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Name: ____________________________________________________________

Grade & Section: ____________________________ Subject: English 4___

Teacher: _______________________________ Score:_________

Lesson :Quarter 4 Week 1 LAS 1

Activity Title :Distinguish Reality and fantasy
Learning Target :Distinguishing fantasy and reality from the story read.(EN4LC-IVb-2)
Reference(s) : MELCS, English 4 Teacher’s Guide, Learner’s Material
LAS Writers : Analyn S. Albento, Jenny Zerrudo
LAS Content and Language Editors:Brilin Adalin/Suelen Alih/Edsubaina Angeles

Reality- refers to a situation that may happen in a real life.

1. A woodcutter cuts wood in the forest.
2. Cat is an animal
Fantasy – refers to the situations that are magical or make believe that could not happen in real life.
1. A big sausage fell upon the table
2. Cat talking to John.
Direction: Write Yes if it is real and No if it is a make believe.
_____________ 1. The sun sleeps and goes to bed at night.
_____________ 2. The sun is a star.
_____________ 3. Too much exposure to the sun may cause skin problem.
_____________ 4. Human beings can live on the sun.
_____________ 5. All planets revolve around the sun.
Read the legend below.
The Legend of Locusts
There once lived a rich man named Lucoy who was very selfish. Although he had much rice in
his house to ask for food. Lucoy was rude to him and told him to go away. The beggar who was a bit
deaf asked again for food . Lucoy pushed him roughly out of the house . the beggar stumbled and
fell. When he got to his feet, he told Lucoy, “A great misfortune will soon happen to you,”suddenly
there was loud roaring thunder and a lightning flashed across the sky.
That evening , when Lucoy went home ,he saw a swarm of insects aroud his house. The air
was filled with the noise they made. He went outside and found that his rice had turned into insects
which we call now locusts.
Direction: Write phrases from the legend in the correct columns provided.
Reality Fantasy

Name: ____________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________ Subject: English 4___
Teacher: _______________________________ Score:_________

Lesson :Quarter 4 Week 1 LAS 2

Activity Title :Identify Fiction and Non-Fiction
Learning Target :Identifying Fiction and Non-Fiction from the statement. (EN4LC-IVb-2)
Reference(s) : MELCS, You tube, Quizlet
LAS Writers : Analyn S. Albento, Jenny Zerrudo
LAS Content and Language Editors:Brilin Adalin/Suelen Alih/Edsubaina Angeles

Fiction- refers to plot, settings and characters created from the imagination. We read or watch this
material for fun.
• A book about a cat that talks.
• A cartoon on TV
Non-Fiction- refers to factual stories that are based on real people and true events. We read or
watch this material for information.
• A book about animal life cycle
• A documentary on TV

A. Identify whether the statement is FICTION or NON-FICTION.

1. A letter to Santa clause? ________________________.
2. A book with an index and a glossary? ___________________.
3. A comic book? ______________________.
4. An advertisement in the newspaper? ____________________.
5. To be entertained about an alien adventure? _________________.
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________ Subject: English 4___
Teacher: _______________________________ Score:_________

Lesson :Quarter 4 Week 2 LAS 1

Activity Title :Write a reaction about the story read
Learning Target : Writing a reaction about the story read. (EN4WC-11f-22)
Reference(s) : MELCS, English 4 Teacher’s Guide, Learner’s Material
LAS Writers : Analyn S. Albento, Jenny Zerrudo
LAS Content and Language Editors:Brilin Adalin/Suelen Alih/Edsubaina Angeles

The Reaction in reading is a text-based response in which you incorporate your views on the
source text. A reaction requires you to analyze the content of the text critically, evaluate the validity
of the argument presented, and sometimes, relate the source text to your own personal experience.

Read the story below.

It was summer time. The children are excited to visit their grandparents in the farm. The
children had a sleepless night .They were imagining of the wonderful things they do in the farm. They
play and eat in a peaceful meadow near the lake. They sometimes catch fish with the help of grandpa
and their cousins. Their cousins were helpful to make the things easy for them.In the afternoon, they
were so eager to help in feeding grandpa’s animals while grandma is watchful and reminds them to
be careful .The children can’t wait for another summer to come. They wish they could do these things
this summer and for the next summers to come.
Write your reaction about the story in a sentence using the question as your guide.
1. Why do children are excited?
2. Where do the children eat peacefully?
3. Where do they swim?
4. To whom the children spent their summer time?
5. What is the purpose of the author in writing the story?
Name: ____________________________________________________________
Grade & Section: ____________________________ Subject: English 4___
Teacher: _______________________________ Score:_________

Lesson :Quarter 4 Week 2 LAS 2

Activity Title :Write a reaction about the story read
Learning Target :Writing a reaction about the story read (EN4WC-11f-22)
Reference(s) : MELCS, English 4 Teacher’s Guide, Learner’s Material
LAS Writers : Analyn S. Albento, Jenny Zerrudo
LAS Content and Language Editors:Brilin Adalin/Suelen Alih/Edsubaina Angeles

A. Read the story below.

The Moth and the Flame
(Adapted by Lilibeth A. Magtang)
It was dusk and cold. Moymoy, a young moth, was ready for his nightly flight. Excited, he
flapped his wings and off he went. He started following a speck of light he saw at a
distance.”That must give me warmth on this lovely but very cold evening.
“Moymoy flew fast so he could reach it at once.

Not long after that, he heard a familiar voice calling from behind. It was his mother gasping
and panting.” You can’t be out tonight all by yourself. Let me go with you,:she said , still
catching her breath.

“Oh, thank you, Mother. Let’s go see that beam of light. It surely would be a good source
of heat.” Moymoy grew more and more as they drew closer to the light.
At last they got close to the light. Moymoy couldn’t help but admire that lovely sight of the
flame burning brightly from the oil lamp. Realizing this, Moymoy’s mother warned him not to
fly too close to the flame. But the young Moth was so attracted to the light and warmth of the
oil lamp that he did not mind his mother’s advice. Round and round the flame he flew. Finally,
he hovered so near the flame that his wings got burned. His mother hugged Moymoy who
was badly hurt.

Answer the following questions.

1. What do you think will happen when Moy-Moy obeyed his mother?
2. It is good to be obedient? Why?
3. It is good to be curious? Why?
4. Is there any incident in your life when you obey your parents? What happened? What
dd you feel?

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