Strain-Induced Crystallization of Natural Rubber

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J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1

DOI 10.1007/s10965-014-0642-x


Strain-induced crystallization of natural rubber/zinc

dimethacrylate composites studied using synchrotron X-ray
diffraction and molecular simulation
Yijing Nie

Received: 20 August 2014 / Accepted: 10 December 2014 / Published online: 20 January 2015
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2015

Abstract Natural rubber (NR) reinforced by in situ polymer- segments [9–12]. To further enhance the mechanical and
ization of zinc dimethacrylate (ZDMA) exhibits excellent fatigue properties of NR to meet industry needs, conventional
mechanical properties. However, the corresponding reinforce- fine particulates such as carbon black are usually introduced,
ment mechanism is still unclear. Using synchrotron wide- which change the network structure and local deformation of
angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) measurements, we observed the rubber portion [13, 14]. Rubber chains are overstrained
that strain-induced crystallization of NR/ZDMA composites around particles, resulting in acceleration and improvement in
had a direct affect on the ultimate mechanical properties. An strain-induced crystallization [6, 15].
increase in ZDMA fraction resulted in a lower strain at the For peroxide-cured elastomers, metal salts of methacrylic
onset of crystallization. Further analysis revealed that three acids, particularly zinc dimethacrylate (ZDMA), are normally
factors contributed to the reduction in onset strain, including used as co-agents to cure rubber chains, leading to higher
higher whole cross-linking density due to the emergence of cross-linking density and producing a complex network struc-
ionic cross-linking clusters, strain amplification of ture [16–18]. During peroxide curing, ZDMA undergoes po-
nanodispersion of poly-ZDMA (PZDMA), and the confine- lymerization, which is initiated by peroxide radicals, to form
ment effect of the filler network. The results of dynamic poly-ZDMA (PZDMA) [19, 20]. In addition, PZDMA radi-
Monte Carlo simulation showed that the confinement effect cals can also react with NR radicals, resulting in the formation
of the filler network on chain segments favored segmental of NR-graft-PZDMA [17, 20]. The PZDMA chains are as-
orientation in regions near the polymer–filler interface, thus sembled to form local nano-phases dispersed in the rubber
inducing a decline in onset strain. matrix, as has been confirmed by transmission electron mi-
croscopy (TEM) [17, 21] and small-angle X-ray scattering
Keywords Strain-induced crystallization . Molecular measurements (SAXS) [22, 23]. In addition, due to the strong
simulation . Rubber . Filler network electrostatic interactions between the large numbers of ion
pairs in PZDMA chains, clusters consisting of several pairs
can be formed [17, 24, 25]. These ion clusters dramatically
depress the mobility of chain segments in PZDMA [26]. Due
Introduction to the presence of NR-graft-PZDMA, the motion of the cor-
responding rubber chain segments near the grafted PZDMA
The principal reason for the outstanding tensile properties and or ion clusters is also inhibited. Thus, these clusters can be
good crack growth resistance of natural rubber (NR) can be considered as new kinds of cross-linking points, i.e., ionic
attributed to strain-induced crystallization [1–8]. During de- cross-linking points [27].
formation, highly stretched chain segments form fringed- Rubbers reinforced by ZDMA exhibit excellent mechani-
micelle nuclei, which then induce the initiation of crystal cal properties and even much higher modulus at low strains
growth with chain-folding in the surrounding, less-stretched compared with those filled with carbon black [28]. Because of
the complexity of the network structure of NR/ZDMA com-
Y. Nie (*)
posites, and despite numerous studies that have been carried
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University,
301 Xuefu Road, Zhenjiang 212013, China out [24, 26, 27, 29], the reinforcement mechanism is still
e-mail: unclear. Strain-induced crystallization plays a major role in
1 Page 2 of 10 J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1

the reinforcement of NR, and thus an in-depth understanding 0.154 nm. Two-dimensional (2D) WAXD patterns were re-
of its mechanism is of great importance. Unfortunately, to corded every 180 s using the MarCCD 165 X-ray detector
date, there has been little research with regard to the structural system, and a custom-made stretching machine with symmet-
evolution of NR/ZDMA composites during stretching, and ric extension was used for deformation at strain rate of 35 %/
additional investigation is warranted. Because of the morpho- min in order to record the time-resolved WAXD patterns
logical differences between NR/ZDMA composites and rub- continuously. The crystallinity (Xc) was calculated from dif-
bers filled with conventional fillers [17, 21], the correspond- fraction intensity data as follows
ing strain-induced crystallization behaviors may exhibit dif-
ferent molecular mechanisms. X c ¼ Ac =ðAc þ Aa Þ; ð1Þ
The aim of the present work was to determine the influence
of PZDMA nano-phases on the strain-induced crystallization where Ac and Aa represent the areas of the crystalline and
of NR using a combination of synchrotron wide-angle X-ray amorphous regions, respectively.
diffraction (WAXD) measurements and dynamic Monte Carlo The stress–strain curves were tested on an Instron 5567
(MC) simulation. Synchrotron WAXD measurements enable material testing machine at room temperature according to
us to monitor changes in crystalline structure induced by GB/T1040-92 standards.
deformation in real time [2, 4, 30]. In addition, molecular The Payne effect of samples was measured using dynamic
simulation, which can probe the structural changes at the mechanical analysis in tension mode at room temperature, at a
molecular level, has proven to be an effective method for frequency of 1 Hz, in a dynamic strain range of 0–7500 μm
studying the mechanism of polymer crystallization [31–35]. using a Q800 dynamic mechanical spectrum device (TA In-
The authors have successfully applied MC simulation for the struments, New Castle, DE, USA).
study of strain-induced crystallization of polymer networks Cross-linking density was determined on the basis of the
[11, 12]. Based on experimental and simulation results, we equilibrium swelling measurements by application of the
have proposed a reasonable molecular mechanism with regard Flory–Rehner equation [36]
to strain-induced crystallization of the NR/ZDMA   h i
composites. – lnð1 – Φr Þ þ Φr þ χΦr 2 ¼ V 0 n Φr 1=3 – Φr =2 ð2Þ

Experimental where Φr is the volume fraction of polymer in the swollen

mass, V0 is the molar volume of the solvent (106.2 cm3 for
Materials toluene), n is the number of active network chain segments per
unit of volume (cross-linking density), χ is the Flory–Huggins
NR (ribbed smoked sheet [RSS] grade 1) was purchased from polymer–solvent interaction term, taken as 0.427+0.112Φr2
Indonesia. ZDMA was purchased from the Xian Organic for cross-linked NR and toluene pair at 25 °C [37]. The value
Chemical Technology Plant, China. Dicumyl peroxide of Φr is calculated according to the correction method as
(DCP) was manufactured at the Chengdu Kelong Chemical reported by Valentín [38]
Technology Plant in China. The formulations of rubber com-
posites are listed in Table 1. w2 −f ins w0 w2 − f ins w0 w1 −w2
Φr ¼ = þ ð3Þ
ρ2 ρ2 ρ1
where w0 represents the weight of the dry sample before
Synchrotron WAXD experiments were performed to detect
swelling, w1 and w2 are the weights of the swollen and de-
structural development of NR during uniaxial stretching under
swollen samples, respectively, ρ1 and ρ2 are the densities of
room temperature conditions at U7B beam-line in the Nation-
the solvent and polymer, respectively, and fins is the weight
al Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (NSRL), University of
fraction of insoluble components, namely (insoluble compo-
Science and Technology of China, Hefei. The wavelength was
nents weight)/(recipe weight). In our case, PZDMA nano-
phase is taken as a non-swellable component due to its strong
Table 1 Formulations polarity, and thus fins is equal to the fraction of PZDMA. Note
of NR composites Ingredient Content (phr)a that the covalent and ionic cross-linking densities can be
NR 100
separated using solvents with different polarities [27]. The
detailed measurement process can be found in [26].
Parts by weight per ZDMA 0, 10, 20, 40
A dynamic lattice Monte Carlo simulation is employed to
hundred parts of rubber study the effect of filler network confinement on strain-
J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1 Page 3 of 10 1

induced crystallization. A schematic model of the filled rubber of monomers on lattice sites or bond-crossing are prevented
network is shown in Fig. 1a. In order to improve simulation due to the volume exclusion of polymer chains. The preset
efficiency, we introduce only a section of the filled rubber fully ordered network chains are relaxed for 106 MC cycles to
network into simulation rather than the whole network, as reach a random-coil state under athermal conditions (each MC
indicated with the red dashed circle in Fig. 1a. In the cubic cycle is defined as a step during which all monomers moved
lattice model, each monomer of a polymer chain is assigned to once on average. In thermodynamics, the athermal condition
one lattice site. In the rectangular box (sides denoted as XYZ), corresponds to an infinitely high temperature).
we put 1,920 network chains, each containing 128 monomers, We successfully produced homogeneous stretching of the
with each chain end separately restricted on two YZ boundary bulk lattice polymer network in our MC simulations [11]. As
planes. The occupation density is set at 0.9375 to mimic a bulk demonstrated in Fig. 1b, polymer chains with two restricted
polymer phase, and a small number of vacancy sites act as free ends mimic network chains under affine deformation. Here,
volume for chain motion. These restricted chain ends repre- we tentatively avoid any entanglement in the initial state. The
sent cross-linking points. All of the surfaces of the simulation athermal random coils are then quenched to a temperature in
box are set as hard-wall boundaries to mimic the confinement order to observe strain-induced isothermal crystallization.
of the filler network. In other words, these hard-wall bound- Network chains, prepared as referenced above, are stretched
aries can be considered a polymer–filler interface. For NR by moving the right YZ boundary step-by-step along the X
with greater fraction of ZDMA, rubber chains are confined to axis. We first randomly select one X site, and cut all of the
a smaller space, i.e., they are exposed to a stronger confine- chains passing through its corresponding cross-sectional YZ
ment effect. To reflect the different confinement effects on plane into two parts. We then shift the right part for one more
chains, the lateral dimensions of the simulation box along the X site, and reconnect all of the broken bonds at the YZ plane
Y and Z axes are varied in lengths of 128, 64, 32, and 16. The via local sliding diffusion to open the first kink in the left part
stretching direction is set along the X axis, and the initial size of the chains. If the sliding diffusion demands that the left
of the simulation box along the X axis is 16. Here, as we are chain end moves away from its YZ boundary plane, this trial
only studying the confinement effect of the filler network on stretching event will be rejected, and we will immediate
strain-induced crystallization, the chain length in our simula- proceed to the next trial event at another randomly selected
tion is kept constant. Polymer chains can move in the lattice X site. The probabilities of breaking the bonds along the
space via a micro-relaxation model [31], which allows a chains are almost equal, the exception occurring for those
monomer jumping from an occupied site to a neighboring near two chain ends, mimicking a homogeneous stretching
vacancy site, occasionally with partial sliding diffusion along of the bulk polymer network. After each successful stretching
the chain. The bonds are oriented either along lattice axes or event, the system relaxes for 4,000 MC cycles, defined as a
along diagonals, and therefore the coordination number of strain rate of 6.25 %/4,000 MC cycles. New vacancy sites are
each monomer can be as high as 26 (summed over 6 axes, 8 introduced into the bulk sample with volume expansion dur-
body diagonals, and 12 face diagonals). Each bond contains a ing the stepwise shifting of the right YZ boundary, which
maximum of 13 possible orientations. Both double occupation should be expelled as soon as possible under normal stress

Fig. 1 (a) Sketch of a typical filled polymer network structure. Curves planes, i.e., cross-linking points. The left snapshot was obtained after the
represent the network chains, squares denote the covalent cross-linking relaxation of polymer chains for 10 6 MC cycles under athermal
points, and spheres denote the nanofillers. The red nanofillers and the conditions, and the right snapshot was obtained when polymer chains
blue network chains belong to the network section that we introduce into in the simulation box with an initial size of 16×32×32 (XYZ) were
simulation. (b) Snapshots demonstrating affine deformation of the bulk stretched to 100 % strain at T*=4.5 with a strain rate of 6.25 %/4,000
polymer network. Blue cylinders in the box represent polymer bonds, and MC cycles
red dots denote the chain ends that are restricted in the YZ boundary
1 Page 4 of 10 J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1

upon stretching polymers. Therefore, a strongly centrifugal a 25 10

energy Ea, driving the newly added vacancy sites away from
the central X axis of bulk polymers, is introduced to ensure
20 8

Tensile strength (MPa)

constant volumes upon affine deformation in the bulk polymer

Initial modulus (MPa)

sample, as demonstrated in Fig. 1b. The conventional Metrop-
15 6
olis sampling algorithm is employed at each step of micro-
relaxation, with a potential energy penalty
10 4
E ¼ cE c þ pE p þ aE a ð4Þ
5 2

where Ec is the potential energy change for non-collinear 0 0

0 10 20 30 40
connection of consecutive bonds along the chain, reflecting
ZDMA content (phr)
the chain flexibility; Ep is the potential energy change for each
pair of nonparallel packed bonds, reflecting the molecular
driving force for polymer crystallization [31]; c is the net 600
change of non-collinear connection pairs of bonds along the
chain; p is the net change of nonparallel packed pairs of bonds; 500

Elongation at break (%)

and a is the net change of pair contacts between monomers
and newly added vacancy sites. In practice, Ep/Ec is fixed at 1 400
to allow for a proper flexibility of chains at crystallization
temperatures, Ea/Ec is set at 1,000 to expel the newly added 300
vacancy sites from the bulk phase during stretching, and kT/
Ec =4.5 represents a reduced system temperature (k is the
Boltzmann constant and T the temperature; the reduced tem-
perature is simplified below as T*).
0 10 20 30 40
ZDMA content (phr)
Fig. 2 (a) Tensile strength and initial modulus of NR/ZDMA composites
as a function of ZDMA content. (b) Extension of the break of NR/ZDMA
Results and discussion composites as a function of ZDMA content

Morphology and mechanical properties As shown in Fig. 3, both whole and ionic cross-linking
densities increase with an increase in ZDMA content, while
The tensile strength and initial modulus of rubber are dramat- covalent cross-linking density remains almost unchanged. In
ically improved with the addition of ZDMA (see Fig. 2a), other words, the marked increase in whole cross-linking den-
while the extension at break is gradually reduced as the sity is primarily derived from the higher ionic cross-linking
content of ZDMA increases (see Fig. 2b). The remarkable density.
reinforcement properties appear to originate from the particu-
lar microstructure of NR/ZDMA composites. During vulcani- Strain-induced crystallization
zation, the simultaneous polymerization of ZDMA monomers
results in the formation of separated nano-phases of PZDMA With an understanding of the network structure of NR/ZDMA
dispersed in the rubber matrix [16–20]. In addition, the strong composites at the static state, we then go further to determine
electrostatic interactions between ion pairs in PZDMA chains the structural evolution during stretching that directly deter-
result in the freezing of the PZDMA chain segments (the glass mines the mechanical property of rubbers. The stress–strain
transition temperature of PZDMA is above 300 °C [24]), and curves for the neat NR and composites filled with different
these glassy nanodispersions of PZDMA can thus act as fractions of ZDMA are shown in Fig. 4. For the filled NR, the
nanofillers for NR [24, 26]. Due to the presence of NR- upturn in stress shifts to lower strain values compared with the
graft-PZDMA, the ion clusters containing several ion pairs neat, signifying that the structural changes in NR/ZDMA
can also restrict the motion of rubber segments near the composites occur earlier during stretching.
grafted PZDMA, and therefore act as ionic cross-linking With the use of synchrotron WAXD measurements, the
points. A typical ionic cross-linking cluster scheme is illus- strain-induced crystallization of rubber composites can be
trated in the inset of Fig. 3. directly observed. Figure 5a displays selected representative
J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1 Page 5 of 10 1

Whole cross-linking density a
Covalent cross-linking density
Ionic cross-linking density
Cross-linking density

Rubber chains

Zn2+ Zn
4 Zn2+ Zn

Grafted PZDMA

0 10 20 30 40
ZDMA content (phr)
Fig. 3 Three types of cross-linking density (whole cross-linking density, b
ionic cross-linking density, and covalent cross-linking density) as a 50
function of ZDMA content. The inset illustrates a microstructure model NR
of an ionic cross-linking cluster NR/10phrZDMA

Crystallinity (%)
2D WAXD patterns during the drawing of NR with 10 phr
ZDMA. At relatively large strains, we see that the correspond-
ing images exhibit highly oriented crystalline reflection peaks, 20

indexed as the 200, 120, and 201 reflections, indicating the

emergence of rubber crystallites with high anisotropy [2–5]. 10
The intensity of these reflections increases with increased
strain, suggesting the development of strain-induced crystal- 0
lization. We the use the Fit2D software package to analyze the
2D WAXD patterns in order to obtain more detailed informa- 0 1 2 3 4 5

tion. After the subtraction of the air scattering, the corrected Strain
WAXD patterns are integrated along an azimuthal line from 0° Fig. 5 (a) Selected synchrotron 2D WAXD patterns during stretching for
NR with 10 phr ZDMA. ε in the figure represents the strain of rubber
to 360°. The resultant profiles are subsequently deconvoluted
samples. (b) Variations in crystallinity as a function of strain for various
into corresponding crystal diffractions (the 200, 120, and 201 NR samples. Dashed lines represent the linear fits
reflections) and amorphous peaks [2–4]. All crystalline and
amorphous peaks are described using Gaussian functions. The
crystallinity can be calculated from the diffraction intensity
data using Eq. 1. Accordingly, the variations in crystallinity
25 for the different rubber samples during stretching are calculat-
ed, as depicted in Fig. 5b. During stretching, the crystallinity
NR/40phrZDMA of all samples increases monotonically, but the rubbers with
higher ZDMA content exhibit lower onset strains and higher
NR/20phrZDMA rates of crystallization, indicating the enhanced ability of
Stress (MPa)

15 strain-induced crystallization for the filled rubbers. Due to

the low intensity of the crystalline area at the onset strain of
crystallization, the precise time of onset is difficult to deter-
mine simply from the 2D WAXD patterns. As such, the onset
strain is calculated as the intercept position of the regression
5 NR line (solid line in Fig. 5b) in the plot of crystallinity against the
strain [14]. As illustrated in Fig. 6a, an increase in ZDMA
content leads to a reduction in onset strain. The mechanism of
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 decline in onset strain in sulfur-cross-linked rubbers filled
Strain with conventional fillers such as carbon black was revealed
Fig. 4 Stress–strain curves of pure NR and NR/ZDMA composites in a previous work [14]. Due to the presence of the un-
1 Page 6 of 10 J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1

a phenomenon has been attributed to the relatively homogenous

network structure of peroxide-cross-linked NR [41, 43]. Thus,
for filled peroxide-cross-linked NR, there are at least two key
Experimental onset strain

factors determining the onset strain: the whole cross-linking

density and the strain amplification effect. We then further
explore the contributions of these two factors in reducing
onset strain.
Under the hypothesis of affine deformation of Gaussian
chains and the condition of uniaxial stretching, the reduction
in entropy induced by stretching (ΔSd) can be calculated on
1 the basis of the classical theory of rubber elasticity [41]
h i
ΔS d ¼ –ð1=2Þvk ðε þ 1Þ2 þ 2=ðε þ 1Þ – 3 ð5Þ
0 10 20 30 40
ZDMA content (phr)
where v denotes the whole cross-linking density of rubber
b 3
samples and ε is the strain of stretched rubber samples. Ac-
cording to the findings of Ikeda et al., the reduction in entropy
Experimental onset strain
required for onset of crystallization in peroxide-cross-linked
Modified onset strain
Theoretical onset strain NR is independent of cross-linking density [41, 42]. Equa-
tion 5 shows that cross-linking density and onset strain are co-
Onset strain

determinants of the entropy reduction required for the onset of

crystallization. In other words, peroxide-cross-linked rubbers
with different cross-linking densities have different onset
strains. Since we have obtained the value of onset strain for
neat peroxide-cross-linked NR and its cross-linking density,
the decrease in entropy required for onset of crystallization
can be calculated directly. Here, we assume that the required
reduction is the same in both unfilled and filled NR. Then, by
0 taking the values of the whole cross-linking densities of the
1 2 3 4
NR/ZDMA composites in Eq. 5, the corresponding theoretical
Whole cross-linking density
onset strains can be evaluated, as plotted versus the whole
Fig. 6 (a) Experimental onset strain of crystallization as a function of
cross-linking density in Fig. 6b.
ZDMA content. (b) Different onset strains (experimental, modified, and
theoretical) of crystallization as a function of whole cross-linking density Interestingly, as shown in Fig. 6b, the theoretical onset
strains are higher than the experimental results, and we should
further confirm whether this difference is caused by the strain
deformable filler particles, the local effective strain of the
amplification effect of the hard PZDMA nano-phases. The
rubber portion in filled rubber is higher than the nominal
strain amplification effect describing the relationship between
macroscopic value during deformation, a phenomenon that
the macroscopic imposed strain and the local effective strain
is described as "strain amplification effect". Recent studies
in the rubber matrix is expressed as follows [13]
have verified that this effect is largely caused by the inhomo-
geneous dispersion of the fillers [39, 40]. Poompradub et al. αm ¼ ðα–φÞ=ð1–φÞ ð6Þ
found that the onset strain of sulfur-cured NR filled with
carbon black after modification by strain amplification was where φ is the volume fraction of filler, αm is the modified
nearly equal to that of neat NR [14]. extension ratio, and α is the macroscopic imposed extension
The situation for peroxide-cured rubber, however, is differ- ratio (α=ε+1). The density of PZDMA as measured by a
ent from that for sulfur-cured rubbers [41]. Ikeda et al. report- pycnometer is 1.5376 g cm−3 [20]. The local effective onset
ed that strain-induced crystallization occurred at the point strain can then be modified according to Eq. 6, as also shown
when a specific reduction in entropy was reached for in Fig. 6b. The modified local onset strains are still smaller
peroxide-cross-linked NR samples by stretching [42]. In other than the theoretical values for filled rubbers, indicating that
words, the onset strain to produce the required reduction in there are other factors involved in onset strain reduction.
entropy for crystallization of peroxide-cross-linked NR upon As confirmed by TEM measurements [17, 20, 21], nano-
stretching is dependent upon cross-linking density. This granular dispersions of PZDMA exist in the cured rubber
J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1 Page 7 of 10 1

matrix. Nanocomposites exhibit extensive interfacial area per amplitude due to the strain limitation of the device). It appears
volume of nanodispersions, and thus a low percolation thresh- that as the filler network becomes stronger, more rubber chain
old [44, 45]. Consequently, a filler network of PZDMA can segments will be confined.
percolate though the entire rubber at a low volume fraction. It From a thermodynamic perspective, the filler network con-
appears that the presence of this percolated filler network fines the motion of chain segments, decreases the number of
exerts an influence on the crystallization process upon network chain conformations, and consequently leads to a
stretching. The Payne effect in filled rubbers usually refers reduction in conformational entropy, accompanied by an in-
to the reduction in dynamic storage modulus with increasing crease in melting point and degree of supercooling, which is
strain amplitude, which can be attributed to the de- beneficial for strain-induced crystallization. Thus, we believe
agglomeration of the filler network [45, 46]. In other words, that the presence of a filler network can also contribute to a
the amplitude of the Payne effect (E0 –E∞ ) can be used to reduction in onset strain. The effect of filler networks on
reflect the intensity of the filler–filler interactions; i.e., the strain-induced crystallization is difficult to directly probe
strength of filler network (E0 denotes the initial elastic mod- using experimental measurements, however, and therefore
ulus in the linear plateau and E∞ the modulus at the highest molecular simulation was further applied to explore the effect.
strain) [45]. As depicted in Fig. 7, higher ZDMA content
results in a larger amplitude of the Payne effect, indicating Molecular simulation
the formation of a stronger filler network [45, 47] (the mod-
ulus plateau was not reached at a high dynamic strain We used dynamic Monte Carlo simulation to investigate
strain-induced polymer crystallization under confinement
conditions. Figure 8a summarizes the strain evolution curves
a 8 of crystallinity for polymer chains under different confine-
NR ment during stretching. Crystallinity has been found to in-
NR/10phrZDMA crease suddenly at a certain strain level, which can be defined
Storage modulus (MPa)

NR/20phrZDMA as the onset strain of crystallization. This is consistent with the

NR/40phrZDMA above experimental results, as depicted in Fig. 5b. A method
similar to that used in experiments was applied to evaluate the
4 value of onset strain in simulation. The resultant onset strains
under different confinement effects are plotted in Fig. 8b. The
enhancement of the confinement effect on chains through the
2 reduction in the lateral dimension of the simulation box results
in reduced onset strain. In other words, the ability of strain-
induced crystallization is improved by confinement. From the
perspective of thermodynamics, the onset strain is determined
0.1 1 10 by the reduction of conformational entropy [1, 41, 42], which
Strain amplitude (%) is caused by the extension or orientation of polymer chains.
As such, it appears that stretching can cause an exten-
b 4
sion or orientation of polymer chains, a reduction in
conformational entropy, and an increase in the melting
point and degree of supercooling, thus inducing the
3 onset of crystallization.
E 0 E (MPa)

There are factors other than stretching, however, that may

also cause the orientation of chains. Since the chains are
2 confined in a local space surrounded by a nanofiller network,
the lateral fluctuations in chains near the polymer–filler inter-
face will be limited. Moreover, the confinement of lateral
fluctuations will force the chain segments to orient along the
direction of stretching. To support our explanation, we calcu-
0 late the orientational-order parameter of amorphous bonds
distributed in different locations at different distances from
0 10 20 30 40 50 the center of the simulation box before the onset of crystalli-
ZDMA content (phr) zation, as shown in Fig. 9 (we take the system with a lateral
Fig. 7 (a) Storage modulus versus dynamic strain amplitude for different dimension of 64 as a typical example, and the definition of
rubbers. (b) Magnitude of the Payne effect versus ZDMA content these locations is explained in the inset of Fig. 9). The
1 Page 8 of 10 J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1

a 0.10

Orientational-order parameter
Lateral size 128 Location

Lateral size 64 0.08 Distance

0.6 Lateral size 32
Lateral size 16 Z Center point



0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 1 2 3 4
Fig. 9 Orientational-order parameter of polymer bonds distributed in
different locations at different distances from the center of the
b 2.0 simulation box for the system with a lateral dimension of 64 at a strain
of 1.125 (before the onset of crystallization). The inset illustrates the
definition of the locations. During stretching, the distance between the
box center and polymer–filler interface decreases gradually due to the
affine deformation, and thus the maximum distance in the figure is
smaller than 32
Onset strain

1.0 orientational order. In a word, the confinement effect of the

filler network increases the segmental orientation in the re-
gions near the interface, and thus brings about a reduction in
conformational entropy, which induces a further rise in the
melting point and degree of supercooling, and a decline in the
onset strain of crystallization.
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Figure 11 depicts the strain dependence in orientational-
Lateral size of simulation box order parameters of the amorphous bonds under different
Fig. 8 (a) Strain evolution of crystallinity for polymers under different confinement conditions. Orientational orders show an in-
confinement effects (simulation boxes with different lateral dimensions). crease, decrease, and re-increase tendency with increasing
Crystallinity is defined as the fraction of monomer bonds containing more strain. The first increase stage is attributable to the effect of
than five parallel neighbors of other monomer bonds. Using this criterion,
the small values of crystallinity at low strains are caused by thermal
fluctuations before crystallization. (b) Onset strain of crystallization as a
function of lateral dimension of simulation box

orientational-order parameter of the amorphous bonds is de-

fined as
P ¼ 3 < cos2 θ > – 1 =2 ð7Þ

\where θ refers to is the angle of the bond orientations in the

stretching direction, and < > refers to an average across all of
the amorphous bonds.
Figure 9 clearly shows that the bonds near the interface
have larger orientational-order parameters along the direction
of stretching. The improvement in segmental orientation near
the interface is favorable for strain-induced crystallization.
Figure 10 describes the spatial distribution of strain-induced Fig. 10 Snapshot of strain-induced nuclei (red cylinders) for a system
with a lateral dimension of 64 at the onset strain of crystallization. The
nuclei at the onset strain for a system with a lateral size of 64. observation direction of this snapshot is along the stretching direction,
It is clear that most of the nuclei appear in the regions near the and thus we are only able to see the circular end surface of the highly
polymer–filler interface, where the segments have a higher oriented nuclei. The black lines denote the polymer-filler interface
J Polym Res (2015) 22: 1 Page 9 of 10 1

ZDMA effectively decreases the onset strain of crystallization.
Lateral size 128
Detailed analysis reveals that, apart from the increase in cross-
Orientational-order parameter

0.08 Lateral size 64

Lateral size 32 linking density and strain amplification of PZDMA
Lateral size 16 nanodispersion, there is another factor (the confinement effect
of the nanofiller network) contributing to reduced onset strain.
We further solidify the analysis through the use of dynamic
MC simulation. Simulation results demonstrate that the con-
finement of the nanofiller network on chain segments favors
segmental orientation in regions near the polymer–filler inter-
face, and thus causes a reduction in onset strain. The combi-
nation of two very different technical approaches—WAXD
measurements and molecular simulations—provides us a new
0 1 2 3 4 microscopic mechanism of strain-induced crystallization of
Strain NR/ZDMA composites, the comprehension of which is help-
Fig. 11 Strain evolution of orientational-order parameters for polymers ful for the design of new high-performance rubber materials.
under different confinement effects

Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial

stretching. After the onset of crystallization, however, the support of the Research Foundation of Jiangsu University (NO.
priority for these highly stretched amorphous segments is to 14JDG059), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.
join the crystalline phase, thus resulting in the decrease in 21404050), and the Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research
orientational orders. Subsequently, the orientational orders Funds (No. 1402019A). We also wish to thank Professors Liangbin Li
and Guoqiang Pan for their invaluable assistance in the Synchrotron
increase again, indicating that more highly stretched segments WAXD experiments.
are generated in the amorphous phase due to the pulling of the
crystalline segments from the crystalline domains. When the
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