0.1
sugar cane, potato
Citrus fruits, muskmelon 5
102. 194 Haloxyfop (RS)-2-{4-[3- chloro- Banana, citrus fruits, 0.05
5- (trifluoromethyl)-2- grapes, pome fruits
y}propionic acid
103. 43 Heptachlor 1,4,5,6,7,8,8- 0.0001 Milk 0.006
heptachloro-3a, 4,7,7a-
Orange, mandarin, 0.01
Cereal grains, 0.02
cottonseed, refined
soya-bean oil
Eggs 0.05
Cattle meat, poultry 0.2
Soya-bean oil cake 0.5
104. 170 Hexaconazole (RS) -2- (2,4 - 0.005 Coffee beans 0.05
diclorophenyl) -1-(1H-
Grapes, banaba, apple, 0.1
1,2,4- triazol-1-yl)
hexan -2- ol
105. 176 Hexythiazox (4RS,5RS)-5-(4- 0.03 Cucumbers, tomato 0.1
Plums (including 0.2
cyclohexyl-4- methyl-
prunes), currants (red,
carboxamide Strawberry, citrus fruits, 0.5
apple, beans
Grapes, cherries, peach 1
Dry hops 2
106. 45 Hydrogen cyanide Hydrocyanic acid 0.05 Wheat flour 6
Cereal grains 75
107. 46 Hydrogen Phosphine Dried fruits, dried 0.01
phosphide vegetables, spices, cocoa
beans, peanuts, tree nuts
Cereal grains 0.1
108. 110 Imazalil (RS)-1-(- allyloxy- 0.03 Wheat 0.01
2,4- Cucumber, gherkins 0.5
imidazole Strawberry, banana, 2
Japanese persimmon
Pome fruits, potato, 5
citrus fruits
109. 206 Imidacloprid 1-[(6-chloro-3- Eggs, milk and meat of 0.02
pyridinyl)methyl]- N- poultry, edible offal of
nitro-2- poultry, sweet corn
Wheat flour 0.03
Banana, cereal grains, 0.05
leeks, pecan, rape seed,
sugar beet, edible offal
of cattle
Onion and leeks 0.1
Eggplant, fresh maize, 0.2
mango, melons (except
watermelon), plums
Wheat bran 0.3
Apple, apricot, peach, 0.5
flowerhead brassicas,
brussels sprouts,
cabbages, cauliflower,
potato, tomato
Cucumbers, grapes, 1
pear, peppercorns
Other beans (except 2
otherwise listed),
lettuce, head lettuce
Oats, barley, leaves and 5
tops of sugar beet
Dry hops 10
110. 111 Iprodione 3-(3,5- 0.06 Beans (dry), sugar beet 0.1
Onion, garlic, tree nuts 0.2
dioxoimidazolidine -1- Rape seed, sunflower 0.5
carboxamide seed
Witloof chicory 1
Barley, immature beans, 2
Tomato, apple juice, 5
Strawberry, pome fruits, 10
pea, peach, cherries,
grapes, brown rice,
lettuce tops, carrots
Lettuce leaves, broccoli 25
Blackberries 30
111. 131 Isofenphos (RS)-(O-ethyl O-2- 0.001 Milk 0.01
Banana, maize, fat (of 0.02
animals), meat and
edible offal of animals,
grape seed, swede,
Onion, potato 0.1
112. 199 Kresoxim - Methyl (E)- Milk 0.01
methyl methoxyimino[- (o- Cucumber, edible offal 0.05
tolyloxy)-o- and fat of mammals
tolyl]acetate (except milk fat),
mammalian meat,
poultry meat, rye, wheat
Barley 0.1
Olives, pome fruits 0.2
Fresh grapes, sweet 0.5
orange, sour orange
Olive oil 0.7
Grapes 1
Dried grapes 2
Straw and fodder of 5
grases, cereal grains
113. 48 Lindane 1,2,3,4,5,6- 0.001 Milk, edible offal of 0.01
hexachlorocyclohex cattle, edible offal of
ane poultry, barley, oats,
wheat, sorghum, maize,
sweet corn
Poultry meat, potato, 0.05
rape seed
Sugar beet, leaves and 0.1
tops of sugar beet,
immature pea, cattle
Grapes, currants, apple, 0.5
cherries, plums
(including prunes),
cereal grains, cabbages,
cauliflower, pear,
brussels sprouts, savoy
Copra and coconut fiber, 1
cocoa beans, kohlrapi,
beans (dry), radish
Witloof chicory, lettuce, 2
meat of cattle (pigs,
sheep), spinach, tomato
114. 49 Malathion Diethyl 0.02 Tomato juice 0.01
Sweet corn 0.02
thio]butanedioate Peppercorns 0.1
Cucumbers, garden 0.2
Blackberries, pear, 0.5
cauliflower, kohlrapi,
chilli, eggplant, pea,
tuberous vegetables,
Strawberry, celery, 1
asparagus, onion and
Wheat flour, rye flour, 2
apple, immature beans,
virgin wheat, mustard
Kale, spinach 3
Oranges, mandarin 4
Broccoli 5
Plums (including 6
prunes), cherries, peach
Dried fruits, 8
blackberries, cereal
grains, lentils, witloof
chicory, lettuce tops,
grapes, berries,
cabbages, dry lentils,
spinach, stone fruits,
Chinese broccoli
Blackberries 10
115. 102 Maleic hydrazide 6- hydroxy- 2H- 0.3 Onion and leeks, chives 15
pyridazin - 3-one
Potato 50
116. 124 Mecarbam S-(N- ethoxycarbonyl- 0.03 Milk, meat and edible 0.01
N- methylcarbamoylm offal of cattle
ethyl) O,O-diethyl
Oranges, mandarin 2
117. 138 Metalaxyl Methyl N- 0.03 Cereal grains, 0.05
(methoxyacetyl)-N- cottonseed, soya-bean,
(2,6-xylyl)-DL- pea, sunflower seed,
alaninate asparagus, potato,
carrots, sugar beet
Peanuts 0.1
Sapodilla, brussels 0.2
sprouts, melons,
watermelon, raspberries
Flowerhead brassica, 0.5
cauliflower, cucumber,
gherkins, tomato
Grapes, pome fruits, 1
Lettuce, head lettuce, 2
spinach, onion, leeks
Citrus fruits 5
Dry hops 10
118. 125 Methacrifos Methyl (E)-3- 0.006 Milk, eggs, meat of 0.01
(dimethoxyphosphi chicken and duck, and
nothioyloxy)-2- edible offal of buffalo
methylacrylate and beef
119. 100 Methamidophos (RS)-(O,S-dimethyl 0.004 Meat and edible offal of 0.01
phosphoramidothio cattle, eggs, meat and
ate) edible offal of poutry
Milk, sugar beet, leaves 0.02
and tops of sugar beet
Potato 0.05
Soya-bean 0.1
Cauliflower, cabbages 0.5
Cucumbers, 1
peppercorns, sweet
Alfalfa leaves 2
Hops (dry) 5
Leaves and tops of sugar 30
120. 51 Methidathion S-2,3-dihydro-5- 0.001 Milk 0.001
Cashew nuts 0.01
thiadiazol-3- ylmethyl
O,O- dimethyl Fat, meat and edible 0.02
phosphorodithioate offal of cattle and
poultry (buffalo, beef,
goat, sheep, pig,
chicken, duck), eggs,
Pineapple, tree nuts, 0.05
pecan, walnuts,
cucumber, sugar beet,
artichoke, turnips, radish
Maize, bulb onion, 0.1
tomato, immature pea,
rape seed, safflower
(dry), cabbages, beans
(dry), runner beans
Cherries, plums, 0.2
nectarine, peach,
Apple, tea (green, 0.5
black), sunflower seed
Olive seeds, cottonseed, 1
grapes, pear
Lemon, orange, 2
grapefruit, crude olive
oil, cottonseed oil
Dry hops, mandarin 5
Alfalfa leaves 10
121. 132 Methiocarb 4 - methylthio - 3,5- 0.02 Citrus fruits, cereal 0.05
xylyl methylcarbamate grains, milk, eggs,
poultry meat, hazelnuts,
fresh maize, sugar beet,
artichoke, rape seed
Cabbages, kale, 0.2
cauliflower, lettuce,
brussels sprouts,
Strawberry 1
122. 94 Methomyl S-methyl (EZ)-N- 0.03 Milk, meat and edible 0.02
(methylcarbamoylo offal of cattle, meat and
xy)thioacetimidate edible offal of poutry,
eggs, maize, maize oil,
potato, sorghum
Wheat flour 0.03
Cottonseed oil 0.04
Beans, rape seed 0.05
Sugar beet, peanuts, 0.1
beans (dry), immature
soya-bean, potato
Pineapple, sorghum, 0.2
bulb onion, muskmelon,
cucumber, watermelon,
soya-bean (dry),
eggplant, shallots
Barley, oats, wheat, 0.5
cottonseed, onion, pea
Oranges, mandarin, 1
pepercorns, tomato,
sorghum leaves, chilli
Mint hay, pome fruits, 2
cauliflower, fresh maize,
asparagus, celery,
immature beans
Grapes, peach, 5
nectarine, cabbages,
kale, lettuce tops,
immature pea, spinach,
peanut leaves, barley,
oats, wheat (hulls and
Alfalfa leaves 20
123. 147 Methoprene Isopropyl (E,E) - (RS)- 0.1 Eggs, cattle milk 0.05
11- methoxy - 3,7,11 -
Edible offal of cattle 0.1
trimethyldodeca - 2,4 -
dienoate Cattle meat, maize coil, 0.2
Wheat flour, peanuts 2
Virgin wheat, cereal 5
124. 209 Methoxyfenozide N-tert-butyl-N′-(3- Eggs, milk, meat and 0.01
methoxy-o- toluoyl)- edible offal of poultry
3,5- xylohydrazide
Edible offal of cattle, 0.02
maize, sweet corn
Cattle meat 0.05
Grapes 1
Peppercorn, pome fruits, 2
plums, tomato
Flowerhead brassicas, 3
dried grapes
Dired apple, cabbages, 7
Celery, lettuce, head 15
Mustard greens 30
Baby corn 50
125. 186 Metiram Zinc ammoniate 0.03 Potato 0.1
Wheat 0.2
arbamate) -
poly(ethylenethiura m Cucumbers, carrots 0.5
disulfide) Banana, cherries, plums, 1
muskmelon, witloof
Apple, pear, tomato 3
Currants, grapes, lettuce, 5
126. 53 Mevinphos (EZ)-2- 0.0008 Melons (except 0.05
methoxycarbonyl-1 - watermelon), cabbages
methylvinyl dimethyl
Immature beans 0.1
Orrange, mandarin, 0.2
cucumber, tomato
Grapes, spinach 0.5
Strawberry, cauliflower, 1
broccoli, Brussels
127. 54 Monocrotophos Dimethyl (E) -1- 0.0006 Milk 0.002
Milk products, meat 0.02
and edible offal of
vinyl phosphate
cattle, wheat, sugar
cane, eggs, meat and
edible offal of poutry
Maize, crude cottonseed 0.05
oil, immature soya-bean,
potato, sugar beet
Coffee beans, 0.1
cottonseed, bulb onions,
immature pea
Oranges, mandarin, 0.2
cabbages, cauliflower,
immature beans
Hobs, apple, pear, 1
128. 181 Myclobutanil (RS)-2-(4- 0.03 Milk, meat and edible 0.01
chlorophenyl)-2- (1H- offal of cattle, eggs,
1,2,4-triazol-1- meat and edible offal of
ylmethyl) hexanenitrile poutry
Plums, apricot 0.2
Tomato 0.3
Prunes, black currants, 0.5
pome fruits, peach
Grapes, cherries, 1
Banana, stone fruits, dry 2
129. 217 Novaluron (RS)-1-[3-chloro-4- Chicken meat, poultry 0.01
(1,1,2-trifluoro-2- meat, edible offal of
trifluoromethoxyetho poultry, eggs, wheat,
xy)phenyl]-3-(2,6- barley, rye, maize,
difluorobenzoyl)urea cereal grains, soya-bean,
beans (dry), peanuts,
Japanese radish, radish
Sugar, sugar cane, 0.02
vegetables, Chinese
broccoli, Brussels
sprouts, artichoke,
lettuce, head lecttuce,
onion, muskmelon,
watermelon, carrots,
lemon, orange, grapes,
Japanese melons,
banana, mango, papaya,
persimmon, pineapple,
guava, passion fruits,
dates, sunflower seeds,
apricot, plums, pecan,
tea, coffee beans, cocoa
beans, dry hops
Potato, taro, sweet 0.05
potato, purple yam,
edible fungies
Eggplant 0.5
Goat meat, pig meat, 0.7
cattle meat, edible offal
of cattle
Cabbages, tomato, 1
Apple, pear, Japanese 3
130. 55 Omethoate 2- dimethoxyphosphin Carrots, cereal grains, 0.05
oylthio-N- potato, sugar beet
Celery, onion, pea, 0.1
Beans (except soya- 0.2
bean), broccoli,
cabbages, cauliflower,
cucumber, kale, lettuce,
Peppercorns, strawberry, 1
Orange, mandarin, 2
131. 126 Oxamyl (EZ)-N,N- dimethyl-2- 0.03 Eggs, milk, meat and 0.02
methylcarbamoyloxy edible offal of cattle,
imino-2-(methylthio) meat and edible offal of
acetamide poutry
Peanuts 0.05
Carrots, potato, tuberous 0.1
Cottonseed, peanut 0.2
stems and leaves
Pipeapple 1
Apple, muskmelon, 2
cucumber, squash,
watermelon, sweet
peppers, tomato, dry
Orrange, mandarin, 5
132. 161 Paclobutrazol (2RS,3RS)-1-(4- 0.1 Tree nuts 0.05
Apple 0.5
dimethyl-2- (1H-1,2,4-
triazol-1- yl)pentan-3-
133. 57 Paraquat 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'- 0.004 Milk, eggs 0.01
Vegetables, meat and 0.05
edible offal of cattle,
sunflower seed oil,
cottonseed oil
Soya-bean (dry), maize 0.1
Dry hobs, passion fruits, 0.2
cottonseed, potato
Rice, barley, cattle 0.5
Olive seeds 1
Sunflower seed 2
Rice 10
134. 58 Parathion O,O-diethyl O-4- 0.004 Apple, sunflower seed, 0.05
nitrophenyl potato, leeks, dry soya-
phosphorothioate bean
Maize 0.1
Oranges, lemons, 0.5
mandarin, olives
Apricot, peach, 1
Olive oil 2
Sorghum 5
135. 59 Parathion - methyl O,O-dimethyl O-4- 0.003 Plums (including 0.01
nitrophenyl prunes)
phosphorothioate Cabbages, sugar beet, 0.05
Apple 0.2
Peach, pea (dry) 0.3
Grapes 0.5
Dried grapes 1
136. 182 Penconazole (RS)-1-[2-(2,4- Cattle milk 0.01
Eggs and meat of 0.05
chicken, meat and
edible offal of cattle
Peach, nectarine, 0.1
watermelon, strawberry
Tomato, grapes, apple 0.2
Dried hops, dried grapes 0.5
137. 120 Permethrin 3- phenoxybenzyl(1R 0.05 Coffee beans, rape seed, 0.05
S)-cis,trans-3-(2,2- pistachio nuts, sugar
dichlorovinyl)-2,2- beet, potato, dry soya-
dimethylcyclopropa bean
Milk, edible offal of 0.1
mammals, crude soya-
bean oil, cottonseed oil,
eggs, poultry meat,
peanuts, tree nuts,
kohlrapi, beans (dry),
fresh maize, mushroom,
pea, carrots, Japanese
radish, melons (except
Oranges, mandarin, 0.5
spring onion,
cauliflower, cucumbers,
squash, horseradish,
gherkins, leeks,
cottonseed, wheat flour
Mammalian meat, 1
strawberry, olive seed,
sunflower seed oil,
peppercorn, eggplant,
tomato, asparagus,
blackberries, Brussels
sprouts, immature
beans, sunflower seed
Virgin wheat, wheat 2
germ, currants, grapes,
gooseberry, pome fruits,
cereal, lettuce tops,
kiwifruits, stone fruits,
broccoli, spinach
Savoy cabbages, 5
cabbage sprouts, kale,
Chinese cabbages,
wheat bran
Tea (green, black), 20
sorghum hulls and stems
Apple juice powder 50
(dry), hobs (dry), soya-
bean (dry)
Dry maize, alfalfa 100
138. 127 Phenothrin 3-phenoxybenzyl 0.07 Rice 0.1
(1RS,3RS;1RS, 3SR)-
Wheat flour 1
2,2- dimethyl-3-(2-
methylprop-1- Wheat, barley, sorghum 2
enyl)cyclopropaneca Wheat germ, wheat bran 5
139. 128 Phenthoate S-- 0.003 Milk 0.01
ethoxycarbonylben zyl Meat of buffalo and 0.05
O,O-dimethyl beef, eggs, rice
Citrus fruits 1
140. 112 Phorate O,O-diethyl S- 0.0005 Maize, sorghum, wheat, 0.05
ethylthiomethyl milk, peanut oil, eggs,
phosphorodithioate cottonseed, soya-bean
(dry), fresh maize, sugar
beet, sugar beet (dry),
mammalian meat
Beans, peanuts 0.1
Potato, maize 0.2
Leaves and tops of sugar 1
141. 60 Phosalone S-6-chloro-2,3- 0.02 Sheep meat, pecan 0.05
Almond 0.1
ylmethyl O,O- diethyl Pome fruits 2
142. 103 Phosmet O,O-dimethyl S- 0.01 Milk, pea (dry) 0.02
Maize, potato, 0.05
Stone fruits 0.1
Immature pea 0.2
Cattle meat 1
Orange, mandarin, 5
apricot, nectarine
Grapes, blackberries, 10
apple, pear, peach,
potato, dry maize, pea
shoots, dry pea
143. 61 Phosphamidon (EZ)-2-chloro-2- 0.0005 Tuberous vegetables 0.05
diethylcarbamoyl-1 -
Cereal grains, cucumber, 0.1
methylvinyl dimethyl
watermelon, lettuce,
Strawberry, cherries, 0.2
plums (including
prunes), peach,
cabbages, spinach,
peppercorn, peam beans,
carrots, celery
Oranges, mandarin 0.4
144. 141 Phoxim O,O-diethyl - 0.001 Cereal grains, milk, 0.05
cyanobenzylidenea sheep meat, cottonseed,
minooxyphosphono onion, cabbages,
thioate cauliflower, fresh maize,
beans, potato
Lettuce 0.1
Meat of buffalo and 0.2
beef, tomato
145. 62 Piperonyl 5-[2-(2- 0.2 Milk, citrus fruit juice 0.05
butoxide butoxyethoxy)ethoxym Dried fruits, figs, liver 0.2
ethyl]-6- propyl-1,3- of cattle (pigs, sheep,
benzodioxole goats)
Kidneys of cattle, 0.3
tomato juice
Tuberous vegetables 0.5
Eggs, liver of cattle, 1
vegetables, peanuts
Tomato, peppercorns 2
Cattle meat, citrus fruits 5
Poultry meat 7
Wheat flour, edible offal 10
of poultry
Cereal grains, wheat 30
(flour and bran)
Lettuce, spinach, 50
mustard greens
Maize oil, wheat bran 80
Wheat germ 90
Pea 200
146. 101 Pirimicarb 2-dimethylamino-5,6- 0.02 Milk, eggs, mammalian 0.05
dimethylpyrimidin-4- meat, orange, mandarin,
yl dimethylcarbamate barley, oats, wheat,
cottonseed, pecan, fresh
maize, sugar beet,
radish, potato
Beans (shelled) 0.1
Pea, rape seed 0.2
Strawberry, currants, 0.5
orange, mandarin, plums
(including prunes),
peach, bulb onion,
kohlrabi, blackberries,
Immature beans, tomato, 1
eggplant, spinach, sweet
pepper, lettuce, witloof
chicory, parsley,
cabbages, cauliflower,
cucumber, watercress,
pome fruits, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, celery,
Chili peppers, 2
Alfalfa stems and roots 20
Alfalfa leaves 50
147. 86 Pirimiphos - O-2- diethylamino-6- 0.03 Milk, meat and edible 0.01
methyl methylpyrimidin-4- yl offal of cattle, eggs,
O,O-dimethyl meat and edible offal of
phosphorothioate poutry
Cereal grains 7
Wheat bran 15
(unprocessed), rice bran
148. 142 Prochloraz N-propyl -N- - 0.01 Milk, poultry meat, 0.05
(2,4,6- stone fruits, linseed
Eggs 0.1
carboxamide Edible offal of poultry, 0.2
coffee beans
Cattle meat, sunflower 0.5
Rape seed 0.7
Sunflower seed oil 1
Cereal grains, 2
Wheat bran 7
Citrus fruits 10
149. 136 Procymidone N-(3,5- 0.1 Sunflower seed, onion, 0.2
dichlorophenyl)-1,2- leeks
Sunflower seed oil 0.5
ne-1,2- dicarboximide
Immature beans, pear 1
Cucumber, gherkins, 2
cabbages, plums
Pea (green) 3
Grapes, lettuce tops, 5
peppercorns, tomato
Blackberries, 10
strawberry, cherries
150. 171 Profenofos (RS)-(O-4- bromo-2- 0.01 Milk 0.01
chlorophenyl O- ethyl
Eggs 0.02
phosphorothioate) Soya-bean oil, sugar 0.05
beet, potato, cottonseed
oil, dry soya-bean,
mammalian meat
Immature beans 0.1
Brussels sprouts, sweet 0.5
Oranges, cabbages 1
Tomato, cottonseed 2
Peppercorns, chilli 5
151. 148 Propamocarb Propyl 3- 0.1 Strawberry, cabbages 0.1
Cauliflower, sugar beet, 0.2
Tomato, sweet peppers, 1
Brussels sprouts
Cucumbers 2
Radish 5
Lettuce tops, head 10
152. 113 Propargite 2-(4-tert- 0.01 Milk, meat and edible 0.1
butylphenoxy)cyclo offal of cattle, eggs,
hexyl prop-2-ynyl meat and edible offal of
sulfite poutry, cottonseed,
peanuts, tree nuts,
walnuts, potato, maize
Beans (dry), apple juice, 0.2
maize powder,
cottonseed oil
Orang juice, peanut oil, 0.3
peanut cake
Maize oil 0.5
Grape juice 1
Tomato 2
Apple, citrus fruits 3
Pear, tea (green, black) 5
Peach, nectarine, 7
apricot, grapes, plums,
Dried grapes, citrus peel 10
Immature beans 20
Grape juice powder 40
Almond hulls 50
Hoa bia (khô) 100
153. 160 Propiconazole (2RS,4RS;2RS, 4SR)- 0.04 Milk 0.01
Mango, tree nuts, pecan, 0.05
barley, rye, oats, wheat,
propyl-1,3- dioxolan-
sugar cane, peanuts,
rape seed, sugar beet,
meat and edible offal of
mammals, eggs and
meat of poultry
Banana, coffee beans, 0.1
Leaves and tops of sugar 0.5
beet, grapes
Stone fruits 1
154. 75 Propoxur 2-isopropoxyphenyl 0.02 Potato 0.02
Milk, meat of mammals, 0.05
onion, tomato, immature
beans, carrots
Rice, cucumbers, potato 0.1
Kohlrapi 0.2
Savoy cabbage, lettuce 0.5
Immature beans, leeks, 1
legume vegetables
Spinach 2
Blackberries, 3
strawberry, currants,
apple, pear, peach,
cherries, plums
(including prunes),
155. 153 Pyrazophos Ethyl 2- 0.004 Wheat, barley 0.05
Cucumber, melons 0.1
(except watermelon),
Brussels sprouts
carboxylate Carrots, strawberry 0.2
156. 63 Pyrethrins 0.04 Citrus fruits, 0.05
cucurbitaceous fruits
and vegetables,
peppercorn, tuberous
vegetables, tomato
Figs 0.1
Dried fruits 0.2
Cereal grains 0.3
Peanuts 0.5
Pea 1
157. 200 Pyriproxifen 2-[1-Methyl-2-(4- Meat and edible offal of 0.01
phenoxyphenoxy) cattle, cottonseed oil
ethoxyl] pyridine
Cottonseed 0.05
Citrus fruits 0.5
158. 64 Quintozene Pentachloronitrobe 0.007 Barley, wheat, 0.01
nzene cottonseed, soya-bean,
pea, maize, sugar beet
Beans, tomato 0.02
Eggs 0.03
Flowerhead brassicas, 0.05
peppercorn, spices
Cabbages, meat and 0.1
edible offal of chicken
Peanuts 0.5
159. 203 Spinosad A mixture of 50–95% almond, cottonseed, 0.01
(2R,3aS,5aR,5bS,9S,1 cottonseed oil, eggs,
3S,14R,16aS,16bR)-2- potato, soya-bean, sweet
(6- deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O- corn
Kiwifruits 0.05
mannopyranosylox y)-
13-(4- dimethylamino- Apple 0.1
2,3, 4,6-tetradeoxy-õ- Cucurbitaceous 0.2
D- erythropyranosylox vegetables and fruits,
y)-9-ethyl- poultry meat
1,12,13,14,15,16a,16b- Citrus fruits, legume 0.3
hexadecahydro-14- vegetables
methyl-1H-as- Grapes 0.5
d]oxacyclododecine- Cattle milk, cattle 1
7,15-dione and 50–5% kidney, cereal grains,
(2S,3aR,5aS,5bS,9S,13 dried grapes
S,14R,16aS,16bS)-2- Almond hulls, 2
(6-deoxy-2,3,4-tri-O- vegetables, celery,
methyl-ỏ-L- wheat bran, cattle liver
mannopyranosylox y)-
13-(4- dimethylamino- Cattle meat 3
2,3,4,6-tetradeoxy-õ- Maize 5
D- erythropyranosylox
y)-9-ethyl- Fresh vegetables 10
d]oxacyclododecine -
160. 189 Tebuconazole (RS)-1-p- 0.03 Cattle milk 0.01
Squash (summer) 0.02
dimethyl-3- (1H-1,2,4-
triazol-1- Wheat, oats, rye, 0.05
ylmethyl)pentan-3- ol banana, peanut, rape
seed, eggs, meat and
edible offal of chicken,
meat and edible offal of
Barley, tomato, 0.2
Pome fruits, sweet 0.5
Peach 1
Grapes 2
Dried grapes 3
Cherries 5
161. 196 Tebufenozide N-tert-butyl-N′-(4- 0.02 Milk 0.01
Eggs, poultry meat, 0.02
edible offal of cattle
Almonds, pecan, cattle 0.05
Brown rice 0.1
Peach, kiwifruits, 0.5
flowerhead brassicas
Pome fruits, tomato 1
Citrus fruits, raspberries, 2
grapes, rape seed
Blackberries 3
Cabbages 5
Fresh vegetables 10
Mint leaves 20
Almond hulls 30
162. 115 Tecnazene 1,2,4,5 - tetrachloro- 3- 0.02 Potato 1
Lettuce 2
163. 190 Teflubenzuron 1-(3,5-dichloro-2,4- 0.01 Potato 0.05
Plums (including 0.1
(2,6- difluorobenzoyl)
Cabbage tops 0.2
Brussels sprouts 0.5
Pome fruits 1
164. 167 Terbufos S- tert- 0.0002 Barley, eggs, wheat, 0.01
butylthiomethyl O,O- cattle milk, maize,
diethyl popcorn, sweet corn
Banana, meat and edible 0.05
offal of cattle, meat and
edible offal of chicken,
mustard seed, peanuts,
bulb onion, cabbage
tops, soya-bean,
broccoli, rapeseed oil,
coffee beans, rape seed
Sugar beet 0.1
Maize fodder for cattle, 1
dry peanuts, peanut
leaves for cattle, straw
of cereal plants for
cattle, leaves of sugar
beet (dry)
165. 65 Thiabendazole 2-(thiazol-4 -yl) 0.1 Poultry meat, witloof 0.05
benzimidazole chicory
Eggs, poultry meat 0.1
Milk 0.2
Cattle liver 0.3
Kidney of cattle 1
Pome fruits 3
Mango, banana 5
Papaya, citrus fruits 10
Potato 15
Edible fungies 60
166. 154 Thiodicarb (3EZ, 12EZ)-3,7,9,13- 0.03 Milk, meat 0.02
Peanuts, beans, soya- 0.05
dioxa-2,8,14- trithia-
bean, potato
tetraazapentadeca- Sugar beet 0.1
3,12-diene-6,10- dione Pineapple, sorghum, 0.2
onion, muskmelon,
cucumber, squash,
watermelon, soya-bean
(dry), eggplant
Barley, oats, wheat, 0.5
cottonseed, onion, pea
Oranges, mandarin, 1
pepercorns, tomato
Mint hay, pome fruits, 2
cauliflower, fresh maize,
asparagus, celery
Grapes, peach, 5
nectarine, cabbages,
kale, lettuce, pea,
Hobs 10
167. 76 Thiometon S-2-ethylthioethyl s Sugar beet (leaves, roots 0.05
O,O-dimethyl and tops), cereal grains,
phosphorodithioate mustard seed, grape
seed, carrots, potato
Cottonseed oil 0.1
Grapes, strawberry, 0.5
apple, pear, Mac Cop
pear, plums, apricot,
cherries, peach, parsley,
peanuts, cabbages,
lettuce, peppercorn,
eggplant, tomato, beans,
Hobs 2
168. 77 Thiophanate - Dimethyl 4,4' - (O- 0.08 Cereal grains, chicken 0.1
methyl phenylene)bis (3- meat
Mushroom 1
Plums (including 2
Leaves and tops of sugar 5
beet, blackberries, apple,
pear, lettuce, tomato,
Grapes, citrus fruit, 10
cherries, peach
Celery 20
169. 191 Tolclofos- methyl O-2,6-dichloro-p- tolyl 0.07 Radish 0.1
Potato 0.2
Lettuce, head lettuce 2
170. 162 Tolylfluanid N- dichlorofluorometh 0.1 Currants 0.5
ylthio-N′,N′- dimethyl- Cucumbers 1
N-p- tolylsulfamide
Leeks, peppercorns 2
Grapes, tomato 3
Strawberry, pome fruits 5
Lettuce, head lettuce 15
Dry hops 50
171. 133 Triadimefon (RS)-1-(4- 0.03 Leaves and tops of sugar 0.05
chlorophenoxy)-3,3 - beet (dry), mango, milk,
dimethyl-1- (1H-1,2,4- meat of mammals,
triazol-1- yl)butan-2- poultry meat, coffee
one beans, bulb onion,
spring onion, mung bean
(dry), immature peas
Oats, rye, wheat, sugar 0.1
beet, cucurbitaceous
vegetables, sweet
peppers, strawberry
Tomato, currants (red, 0.2
Grapes, pome fruits, 0.5
Blackberries 1
Leaves and tops of sugar 2
beet, pipeapple, dry
husks and stems of
Dry hops 10
172. 168 Triadimenol (1RS,2RS;1RS,2SR)- 0.05 Milk 0.01
1-(4- chlorophenoxy)-
Meat of mammals, eggs, 0.05
3,3-dimethyl-1- (1H-
poultry meat, dry sugar
beet, mango, bulb
onion, spring onion,
mung bean (dry)
Coffee beans, sugar 0.1
beet, sweet pepper,
immature pea,
Wheat, leaves and tops 0.2
of sugar beet (dry),
banana, rye, oats
Currants (black, red, 0.5
white), blackberries,
apple juice, barley,
Artichoke, pineapple, 1
leaves and tops of sugar
Grapes, cucurbitaceous 2
Husks and stems of 5
barley (dry), oats, rye,
wheat, dry hobs
173. 143 Triazophos O,O - diethyl O-1- 0.001 Milk and meat of cattle 0.01
phenyl-1H-1,2,4 -
Broad beans (shelled) 0.02
triazol - 3- yl
phosphorothioate Cereal grains, coffee 0.05
beans, bulb onion, soya-
bean (dry), potato, sugar
beet, strawberry
Cottonseed, cabbages, 0.1
cauliflower, immature
peas, Brussels sprouts
Immature beans, pome 0.2
Carrots 0.5
174. 66 Trichlorfon Dimethyl 2,2,2 - 0.01 Parsley, eggplant, 0.05
trichloro - 1- carrots, sugar beet, milk
Architoke, radish, lima 0.1
beans, beans, mustards,
soya-bean, long-podded
cowpea, pumpkins,
peanuts, linseed,
cottonseed, grape seed,
meat and edible offal (of
buffalo, beef, pigs,
sheep), cherries, citrus
Peach, kale, cauliflower, 0.2
fresh maize, tomato,
radish, celery
Grapes, cabbages, 0.5
lettuce, spinach
Strawberry, banana, 1
Apple 2
175. 213 Trifloxystrobin Methyl (E)- Milk 0.02
methoxyimino- {(E)-
Eggs, kidney of cattle 0.04
-[1-(,,- trifluoro- (pig, goat, sheep), meat
m- tolyl)ethylideneami and edible offal of
nooxy]-o- tolyl}acetate poultry
Liver of cattle (goat, 0.05
pig, sheep), meat of
mammals, sugar beet
Wheat 0.2
Barley 0.5
Pome fruits 0.7
Grapes 3
Dried grapes 5
176. 116 Triforine N,N′- {piperazine-1,4- 0.02 Cereal grains 0.1
Brussels sprouts 0.2
ormamide Cucurbitaceous 0.5
vegetables, tomato
Currants, strawberry, 1
immature beans
Apple, cherries, plums 2
(including prunes)
Peach 5
177. 78 Vamidothion O,O-dimethyl S- (RS)- 0.008 Rice, cereal grains 0.2
Grapes, peach, sugar 0.5
phosphorothioate Apple juice 1
178. 159 Vinclozolin (RS)-3-(3,5- 0.01 Milk, meat of cattle, 0.05
dichlorophenyl)-5- eggs, meat of chicken
Potato 0.1
oxazolidine-2,4- dione
Pome fruits, rape seed, 1
bulb onion, cabbage
tops, cauliflower,
cucumber, gherkins,
melons (except
watermelon), peas
Immature beans, witloof 2
Tomato, sweet pepper 3
Blackberries, currants, 5
grapes, cherries, lettuce,
head lettuce, lettuce
tops, cherries,
gooseberry, blueberries
Strawberry, kiwifruits 10
Dry hops 40
8.2. Maximum residue limits for pesticides in foods arranged according to groups of foods
No. Code Pesticide MRL
Fruits (except some types of fruits regulated in specific list)
1 2 Azinphos - methyl 1
2 47 Bromide ion 20
3 32 Endosufan 2
4 12 Chlordane 0.02
Orange, mandarin, lemons and limes, grapefruits (citrus fruits)
1 20 2,4 - D 1
2 56 2 - phenylphenol 10
3 177 Abamectin 0.01
4 117 Aldicarb 0.2
5 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.05
6 122 Amitraz 0.5
7 129 Azocyclotin 2
8 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
9 47 Bromide ion 30
10 70 Bromopropylate 2
11 173 Buprofezin 0.5
12 8 Carbaryl 7
13 96 Carbofuran 2
14 145 Carbosulfan 0.1
15 80 Chinomethionat 0.5
16 17 Chlorpyrifos 1
17 90 Chlorpyrifos-methyl 0.5
18 156 Clofentezine 0.5
19 67 Cyhexatin 2
20 118 Cypermethrin 2
21 135 Deltamethrin 0.02
22 26 Dicofol 5
23 130 Diflubenzuron 0.5
24 27 Dimethoate 2
25 180 Dithianon 3
26 105 Dithiocarbamates 10
27 32 Endosulfan 0.5
28 34 Ethion 5
29 85 Fenamiphos 0.5
30 109 Fenbutatin oxide 5
31 193 Fenpyroximate 0.2
32 37 Fenitrothion 2
33 39 Fenthion 2
34 110 Fenvalerate 2
35 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.1
36 194 Haloxyfop 0.05
37 43 Heptachlor 0.01
38 176 Hexythiazox 0.5
39 110 Imazalil 5
40 206 Imidacloprid 1
41 199 Kresoxim- methyl 0.5
42 49 Malathion 4
43 124 Mecarbam 2
44 138 Metalaxyl 5
45 51 Methidathion 5
46 132 Methiocarb 0.05
47 94 Methomyl 1
48 53 Mevinphos 0.2
49 54 Monocrotophos 0.2
50 126 Oxamyl 5
51 58 Parathion 0.5
52 120 Permethrin 0.5
53 103 Phosmet 5
54 62 Piperonyl butoxide 5
55 61 Phosphamidon 0.4
56 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
57 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
58 142 Prochloraz 10
59 171 Profenofos 1
60 113 Propargite 3
61 63 Pyrethrins 0.05
62 200 Pyriproxifen 0.5
63 203 Spinosad 0.3
64 196 Tebufenozide 2
65 65 Thiabendazole 10
66 77 Thiophanate – methyl 10
1 117 Aldicab 0.2
2 79 Amitrole 0.05
3 129 Azocyclotin 0.2
4 155 Benalaxyl 0.2
5 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
6 70 Bromopropylate 2
7 8 Carbaryl 5
8 81 Chlorothalonil 0.5
9 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.5
10 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.2
11 156 Clofentezine 1
12 179 Cycloxydim 0.5
13 67 Cyhexatin 0.2
14 207 Cyprodinil 3
15 135 Deltamethrin 0.2
16 82 Dichlofluanid 15
17 83 Dicloran 7
18 26 Dicofol 5
19 87 Dinocap 0.5
20 180 Dithianon 3
21 105 Dithiocarbamates 5
22 32 Endosulfan 1
23 106 Ethephon 1
24 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
25 208 Famoxadone 2
26 192 Fenarimol 0.3
27 197 Fenbuconazole 1
28 109 Fenbutatin oxide 5
29 185 Fenpropathrin 5
30 211 Fludioxonil 2
31 165 Flusilazole 0.5
32 41 Folpet 2
33 194 Haloxyfop 0.05
34 176 Hexythiazox 1
35 206 Imidacloprid 1
36 111 Iprodione 10
37 199 Kresoxim-methyl 0.5
38 49 Malathion 8
39 51 Methidathion 1
40 94 Methomyl 5
41 209 Methoxyfenozide 1
42 181 Myclobutanil 1
43 59 Parathion-methyl 0.5
44 182 Fenconazole 0.2
45 120 Permethrin 2
46 103 Phosmet 5
47 136 Procymidone 5
48 113 Propargite 7
49 160 Propiconazole 0.5
50 203 Spinosad 0.5
51 189 Tebuconazole 2
52 196 Tebufenozide 2
53 162 Tolylfluanid 3
54 133 Triadimefon 0.5
55 168 Triadimenol 2
56 213 Trifloxystrobin 3
57 159 Vinclozolin 5
Pome fruits
1 20 2,4 - D 0.01
2 1 Adrin and dieldrin 0.05
3 122 Amitraze 0.5
4 79 Amitrole 0.05
5 144 Btertanol 2
6 70 Bromopropylate 2
7 72 Carbendazim 3
8 17 Chlorpyrifos 1
9 156 Cofentezine 0.5
10 146 Cyhalothrin 0.2
11 118 Cypermethrin 2
12 135 Deltamethrin 0.2
13 22 Diazinon 0.3
14 130 Diflubenzuron 5
15 180 Dithianon 5
16 105 Dithiocarbamates 5
17 84 Dodine 5
18 32 Edosufan 1
19 184 Ehofenprox 1
20 192 Fenarimol 0.3
21 197 Fenbuconazole 0.1
22 109 Fenbutatin oxide 5
23 185 Fenpropathrin 5
24 119 Fenvalerate 2
25 152 Fucythrinate 0.5
26 165 Fusilazole 0.2
27 175 Gufossinate - mamonium 0.05
28 194 Haloxyfop 0.05
29 110 Imazalil 5
30 111 Irodione 5
31 199 Kresoxim-methyl 0.2
32 49 Malathion 2
33 138 Metalaxyl 1
34 94 Methomyl 2
35 209 Methoxyfenozide 2
36 181 Myclobutanyl 0.5
37 182 Penaconazole 0.2
38 120 Permethrin 2
39 60 Phosalone 2
40 101 Primicarb 1
41 189 Tebuconazole 0.5
42 196 Tebufenozide 1
43 190 Teflubenzuron 1
44 65 Thiabendazole 3
45 162 Tolylfluanid 5
46 133 Triadimefon 0.5
47 168 Triadiamenol 0.5
48 143 Triazophos 0.2
49 78 Vamidothion 1
50 159 Vinclozolin 1
1 177 Abamectin 0.02
2 2 Azinphos - methyl 2
3 7 Captan 25
4 8 Carbaryl 5
5 80 Chinomethionat 0.2
6 17 Chlorpyrifos 1
7 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.5
8 157 Cyfluthrin 0.5
9 67 Cyhexatin 2
10 207 Cyprodinil 0.05
11 82 Dichloluanid 5
12 130 Diflubenzuron 5
13 27 Dimethoate 1
14 87 Dinocap 0.2
15 30 Diphenylamine 10
16 84 Dodine 5
17 106 Ethephon 5
18 36 Fenchlorphos 0.7
19 170 Hexaconazole 0.1
20 176 Hexythiazox 0.5
21 206 Imidacloprid 0.5
22 48 Lindane 0.5
23 49 Malathion 2
24 51 Methidathion 0.5
25 126 Oxamyl 2
26 161 Paclobutrazol 0.5
27 58 Parathion 0.05
28 60 Phosalone 5
29 103 Phosmet 10
30 61 Phosphamidon 0.5
31 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
32 113 Propargite 3
33 203 Spinosad 0.1
34 75 Propoxur 3
35 153 Pyrazophos 1
36 65 Thiabendazole 10
37 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
38 116 Triforine 2
1 56 2 - phenylphenol 25
2 177 Abamectin 0.02
3 2 Azinphos - methyl 2
4 178 Bifenthrin 0.5
5 7 Captan 25
6 8 Carbaryl 5
7 15 Chlormequat 3
8 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.5
9 67 Cyhexatin 2
10 207 Cyprodinil 1
11 82 Dichloluanid 5
12 130 Diflubenzuron 1
13 27 Dimethoate 1
14 84 Dodine 5
15 30 Diphenylamine 5
16 35 Ethoxyquin 3
17 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
18 176 Hexythiazox 0.5
19 206 Imidacloprid 1
20 48 Lindane 0.5
21 49 Malathion 0.5
22 51 Methidathion 1
23 103 Phosmet 10
24 61 Phosphamidon 0.5
25 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
26 113 Propargite 5
27 75 Propoxur 3
28 65 Thiabendazole 10
29 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
1 20 2,4 D 0.05
2 79 Amitrole 0.05
3 156 Clofentezine 0.2
4 207 Cyprodinil 2
5 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
6 105 Dithiocarbamates 7
7 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.05
8 181 Myclobutanil 2
9 161 Paclobutrazol 0.05
10 120 Permethrin 2
11 60 Phosalone 2
12 142 Prochloraz 0.05
13 113 Propargite 4
14 160 Propiconazole 1
Peach, nectarine
1 122 Amitraz 0.5
2 2 Azinphos - methyl 2
3 93 Bioresmethrin 2
4 7 Captan 10
5 81 Chlorothanonil 0.5
6 118 Cypermethrin 1
7 22 Diazinon 1
8 82 Dichloluanid 2
9 26 Dicofol 5
10 27 Dimethoate 2
11 180 Dithianon 5
12 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
13 84 Dodine 2
14 32 Endosufan 1
15 106 Ethephon 10
16 192 Fenarimol 1
17 197 Fenbuconazole 1
18 109 Fenbutatin oxide 10
19 39 Fenthion 2
20 119 Fenvalerate 2
21 176 Hexythiazox 1
22 111 Iprodione 10
23 48 Lindane 0.5
24 49 Malathion 6
25 51 Methidathion 0.2
26 181 Myclobutanyl 1
27 59 Parathion - methyl 0.01
28 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
29 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
30 136 Procymidone 10
31 75 Propoxur 3
32 77 Thiophanate - methyl 10
33 116 Triforine 2
34 159 Vinclozolin 5
Plums (including prunes)
1 2 Azinphos - methyl 2
2 144 Bitertanol 2
3 70 Bromopropylate 2
4 8 Carbaryl 10
5 118 Cypermethrin 1
6 22 Diazinon 1
7 83 Dichloran 10
8 26 Dicofol 1
9 130 Diflubenzuron 1
10 27 Dimethoate 0.5
11 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
12 32 Endosufan 1
13 109 Fenbutatin oxide 3
14 176 Hexythiazox 0.2
15 48 Lindane 0.5
16 49 Malathion 6
17 51 Methidathion 0.2
18 181 Myclobutanyl 0.2
19 59 Parathion - methyl 0.01
20 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
21 101 Pirimicarb 0.5
22 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
23 113 Propargite 7
24 75 Propoxur 3
25 190 Teflubenzuron 0.1
26 77 Thiophanate - methyl 2
27 116 Triforine 2
1 144 Bitertanol 1
2 8 Carbaryl 10
3 165 Flusilazole 0.5
4 181 Myclobutanyl 0.2
5 58 Parathion 1
6 103 Phosmet 5
7 113 Propargite 7
Lemons and limes
1 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
2 51 Methidathion 2
3 58 Parathion 0.5
Strawberry and other small fruits
1 20 2,4 - D 0.1
2 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
3 119 Fenvalerate 1
4 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.1
Blackberries, raspberries
1 20 2,4 - D 0.1
2 8 Carbaryl 10
3 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.2
4 22 Diazinon 0.2
5 82 Dichloluanid 15
6 110 Imazalil 2
7 111 Iprodione 30
8 49 Malathion 8
9 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
10 59 Parathion - methyl 0.01
11 120 Permethrin 1
12 101 Pirimicarb 0.5
13 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
14 136 Procymidone 10
15 75 Propoxur 3
16 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
17 133 Triadimefon 1
18 168 Triadiamenol 0.5
19 159 Vinclozolin 5
1 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
2 82 Dichloluanid 7
3 59 Parathion - methyl 0.01
4 120 Permethrin 2
5 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
6 160 Propiconazole 3
7 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
8 116 Triforine 1
9 159 Vinclozolin 5
1 117 Aldicarb 0.2
2 129 Azocyclotin 0.2
3 155 Benalaxyl 1
4 70 Bromopropylate 2
5 8 Carbaryl 5
6 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
7 81 Chlorothanonil 0.5
8 17 Chlorpyrifos 1
9 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.2
10 156 Clofentezine 1
11 179 Cycloxydim 0.5
12 67 Cyhexatin 0.2
13 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
14 82 Dichloluanid 15
15 83 Dichloran 10
16 26 Dicofol 5
17 27 Dimethoate 1
18 180 Dithianon 3
19 105 Dithiocarbamates 5
20 84 Dodine 5
21 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
22 85 Fenamiphos 0.1
23 192 Fenarimol 0.3
24 197 Fenbuconazole 1
25 109 Fenbutatin oxide 5
26 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
27 185 Fenpropathrin 5
28 152 Flucythrinate 1
29 165 Flusilazole 0.5
30 41 Folpet 2
31 170 Hexaconazole 0.1
32 176 Hexythiazox 1
33 111 Iprodione 10
34 48 Lindane 0.5
35 49 Malathion 8
36 138 Metalaxyl 1
37 51 Methidathion 1
38 94 Methomyl 5
39 53 Mevinphos 0.5
40 181 Myclobutanyl 1
41 120 Permethrin 2
42 103 Phosmet 10
43 136 Procymidome 5
44 113 Propargite 10
45 160 Propiconazole 0.5
46 77 Thiophanate - methyl 10
47 133 Triadimefon 0.5
48 168 Triadiamenol 2
49 78 Vamidothion 0.5
50 159 Vinclozolin 5
1 129 Azocyclotin 0.5
2 178 Bifenthrin 1
3 47 Bromide ion 30
4 70 Bromopropylate 2
5 7 Captan 20
6 8 Carbaryl 7
7 80 Chinomethionat 0.2
8 156 Clofentezine 2
9 179 Cycloxydim 0.5
10 67 Cyhexatin 0.5
11 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
12 22 Diazinon 0.1
13 82 Dichloluanid 10
14 83 Dichloran 10
15 27 Dimethoate 1
16 84 Dodine 5
17 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
18 192 Fenarimol 1
19 109 Fenbutatin oxide 10
20 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
21 41 Folpet 20
22 176 Hexythiazox 0.5
23 110 Imazalil 2
24 111 Iprodione 10
25 48 Lindane 3
26 49 Malathion 1
27 53 Mevinphos 1
28 182 Penconazole 0.1
29 120 Permethrin 1
30 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
31 101 Pirimicarb 0.5
32 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
33 136 Procymidone 10
34 148 Propamocarb 0.1
35 113 Propargite 7
36 75 Propoxur 3
37 153 Pyrazophos 0.2
38 65 Thiabendazole 3
39 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
40 162 Tolylfluanid 3
41 133 Triadimefon 0.1
42 168 Triadiamenol 0.1
43 143 Triazophos 0.05
44 116 Triforine 1
45 159 Vinclozolin 10
1 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.05
1 47 Bromide ion 250
2 106 Ethephon 10
3 112 Propargite 2
4 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
1 8 Carbaryl 30
2 135 Deltamethrin 1
3 27 Dimethoate 0.5
4 39 Fenthion 1
5 199 Kresoxim-methyl 0.2
6 51 Methidathion 1
7 57 Paraquat 1
8 58 Parathion 0.5
9 120 Permethrin 1
10 86 Pirimiphos – methyl 5
Japanese persimmon
1 80 Chinomethionat 0.05
2 110 Imazalil 2
1 95 Acephate 0.5
2 122 Amitraz 0.5
3 163 Anilazine 10
4 2 Azinphos – methyl 12
5 155 Benalaxyl 0.5
6 47 Bromide ion 75
7 173 Buproferin 1
8 7 Captan 15
9 8 Carbaryl 5
10 96 Carbofuran 0.1
11 81 Chlorothanonil 5
12 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.5
13 90 Chlorpyrifos – mehyl 0.5
14 157 Cyfluthrin 0.5
15 67 Cyhexatin 2
16 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
17 169 Cyromazine 0.5
18 135 Deltamethrin 0.02
19 22 Diazinon 0.5
20 82 Dichloluanid 2
21 83 Dichloran 0.5
22 26 Dicofol 1
23 130 Diflubenzuron 1
24 27 Dimethoate 1
25 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
26 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
27 85 Fenamiphos 0.2
28 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.1
29 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
30 185 Fenpropathrin 1
31 119 Fenvalerate 1
32 152 Flucythrinate 0.2
33 176 Hexythiazox 0.1
34 111 Iprodione 5
35 48 Lindane 2
36 49 Malathion 3
37 138 Metalaxyl 0.5
38 100 Methamidophos 0.01
39 51 Methidathion 0.1
40 94 Methomyl 1
41 53 Mevinphos 0.2
42 181 Myclobutanyl 0.3
43 126 Oxamyl 2
44 182 Penconazole 0.2
45 120 Permethrin 1
46 61 Phosphamidon 0.1
47 101 Pirimicarb 1
48 86 Pirimiphos – methyl 1
49 136 Procymidone 5
50 171 Profenofos 2
51 148 Propamocarb 1
52 113 Propargite 2
53 75 Propoxur 0.05
54 64 Quintozene 0.1
55 189 Tebuconazole 0.2
56 77 Thiophanate – methyl 5
57 162 Tolylfluanid 2
58 168 Triadiamenol 0.5
59 133 Triadimefon 0.2
60 116 Triforine 0.5
61 159 Vinclozolin 3
1 47 Bromide ion 75
2 72 Carbendazim 0.5
3 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
4 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
5 142 Prochloraz 5
6 196 Tebufenozide 1
7 65 Thiabendazole 15
1 144 Bitertanol 0.5
2 174 Cadusafos 0.01
3 8 Carbaryl 5
4 72 Carbendazim 1
5 96 Carbofuran 0.1
6 81 Chlorothanonil 0.01
7 17 Chlorpyrifos 2
8 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
9 27 Dimethoate 1
10 105 Dithiocarbamates 2
11 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
12 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
13 192 Fenarimol 0.2
14 197 Fenbuconazole 0.05
15 109 Fenbutatin oxide 10
16 165 Flusilazole 0.1
17 188 Fenpropimorph 2
18 202 Fipronil 0.005
19 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.2
20 194 Haloxyfop 0.05
21 170 Hexaconazole 0.1
22 110 Imazalil 2
23 206 Imidacloprid 0.05
24 181 Myclobutanil 2
25 126 Oxamyl 0.2
26 142 Prochloraz 5
27 160 Propiconazole 0.1
28 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
29 167 Terbufos 0.05
30 65 Thiabendazole 5
31 168 Triadiamenol 0.2
1 8 Carbaryl 10
2 17 Chlorpyrifos 2
3 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
4 22 Diazinon 0.2
5 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
6 119 Fenvalerate 5
7 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.05
8 158 Glyphosate 0.1
9 111 Iprodione 5
10 127 Phenothrin 2
11 142 Prochloraz 2
12 196 Tebufenozide 0.5
13 159 Vinclozolin 10
1 72 Carbendazim 2
2 27 Dimethoate 1
3 105 Dithiocarbamates 2
4 206 Imidacloprid 0.2
5 142 Prochloraz 2
6 160 Propiconazole 0.05
7 65 Thiabendazole 5
8 133 Triadimefon 0.05
9 168 Triadiamenol 0.05
1 80 Chinomethionat 5
2 105 Dithiocarbamates 5
3 142 Prochloraz 1
4 65 Thiabendazole 10
Passion fruits
1 57 Paraquat 0.2
1 72 Carbendazim 5
2 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
3 22 Diazinon 0.1
4 74 Disulfoton 0.1
5 32 Endosufan 2
6 106 Ethephon 2
7 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
8 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
9 43 Heptachlor 0.01
10 51 Methidathion 0.05
11 94 Methomyl 0.2
12 126 Oxamyl 1
13 133 Triadimefon 2
14 168 Triadiamenol 1
Vegetables (except certain types of vegetables)
1 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.5
2 31 Diquat 0.05
3 74 Disulfoton 0.5
4 32 Endosufan 2
5 57 Paraquat 0.05
Bulb vegetables
1 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.05
Bulb vegetables (except fennel bulb)
1 135 Deltamethrin 0.1
1 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
1 179 Cycloxydim 0.2
2 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
3 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
4 37 Fenitrothion 0.2
5 58 Parathion 0.05
6 120 Permethrin 0.5
7 101 Pirimicarb 0.5
8 75 Propoxur 1
1 117 Aldicarb 0.1
2 155 Benalaxyl 0.2
3 172 Bentazone 0.1
4 72 Carbendazim 2
5 96 Carbofuran 0.1
6 81 Chlorothanonil 0.5
7 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
8 118 Cypermethrin 0.1
9 22 Diazinon 0.05
10 82 Dichloluanid 0.1
11 83 Dichloran 10
12 27 Dimethoate 0.2
13 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
14 32 Endosufan 0.2
15 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
16 37 Fenitrothion 0.05
17 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.05
18 111 Iprodione 0.2
19 102 Maleic hydrazide 15
20 138 Metalaxyl 2
21 51 Methidathion 0.1
22 94 Methomyl 0.2
23 54 Monocrotophos 0.1
24 126 Oxamyl 0.05
25 101 Pirimicarb 0.5
26 136 Procymidone 0.2
27 75 Propoxur 0.05
28 167 Terbufos 0.05
29 143 Triazophos 0.05
30 159 Vinclozolin 1
Spring onion
1 22 Diazinon 1
2 105 Dithiocarbamates 10
3 120 Permethrin 0.5
4 133 Triadimefon 0.05
5 168 Triadiamenol 0.05
Brassica vegetables
1 95 Acephate 2
2 47 Bromide ion 100
3 8 Carbaryl 5
4 14 Chlorfenvinphos 0.05
5 81 Chlorothanonil 1
6 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
7 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.1
8 179 Cycloxydim 2
9 146 Cyhalothrin 0.2
10 118 Cypermethrin 1
11 135 Deltamethrin 0.2
12 22 Diazinon 2
13 103 Diflubenzuron 1
14 27 Dimethoate 2
15 105 Dithiocarbamates 5
16 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
17 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
18 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
19 119 Fenvalerate 3
20 152 Flucythrinate 0.5
21 48 Lindane 0.05
22 49 Malathion 8
23 138 Metalaxyl 0.5
24 100 Methamidophos 0.5
25 51 Methidathion 0.1
26 132 Methiocarb 0.2
27 94 Methomyl 5
28 53 Mevinphos 1
29 59 Parathion - methyl 0.2
30 120 Permethrin 5
31 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
32 101 Pirimicarb 1
33 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
34 171 Profenofos 1
35 148 Propamocarb 0.1
36 64 Quintozene 0.02
37 190 Teflubenzuron 0.2
38 167 Terbufos 0.05
39 143 Triazophos 0.1
40 159 Vinclozolin 1
Broccoli, flowerhead brassicas
1 95 Acephate 2
2 2 Azinphos - methyl 1
3 47 Bromide ion 30
4 81 Chlorothanonil 5
5 17 Chlorpyrifos 2
6 22 Diazinon 0.5
7 32 Endosulfan 0.5
8 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
9 119 Fenvalerate 2
10 211 Fludioxonil 0.7
11 152 Flucythrinate 0.2
12 206 Imidacloprid 0.5
13 111 Iprodione 25
14 49 Malathion 5
15 138 Metalaxyl 0.5
16 132 Methiocarb 0.2
17 53 Mevinphos 1
18 59 Parathion - methyl 0.2
19 120 Permethrin 2
20 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
21 101 Pirimicarb 1
22 64 Quintozene 0.05
23 196 Tebufenozide 0.5
24 167 Terbufos 0.05
Brussels sprouts
1 117 Aldicarb 0.1
2 72 Carbendazim 0.5
3 14 Chlorfenvinphos 0.05
4 81 Chlorothanonil 5
5 130 Diflubenzuron 1
6 27 Dimethoate 0.2
7 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
8 119 Fenvalerate 2
9 206 Imidacloprid 0.5
10 48 Lindane 0.05
11 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
12 100 Methamidophos 1
13 132 Methiocarb 0.2
14 53 Mevinphos 1
15 120 Permethrin 1
16 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
17 101 Pirimicarb 1
18 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
19 171 Profenofos 0.5
20 148 Propamocarb 1
21 153 Pyrazophos 0.1
22 190 Teflubenzuron 0.5
23 143 Triazophos 0.1
24 116 Triforine 0.2
Savoy cabbage
1 27 Dimethoate 0.05
2 48 Lindane 0.5
3 120 Permethrin 5
4 75 Propoxur 0.5
1 95 Acephate 2
2 14 Chlorfenvinphos 0.1
3 81 Chlorothanonil 1
4 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
5 27 Dimehtoate 2
6 32 Endosulfan 0.5
7 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
8 37 Fenitrothion 0.1
9 119 Fenvalerate 2
10 206 Imidacloprid 0.5
11 48 Lindane 0.5
12 49 Malathion 0.5
13 138 Metalaxyl 0.5
14 100 Methamidophos 0.5
15 132 Methiocarb 0.2
16 94 Methomyl 2
17 53 Mevinphos 1
18 120 Permethrin 0.5
19 101 Pirimicarb 1
20 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
21 171 Profenofos 0.5
22 148 Propamocarb 0.2
23 143 Triazophos 0.1
24 159 Vinclozolin 1
1 22 Diazinon 0.2
2 48 Lindane 1
3 49 Malathion 0.5
4 120 Permethrin 0.1
5 101 Pirimicarb 0.5
6 75 Propoxur 0.2
1 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.1
2 135 Deltamethrin 0.2
3 87 Dinocap 0.05
4 33 Endrin 0.05
5 203 Spinosad 0.2
6 133 Triadimefon 0.1
7 168 Triadiamenol 2
8 116 Triforine 0.5
Melons, except watermelon
1 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.2
2 129 Azocyclotin 0.5
3 155 Benalaxyl 0.1
4 70 Bromopropylate 0.5
5 8 Carbaryl 3
6 72 Carbendazim 2
7 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
8 81 Chlorothanonil 2
9 169 Cyromazine 0.2
10 67 Cyhexatin 0.5
11 169 Cyromazine 0.2
12 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
13 26 Dicofol 0.2
14 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
15 32 Endosulfan 0.5
16 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
17 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
18 192 Fenarimol 0.05
19 197 Fenbuconazole 0.2
20 119 Fenvalerate 0.2
21 41 Folpet 3
22 130 Imazalil 2
23 206 Imidacloprid 0.2
24 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
25 94 Methomyl 0.2
26 126 Oxamyl 2
27 182 Penconazole 0.1
28 120 Permethrin 0.1
29 153 Pyrazophos 0.1
30 159 Vinclozolin 1
1 177 Abamectin 0.01
2 122 Amitraz 0.5
3 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.2
4 129 Azocyclotin 0.5
5 155 Benalaxyl 0.05
6 144 Bitertanol 0.5
7 47 Bromide ion 100
8 70 Bromopropylate 0.5
9 173 Buproferin 1
10 7 Captan 3
11 8 Carbaryl 3
12 72 Carbendazim 0.5
13 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
14 81 Chlorothanonil 5
15 156 Clofentezine 1
16 67 Cyhexatin 0.5
17 118 Cypermethrin 0.2
18 169 Cyromazine 0.2
19 22 Diazinon 0.1
20 82 Dichloluanid 5
21 26 Dicofol 0.5
22 105 Dithiocarbamates 2
23 32 Endosulfan 0.5
24 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
25 208 Famoxadone 0.2
26 197 Fenbuconazole 0.2
27 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.5
28 37 Fenitrothion 0.05
29 119 Fenvalerate 0.2
30 41 Folpet 2
31 176 Hexythiazox 0.1
32 110 Imazalil 0.5
33 206 Imadacloprid 1
34 111 Iprodione 2
35 199 Kresoxim-methyl 0.05
36 49 Malathion 0.2
37 138 Metalaxyl 0.5
38 100 Methamidophos 1
39 51 Methidathion 1
40 132 Methiocarb 0.05
41 94 Methomyl 0.2
42 147 Methoprene 0.2
43 54 Monocrotophos 0.2
44 126 Oxamyl 2
45 182 Penconazole 0.1
46 120 Permethrin 0.5
47 61 Phosphamidon 0.1
48 101 Pirimicarb 1
49 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
50 136 Procymidone 2
51 148 Propamocarb 2
52 113 Propargite 0.5
53 75 Propoxur 0.1
54 153 Pyrazophos 0.1
55 189 Tebuconazole 0.2
56 162 Tolylfluanid 1
57 159 Vinclozolin 1
1 129 Azocyclotin 1
2 72 Carbendazim 2
3 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
4 67 Cyhexatin 1
5 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
6 185 Fenpropathrin 0.2
7 138 Metalaxyl 0.5
8 120 Permethrin 0.5
9 101 Pirimicarb 1
10 136 Procymidone 2
11 162 Tolylfluanid 2
12 159 Vinclozolin 1
1 8 Carbaryl 3
2 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.2
1 177 Abamectin 0.01
2 47 Bromide ion 200
3 70 Bromopropylate 0.5
4 8 Carbaryl 3
5 72 Carbendazim 0.5
6 81 Chlorothanonil 5
7 22 Diazinon 0.05
8 26 Dicofol 1
9 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
10 32 Endosulfan 0.5
11 208 Famoxadone 0.2
12 197 Fenbuconazole 0.05
13 206 Imidacloprid 1
14 119 Fenvalerate 0.5
15 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
16 94 Methomyl 0.2
17 126 Oxamyl 2
18 120 Permethrin 0.5
19 189 Tebuconazole 0.02
Other vegetables, except cucurbits
1 135 Deltamethrin 0.2
1 142 Prochloraz 10
Sweet peppers and chilli peppers
1 56 2 - phenylphenol 1
2 129 Azocyclotin 0.5
3 155 Benalaxyl 0.05
4 47 Bromide ion 20
5 8 Carbaryl 5
6 81 Chlorothanonil 7
7 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.5
8 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.5
9 157 Cyfluthrin 0.2
10 67 Cyhexatin 0.5
11 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
12 169 Cyromazine 1
13 22 Diazinon 0.05
14 82 Dichloluanid 2
15 26 Dicofol 1
16 27 Dimethoate 1
17 87 Dinocap 0.2
18 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
19 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
20 192 Fenarimol 0.5
21 37 Fenitrothion 0.1
22 185 Fenpropathrin 1
23 119 Fenvalerate 0.5
24 49 Malathion 0.1
25 138 Metalaxyl 1
26 100 Methamidophos 2
27 94 Methomyl 0.7
28 209 Methoxyfenozide 2
29 54 Monocrotophos 0.2
30 126 Oxamyl 2
31 120 Permethrin 1
32 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
33 62 Piperonyl butoxide 2
34 101 Pirimicarb 2
35 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
36 136 Procymidone 5
37 171 Profenofos 5
38 148 Propamocarb 1
39 63 Pyrethrins 0.05
40 64 Quintozene 0.01
41 203 Spinosad 0.3
42 189 Tebuconazole 0.5
43 196 Tenbufenozide 1
44 133 Triadimefon 0.1
45 168 Triadiamenol 0.1
46 159 Vinclozolin 3
1 8 Carbaryl 10
2 47 Bromide ion 200
1 129 Azocyclotin 0.1
2 8 Carbaryl 1
3 72 Carbendazim 0.5
4 96 Carbofuran 0.1
5 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.2
6 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.1
7 67 Cyhexatin 0.1
8 118 Cypermethrin 0.2
9 207 Cyprodinil 0.2
10 82 Dichloluanid 1
11 37 Fenitrothion 0.1
12 185 Fenpropathrin 0.2
13 206 Imidacloprid 0.2
14 49 Malathion 0.5
15 94 Methomyl 0.2
16 54 Monocrotophos 0.2
17 120 Permethrin 1
18 101 Pirimicarb 1
Baby corns
1 20 2,4 D 0.05
2 8 Carbaryl 0.1
3 96 Carbofuran 0.1
4 81 Chlorothanonil 2
5 81 Chlorothalonil 0.01
6 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
7 135 Deltamethrin 0.02
8 98 Dialifos 0.02
9 22 Diazinon 0.02
10 74 Disulfoton 0.02
11 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
12 119 Fenvalerate 0.01
13 152 Flucythrinate 0.05
14 158 Glyphosate 0.1
15 206 Imidacloprid 0.02
16 48 Lindane 0.01
17 49 Malathion 0.02
18 132 Methiocarb 0.05
19 94 Methomyl 2
20 120 Permethrin 0.1
21 103 Phosmet 0.05
22 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
23 203 Spinosad 0.01
24 167 Terbufos 0.01
1 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
2 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.01
3 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
4 169 Cyromazine 5
5 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
6 25 Dichlorvos 0.5
7 130 Diflubenzuron 0.3
8 147 Methoprene 0.2
9 120 Permethrin 0.1
10 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 5
11 142 Prochloraz 2
12 65 Thiabendazole 60
13 77 Thiophanate - methyl 1
1 17 Chlorpyrifos 1
2 118 Cypermethrin 1
3 22 Diazinon 0.05
4 27 Dimethoate 0.5
5 105 Dithiocarbamates 15
6 32 Endosufan 1
7 119 Fenvalerate 10
8 49 Malathion 3
9 94 Methomyl 5
10 120 Permethrin 5
1 177 Abamectin 0.05
2 95 Acephate 5
3 1 Aldrin and Dieldrin 0.05
4 47 Bromide ion 100
5 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.1
6 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.1
7 179 Cycloxydim 0.2
8 118 Cypermethrin 2
9 169 Cyromazine 5
10 22 Diazinon 0.5
11 82 Dichloluanid 10
12 83 Dichloran 10
13 27 Dimethoate 2
14 105 Dithiocarbamates 10
15 32 Endosufan 1
16 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
17 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
18 119 Fenvalerate 2
19 111 Iprodione 25
20 48 Lindane 2
21 49 Malathion 8
22 138 Metalaxyl 2
23 100 Methamidophos 1
24 132 Methiocarb 0.2
25 94 Methomyl 5
26 59 Parathion - methyl 0.5
27 120 Permethrin 2
28 61 Phosphamidon 0.1
29 101 Pirimicarb 1
30 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 5
31 136 Procymidone 5
32 148 Propamocarb 10
33 75 Propoxur 0.5
34 64 Quintozene 3
35 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
36 191 Tolclofos - methyl 2
37 162 Tolylfluanid 1
38 159 Vinclozolin 5
1 20 2,4 - D 0.2
2 177 Abamectin 0.01
3 95 Acephate 0.5
4 117 Aldicarb 0.5
5 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.05
6 155 Benalaxyl 0.02
7 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
8 172 Bentazone 0.1
9 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
10 174 Cadusafos 0.02
11 7 Captan 0.05
12 8 Carbaryl 0.2
13 72 Carbendazim 3
14 96 Carbofuran 0.1
15 81 Chlorothanonil 0.2
16 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
17 187 Clethodim 0.5
18 179 Cycloxydim 2
19 146 Cyhalothrin 0.02
20 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
21 22 Diazinon 0.01
22 82 Dichloluanid 0.1
23 151 Dimethipin 0.05
24 27 Dimethoate 0.05
25 31 Diquat 0.05
26 74 Disulfoton 0.5
27 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.2
28 32 Endosufan 0.2
29 184 Ethofenprox 0.01
30 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
31 208 Famoxadone 0.02
32 85 Fenamiphos 0.2
33 37 Fenitrothion 0.05
34 40 Fentin 0.1
35 202 Fipronil 0.02
36 211 Fludioxonil 0.02
37 152 Flucythrinate 0.05
38 41 Folpet 0.02
39 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.5
40 110 Imazalil 5
41 48 Lindane 0.05
42 102 Maleic hydrazide 50
43 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
44 100 Methamidophos 0.05
45 51 Methidathion 0.02
46 94 Methomyl 0.1
47 54 Monocrotophos 0.05
48 126 Oxamyl 0.1
49 57 Paraquat 0.2
50 58 Parathion 0.05
51 59 Parathion - methyl 0.05
52 120 Permethrin 0.05
53 112 Phorate 0.2
54 103 Phosmet 0.05
55 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
56 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 0.05
57 171 Profenofos 0.05
58 113 Propargite 0.1
59 75 Propoxur 0.02
60 203 Spinosad 0.01
61 64 Quintozene 0.2
62 190 Teflubenzuron 0.05
63 115 Tecnazene 20
64 65 Thiabendazole 15
65 191 Tolclofos - methyl 0.2
66 143 Triazophos 0.05
67 159 Vinclozolin 0.1
1 72 Carbendazim 0.1
Leafy vegetables
1 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.05
2 47 Bromide ion 1000
3 8 Carbaryl 10
4 135 Deltamethrin 0.5
5 59 Parathion - methyl 2
6 101 Pirimicarb 1
Legume vegetables
1 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.05
2 129 Azocyclotin 0.2
3 172 Bentazone 0.2
4 144 Bitertanol 0.5
5 47 Bromide ion 500
6 70 Bromopropylate 3
7 8 Carbaryl 5
8 72 Carbendazim 2
9 81 Chlorothanonil 5
10 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.2
11 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.1
12 179 Cycloxydim 2
13 67 Cyhexatin 0.2
14 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
15 135 Deltamethrin 0.1
16 22 Diazinon 0.2
17 82 Dichloluanid 2
18 26 Dicofol 2
19 27 Dimethoate 0.5
20 32 Endosufan 0.5
21 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
22 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
23 119 Fenvalerate 1
24 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.5
25 158 Glyphosate 0.2
26 43 Heptachlor 0.02
27 176 Hexythiazox 0.5
28 111 Iprodione 2
29 48 Lindane 0.1
30 49 Malathion 2
31 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
32 51 Methidathion 0.1
33 94 Methomyl 5
34 53 Mevinphos 0.1
35 54 Monocrotophos 0.2
36 126 Oxamyl 0.2
37 59 Parathion - methyl 1
38 120 Permethrin 1
39 112 Phorate 0.1
40 103 Phosmet 0.2
41 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
42 101 Pirimicarb 1
43 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 0.5
44 136 Procymidone 1
45 171 Profenofos 0.1
46 113 Propargite 20
47 75 Propoxur 1
48 64 Quintozene 0.01
49 133 Triadimefon 0.05
50 168 Triadiamenol 0.1
51 143 Triazophos 0.2
52 159 Vinclozolin 2
1 8 Carbaryl 0.5
2 96 Carbofuran 0.5
3 14 Chlorfenvinphos 0.4
4 81 Chlorothanonil 1
5 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.1
6 179 Cycloxydim 0.5
7 21 DDT 0.2
8 135 Deltamethrin 0.02
9 22 Diazinon 0.5
10 83 Dichloran 15
11 27 Dimethoate 1
12 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
13 32 Endosufan 0.2
14 85 Fenamiphos 0.2
15 211 Fludioxonil 0.7
16 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.05
17 111 Iprodione 10
18 48 Lindane 0.2
19 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
20 126 Oxamyl 0.1
21 59 Parathion - methyl 1
22 120 Permethrin 0.1
23 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
24 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
25 75 Propoxur 0.05
26 153 Pyrazophos 0.2
27 77 Thiophanate - methyl 5
28 143 Triazophos 0.5
Beans (dry)
1 117 Aldicarb 0.1
2 172 Bentazone 1
3 8 Carbaryl 1
4 72 Carbendazim 2
5 81 Chlorothalonil 0.2
6 187 Clethodim 2
7 81 Chlorothanonil 0.2
8 179 Cycloxydim 2
9 135 Deltamethrin 1
10 26 Dicofol 0.1
11 31 Diquat 0.2
12 74 Disulfoton 0.2
13 152 Flucythrinate 0.05
14 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 3
15 158 Glyphosate 5
16 111 Iprodione 0.1
17 48 Lindane 1
18 49 Malathion 2
19 51 Methidathion 0.1
20 94 Methomyl 0.05
21 59 Parathion - methyl 0.05
22 120 Permethrin 0.1
23 103 Phosmet 0.02
24 113 Propargite 0.2
25 64 Quintozene 0.2
26 133 Triadimefon 0.05
27 168 Triadiamenol 0.05
Soya-bean (dry)
1 20 2,4 D 0.01
2 177 Abamectin 0.02
3 95 Acephate 0.3
4 117 Aldicarb 0.02
5 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.05
6 172 Bentazone 0.05
7 8 Carbaryl 0.2
8 72 Carbendazim 0.2
9 96 Carbofuran 0.2
10 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.1
11 187 Clethodim 10
12 179 Cycloxydim 2
13 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
14 130 Diflubenzuron 0.1
15 31 Diquat 0.2
16 32 Endosulfan 1
17 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
18 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
19 37 Fenitrothion 0.1
20 119 Fenvalerate 0.1
21 211 Fludioxonil 0.01
22 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 2
23 158 Glyphosate 20
24 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
25 100 Methamidophos 0.1
26 94 Methomyl 0.2
27 126 Oxamyl 0.1
28 57 Paraquat 0.1
29 58 Parathion 0.05
30 120 Permethrin 0.05
31 112 Phorate 0.05
32 171 Profenofos 0.05
33 64 Quintozene 0.01
34 203 Spinosad 0.01
35 167 Terbufos 0.05
36 143 Triazophos 0.05
Tuberous vegetables
1 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.1
2 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
3 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
4 119 Fenvalerate 0.05
5 49 Malathion 0.5
6 126 Oxamyl 0.1
7 120 Permethrin 0.5
8 61 Phosphamidon 0.2
9 159 Vinclozolin 5
Radish, turnip, swede, except sugar beet
1 47 Bromide ion 200
2 8 Carbaryl 2
3 72 Carbendazim 0.1
4 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.1
5 22 Diazinon 0.1
6 27 Imethoate 0.5
7 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
8 37 Fenitrothion 0.2
9 48 Lindane 1
10 49 Malathion 3
11 51 Methidathion 0.05
12 59 Parathion - methyl 0.05
13 120 Permethrin 0.1
14 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
15 148 Propamocarb 5
16 191 Tolclofos - methyl 0.1
Sweet potato
1 117 Aldicarb 0.1
2 32 Endosulfan 0.2
3 72 Carbendazim 1
4 85 Fenamiphos 0.1
5 103 Phosmet 10
6 117 Aldicarb 0.1
7 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
Sugar beet
1 95 Acephate 0.1
2 117 Aldicarb 0.05
3 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
4 8 Carbaryl 0.1
5 72 Carbendazim 0.1
6 96 Carbofuran 0.1
7 81 Chlorothanonil 0.2
8 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
9 179 Cycloxydim 0.2
10 22 Diazinon 0.2
11 27 Dimethoate 0.2
12 74 Disulfoton 0.2
13 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
14 32 Endosufan 0.1
15 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
16 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
17 40 Fentin 0.2
18 152 Flucythrinate 0.05
19 165 Flusilazole 0.01
20 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.05
21 111 Iprodione 0.1
22 48 Lindane 0.1
23 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
24 100 Methamidophos 0.05
25 51 Methidathion 0.05
26 132 Methiocarb 0.05
27 94 Methomyl 0.1
28 54 Monocrotophos 0.05
29 59 Parathion - methyl 0.05
30 120 Permethrin 0.05
31 112 Phorate 0.05
32 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
33 171 Profenofos 0.05
34 148 Propamocarb 0.2
35 160 Propiconazole 0.05
36 167 Terbufos 0.1
37 133 Triadimefon 0.1
38 168 Triadiamenol 0.1
39 143 Triazophos 0.05
40 78 Vamidothion 0.5
Soya-bean sprouts
1 27 Dimethoate 0.5
2 111 Iprodione 1
3 65 Thiabendazole 0.05
4 159 Vinclozolin 2
1 95 Acephate 0.3
2 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.1
3 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
4 27 Dimethoate 0.05
5 192 Fenarimol 0.1
6 152 Flucythrinate 0.5
7 100 Methamidophos 0.2
8 51 Methidathion 0.05
9 132 Methiocarb 0.05
10 59 Parathion - methyl 2
11 168 Triadiamenol 1
1 8 Carbaryl 15
2 72 Carbendazim 0.1
3 27 Dimethoate 0.05
4 74 Disulfoton 0.02
5 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
6 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.05
7 49 Malathion 1
8 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
9 94 Methomyl 2
10 120 Permethrin 1
1 163 Anilazine 10
2 47 Bromide ion 300
3 72 Carbendazim 2
4 81 Chlorothanonil 10
5 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
6 169 Cyromazine 5
7 27 Dimethoate 1
8 32 Endosufan 2
9 119 Fenvalerate 2
10 49 Malathion 1
11 100 Methamidophos 1
12 94 Methomyl 2
13 209 Methoxyfenozide 15
14 126 Oxamyl 5
15 59 Parathion - methyl 5
16 120 Permethrin 2
17 101 Pirimicarb 1
18 148 Propamocarb 0.2
19 203 Spinosad 2
20 77 Thiophanate - methyl 20
1 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.02
2 47 Bromide ion 50
3 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
4 21 DDT 0.1
5 135 Deltamethrin 2
6 25 Dichlorvos 5
7 74 Disulfoton 0.2
8 37 Fenitrothion 10
9 119 Fenvalerate 2
10 211 Fludioxonil 0.05
11 43 Heptachlor 0.02
12 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.1
13 206 Imidacloprid 0.05
14 48 Lindane 0.5
15 49 Malathion 8
16 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
17 132 Methiocarb 0.05
18 147 Methoprene 5
19 120 Permethrin 2
20 61 Phosphamidon 0.1
21 62 Piperonyl butoxide 30
22 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 7
23 63 Pyrethrins 3
24 142 Prochloraz 2
25 203 Spinosad 1
26 77 Thiophanate - methyl 0.1
27 143 Triazophos 0.05
28 116 Triforine 0.1
29 78 Vamidothion 0.2
1 117 Aldicarb 0.02
2 163 Anilazine 0.2
3 172 Bentazone 0.1
4 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
5 144 Bitertanol 0.05
6 72 Carbendazim 5
7 15 Chlormequat 2
8 81 Chlorothanonil 0.1
9 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
10 82 Dichloluanid 0.1
11 31 Diquat 5
12 74 Disulfoton 0.2
13 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
14 106 Ethephon 1
15 208 Famoxadone 0.2
16 197 Fenbuconazole 0.2
17 188 Fenpropimorth 0.5
18 202 Fipronil 0.002
19 152 Flucythrinate 0.5
20 165 Flusilazole 0.1
21 158 Glyphosate 20
22 111 Iprodione 2
23 199 Kresoxim-methyl 0.1
24 48 Lindane 0.01
25 94 Methomyl 2
26 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
27 142 Prochloraz 0.5
28 160 Propiconazole 0.05
29 153 Pyrazophos 0.05
30 64 Quintozene 0.01
31 189 Tebuconazole 0.2
32 167 Terbufos 0.01
33 133 Triadimefon 0.5
34 168 Triadiamenol 0.5
35 213 Trifloxystrobin 0.5
1 20 2,4 - D 0.05
2 177 Abamectin 0.05
3 117 Aldicarb 0.05
4 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
5 172 Bentazone 0.2
6 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
7 9 Carbon disulphide 0.1
8 145 Carbosulfan 0.05
9 12 Chlordane 0.02
10 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
11 157 Cyfluthrin 0.05
12 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
13 22 Diazinon 0.02
14 31 Diquat 0.05
15 74 Disulfoton 0.02
16 32 Endosulfan 0.1
17 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
18 202 Fipronil 0.01
19 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 0.1
20 158 Glyphosate 1
21 48 Lindane 0.01
22 51 Methidathion 0.1
23 94 Methomyl 0.02
24 54 Monocrotophos 0.05
25 126 Oxamyl 0.05
26 57 Paraquat 0.1
27 58 Parathion 0.1
28 112 Phorate 0.05
29 103 Phosmet 0.05
30 113 Propargite 0.1
31 64 Quintozene 0.01
32 167 Terbufos 0.01
1 172 Bentazone 0.1
2 144 Bitertanol 0.1
3 8 Carbaryl 5
4 96 Carbofuran 0.1
5 12 Chlordane 0.02
6 15 Chlormequat 10
7 82 Dichloluanid 0.1
8 31 Diquat 2
9 74 Disulfoton 0.02
10 188 Fenpropimorth 0.02
11 202 Fipronil 0.002
12 152 Flucythrinate 0.2
13 158 Glyphosate 20
14 48 Lindane 0.01
15 94 Methomyl 0.02
16 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
17 142 Prochloraz 0.5
18 160 Propiconazole 0.05
19 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
20 133 Triadimefon 0.1
21 168 Triadiamenol 0.2
1 20 2,4 - D 0.1
2 172 Bentazone 0.1
3 8 Carbaryl 1
4 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.1
5 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.1
6 31 Diquat 10
7 74 Disulfoton 1
8 32 Endosufan 0.1
9 40 Fentin 0.1
10 158 Glyphosate 0.1
11 57 Paraquat 10
1 20 2,4 - D 2
2 172 Bentazone 0.1
3 144 Bitertanol 0.05
4 8 Carbaryl 5
5 12 Chlordane 0.02
6 15 Chlormequat 3
7 82 Dichloluanid 0.1
8 106 Ethephon 1
9 197 Fenbuconazole 0.1
10 165 Flusilazole 0.1
11 142 Prochloraz 0.5
12 160 Propiconazole 0.05
13 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
14 133 Triadimefon 0.1
15 168 Triadiamenol 0.2
1 20 2,4 - D 0.05
2 117 Aldicarb 0.1
3 172 Bentazone 0.1
4 96 Carbofuran 0.1
5 145 Carbosulfan 0.02
6 12 Chlordane 0.02
7 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.5
8 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 10
9 31 Diquat 2
10 158 Glyphosate 20
11 51 Methidathion 0.2
12 94 Methomyl 0.02
13 57 Paraquat 0.5
14 58 Parathion 5
15 112 Phorate 0.05
1 20 2,4 - D 2
2 117 Aldicarb 0.02
3 172 Bentazone 0.1
4 178 Bifenthrin 0.5
5 93 Bioresmethrin 1
6 144 Bitertanol 0.05
7 8 Carbaryl 2
8 96 Carbofuran 0.1
9 12 Chlordane 0.02
10 15 Chlormequat 3
11 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.5
12 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 10
13 118 Cypermethrin 0.2
14 207 Cyprodinil 0.5
15 82 Dichloluanid 0.1
16 27 Dimethoate 0.05
17 74 Disulfoton 0.2
18 31 Diquat 2
19 105 Dithiocarbamates 1
20 106 Ethephon 1
21 208 Famoxadone 0.1
22 197 Fenbuconazole 0.1
23 152 Flucythrinate 0.2
24 165 Flusilazole 0.1
25 158 Glyphosate 5
26 170 Hexaconazole 0.1
27 110 Imazalil 0.01
28 199 Kresoxim-methyl 0.05
29 48 Lindane 0.01
30 94 Methomyl 2
31 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
32 112 Phorate 0.05
33 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
34 160 Propiconazole 0.05
35 153 Pyrazophos 0.05
36 167 Terbufos 0.01
37 133 Triadimefon 0.1
38 168 Triadiamenol 0.2
1 167 Terbufos 0.01
Sugar cane
1 20 2,4 - D 0.05
2 117 Aldicarb 0.1
3 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.2
4 96 Carbofuran 0.1
5 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
6 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
7 126 Oxamyl 0.05
8 160 Propiconazol 0.05
9 196 Tebufenozide 1
Tree nuts
1 177 Abamectin 0.01
2 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.05
3 8 Carbaryl 1
4 72 Carbendazim 0.1
5 80 Chinomethionat 0.1
6 12 Chlordane 0.02
7 207 Cyprodinil 0.02
8 22 Diazinon 0.05
9 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
10 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.5
11 119 Fenvalerate 0.2
12 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.01
13 111 Iprodione 0.2
14 51 Methidathion 0.05
15 120 Permethrin 0.1
16 60 Phosalone 0.1
17 113 Propargite 0.1
18 160 Propiconazole 0.05
Stone fruits
1 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.3
2 8 Carbaryl 10
3 80 Chinomethionat 0.02
4 12 Chlordane 0.02
5 22 Diazinon 0.01
6 26 Dicofol 0.01
7 106 Ethephon 0.2
8 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.5
9 49 Malathion 8
10 51 Methidathion 0.05
11 132 Methiocarb 0.05
12 120 Permethrin 0.05
13 113 Propargite 0.1
14 196 Tebufenozide 0.05
1 117 Aldicarb 1
2 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.3
3 12 Chlordane 0.02
4 26 Dicofol 0.01
5 74 Disulfoton 0.1
6 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
7 192 Fenarimol 0.02
8 197 Fenbuconazole 0.05
9 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.5
10 206 Imidacloprid 0.05
11 51 Methidathion 0.05
12 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
13 160 Propiconazole 0.05
14 196 Tebufenozide 0.01
1 96 Carbofuran 0.1
2 118 Cypermethrin 0.2
3 63 Pyrethrins 1
Mustard seed, rape seed, linseed
1 172 Dentazone 0.1
2 72 Carbendazim 0.1
3 179 Cycloxydim 2
4 157 Cyfluthrin 0.05
5 151 Dimethipin 0.2
6 31 Diquat 2
7 152 Flucythrinate 0.05
8 165 Flusilazole 0.05
9 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 5
10 158 Glyphosate 10
11 111 Iprodione 0.5
12 48 Lindane 0.05
13 100 Methamidophos 0.1
14 51 Methidathion 0.1
15 132 Methiocarb 0.05
16 120 Permethrin 0.05
17 101 Pirimicarb 0.2
18 142 Prochloraz 0.5
19 160 Propiconazole 0.05
20 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
21 167 Terbufos 0.05
22 159 Vinclozolin 1
1 95 Acephate 2
2 177 Abamectin 0.01
3 117 Aldicarb 0.1
4 122 Amitraz 0.5
5 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.2
6 8 Carbaryl 1
7 96 Carbofuran 0.1
8 145 Carbosulfan 0.05
9 15 Chlormequat 0.5
10 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
11 187 Clethodim 0.5
12 157 Cyfluthrin 0.05
13 146 Cyhalothrin 0.02
14 26 Dicofol 0.1
15 130 Diflubenzuron 0.2
16 151 Dimethipin 1
17 32 Endosufan 1
18 106 Ethephon 2
19 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
20 185 Fenpropathrin 1
21 119 Fenvalerate 0.2
22 152 Flucythrinate 0.1
23 158 Glyphosate 10
24 43 Heptachlor 0.02
25 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
26 100 Methamidophos 0.1
27 51 Methidathion 1
28 94 Methomyl 0.5
29 54 Monocrotophos 0.1
30 126 Oxamyl 0.2
31 57 Paraquat 0.2
32 58 Parathion 1
33 120 Permethrin 0.5
34 112 Phorate 0.05
35 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
36 171 Profenofos 2
37 113 Propargite 0.1
38 64 Quintozene 0.03
39 143 Triazophos 0.1
1 117 Aldicarb 0.02
2 172 Bentazone 0.05
3 144 Bitertanol 0.1
4 8 Carbaryl 2
5 72 Carbendazim 0.1
6 81 Chlorothanonil 0.05
7 187 Clethodim 5
8 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
9 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
10 74 Disulfoton 0.1
11 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
12 149 Ethoprophos 0.02
13 85 Fenamiphos 0.05
14 119 Fenvalerate 0.1
15 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.01
16 138 Metalaxyl 0.1
17 94 Methomyl 0.1
18 147 Methoprene 2
19 54 Monocrotophos 0.05
20 126 Oxamyl 0.05
21 120 Permethrin 0.1
22 112 Phorate 0.1
23 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 25
24 113 Propargite 0.1
25 160 Propiconazole 0.1
26 63 Pyrethrins 0.5
27 64 Quintozene 0.5
28 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
29 167 Terbufos 0.05
Sunflower seed
1 177 Abamectin 0.05
2 117 Aldicarb 0.05
3 8 Carbaryl 0.2
4 96 Carbofuran 0.1
5 187 Clethodim 0.5
6 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
7 151 Dimethipin 1
8 31 Diquat 1
9 197 Fenbuconazole 0.05
10 119 Fenvalerate 0.1
11 175 Glufossinate - mamonium 5
12 111 Iprodione 0.5
13 138 Metalaxyl 0.05
14 51 Methidathion 0.5
15 57 Paraquat 2
16 58 Parathion 0.05
17 120 Permethrin 1
18 136 Procymidone 0.2
Cocoa beans
1 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
2 37 Fenitrothion 0.1
3 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.01
4 48 Lindane 1
5 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
Coffee beans
1 117 Aldicarb 0.1
2 72 Carbendazim 0.1
3 96 Carbofuran 1
4 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
5 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
6 135 Deltamethrin 2
7 74 Disulfoton 0.2
8 32 Endosulfan 0.1
9 85 Fenamiphos 0.1
10 152 Flucythrinate 0.05
11 170 Hexaconazole 0.05
12 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
13 126 Oxamyl 0.1
14 120 Permethrin 0.05
15 142 Prochloraz 0.2
16 160 Propiconazole 0.1
17 167 Terbufos 0.05
18 133 Triadimefon 0.05
19 168 Triadiamenol 0.1
20 143 Triazophos 0.05
1 81 Chlorothalonil 3
2 101 Pirimicarb 1
1 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.01
2 47 Bromide ion 400
1 20 2,4 - D 0.05
2 117 Aldicarb 0.01
3 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.2
4 172 Bentazone 0.05
5 80 Chinomethionat 0.05
6 12 Chlordane 0.05
7 67 Cyhexatin 0.2
8 118 Cypermethrin 0.2
9 21 DDT 5
10 135 Deltamethrin 0.03
11 25 Dichlorvos 0.05
12 130 Diflubenzuron 0.05
13 151 Dimethipin 0.02
14 31 Diquat 0.05
15 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.05
16 32 Endosufan 0.1
17 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.05
18 37 Fenitrothion 0.05
19 39 Fenthion 2
20 119 Fenvalerate 1
21 43 Heptachlor 0.2
22 132 Methiocarb 0.05
23 94 Methomyl 0.02
24 147 Methoprene 0.2
25 120 Permethrin 1
26 112 Phorate 0.05
27 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 0.05
28 142 Prochloraz 0.5
29 171 Profenofos 0.05
30 113 Propargite 0.1
31 160 Propiconazole 0.05
32 75 Propoxur 0.05
33 133 Triadimefon 0.05
34 168 Triadiamenol 0.05
Cattle meat
1 95 Acephate 0.1
2 122 Amitraz 0.1
3 163 Anilazine 0.02
4 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
5 178 Cifenthrin 0.5
6 8 Carbaryl 0.2
7 72 Carbendazim 0.1
8 96 Carbofuran 0.05
9 17 Chlorpyrifos 2
10 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.05
11 156 Clofentezine 0.05
12 169 Cyromazine 0.05
13 22 Diazinon 0.7
14 26 Dicofol 3
15 106 Ethephon 0.1
16 192 Fenarimol 0.2
17 185 Fenpropathrin 0.5
18 195 Flumethrin 0.2
19 165 Flusilazole 0.01
20 158 Glyphosate 0.1
21 48 Lindane 2
22 124 Mecarbam 0.01
23 100 Methamidophos 0.01
24 51 Methidathion 0.02
25 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
26 181 Myclobutanyl 0.01
27 57 Paraquat 0.05
28 182 Penconazole 0.05
29 103 Phosmet 1
30 142 Prochloraz 0.1
31 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
32 167 Terbufos 0.05
33 65 Thiabendazole 0.1
34 143 Triazophos 0.01
35 159 Vinclozolin 0.05
Cattle fat
1 95 Acephate 0.1
2 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
3 178 Bifenthrin 0.5
4 96 Carbofuran 0.05
5 90 Chlorpyrifos - methyl 0.05
6 165 Flusilazole 0.01
7 100 Methamidophos 0.01
8 51 Methidathion 0.02
9 142 Prochloraz 0.5
Edible offal of cattle
1 122 Amitraz 0.2
2 163 Anilazine 0.02
3 137 Bendiocarb 0.2
4 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
5 96 Carbofuran 0.05
6 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.05
7 156 Clofentezine 0.1
8 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
9 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
10 26 Dicofol 1
11 130 Diflubenzuron 0.05
12 151 Dimethipin 0.02
13 31 Diquat 0.05
14 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
15 106 Ethephon 0.2
16 192 Fenarimol 0.05
17 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.2
18 185 Fenpropathrin 0.05
19 119 Fenvalerate 0.02
20 165 Flusilazole 0.02
21 158 Glyphosate 2
22 124 Mecarbam 0.01
23 51 Methidathion 0.02
24 147 Methoprene 0.1
25 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
26 181 Myclobutanyl 0.01
27 57 Paraquat 0.5
28 182 Penconazole 0.05
29 120 Permethrin 0.1
30 142 Prochloraz 5
31 160 Propiconazole 0.05
32 65 Thiabendazole 0.1
1 20 2,4 - D 0.01
2 95 Acephate 0.02
3 117 Aldicarb 0.01
4 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.006
5 122 Amitraz 0.01
6 163 Anilazine 0.01
7 129 Azocyclotin 0.05
8 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
9 172 Bentazone 0.05
10 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
11 8 Carbaryl 0.05
12 72 Carbendazim 0.1
13 96 Carbofuran 0.05
14 80 Chinomethionat 0.01
15 12 Chlordane 0.002
16 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.02
17 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.01
18 156 Clofentezine 0.01
19 157 Cyfluthrin 0.01
20 67 Cyhexatin 0.05
21 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
22 169 Cyromazine 0.01
23 21 DDT 0.02
24 135 Deltamethrin 0.05
25 22 Diazinon 0.02
26 25 Dichlorvos 0.02
27 26 Dicofol 0.1
28 130 Diflubenzuron 0.02
29 151 Dimethipin 0.01
30 31 Diquat 0.01
31 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.05
32 32 Endosufan 0.004
33 106 Ethephon 0.05
34 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.05
35 37 Fenitrothion 0.002
36 185 Fenpropathrin 0.1
37 39 Fenthion 0.05
38 119 Fenvalerate 0.1
39 195 Flumethrin 0.05
40 165 Flusilazole 0.01
41 158 Glyphosate 0.1
42 43 Heptachlor 0.006
43 94 Methomyl 0.02
44 147 Methoprene 0.05
45 54 Monocrotophos 0.002
46 181 Myclobutanyl 0.01
47 57 Paraquat 0.01
48 182 Penconazole 0.01
49 120 Permethrin 0.1
50 112 Phorate 0.05
51 103 Phosmet 0.02
52 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
53 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 0.01
54 142 Prochloraz 0.05
55 171 Profenofos 0.01
56 113 Propargite 0.1
57 160 Propiconazole 0.01
58 75 Propoxur 0.05
59 189 Tebuconazole 0.01
60 167 Terbufos 0.01
61 65 Thiabendazole 0.1
62 133 Triadimefon 0.05
63 168 Triadiamenol 0.01
64 143 Triazophos 0.01
65 159 Vinclozolin 0.05
Poultry meat
1 95 Acephate 0.1
2 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.2
3 163 Anilazine 0.02
4 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
5 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
6 8 Carbaryl 0.5
7 72 Carbendazim 0.1
8 12 Chlordane 0.5
9 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.2
10 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.05
11 156 Clofentezine 0.05
12 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
13 169 Cyromazine 0.05
14 135 Deltamethrin 0.03
15 22 Diazinon 0.02
16 25 Dichlorvos 0.05
17 26 Dicofol 0.1
18 130 Diflubenzuron 0.05
19 151 Dimethipin 0.02
20 31 Diquat 0.05
21 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
22 33 Endrin 0.1
23 106 Ethephon 0.1
24 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.05
25 185 Fenpropathrin 0.02
26 165 Flusilazole 0.01
27 158 Glyphosate 0.1
28 43 Heptachlor 0.2
29 48 Lindane 0.7
30 51 Methidathion 0.02
31 132 Methiocarb 0.05
32 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
33 181 Myclobutanyl 0.01
34 182 Penconazole 0.05
35 120 Permethrin 0.1
36 113 Propargite 0.1
37 160 Propiconazole 0.05
38 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
39 167 Terbufos 0.05
40 65 Thiabendazole 0.05
41 77 Thiophanate - methyl 0.1
42 133 Triadimefon 0.05
43 168 Triadiamenol 0.05
44 159 Vinclozolin 0.05
Poultry fat
1 95 Acephate 0.1
2 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
3 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
4 72 Carbendazim 0.1
5 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.05
6 51 Methidathion 0.02
Skin and edible offal of poultry
1 163 Anilazine 0.02
2 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
3 178 Bifenthrin 0.05
4 8 Carbaryl 5
5 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.05
6 156 Clofentezine 0.05
7 135 Deltamethrin 0.01
8 22 Diazinon 0.02
9 26 Dicofol 0.05
10 151 Dimethipin 0.02
11 31 Diquat 0.05
12 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.1
13 106 Ethephon 0.2
14 109 Fenbutatin oxide 0.05
15 185 Fenpropathrin 0.01
16 165 Flusilazole 0.01
17 51 Methidathion 0.02
18 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
19 181 Myclobutanyl 0.01
20 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
21 167 Terbufos 0.05
1 20 2,4 - D 0.01
2 95 Acephate 0.01
3 1 Aldrin and dieldrin 0.1
4 163 Anilazine 0.02
5 137 Bendiocarb 0.05
6 172 Bentazone 0.05
7 178 Bifenthrin 0.01
8 8 Carbaryl 0.5
9 72 Carbendazim 0.1
10 12 Chlordane 0.02
11 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.01
12 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.05
13 156 Clofentezine 0.05
14 118 Cypermethrin 0.05
15 169 Cyromazine 0.2
16 21 DDT 0.1
17 135 Deltamethrin 0.02
18 22 Diazinon 0.02
19 26 Dicofol 0.05
20 130 Diflubenzuron 0.05
21 151 Dimethipin 0.01
22 31 Diquat 0.05
23 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.05
24 106 Ethephon 0.2
25 36 Fenchlorphos 0.05
26 188 Fenpropimorph 0.01
27 165 Flusilazole 0.01
28 158 Glyphosate 0.1
29 114 Guazatine 0.1
30 44 Hexachlorobenzene 0.05
31 48 Lindane 0.01
32 51 Methidathion 0.02
33 132 Methiocarb 0.05
34 147 Methoprene 0.05
35 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
36 181 Myclobutanyl 0.01
37 57 Paraquat 0.01
38 182 Penconazole 0.05
39 120 Permethrin 0.1
40 112 Phorate 0.05
41 101 Pirimicarb 0.05
42 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 0.05
43 171 Profenofos 0.02
44 113 Propargite 0.1
45 160 Propiconazole 0.05
46 189 Tebuconazole 0.05
47 167 Terbufos 0.01
48 133 Triadimefon 0.05
49 168 Triadiamenol 0.05
50 159 Vinclozolin 0.05
Dried fruits
1 47 Bromide ion 250
2 22 Diazinon 2
3 26 Dicofol 3
4 106 Ethephon 10
5 192 Fenarimol 0.2
6 109 Fenbutatin oxide 20
7 165 Flusilazole 1
8 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.01
9 49 Malathion 8
10 181 Myclobutanyl 0.5
11 182 Penconazole 0.5
12 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 0.5
13 113 Propargite 10
Dried herbs
1 47 Bromide ion 400
Dried vegetables
1 46 Hydrogen phosphide 0.01
2 63 Pyethrins 1
Dry hobs
1 177 Abamectin 0.1
2 155 Benalaxyl 0.2
3 178 Bifenthrin 10
4 72 Carbendazim 50
5 135 Deltamethrin 5
6 22 Diazinon 0.5
7 26 Dicofol 50
8 27 Dimethoate 3
9 180 Dithianon 100
10 105 Dithiocarbamates 30
11 192 Fenarimol 5
12 40 Fentin 0.5
13 152 Flucythrinate 10
14 138 Metalaxyl 10
15 100 Methamidophos 5
16 51 Methidathion 5
17 94 Methomyl 10
18 57 Paraquat 0.2
19 59 Parathion - methyl 1
20 182 Penconazole 0.5
21 120 Permethrin 50
22 113 Propargite 100
23 153 Pyrazophos 10
24 133 Triadimefon 10
25 168 Triadiamenol 5
26 159 Vinclozolin 40
Husked rice
1 20 2,4 - D 0.01
2 8 Carbaryl 5
3 96 Carbofuran 0.1
4 12 Chlordane 0.02
5 31 Diquat 1
6 37 Fenitrothion 1
7 39 Fenthion 0.05
8 111 Iprodione 10
9 57 Paraquat 0.5
10 59 Parathion - methyl 1
11 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
12 75 Propoxur 0.1
13 196 Tebufenozide 0.1
Barley, wheat, rice bran
1 178 Bifenthrin 2
2 93 Bioresmethrin 5
3 8 Carbaryl 20
4 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 20
5 135 Deltamethrin 5
6 25 Dichlorvos 10
7 31 Diquat 5
8 37 Fenitrothion 20
9 119 Fenvalerate 5
10 158 Glyphosate 20
11 49 Malathion 20
12 147 Methoprene 10
13 120 Permethrin 5
14 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 20
Roasted coffee beans
1 85 Fenamiphos 0.1
Wheat bran (processed)
1 37 Fenitrothion 2
Wheat germ
1 93 Bioresmethrin 3
2 25 Dichlorvos 10
3 120 Permethrin 2
Wheat, rye flour
1 178 Bifenthrin 0.2
2 93 Bioresmethrin 1
3 8 Carbaryl 0.2
4 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 2
5 135 Deltamethrin 0.2
6 25 Dichlorvos 1
7 31 Diquat 0.5
8 37 Fenitrothion 2
9 119 Fenvalerate 0.2
10 158 Glyphosate 0.5
11 49 Malathion 2
12 147 Methoprene 2
13 120 Permethrin 0.5
14 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 2
Wheat, rye wholemeal
1 178 Bifenthrin 0.5
2 93 Bioresmethrin 1
3 47 Bromide ion 50
4 8 Carbaryl 2
5 135 Deltamethrin 1
6 25 Dichlorvos 2
7 31 Diquat 2
8 37 Fenitrothion 5
9 119 Fenvalerate 2
10 158 Glyphosate 5
11 49 Malathion 2
12 147 Methoprene 5
13 120 Permethrin 2
14 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 5
Tea (green, black)
1 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 0.1
2 118 Cypermethrin 20
3 135 Deltamethrin 10
4 26 Dicofol 50
5 32 Endosufan 30
6 37 Fenitrothion 0.5
7 152 Flucythrinate 20
8 113 Propargite 10
9 51 Methidathion 0.5
10 120 Permethrin 20
Crude vegetable oil
1 122 Amitraz 0.05
2 12 Chlordane 0.05
3 17 Chlorpyrifos 0.05
4 146 Cyhalothrin 0.02
5 26 Dicofol 0.5
6 151 Dimethipin 0.1
7 31 Diquat 0.05
8 32 Endosufan 0.5
9 185 Fenpropathrin 3
10 39 Fenthion 1
11 119 Fenvalerate 0.1
12 152 Flucythrinate 0.2
13 175 Glufossinate - Mamonium 0.05
14 158 Glyphosate 0.05
15 43 Heptachlor 0.5
16 51 Methidathion 2
17 54 Monocrotophos 0.05
18 57 Paraquat 0.05
19 58 Parathion 2
20 120 Permethrin 1
21 112 Phorate 0.05
22 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 15
23 167 Terbufos 0.05
Vegetable oil (processed)
1 117 Aldicarb 0.01
2 12 Chlordane 0.02
3 146 Cyhalothrin 0.02
4 118 Cypermethrin 0.5
5 26 Dicofol 0.5
6 151 Dimethipin 0.02
7 27 Dimethoate 0.05
8 119 Fenvalerate 0.1
9 152 Flucythrinate 0.2
10 158 Hlyphosate 0.05
11 43 Heptachlor 0.02
12 147 Methoprene 0.2
13 57 Paraquat 0.05
14 120 Permethrin 0.1
15 112 Phorate 0.05
16 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 15
17 136 Procymidone 0.5
18 171 Profenofos 0.05
Olive oil (processed)
1 8 Carbaryl 1
2 27 Dimethoate 0.05
Cocoa butter
1 48 Lindane 1
1 90 Chlorpyrifos - mehyl 2
2 37 Fenitrothion 0.2
3 86 Pirimiphos - methyl 1
Milk products
1 20 2,4 - D 0.05
2 129 Azocyclotin 0.05
3 8 Carbaryl 0.1
4 67 Cyhexatin 0.05
5 54 Monocrotophos 0.02
Dried fish
1 63 Pyrethrins 3
2 86 Pirimiphos 8
1 2 Azinphos - methyl 0.2
2 80 Chinomethionat 0.02
3 22 Diazinon 0.2
4 105 Dithiocarbamates 0.5
5 119 Fenvalerate 0.5
6 138 Metalaxyl 0.2
7 100 Methamidophos 0.5
8 94 Methomyl 0.2
9 54 Monocrotophos 0.1
10 126 Oxamyl 2
11 61 Phosphamidon 0.1

Appendix 1
TT Name of veterinary medicine
1 Abamectin
2 Albeldazole
3 Altrenogest
4 Apramycin
5 Azaperone
6 Benzylpenicillin
7 Carazolol
8 Ceftiofur
9 Chlortetracyline
10 Clorsulon
11 Closantel
12 Cyfluthrin
13 Cyhalothrin
14 Cypermethrin
15 Danofloxacin
16 Decoquinate
17 Deltamethrin
18 Dexamethazon
19 Diclazuril
20 Dicyclanil
21 Streptomycin
22 Diminazene
23 Doramectin
24 Eprinomectin
25 Enrofloxacin
26 Febantel
27 Florfenicol
28 Fluazuron
29 Flubendazole
30 Frumequine
31 Flunixin
32 Gentamicin
33 Imidocarb
34 Isometamidium
35 Ivermectin
36 Laidlomycin
37 Lasalocid
38 Levamisole
39 Lincomycin
40 Monensin
41 Moxidectin
42 Narasin
43 Neomycin
44 Nicarbazin
45 Phoxim
46 Pyrlimycin
47 Ractopamine
48 Sarafloxacin
49 Semduramicin
50 Spectinomycin
51 Spiramycin
52 Sulfadimidine
53 Thiabendazole
54 Tilmicosin
55 Trenbolone acetate
56 Triclabendazole
57 Triclorfon
58 Virginiamycin
59 Zeranol

Appendix 2
TT Name of metal
1 Antimon
2 Arsen
3 Cadimi
4 Chì
5 Thủy ngân
6 Thiếc
7 Đồng
8 Kẽm
Appendix 3
TT Food group
1 Milk and milk product
2 Meat and meat product
3 Fish and seafood
4 Egg and edd product
5 Cereal and cereal product
6 Vegetable, fruit and vegetable, fruit product
7 Mineral water and bottled soft drink
8 Spices and sauce
9 Special food
10 Icecream and ice
11 Tinned food
12 Oil and grease

Appendix 4
TT Group of substances support processing
1 Antifoam agents
2 Catalysts
3 Clarifying agents/ filtration aids
4 Category contact freezing and cooling agents
5 Desiccating agent/anticaking agents
6 Detergents (wetting agents)
7 Enzyme immobilization agents and supports
8 Enzyme preparations (including immobilized enzymes)
9 Flocculating agents
10 Ion exchange resins, membranes and molecular sieves
11 Lubricants, release and anti - stick agents, moulding aids
12 Microorganism control agents
13 Propellant and packaging gases
14 Solvents, extraction and processing
15 Washing and peeling agents
16 Other processing aids
17 Codex inventory of all compounds as processing aids
(Includes substances that may serve other functions)

Appendix 5
TT Name of drug
1. 2,4,5-T
2. 2,4-D
3. 2 - Phenylphenol
4. Abamectin
5. Acephate
6. Aldicarb
7. Aldrin and Dieldrin
8. Amitraz
9. Amitrole
10. Anilazine
11. Azinphos- Methyl
12. Azocyclotin
13. Benalaxyl
14. Bendiocarb
15. Benomyl
16. Bentazone
17. Bifenazate
18. Bifenthrin
19. Bioresmethrin
20. Bitertanol
21. Bromide ion
22. Bromopropylate
23. Buprofezin
24. Cadusafos
25. Captan
26. Carbaryl
27. Carbedazim
28. Carbofuran
29. Carbophenothion
30. Carbosulfan
31. Cartap
32. Chinomethionat
33. Chlordane
34. Chlorfenvinphos
35. Chlormequat
36. Chlorobenzilate
37. Chlorothalonil
38. Chlorpyrifos
39. Chlorpyrifos-Methyl
40. Chlofentezine
41. Clethodim
42. Cycloxydim
43. Cyfluthrin
44. Cyhalothrin
45. Cyhexatin
46. Cypermethrin
47. Cyprodinil
48. Cyromazine
49. DDT
50. Deltamethrin
51. Diazinon
52. Dichlofluanid
53. Dichlorvos
54. Dicloran
55. Dicofol
56. Diflubenzuron
57. Dimethipin
58. Dimethoate
59. Dinocap
60. Diphenyl
61. Diphenylamin
62. Diquat
63. Disulfoton
64. Dithianon
65. Dithiocarbamates
66. Dodine
67. Edifenphos
68. Endosulfan
69. Endrin
70. Esfenvalerate
71. Ethephon
72. Ethiofencarb
73. Ethion
74. Ethoprophos
75. Ethoxyquin
76. Etofenprox
77. Etrimfos
78. Famoxadone
79. Fenamiphos
80. Fenarimol
81. Fenbuconazole
82. Fenbutatin oxide
83. Fenitrothion
84. Fenpropathrin
85. Fenpropimorph
86. Penpyroximate
87. Fensulfothion
88. Fenthion
89. Fentin
90. Fenvalerate
91. Fipronil
92. Flucythrinate
93. Fludioxonil
94. Flumethrin
95. Flusilazole
96. Flutolanil
97. Folpet
98. Formothion
99. Glufosinate- ammonium
100. Glyphosate
101. Guazatine
102. Haloxyfop
103. Heptachlor
104. Hexaconazole
105. Hexythiazox
106. Hydrogen cyanide
107. Hydrogen phosphide
108. Imazalil
109. Imidacloprid
110. Iprodione
111. Isofenphos
112. Kresoxim- Methyl
113. Lindane
114. Malathion
115. Maleic hydrazine
116. Mecarbam
117. Metalaxyl
118. Methacrifos
119. Methamidophos
120. Methidathion
121. Methiocarb
122. Methomyl
123. Methoprene
124. Methoxyfenozide
125. Metiram
126. Mevinphos
127. Monocrotophos
128. Myclobutanil
129. Novaluron
130. Omethoate
131. Oxamyl
132. Paclobutrazol
133. Paraquat
134. Parathion
135. Parathion- methyl
136. Penconazole
137. Permethrin
138. Phenothrin
139. Phenthoate
140. Phorate
141. Phosalone
142. Phosmet
143. Phosphamidon
144. Phoxim
145. Piperonyl butoxide
146. Pirimicarb
147. Pirimiphos- methyl
148. Prochloraz
149. Procymidone
150. Profenofos
151. Propamocarb
152. Propargite
153. Propiconazole
154. Propoxur
155. Pyrazophos
156. Pyrethrins
157. Pyriproxifen
158. Quintozen
159. Spinosad
160. Tebuconazole
161. Tenbufenozide
162. Tecnazene
163. Teflubenzuron
164. Terbufos
165. Thiabendazole
166. Thiodicarb
167. Thiometon
168. Thiophanate-methyl
169. Tolclofos- methyl
170. Tolylfluanid
171. Triadimefon
172. Triadimenol
173. Triazophos
174. Trichlorfon
175. Trifloxystrobin
176. Triforine
177. Vamidothion
178. Vinclozolin

Appendix 6
TT Food group English name
1 Acti sô Artichoke globe
2 Bánh mì Bread
3 Bơ Avocado (Persea americana)
4 Bỏng ngô Popcorn
5 Bột mì, lúa mạch đen Wheat, rye flour
6 Bí ngô Pumpkins
7 Cá khô Dried fish
8 Các loại đậu hạt khô Beans (dry)
9 Các loại củ cải trừ củ cải đường Radish, turnip, swede except Beetroot, sugar
10 Các loại ngũ cốc Cereal grains
11 Các loại quả hạch Nuts, Hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pistachio
nuts , walnuts
12 Các loại quả khô Dried fruits
13 Các loại rau họ đậu Legume vegetable, Beans, broad bean,
Common bean, Lima bean
14 Cám lúa mì đã chế biến Wheat bran, Processed
15 Cám lúa mạch, lúa mì, gạo Rye, wheat, rice bran
16 Cây mùi tây Parsley
17 Cây mía Sugar cane
18 Cà phê hạt Coffee beans
19 Cà rốt Carrot
20 Cải xa voa Cabbage Savoy
21 Cải xanh, cải hoa Broccoli, flowerhead
22 Cải xoăn Kale
23 Ca cao hạt Cacao beans
24 Cà pháo Egg plant
25 Cải Bruxen Brussels sprouts
26 Cam, quýt, chanh, bưởi (quả có múi) Citrus fruits, pomelos
27 Cần tây Celery
28 Chè xanh, đen Tea, green, black
29 Chuối Banana
30 Chung cho các loại hoa quả (ngoại trừ Fruits and Vegetable (except as otherwise
một số hoa quả có danh mục cụ thể) lised)
31 Củ cải đường Beetroot, sugar beet
32 Dâu tây Strawberry
33 Dâu tây và một số loại quả nhỏ khác Berries and other small fruits
34 Dưa chuột Cucumber
35 Dưa chuột bao tử Gherkin
36 Dưa hấu Watermelon
37 Da và phủ tạng gia cầm Poultry, Edible offal of
38 Dưa, trừ dưa hấu Melons, except watermelon
39 Dầu ôliu đã chế biến Olives, Processed
40 Dầu cacao Cocoa butter
41 Dầu thực vật đã chế biến Vegetable oils, edible
42 Dầu thực vật thô Vegetable oils, crude
43 Dược thảo khô Dried herbs
44 Đậu tương khô Soya bean (dry)
45 Đu đủ Papaya
46 Gạo Rice
47 Gạo đã xay Rice husked
48 Giá đậu tương Soya bean sprouts
49 Gia vị Spices
50 Hành hoa Spring onion, onion welsh
51 Hạt bông Cotton seed
52 Hạt cà phê rang Coffee bean, Roasted
53 Hạt có dầu Oilseed
54 Hạt hướng dương Sunflower seed
55 Hạt mù tạt, hạt cải dầu, hạt lanh Mustard seed, rape seed, linseed
56 Hạt tiêu Peppers (black, white)
57 Hồng Nhật Bản Persimmon Japanese
58 Hành Onion, onion welsh
59 Hoa bia khô Hops, dry
60 Khoai lang Sweet potato
61 Khoai sọ Taro
62 Khoai tây Potato
63 Lạc củ Peanut
64 Lê Pear
65 Loại quả rau bầu bí Fruiting vegetables, Cucubits
66 Lúa mì Wheat
67 Lúa mì, lúa mạch đen nguyên chất Wheat, rye wholemeal
68 Lúa mạch Barley
69 Lúa mạch đen Rye
70 Lúa miến Sorghum
71 Măng tây Asparagus
72 Mầm lúa mì Wheat germ
73 Mận (bao gồm cả mận khô) Plums, including prunes
74 Mỡ gia cầm Poultry fats
75 Mỡ gia súc Mammalian fats
76 Mướp tây Okra
77 Nội tạng gia súc Edible offal (mammalian)
78 Nấm Mushrooms
79 Ngô Maize
80 Ngô bao tử Sweet corn
81 Nho Grapes
82 Quả bưởi chùm Grapefruit
83 Quả bí Squash
84 Quả cà chua Tomato
85 Quả chà là Date palm
86 Quả chanh và chanh lá cam Lemons and limes
87 Quả dâu tằm Mulberry Fruit
88 Quả dạng táo Pome fruits
89 Quả dứa Pineapple
90 Quả hạnh Tree nuts, almonds
91 Quả họ đào Peach, Nectarin
92 Quả hồ đào Pecan
93 Quả ớt Peppers (sweet, chili)
94 Quả Kivi Kiwifruits
95 Quả lạc tiên Passion fruit
96 Quả lựu Stone fruits
97 Quả mâm xôi, dâu rừng Dewberries, raspberries
98 Quả mơ Apricot
99 Quả sung Fig
100 Quả xoài Mango
101 Quả ô liu Olives
102 Rau (Trừ một số loại rau cụ thể) Vegetable
103 Rau ăn lá Leafy vegetable
104 Rau củ Bulb vegetables
105 Rau củ trừ củ rau thì là Bulb vegetables, except fennel bulb
106 Rau diếp Lettuce
107 Rau họ bắp cải Brassica vegetables
109 Rau khô Dried vegetables
110 Rau thân củ Root tuber vegetables
111 Sữa Milk
112 Sản phẩm sữa Milk products
113 Súp lơ Cauliflower
114 Su hào Kohlrabi
115 Táo Apple
116 Tỏi Garlic
117 Tỏi tây Leek
118 Thịt Meat
119 Thịt gia cầm Poultry meat
120 Thịt gia súc Mammals meat
121 Trứng Eggs
122 Yến mạch Oats

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