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At long last, you’ve finally found the ultimate list of the WASSCE CRS past
questions you’ve been searching for.
The good news is you’re at liberty to download this WAEC WASSCE CRS past questions in PDF
format for future offline use.
This extra-long list of Senior High School Christian Religious Studies past essay questions is
equally good for students and teachers of Bible Knowledge too.
It is a great resource for your WAEC/WASSCE, NECO/SSCE, GCE or JAMB examination
involving bible studies.
So, whether you're a Senior High School Christian Religious Studies tutor or student, go ahead and
take a good look at each of these WASSCE CRS past questions (essay).
Don't forget. It is very likely that some of these WAEC CRS essay past questions will be repeated in
your coming examination.

What to do with these CRS past questions

All you need to do is practice writing essays on as many of these questions as you can. If possible,
get a reliable person or teacher to assess each essay you write.
Remember, it is the same writing you will be doing in the exam hall. For that matter, the more you
practice writing answers or essays on these WASSCE CRS past questions, the better chance you
stand to do well in the examination.


Yes, right here on this platform.
This comprehensive list of the WAEC WASSCE CRS past questions is divided into four sections
• Old Testament WASSCE CRS Past Essay Questions
• Synoptic Gospels WASSCE CRS Past Questions
• The Acts of the Apostles WASSCE CRS Past Questions
• The Epistles of James and Peter WASSCE CRS Past Questions.
Now, if you’re ready, let’s start with the Old Testament section of your extensive compilation of the
WAEC WASSCE Christian Religious Studies past questions.
And, don’t forget, if your Bible studies subject name is Bible Knowledge, you will still find this
WAEC WASSCE CRS past questions very useful. This is because the two syllabuses are quite

Christian Religious Studies Old Testament Past Questions

1993 – 2013 ... and More
Let's begin with WASSCE CRS past questions that are based on the Old Testament topics or themes
in your WAEC CRS syllabus.
SSSCE 1993
1. Describe the story of the fall of man.
2. Account for the strained relationship between Saul and Samuel.
3. Discuss the factors that led to the first and second deportation of Judah.

SSSCE 1994
1. What role did Joseph play in the history of the Hebrews?
2. Account for the division of the united monarchy in Israel.
3. Explain Jeremiah’s teaching on the new covenant.

SSSCE 1995
1. Discuss the significance of the covenant between God and Abraham.
2. What role did Moses play in the history and religion of Israel?
3. Critically examine Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles.

SSSCE 1996
1. Give a critical account of the call of Moses.
2. Discuss Gideon’s defeat of the Medianites. Why did he refuse to be made a king?
3. Account for the events which led to the fall of Judah during the reign of Zedekiah
4. Examine the contribution that Cyrus made to the return of the exiles.

SSSCE 1997
1. Discuss the message of the prophet Amos.
2. What events led to the re-building of the Temple after the exile from Babylon?

SSSCE 1998
1. Examine the significance of the Passover.
2. Describe the life and work of Deborah, the Judge.
3. Examine the reforms of King Josiah. Comment on any point of significance.

SSSCE 1999
1. Discuss how Joseph reconciled with his brothers. State three lessons which can be learnt
from this story.
2. Discuss the circumstances that led to the fall of the Southern Kingdom (Judah).
3. Discuss how greed led Ahab to sin.
4. Show how Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones depicts the restoration of Israel.

SSSCE 2000
1. Describe the covenant which God made with Abraham. What is its importance?
2. Why did Moses send men to spy the land of Canaan? What report did they bring back?
3. Examine the view that Solomon was a wise king.
4. Outline the reforms of King Josiah. What were the effects of the reforms on Israel?
5. Outline the call of Isaiah. How does his call illustrate the role of a prophet?

July 2001
1. a) Explain how Joseph came to live in Egypt.
b. How did this influence the history of the Hebrews?
2. Comment on Joshua’s farewell speech at Shechem.
3. a) What led to the encounter between Nathan and David?
b) Mention any three offences of David unworthy of a Christian.

July 2002
1. a) Discuss the story of the fall of man
b) Indicate any three moral lessons that can be learnt from the story?
2. Assess the role played by Samuel in the history and religion of Israel.
3. a) Examine the circumstances which led to the division of the monarchy
b) In what three ways can leaders of your country avoid such a disaster?
4. Discuss how the discovery of the book of the law affected Josiah’s reign.

November 2002
1. a) Give an account of the call of Abram.
b) State three moral lessons involved in the call.
2. a) Account for the conquest of Jericho.
b) State three moral lessons that can be learnt from the story.
3. a) Assess the reign of King Manasseh.
b) State two ways in which your nation has been badly affected by its leaders.
4. a) Discuss the problems the exiles faced when rebuilding the Jerusalem temple. How was
the problem solved?
b) State three ways by which one can contribute to the development of a nation

July 2003
1. a) Narrate the second account of he story of Creation.
b) What three moral lessons can be learnt from the story?
2. What evidence is there to show that the Israelites displayed lack of faith in God’s promise to
bring them safely to the promised land?
3. Examine the factors which made Saul's reign less successful.
November 2003
1. a) Narrate the story of the Golden Calf.
b) What three moral lessons can be learned from this episode?
c) What leadership qualities can leaders of today learn from the story?
2. a) Discuss Ezekiel’s teaching on individual responsibility.
b) What three moral lessons can be learnt from it?
3. Examine the role Isaiah played in the history of Judah.

July 2004
1. a) How did Joseph come to live in Egypt?
b) In what way did it affect the fortune of his family?
2. Discuss the married life of Hosea.
3. a) Discuss the call of either Isaiah or Jeremiah
b) State three obligations involved in the call
4. What events led to the rebuilding of the temple after the exile from Babylon?

November 2004
1. a) Describe the mission of the twelve spies.
b) What two lessons can political leaders learn from the mission?
2. It was not the Wisdom of Solomon but the folly of Rehoboam which led to the division of
the Hebrew Kingdom. Discuss
3. a) Discuss the three main encounters between Elijah and King Ahab.
b) Identify two moral values which a nation should uphold.
4. Give an account of how Jewish nationality was restored in the homeland after the exile.

July 2005
1. a) What biblical events indicate that God was always in conversation with Abraham?
b) What two lessons can be learnt from this interaction?
2. a) Comment on the roles played by Deborah and Rahab in the life of Israel.
b) In what three ways can women in your country contribute to national development?
3. a) Examine the steps taken by Abner to reconcile Israel to Judah.
b) What two lessons can be learnt from Abner’s initiative?
4. a) Explain Amos' attack on the rich people of Samaria.
b) What two lessons can be learnt from Amos’ attack?
5. a) How did Ezra handle the opposition to the project of rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem?
b) State two lessons that can be learnt from Ezra’s initiative.
November 2005
1. a) Describe David’s encounter with Saul in the wilderness of Ziph.
b) What two lessons could be learnt from this encounter?
2. a) Why is King Manasseh described as an apostate by biblical commentators?
b) With reference to King Manasseh, explain three ways by which bad leadership can affect a
3. a) Highlight Cyrus decree which allowed exiles to return to Judea
b) State three ways by which one could contribute to the development of a nation.

May/June 2006
1. a) Highlight the distinction between God’s covenant with Abraham and the new covenant
proclaimed by Jeremiah.
b) State three consequences of the breach of a covenant.
2. a) What events led to the call of Samuel as a prophet?
b) In what three ways can parents fulfill their obligation to their children?
3. a) Explain how greed led the following people to sin:
i. Ahab ii. Gehazi
b) Identify three lessons that can be derived from the experiences of the persons named in (A) I and
4. a) How did God make it possible for the people of Nineveh to hear his message?
b) Give any three factors that make it difficult for Christians to fulfill their religious obligations

November 2006
1. a) Give an account of the call of Gideon
b) What three lessons could be drawn form Gideon’s leadership?
2. a) Discuss the encounter of Nathan and David
b) State three ways in which church leaders abuse their privilege in society.
3. a) Explain the content of Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles.
b) In what two ways can refugees contribute to the welfare of their host country?

May/June 2007
1. a) Highlight Solomon’s prayer at the dedication of the temple.
b) Highlight the religious ideas that can be derived from the prayer.
2. a) Examine the role played by Nehemiah in the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.
b) What three lessons can be learnt from Nehemiah’s leadership?
3. a) Give an account of the persecution suffered by Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego
b) What three lessons can be learnt from their experience?
4. a) Discuss Hosea’s marriage with Gomer.
b) Draw out three virtues of Hosea which are worthy or emulation.

November 2007
1. a) Outline the similarities and differences in the creation stories.
b) Mention three ways by which man can sustain God’s creation.
2. a) Highlight the behavior of Saul as exhibited in his encounter with the Amalekites.
b) What three things can Christians do to improve their relationship with others.
3. a) Highlight any five achievements of King Asa.
b) With reference to the reign of king Asa, suggest any five ways which will enable you to be a
good member in your community.
4. a) In what ways is Jeremiah’s concept of the new covenant different from the mosaic
b) State two ways in which covenants are relevant to Christians today.

May/June 2008
1. a) Highlight the events of the Jewish Passover
b) Give three ways in which the feast of the Passover is relevant to Christians.
2. a) Discuss the appointment of Joshua as Moses’ successor.
b) What three qualities of Joshua can be recommended for leaders of today?
3. a) Describe how the supremacy of God was made manifest during the contest on Mount
b) In what three ways can the church fight against immoral acts in society.
4. a) Give an account of Amos' encounter with Amaziah the priest.
b) Indicate any three religious practices in your society that need to be condemned.

November 2008
1. a) Describe how Eve was created according to the book of Genesis.
b) In what four ways are women contributing to the development of society?
2. a) Compare the two accounts of the institution of the monarchy in Israel.
b) Identify three problems facing the chieftaincy institution on your society.
3. a) Examine any four factors that led to the fall of Judah.
b) What two lessons can African nations learn from the episode?
4. a) Trace the events that led to Jonah being swallowed by a great fish.
b) What three moral lessons can be learned from the incident in a. ?

May/June 2009
1. How was Joseph conciliatory toward his brothers?
2. a) Give an assessment of Solomon’s wisdom.
b) State three ways in which unwise policies affect the society.
3. a) Discuss the factors that led to the reforms of Josiah.
b) What two positive gains can a religious reform offer?
4. a) Examine Ezekiel’s teaching on individual responsibility.
b) In what two ways is the teaching of individual responsibility relevant today?

November 2009
1. a) Narrate the story of the fall of humankind in the Garden of Eden.
b) What three lessons can be learnt from the story (A) with regards to the nature of God?
2. a) Outline the events which led to the destruction of the Ten Commandments.
b) What three consequences can follow a breach of a covenant?
3. a) Do not destroy him; for who can put forth his hand against the lord’s annointed and be
guiltless? How did David adhere to this statement?
b) What two lessons can Christians learn from David’s action?

No questions available.

November, 2010
1. a) How did God’s covenant with Abraham affect his life?
b) State three ways by which people enter into covenant relationships in your community.
2. a) Outline the behavior of the children of Eli and Samuel.
b) State three ways by which parents can improve the moral upbringing of their children.
3. a) Relate how Daniel's faith was tested during the reign of Dairus.
b) Give two reasons why some Christians are unable to demonstrate faith in God.
4. a) According to Isaiah, What were God’s requirements of a holy life?
b) Mention three benefits a Christian can derive from living a holy life.

May/June 2011
1. a) Examine the circumstances that led to the killing of Abel by Cain.
b) Mention any three lessons that can be learnt form this incident.
2. a) Discuss the conquest of Jericho under the leadership of Joshua.
b) Identify three leadership qualities Joshua exhibited.
3. a) Explain why Elijah pronounced drought in Israel.
b) How did Ahab react to this?
4. a) Outline Nehemiah’s response to the news of the broken wall of Jerusalem.
b) Mention three things a citizen can do to demonstrate patriotism.

November 2011
1. a) Discuss the difference between the two creation stories.
b) In what three ways do human activities degrade the environment?
2. a) Explain how Nathan got David to accept his sin against Uriah.
b) State two ways a Christian can avoid sin.
3. a) Why is King Manasseh described as an “apostate”?
b) State three peaceful means by which a bad leader can be removed from office.
4. a) Trace the conditions of Judah which led to the first deportation of the Jews into exile.
b) State three ways of showing concern for one’s nation.

May/June 2012
1. a) Highlight the leadership qualities exhibited by Moses on the Israelites.
b) What three challenges did Moses face as a leader?
2. a) Examine the misunderstanding that developed between Saul and Samuel at Mishmash.
b) What three lessons can be drawn from this incident?
3. a) Describe the role played by women during Israel’s battle with the Canaanite King Jabin.
b) In what three ways are women contributing to national development?
4. a) i. Highlight any three practices in the religiouns life of Israel which the prophet Amos
ii. State three things he recommended in their place
b) What three steps are being taken by your country to stamp out corruption?

November 2012
1. a) Describe the preparations made by the Israelites before the Sinai Covenant.
b) What factors lead to the breakdown of covenants?
2. a) How did Solomon first apply his wisdom?
b) State three other ways by which God’s wisdom can be applied.
3. How did greed lead Gehazi to sin?
4. a) Discuss Ezekiel’s teaching on individual responsibility.
b) What are its implications for church growth?

May/June 2013
1. a) Give an account of the process of creation as contained in Genesis Chapter 1.
b) in what three ways is man contributing to the process of creation?
2. a) Describe how the Israelites were delivered from the pursuit of the Egyptians when they
encountered the Red Sea.
b) What three qualities of Moses can be recommended for leaders of today?
3. a) Examine the circumstances that compelled Elijah to pronounce drought on Israel.
b) What three lessons can Christian leaders learn from this episode?
4. a) Narrate the events that led to the destruction of Jerusalem.
b) Indicate any three conditions in Ghana that should be of concern to the citizenry.

November 2013
1. a) Discuss Eve’s encounter with the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
b) What three moral lessons can be drawn from Eve’s encounter with the serpent?
2. a) Recount the first two dreams of Joseph and the reaction of those who heard him.
b) What penalty did Joseph pay for his dreams afterwards?
c) What three positive attitudes should Christians show toward those who hurt them?
3. Examine the character of David as revealed in the story of his relationship with Bathsheba?
4. a) Outline four factors that made possible the return of the Jewish exiles from Babylon.
b) What three lessons can be drawn from the return of the exile?

MAY/JUNE 2014?
To be added later, please.

New Testament WASSCE CRS Past Questions

Our next stop is the Synoptic Gospels section of the WASSCE CRS past questions.

Synoptic Gospels from July 1993 to November 2013

Find below all the questions based on the Synoptic Gospels section of the WAEC Christian
Religious Studies Syllabus.

July 1993
1. State the synoptic problem and indicate its solution.
2. Write short notes on the following:
• The feeding of the five thousand.
• The healing of the Gerasene demoniac.

July 1994
1. Write short notes on the following:
• Pharisees
• Sadducees
2. Discuss the view that Matthew’s gospel was written for the Jews.
3. Write critical notes on the healing of the Centurion’s Servant.

July 1995
1. What role did the temple play in the life of Jesus?
2. Explain the teachings of Jesus on wealth and divorce.
3. Why did Jesus teach in parables? Illustrate your answer with the parable of the Sower.

July 1996
1. Discuss the purpose of the gospel of Mark.
2. Comment on the view that the gospel of Luke shows interest in women.
3. What was the teaching of Jesus on:
• Prayer?
• Salt and Light?

July 1997
1. Discuss the main characteristics of Luke’s gospel.
2. Explain the following parables:
• The Talents
• The Mustard Seed.
3. Discuss the narratives of the trial of Jesus.

July 1998
1. What are the main characteristics of the gospel of Matthew?
2. Give an account of the healing of the Centurion’s Servant. What is the significance of the

July 1999
1. Discuss the view that Mark’s gospel owes much of its information to Peter.
2. Recount the story of the transfiguration of Jesus and show its significance in the ministry of

July 2000
1. Write short notes on the following:
• Zealots
• Pharisees
2. Why was Jesus opposed by the religious leaders of his day?
3. Narrate the parable of the wicked tenants
4. Narrate the vision Peter had at Joppa. State its significance to the spread of the gospel.

July 2001
1. a) Discuss the parable of the Good Samaritan.
b) What three lessons can be learnt from this parable?
2. Explain the teachings of Jesus on
• Almsgiving
• Fasting.

July 2002
1. Give an account of the temptation of Jesus. What was its significance?
2. Write critical notes on the stilling of the storm.

November 2002
1. a) Discuss the view that Luke is a gospel for women.
b) State three efforts being made to improve the image of women in Ghana.
2. a) Why did Jesus teach in parables?
b) Explain the parable of the Wicked Tenants.
3. Give an account of the Last Supper and show its significance.

July 2003
1. Discuss the view that the gospel of Matthew was written for the Jews.
2. Discuss the story of Peter’s confession at Caesarea Philippi.
3. a) Explain the attitude of Jesus to his miracles.
b) What three lessons can present day pastors learn from this?

November 2003
1. Outline the main characteristics of Mark’s Gospel.
2. Give an account of the resurrection of Jesus according to the gospel of Matthew.
3. a) Who are the Pharisees?
b) Highlight the area of conflict the Pharisees had with Jesus.

July 2004
1. "St. Luke’s Gospel is a book for prayer." Discuss.
2. a) Examine the synoptic narratives on the Last Supper.
b) Give two examples of its significance to Christians today.
3. Comment on the healing of the paralytic.

November 2004
1. a) What is the synoptic problem?
b) Explain how it is resolved.
2. a) Discuss any one of the following parables.
i. The Prodigal Son
ii. The Sower.
b) What three lessons can be learnt from the selected parables?

July 2005
1. Explain the teachings of Jesus on:
• Humility
• The State
2. a) Narrate the trial of Jesus according to Matthew and Mark.
b) What two steps can be taken to ensure a fair judicial system in your country?

November 2005
1. a) Who were the Pharisees?
b) Highlight the area of conflict the Pharisees had with Jesus.
2. Discuss the view that the gospel of Mark was written by an eye witness.
3. a) Comment on either the healing of the leper or the healing of the paralytic.
b) What should be the attitude of society towards people with disability? Give three reasons for
your answer.

May/June 2006
1. Compare the synagogue and the temple as religious institutions at the time of Jesus
2. a) Write notes on the teaching of Jesus on
• Prayer
• Forgiveness
b) In what three ways is either prayer or forgiveness relevant to Christians today.
3. a) Narrate the Parable of the Wicked Tenants.
b) Mention any three lessons Christians can learn from the parable of the wicked tenants.
4. Discuss any five reasons why religious leaders opposed Jesus during his time.

November 2006
1. a) Discuss the baptism of Jesus Christ.
b) Draw out two lessons from the baptism.
2. Discuss three occasions on which Jesus had conflict with the religious leaders of his time.
3. Write explanatory notes on any one of the following parables.
• The Wicked Tenants
• The Good Samaritan

May/June 2007
1. a) State three similarities and three differences in the infancy narratives of Jesus in Matthew
and Luke.
b) What factors account for these similarities and differences?
2. What role did the following play in the passion stories?
• Peter
• Joseph of Arimathea.
3. a) Comment on the healing of the Gerasene Demoniac.
b) State three reasons for questioning the claims of healing miracles by some pastors.
4. Give an account of how Jesus handled the issues of adultery and divorce during the Sermon
on the Mount.

November 2007
1. a) How is Jesus portrayed in the gospel of Mark?
b) In what three ways is Mark’s portrait of Jesus different form Matthew's?
2. a) Relate the events which led to Peter’s denial of Jesus.
b) Identify any three reasons why children renounce their parents.
3. Examine the teachings of Jesus on any three of the following
• Oath swearing
• Retaliation
• Almsgiving
• Humility
4.Write short notes on the following
• The anointing at Bethany
• The resurrection appearances.

May/June 2008
1. a) Examine the view that Luke’s gospel is a gospel of the Holy Spirit.
b) In what three ways does the Holy Spirit manifest itself in the church today?
2. a) Explain any five similarities and three differences in the feeding of the five thousand and
that of four thousand.
b) State any two importance of Christian relief assistance to the community.
3. a) Narrate the story of temptation of Jesus.
b) In what three ways did the story you have narrated in (A) prepared Jesus for his mission?
c) State two ways by which Christians can overcome temptation.
4. a) Discuss the attitude of Jesus towards the Sabbath.
b) What three benefits can be derived from observing the Sabbath?

November 2008
1. Examine the aims of St. Luke’s gospel.
2. Give an account of the Parable of the Sower.
b) What two factors hinder evangelism in your society?
3. a) Highlight the healing of the Syro-Phonecian woman’s daughter by Jesus.
b) Give two reasons why miracles are relevant to the church today.
4. a) Comment on the trial of Jesus before
• The Sanhedrin
• Pilate
b) List three ways by which the court system of your country can be strengthened in carrying out

May/June 2009
1. a) Highlight three religious beliefs of each of the following sects
• The Scribes
• The Herodians
• The Pharisees
b) In what two ways did each of the groups listed in (A) come into contact with Jesus?
2. a) Comment on the story of the Stilling of the Storm.
b) State two reasons why Jesus performed miracles.
3. Discuss Jesus' teaching on the following
• Violence
• The State
4. a) Give an account of the resurrection appearances of Jesus to women as recorded in Matthew’s
b) State three points of significance of Jesus' resurrection to Christians.

November 2009
1. Examine the purpose of Mark’s gospel.
2. a) Narrate the parable of the talents.
b) In what two ways do Christians waste their talents?
3. Examine the teaching of Jesus on any two of the following:
• Prayer
• Forgiveness
4. a) Discuss the story of Peter’s Confession at Caesarea Philippi.
b) In what two ways is confession important in the life of Christians?

Questions are not available.

November 2010
1. Discuss any five characteristics of Matthew’s gospel.
2. a) Relate the Parable of the Prodigal Son.
b) State three character traits exhibited by the elder brother in the parable.
3. a) Highlight the teaching of Jesus on humility
b) Identify two ways in which humility is relevant in an individual’s life.
4. a) Examine the role played by Judas Iscariot in the events leading to the death of Jesus.
b) What three steps can a Christian take to reconcile with others?

May/June 2011
1. a) Discuss the role played by the Temple in the life of Jesus.
b) List three deeds which may defile the body as the Temple of God.
2. a) Outline Luke's account of the birth of Jesus.
b) What three implications can Christians derive from the story?
3. a) Describe the reaction of Jesus to the Pharisees teaching on two of the following:
• Murder
• Oath Swearing
• Retaliation
b) In what three ways can Christians demonstrate the spirit of reconciliation in the community?
4. a) Give an account of the story of the Last Supper.
b) In what three ways is the Last Supper significant to the Christian?

November 2011
1. a) Outline the message of John the Baptist.
b) In what three ways is baptism relevant to Christians?
2. a) Describe the healing of the Syro-Phonecian woman’s daughter.
b) In what three ways is the attitude of Jesus to his miracles different from that of modern day
3. a) Discuss the parable of the wicked tenants
b) State two lessons that can be derived from the parable of the wicked tenants
4. a) Relate the circumstances that led to the anointing of Jesus at Bethany.
b) State three character traits exhibited by the woman who anointed Jesus.

May/June 2012
1. a) Who were the Herodians?
b) Explain the role of the Herodians at the time of Jesus
c) State three lessons that can be learnt from the attitude of the Herodians.
2. a) Discuss the call of the Twelve Disciples according to the synoptic Gospels.
b) Identify three good qualities expected of Christian leaders.
3. a) Relate the teaching of Jesus on one of the following:
• Prayer
• forgiveness
b) In what three ways is either prayer or forgiveness important?
4. a) Comment on the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus.
b) In what two ways was the transfiguration important?

November 2012
1. a) Discuss the functions and powers of the Sanhedrin.
b) State four impact of religious institutions on society.
2. a) Narrate the parable of the Lost Son. (Prodigal Son)
b) Comment on the parable.
3. a) Discuss the significance of Jesus’ teaching on Salt and Light.
b) State three virtues of Christian leadership.
4. a) Discuss the appearance of Jesus before Caiaphas
b) State three consequences of bearing false witness.

May/June 2013
1. a) Describe Jesus’ encounter with the devil after his forty day’s fast.
b) What three lessons can be learnt from the encounter?
2. a) Explain the Beatitude as pronounced by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
b) Give three reasons why Christians are not able to benefit from God’s blessings.
3. a) Describe the circumstances that led to the healing of the Gerasene demoniac.
b) Mention any two reasons why miracles are relevant to the church today.
4. a) Give an account of the crucifixion of Jesus as recorded in the Gospel of St. Luke.
b) What three lessons can Christians learn from Jesus’ words on the cross.

November 2013
1. Examine any five aims of St. Luke’s Gospel.
2. a) Highlight the healing of the Syro-Phonecian woman’s daughter by Jesus.
b) Give two reasons why miracles are relevant to the church today.
3. a) Narrate the parable of the Rich man and Lazarus
b) Identify any three ways the rich man could have behaved differently.
4. Write notes on the following
a. The anointing of Jesus at Bethany
b. The resurrection appearances

MAY/JUNE 2014?
To be added later.
See below your WASSCE CRS past questions on the Acts of the Apostles.
Please, note that the form of the WASSCE CRS past questions keep changing almost from year to
year. This is due to the frequent changes in the WAEC Christian Religious Studies syllabus over the
Therefore, most of the inconsistencies you may have so far noted in the manner or structure of the
WASSCE CRS past questions in this post are a result of these frequent changes in the WAEC/SHS
Christian Religious Studies sylabus.

JULY 1993
No questions available, please.

July 1994
1. State the decision taken by the council of Jerusalem. How did the decision affect the Gentile

July 1995
1. What were the charges brought against Stephen? How did he defend himself before the
2. Highlight the events which occurred during Paul’s first missionary journey.

July 1996
1. Write introductory notes on the conversion of Cornelius.

July 1997
1. Describe the life of the earliest Christian community.

July 1998
1. Write short notes on the events which occurred during the first missionary journey of Paul
and Barnabas in
• Paphos
• Lystra

July 1999
1. Describe how the gospel spread to Antioch in Syria.

July 2000
No question available.
July 2001
1. What problems led to the appointment of the seven deacons?

July 2002
1. a) Discuss the encounter between Peter and Cornelius.
b) State two spiritual lessons that can be learnt from this encounter.

November 2002
1. a) What led to the meeting of the Council of Jerusalem?
b) State three lessons that Christians can learn from its decision.

July 2003
1. Discuss the conversion of Saul.

November 2003
1. a) Examine the role played by Gamaliel in the story of the early church.
b) State three types of opposition confronting the church today

July 2004
1. a) Explain the circumstances that led to the arrest and trial of Peter and John.
b) State three lessons that can be derived from their reaction.

November 2004
1. Examine the role Philip played in the early church.

July 2005
1. a) Give an account of the spread of the gospel in Samaria.
b) State three lessons that can promote church growth in your country.

November 2005
1. a) Explain how Saul’s experience on the way to Damascus affected his future life
b) What two lessons can be learnt from Paul after his conversion?

May/June 2006
1. a) Describe the encounter of Paul and Elymas.
b) In what three ways can Christians demonstrate a positive attitude towards their opponents?
2. a) Highlight the teaching of James on impartiality.
b) Write on any three negative effects of discrimination in the church.

November 2006
1. a) Outline the events which led to the conversion of Cornelius.
b) Identify three lessons that can be derived from his conversion.

May/June 2007
1. What three significant events occurred during Paul’s first missionary journey?
2. a) How does the author of the book of James address the problem of genuine religion?
b) In what two ways can Christians of today demonstrate their faith?

November 2007
1. a) Discuss the teachings of James on effective prayer.
b) Identify three benefits of effective prayer
2. a) “Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them”? Relate Peter’s response to
this query.
b) In what two ways can discrimination be avoided in the church today?

May/June 2008
1. a) What circumstances led to the deaths of Ananias and Saphira?
b) Explain three sinful acts that are common in the church.

November 2008
1. Describe the events which took place on the day of Pentecost.
b) State any three roles of the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians.
2. a) Give an account of Peter’s ministry at i. Lydda ii. Joppa
b) State two benefits Christians derive from visits by their church leaders.

May/June 2009
1. "Men of Israel take care what you do with these men”. Trace the course of the events that led
Gamaliel to make this statement.
b) What three suggestions would you give to a Christian undergoing persecution?
2. a) Outline the teaching of James on effective prayer.
b) What three factors motivate people to pray?

November 2009
1. a) Describe the circumstances that led to the death of Herod Agrippa.
b) Mention any two lessons that can be derived from the episode.
2. a) According to James, what must Christians do to ensure that prayers are answered?
b) In what three ways is prayer important in the life of a Christian?

May/June 2010
No questions available.

November 2010
1. a) Narrate the events that led to the meeting of the Jerusalem Council.
b) What three lessons can Christians derive from the meeting?
2. a) “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so faith apart from works is dead”. Relate
how James demonstrated the relationship between faith and works.
b) State three religious duties of a Christian.

May/June 2011
1. a) Trace how Christians came to Samaria.
b) In what three ways can Christians help spread the gospel?
2. a) What was Peter’s advice to Christians living among non-Christians?
b) State three problems the church faces today.

November 2011
1. a) Give a summary of Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost.
b) What three effects did the speech have on his hearers?
2. a) Outline James' teaching on Prayer.
b) State three factors that prevent prayer from being answered.

May/June 2012
1. a) Discuss the circumstances that led to the death of Ananias and Saphira.
b) State three ways in which Christians demonstrate dishonesty in the church today.
2. a) Discuss Peter’s advice to the elders of the church on their interpersonal relationship.
b) State four duties of church leaders.

November 2012
1. a) How was Judas Iscariot replaced?
b) State three requirements for appointing church leaders.
2. a) Discuss Jame's teaching on partiality.
b) State three reasons why Christians should avoid partiality.
May/June 2013
1. a) Describe the circumstances that led to the death of Stephen.
b) State three consequences of a mob action.
2. a) Relate Peter’s teaching on civic responsibility.
b) List three ways by which a Christian can show that he is a responsible citizen.

November 2013
1. a) Describe how the early church met the social needs of its members.
b) What three measures can the church adopt to sustain unity among its members?
2. a) Highlight James’ message on the need to treat people equally.
b) Suggest three ways by which discrimination can be avoided in the church.

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WASSCE CRS past questions in the coming update.

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