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1. Find the area bounded by x2 = 4y with y=3.?

a. 13.86 b. 11.23 c. 15.23 d. 19.23
2. Find the area bounded by y2 = 4x and x = 4 ?
a. 64/3 b. 69/5 c. 56/4 d. 54/23
3. Find the area of the horizontal differential rectangle xdy bounded by the x-axis and the line y = 4. The
parabola y2 = 4x. Rectangle area = ( 4-x)dy.
a. 64/2 b. 32/3 c. 32/4 d. 32/2
4. What approximate area bounded by the curves y = 8 – x2 and y = -2 + x2 ?
a. 22.4 b. 29.8 c. 44.7 d. 26.8
5. Integrate : xcos( 2x2 + 7) dx.
a. ¼ sin (2x2 – 7) + C b. cos[4(2x2 + 7)] + C c. 1/4sin(2x2 + 7) + C d. sin[4(2x2 + 7)] + C
6. What is the area between y = 0, y = 3x2 , x = 0 and x = 2 ?
a. 8 b. 24 c. 12 d. 6
7. Evaluate the integral of cos xdx limits from /4 to /2.?
a. 0.423 b. 0.923 c. 0.293 d. 0.329
8. Evaluate the integral of a3x dx ?
a3x 3 a3x
a. 3a + C b. ----------- + C c. -------------- + C d. 3xa3x + C
3lna ln a
9. Evaluate the integral two log e to base 10 over x times dx from x = 1 to 10 ?
a. 2.0 b. 3.0 c. 5.12 d. 49.7
10. Evaluate the integral lnx dx, the limits are 1 to e.?
a. ∞ b. 1 c. 0 d. e
11. Evaluate the integral (cosx – xsinx)dx from x = 1 to 2.?
a. –0.35 b. 0.72 c. 0.48 d. –1.37
12. Find the area bounded by x = y, x = 4 and the x-axis?
a. 8 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14
13. Find the area bounded by the parabolas y = 6x – x(square) and y = x(square) – 2x.?
a. 44/3 b. 64/3 c. 74/3 d. 54/3
14. Evaluate the double integral rsinudrdu, the limits of r are 0 and cosu and the limits of u are 0 and pi.?
a. 1 b. ½ c. 0 d. 1/3
15. Evaluate 1 2 3
∫ ∫ ∫ dz dy dx
0 1 0
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
16. Find the area in the first quadrant bounded by the x-axis and the curves: x2 + y2 = 10 , y2 = 9x.?
a. 10.32 b. 8.56 c. 6.75 d. 5.53
17. Find the volume bounded by the elliptic paraboloid 4z = 16 – 4x2 – y2 and the XOY – plane?
a. 10 b. 12 c. 15 d. 16
18. Find the volume under z = 4 – x2 , above z = 0, and within y2 = 4x.?
a. 13.54 b. 17.24 c. 19.45 d. 21.75
19. Calculate the area above OX which is bounded by the semicubical parabola y2 = x3 and the straight line y =
a. ½ b. 1/3 c. 1/5 d. 1/10
20. Find the centroid of the area in the first quadrant bounded by the semicubical parabola y 2 = x3 and the
straight line y = x.?
a. (1/24, 1/21) b. ( 1/10, 1/10) c. (10/21, 5/12) d.(1/24, 1/12)
21. Find the centroid of the area bounded by the following curves: y = x and y = 6x – x2 in the first quadrant.?
a. (16/15, 64/21) b. (5/2, 5) c. (1, 3/5) d. (8/5, 1 )
22. Using the Theorem of Pappus, find the centroid of a semi-circle as a distance from the diameter?
a. 2d / b. 2d/3 c. d/ d. 2d/3
23. Using the Theorem of Pappus, find the centroid of the area of the ellipse x 2/a2 + y2/b2 = 1 which lies in the
first quadrant?
a. (256a/315, 256b/315) b. (a/5, b/5) c. (a , 5b/6) d. (4a/3 , 4b/3)
24. Suppose the curve represented by y = x2 from (0,0) to (1,1) is rotated about the x – axis. The total volume is
then calculated as:
a. 1/3 b. /3 c. 2/3 d. /5

25. Given the universal set : U = { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} and the following sets:
M = { 1,4,7,10}
N = { 1,2,3,4,5}
L = {2,4,6,8}
Determine the set NOT( M and N and L) by enumerating its members.
a. {1,2,3,4,6,8,10} b. {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10} c. {1,2,3,4} d. {1,2,3,5,6,7,8,9,10}

26. The gravitational attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and
inversely to the square of the distance between their centers of mass. If a man at the surface of the earth
weighs 60 kg., what will be his weight in kilograms at the surface of the moon? The mass of the moon is
1.23 % of the earth’s mass and its radius is 27.25 % of the earth’s radius.
a. 9.94 b. 10.93 c. 9.04 d. 11.93
27. How many ways can four girls and four boys be seated alternately in a row of eight chairs?
a. 1152 ways b. 1124 ways c. 1321 ways d. 1212 ways
28. Find the area of a regular octagon inscribed in a circle of radius 10 cm ?
a. 282.84 cm2 b. 264.36 cm2 c. 221.45 cm2 d. 234.46 cm2
29. There are four balls of different colors. Two balls at a time are taken and arranged in any way. How many
such combinations are possible?
a. 36 b. 3 c. 6 d. 12
30. A farmer has enough money to build only 100 meters of fence. What are the dimensions of the field he can
enclosed with maximum area?
a. 25 x 25 m b. 15 x 35 m c. 20 x 30 m d. 22.5 x 27.5 m

31. 2 3 1
If A = -12 4
0 5 7
What is the co-factor with the second row, third column element?

a. 2 3 b. 2 3 c. 1 7 d. 3 1
0 7 0 5 2 0 5 7

32. Given the Fourier series in cosine form F(t) = 5 cos 20t + 2 cos 40t + cos 80t. What is the fundamental
a. 20 b. 40 c. 10 d. 60

33. Evaluate the integral ( cos x – x sin x ) dx from x = -1 to 2

a. –0.30 b. 0.72 c. 0.48 d. –0.53

34. Find the values of x and y from the equations : x – 4y + 2 = 0

2x + y - 4 = 0

a. 11 / 7 , - 6 / 7 b. 14 / 9 , 8 / 9 c. 4 / 9 , 8 / 9 d. 3 / 2 , 5 / 3

35. Evaluate the terms of a Fourier Series 2ej10t + 2e-j10t at t = 1.

a. 2 + j b. 2 + j0 c. 4 + j0 d. 2 + j2
36. Seven regular hexagons, each with 6 cm sides are arranged so that they share the same sides and the centers of
the six hexagons are equidistant from the seventh central hexagon. Determine the ratio of the total area of the
hexagons to the total outer perimeter enclosing the hexagons.
a. 6.06 b. 7.39 c. 6.33 d. 5.05
37. Of 3500 college women enrolled, the personal records indicate that 250 are of heights exceeding 5’6”. What
is the probability that a randomly selected coed is of height not exceeding 5’6”.
a. 0.698 b. 0.929 c. 0.844 d. 0.767

38. Simplify i29 + i21 + i , where i = sqr. root of -1.

a. 1 + 2i b. 3 c. 3i d. 2 + i

39. With 50 examination questions each of which has 4 given answers, how ,any possible answer patterns are
a. 3.17 x 1029 b. 1.27 x 1030 c. 7.92 x 1028 d. 5.07 x 1030

40. Determine the cube root of 8 /120o .

a. 2 /20o , 2 /140o , 2 /60o, b. 2 /40o , 2 /220o , 2 /60o
c. 2 /0o , 2 /120o , 2 /240o d. 2 /40o , 2 /160o , 2 /280o,

41. A trapezoid has two equal slanting sides, 6 cm base and a 3 cm top parallel to and 5 cm above the base.
Determine the moment of inertia of the trapezoidal area relative to the top side in cm4..
a. 218.75 b. 240.63 c. 264.69 d. 198.86

42. Perform the required integration on the following integrand: 3zr 2sin A dz dr dA.
The limits of integration are z from 0 to 2; r from 0 to 1; A from 0 to 90 degrees.
a. 4.0 b. 2.0 c. 3.0 d. 1.0
43. Solve the inequality ( 3x – 2 ) < ( 5x – 12 ).
a. x > 5 b. x > 5 c. x < 5 d. x < 5

44. If the altitude and base of a parallelogram are each increased by 5 inches, the area will increase by 50 sq. inch.
If the altitude is increased by 3 inches and the base is decreased by 2 inches, the area will increase by 5 sq.
inch. Determine the original values in inches, of the altitude and base of the parallelogram, respectively.
a. h = 3.2 ; b = 0.8 b. h = 0.8; b = 4.2 c. h = 1.0; b = 3 d. h = 2.0; b = 2.0

45. Determine the length of the line joining the intersections of the equations:
x2 + y2 = 48 and x2 + 8y = 0.
a. 11.31 b. 10.29 c. 13.69 d. 12.45
46. Determine the sum S of the following series: S = 2 + 5 + 8 + 11 + …… ( with 100 terms)
a. 14750 b. 15350 c. 15050 d. 15660

47. One full swing of pendulum subtends an angle of 34 o . If the pendulum is 8 ft. long, how high does the bob
rise above its lowest position.?
a. 0.35 ft b. 0.39 ft. c. 0.31 ft. d. 0.27 ft.

48. Determine the least distance from a point on the parabola y2 = 8x to the external point ( 4, 2 ).
a. 3.111 b. 2.828 c. 2.338 d. 2.571

49. A thin wire 60 cm. long, is to be bent to form the perimeter of a triangle. What is the maximum area in cm. 2
that the triangle can attain?
a. 112.5 b. 102.28 c. 136.12 d. 86.60
50. Find the length of the side of pentagon if the line perpendicular to its side is 12 units from the center?
a. 14.74 ft b. 17.44 ft c. 71.44 ft d. 14.74 ft
51. What minimum diameter of a round shaft is necessary to make the square key 12 mm. ?
a. 20 mm b. 18 mm c. 15 mm d. 17 mm
52. A cylindrical tank 6 m long and 4 m in diameter is placed horizontally. The tank is less than half full. What is
the depth of the water in the tank if the surface of the water is 2 m.?
a. 0.34 b. 0.17 c. 0.42 d. 0.268
53. In a general triangle ABC, angle C = 35 degrees and side a = 30 cm, b = 40 cm. Solve for the area of the
a. 343.446 cm2 b. 345.146 cm2 c. 343.148 cm2 d.344.146 cm2
54. Find the area of a triangle of side 5,6,7 is:
a. 14.70 b. 17.90 c. 12.50 d. 16.50
55. What is the total surface area including the base in square feet, of a 4 – foot high right circular cone with a 3
feet base?
a. 27.20 b. 34.23 c. 20.33 d. 12.34
56. What is the largest diameter circle in inches that will fit inside a regular pentagon with 2 in. sides?
a. 1.234 b. 2.752 c. 1.534 d. 6.234
57. What percent increase in volume is achieved for a sphere whose diameter increases from 3 cm to 4 cm.?
a. 137 b. 234 c. 123 d. 87
58. What percent increase in surface area is achieved for a sphere whose diameter increases from 3 cm to 4 cm?
a. 78 b. 86 c. 43 d. 98
59. The area of a circle is 89.42 sq. in. What is the length of a side of a regular hexagon inscribed in this circle?
a. 4.34 b. 3.23 c. 5.33 d. 7.23
60. The length of each side of a regular pentagon inscribed in a unit circle is:
a. 0.26 b. 0.78 c. 0.59 d. 1.18
61. A tank with a cross – sectional shape of an equilateral triangle has dimensions of 4 ft. on all three sides. What
is the water level from the bottom if the tank is 50% full? The vertex points up.
a. 1.15 b. 1.73 c. 1.33 d. 2.24
62. What is the hydraulic radius in feet of an equilateral triangle ( vertex down) open channel flowing at full
capacity with a depth of 3 ft.?
a. 0.6 b. 0.7 c. 0.75 d. 5.0
63. The area of a regular pentagon inscribed in a circle of radius 1 is?
a. 3.816 b. 2.945 c. 2.378 d. 1.392
64. If the side of a square will increase by 150%, what is the corresponding increase in the perimeter?
a. 100 b. 150 c. 200 d. 250
65. A rectangle has a length of twice its width. If the diagonal of the rectangle is 45 cm., find its width in cm.?
a. 10 b. 15 c. 20 d. 25
66. A chord is shaped to enclosed a square whose area is 144 square inches. It is then reshape to enclosed a
rectangular form whose width is 8 inches. Find the length in inches of the rectangle?
a. 16 b. 17 c. 18 d. 19
67. A chord is shaped into a circle whose radius is 15 cm. It is then reshaped to a square. Find the length of its
side ?
a. 6.0 b.7.0 c. 6.5 d. 7.5
68. A goat is tied to a corner of a 30 ft. by 35 ft. building. If the rope is 40 ft long and the goat can reach 1 ft.
farther than the rope’s length, what is the maximum area in square feet the goat can cover?
a. 4840 b. 4804 c. 8004 d. 4084

69. Two circles that are internally tangent to each other have radius of 10 cm and 30 cm respectively. What is the
length of a line in cm. from center of the larger circle to the point of tangency of smaller circle?
a. 17.32 b. 21.45 c. 18.54 d. 26.45
70. A rat fell on a bucket of a water wheel with diameter of 600 cm which traveled at an angle of 190 degrees
before it dropped from the bucket. Calculate for the linear centimeter that the rat was carried by the bucket
before it fell.
a. 734.54 b. 567.81 c. 994.84 d. 826.56
71. A man running along a circular track has a rate of 2 m/sec. After 1 minute the man subtends an angle of 60
degrees from his initial position. Find the track radius in meter?
a. 160.42 b. 80.64 c. 324.71 d. 114.59
72. A cube has an edge of 10 inches. If the side will increase by 5 inches, what would be the increase in volume
in cubic inches?
a. 2375 b. 4265 c. 3426 d. 1425
73. A water tank is a horizontal circular cylinder 10 ft. long and 10 ft. in diameter. If the water inside is 7.5 ft.
deep, determine the volume in cubic ft. of the water contained?
a. 600.26 b. 568.67 c. 663.44 d. 631.85
74. Seven regular hexagons, each with 6 cm. sides are arranged so that they share the same sides and the centers
of the six hexagons are equidistant from the seventh central hexagon. Determine the ratio of the total area of
the hexagons to the total outer perimeter enclosing the hexagons?
a. 6.06 b. 7.39 c. 6.33 d. 5.05
75. A cubical container that measures 2” on a side is tightly packed with 8 marbles and is filled with water. All 8
marbles are in contact with the walls of the container and the adjacent marbles. All of the marbles are the
same size. What is the volume of water in cubic inches in the container?
a. 0.38 b. 2.5 c. 3.8 d. 4.2
76. A frustum of a cone has a lower base of 10 in. and an upper radius of 5 in. determine the volume if the height
is 12 inches ?
a. 400π b. 50π c. 600π d. 700π
77. A pyramid with square base has an altitude of 25 cm. If the edge of the base is 15 cm., calculate for the
volume in cubic centimeter of the pyramid?
a.1264 b. 1285 c. 1875 d. 2465
78. The diameter of a sphere and the base of a cone are equal. What percentage of that diameter must the cones’
height be so that both volumes are equal?
a. 50 b. 100 c. 200 d. 300
79. A group of children playing with marbles placed 50 pieces of marbles inside a cylindrical container with
water filled to a height of 20 cm. If the diameter of each marble is 1.5 cm and that of cylindrical container 6
cm., what would be the new height of water inside the cylindrical tank after the marbles were placed inside?
a. 30.24 cm b. 23.12 cm c. 3.125 cm d. 6.542 cm.
80. If equal spheres are piled in the form of complete pyramid with an equilateral triangle as base, find the total
number of spheres in the pile if each side of the base contain 4 spheres.
a. 16 b. 20 c. 21 d. 18
81. A spherical water tank is filled with 10 m3 of water. If the water level of the tank is 80 cm. from the bottom,
determine the tank radius.
a. 5.24 m b. 6.25 m c. 7.84 m d. 9.95 m.
82. A spherical solid metal has a radius of 3 in. is melted down to form a solid shaft that has a diameter of 2 in.
Find the shaft length?
a. 7 in. b. 8 in. c. 36 in. d. 10 in.
83. A cylindrical tank with 10 m height has capacity of 900 cubic meter. Determine the surface area in square
meter of the tank?
a. 336.3 b. 286.6 c. 254.4 d. 624.7
84. Seven regular hexagons, each with 6 cm sides are arranged so that they share the same sides and the centers of
the six hexagons are equidistant from the seventh central hexagon. Determine the ratio of the total area of the
hexagons to the total outer perimeter enclosing the hexagons.
a. 6.06 b. 7.39 c. 6.33 d. 5.05
85. A trapezoid has two equal slanting sides, 6 cm base and a 3 cm top parallel to and 5 cm above the base.
Determine the moment of inertia of the trapezoidal area relative to the top side in cm 4?
a. 218.75 b. 240.63 c. 264.69 d. 198.86
86. A circular steel plate must fit into an opening whose area is fifty square inches. Find the diameter of the plate
to two decimal places?
a. 7.45 in. b. 7.98 in c. 6.64 in. d. 8.24 in
87. The diameter of two spheres are in the ratio two is to three, and the sum of their volumes is 1,260 cubic
meters. Find the volume in cubic meters of the larger sphere.
a. 972 b. 895 c. 933 d. 890
88. Find the radius of the base of a conical paper weight with 10 cm. in height and 180 cu.m. in volume?
a. 4.6 cm b. 4.1 cm c. 5.5 cm d. 3.8 cm
89. The sides of a triangle are 8 cm., 10 cm., and 14 cm. Determine the radius of the circumscribing circle?
a. 7.14 b. 6.43 c. 7.58 d. 8.34
90. Find the area of a regular decagon inscribed in a circle of fifteen (15) meters radius?
a. 661.26 m2 b. 734.54 m2 c. 634.65 m2 d. 683.65 m2
91. The sides of a triangle are 8 cm., 10 cm., and 14 cm. Determine the radius of the inscribed circle?
a. 2.45 b. 3.23 c. 4.33 d. 2.22
92. The angle subtended by an arc is 24o. If the radius of the circle is 45 cm., find the length of arc?
a. 14.65 cm b. 18.85 c. 16.43 d. 20.25
93. What is the volume of frustum of a cone whose upper base is 15 cm. in diameter and lower base is 10 cm., in
diameter with an altitude of 25 cm.?
a. 3044.65 b. 3108.87 c. 3479.42 d. 3387.45
94. A piece of land in the form of a trapezium has right angles at B and D. A fence is to be built around the land
and we want to know how much fencing is required, the diagonal AC is 65 meters, BC is 51 meters and AD is
28.5 meters.
a. 178.22 b. 165.34 c. 183.46 d. 212.53
95. Find the area of a regular pentagon whose side is 25 meters and apothem is 17.2 meters.
a. 1075 b. 1264 c. 1653 d. 1123
96. A cylindrical gasoline tank, lying horizontally, 0.9 m diameter and 3 meters long is filled to a depth of 0.6
meter. How many gallons of gasoline does it contain? 1cu. m. = 265 gallons.
a. 250 b. 360 c. 300 d. 220
97. Determine the total area of a regular 6 star polygon if the inner regular hexagon has 10 cm. sides?
a. 441.66 cm2 b. 467.64 cm2 c. 519.60 cm2 d. 493.62 cm2
98. A regular pentagon has sides of 20 cm.. An inner pentagon with sides of 10 cm. is inside and concentric to the
larger pentagon. Determine the area inside the larger pentagon but outside of the smaller pentagon?
a. 430.70 cm2 b. 573.26 cm2 c. 473.77 cm2 d. 515.76 cm2
99. What is the number of permutations of the letters in the word BANANA ?
a. 36 b. 52 c. 60 d. 42
100. How many different committees can be formed by choosing 4 men from an organization that has a
membership of 15 men ?
a. 1390 b. 1435 c. 1240 d. 1365
101. If five persons enter a bus in which there are 15 seats, how many ways are there for the 5 to be seated?
a. 360,360 b. 540,540 c. 380,380 d. 370,370
102. A factory building has 6 entrance doors. In how many ways can a person enter and leave by any door and by a
different door?
a. 36,30 b. 40,20 c. 30,30 d. 36,36
103. Four different colored flags can be hung in a row to make coded signal. How many signals can be made if a
signal consist of the display of one or more flags?
a. 64 b. 68 c. 66 d. 62
104. There are four balls of different colors. Two balls at a time are taken and arranged in any way. How many
combinations are possible?
a. 36 b. 6 c. 24 d. 12
105. An urn contains 4 black and 6 white balls. What is the probability of getting 1 black and 1 white ball in two
consecutive draws from the urn?
a. 0.24 b. 0.27 c. 0.53 d. 0.04
106. In how many ways can you invite one or more of your five friends in a party?
a. 31 b. 15 c. 36 d. 25
107. In a dice game, one fair die is used. The player wins P10.00 if he rolls either a 1 or 6. He losses P5.00 if it
turns up to any other face. What is the expected winning for one roll of the die?
a. P5.00 b. P10.00 c. P20.00 d.P0.00

108. How many permutations are there if the letters PNRCSE are taken six at a time?
a. 730 b. 720 c. 710 d. 750
109. How many ways can four girls and four boys be seated alternately in a row of eight chairs?
a. 1152 b. 1124 c. 1321 d. 1212
110. From a bag containing 4 black balls and 5 white balls, two balls are drawn one at a time. Find the probability
that both balls are black?
a. 16/81 b. 15/81 c. 20/81 d. 14/81
111. A bag contains 4 red balls, 3 green balls, and 5 blue balls. The probability of not getting a red ball in the first
draw is?
a. 2 b. 2/3 c. 1 d. 1/3
112. The LOTTO uses numbers 1 – 42. A winning number consist of six (6) different numbers in any order. What
are your chances of winning it?
a. 5,245,786 b. 8,437,224 c. 10,127,420 d. 2,546,725
113. There are four balls of four different colors. Two balls are taken at a time and arranged in a definite order. For
example if a white and a red ball are taken, one definite arrangement is white first, red second, and another
arrangement is red first, white second. How many such arrangment are possible?
a. 24 b. 6 c. 12 d. 36
114. a student has test scores of 75, 83, and 78. The final test has a weight equal to one third of the total grade.
What should the student strive for a minimum (integral) final score so that he gets a passing minimum average
of 80.?
a. 80 b. 81 c. 82 d. 83
115. With a throw of 3 dice, what is the probability of getting a sum of 9 or 11?
a. 56/216 b. 52/216 c. 54/216 d. 50/216
116. Determine the number of permutations of 8 distinct objects taken 3 at a time?
a. 504 b. 336 c. 210 d. 120
117. A number between 1 and 10000 (inclusive) is randomly selected. What is the probability that it will be
divisible both by 4 and 5 ?
a. 0.20 b. 0.25 c. 0.05 d. 0.10
118. From the following tabulation, calculate the correlation coefficient between x and y.
x 80 84 88 92 98 104
y 4 8 10 8 12 14
a. 0.9216 b. 0.8862 c. 0.8521 d. 0.9585
119. With 50 examination questions, each of which has 4 given answers, how many possible answer patterns are
a. 3.17 x 1029 b. 1.27 x 1030 c. 7.92 x 1028 d. 5.07 x 1030
120. Of 3500 college women enrolled, the personal records indicate that 250 are of heights exceeding 5’6”. What
is the probability that a randomly selected coed is of height not exceeding 5’6”?
a. 0.698 b. 0.929 c. 0.844 d. 0.767
121. Consider 10 throws of an ordinary coin. The probability for heads or tails is equal to ½. What is the
probability that exactly 5 heads will turn up?
a. 0.25 b. 0.50 c. 1.00 d.0.45
122. How many different groups of six passengers can fit into a four-passenger vehicle?
a. 30 b. 60 c. 120 d. 15
123. How many permutations can be made from the word MISSISSIPPI?
a. 990 b. 36,288 c. 34,650 d. 42,338
124. How many ways can eight visitors of a couple be seated on a round table if the couple has to sit side by side
with each other?
a. 362,880 b. 3,628,800 c. 725,760 d. 80,640
135. From a point outside an equilateral triangle, the distance to the vertices are 10 m, 18m, and 10m. Find the side
of the triangle?
a. 14.77 m b. 19.95 m c. 15.64 m d. 22.12 m.
136. The sides of a triangular lot are 130m., 180 m., and 190 m. The lot is to be divided by a line bisecting the
longest side and drawn from the opposite vertex. Find the length of the line and the area of each lot.?
a. 125; 5612 b. 135, 5652 c. 115, 5622 d. 105, 5632
137. Evaluate arc cot [2cos (arc sin 0.5)] ?
a. 30 deg. b. 25 deg c. 35 deg d. 45 deg.
138. Given a triangle ABC. The distance from a point A to C cannot be measured but estimated to be ½ kilometers.
From a point B, BA = 2195 meters and BC = 1884 meters. Angle BAC is found to be 41.25o. Find the
distance AC.?
a. 432.21 m b. 444.04 m c. 476.66 m d. 521.26 m
139. Given the triangle, C = 100 degrees; a = 15; b = 20. Find c ?
a. 34 b. 27 c. 43 d. 35
140. The two legs of a triangle are 300 and 150 each respectively. The angle opposite the 150 side is 26 o. What is
the third leg?
a. 197.49 b. 218.61 c. 341.78 d. 282.15
141. Solve for x in the equation: arc tan ( x+1) + arc tan ( x-1) = arc tan 2
a. 1.5 b. 1.34 c. 1.2 d. 1.25
142. What value of F satisfy the equation tan ( 8F + 1 ) = cot 17o where all angles are in degrees?
a. 9 b. 10 c. 8 d. 7
143. If tan (2D-3) = -------------------------, determine D in degrees?
tan ( 5D – 9 )
a. 13.88 b. 16.97 c. 15.30 d. 14.57
144. An airplane travels 500 kilometers due east from A to point B, then banks to the right and travels 1,000
kilometers to point C, and finally travels 1,200 kilometers from point C back to point A. find the bearings of
the courses taken by the airplane?
a. AB = due east; BC = S10o57’E, CA = N35o06’W b. AB = due east; BC = S9o49’E, CA = N32o04’W

c. AB = due east; BC = S10o32’E, CA = N33o05’W d. AB = due east; BC = S9o22’E, CA = N34o03’W

145. The maximum value for a longitude is
a. 90 deg b. 180 deg c. 45 deg d. 360 deg.
146. A spherical triangle with at least one side is a quarter of a great circle is called _______ spherical triangle.
a. octant b. quadrantal c. trirectangular d. birectangular
147. A spherical triangle with all angles equal to a right angle is called ______ spherical triangle?
a. birectangular b. trirectangular c. quadrantal d. right
148. The great circles through the north and south celestial poles are called?
a. hour circles b. celestial meridians c. elevated poles d. A and B
149. It is the half of a great circle terminated by the north pole and south pole?
a. longitude b. latitude c. declination d. meridian
150. What is the base of an isosceles triangle whose sides are 1.3 units in length and whose height is 1 unit ?
a. 2 b. 1.93 c. 44 d. 1.66
151. A wire supporting a pole is fastened to it 20 feet from the ground and to the ground 15 feet from the pole.
Determine the length of the wire and the angle it makes with the pole?
a. 20 ft, 36.87o b. 25 ft , 36.87o c. 25 ft, 38.67o d. 20 ft., 38.67o
152. Given the following set of simultaneous linear equations: 4x + 6y = 10 and 2x + 3y = 7, the solution is:
a. x = 1, y=1 b. x=2, y=1 c. x= -2, y=1 d. no solution
153. The velocity of two bodies is given by: Body A: V A = 2t2 – 12, t>0 ; Body B: VB = -t, t>0. The velocity of
Body A is twice that of Body B for time t>0 at t = ?
a. –3 b. 2 c. 3 d. –1 + \/97
154. The solution to the differential equation: dy/dt + 2y = 1 , y(0) = 1 is :
a. ½ + ½ e2t b. -½ + ½ e2t c. ½ + ½ -2t d. ½ + e2t
155. The sample standard deviation of the following data: 2, 8, 3, 10 is close to:
a. 3.345 b. 3.862 c. 5.750 d. 44.75
156. The inner surface area in square meters of a closed (both ends) cylinder 2 meters in height and 3 meters in
diameter is:
a. 21/2  b. 33/4  c. 21  d. 30 
157. Given the following three ordinary differential equations, where x is the dependent variable and t is the
independent variable: I. 2d2x/dt2 + 2x dx/dt = 0; II. 2d2x/dt2 + 2x dx/dt + t2 = e-t; III.2d2x/dt2 + 2t dx/dt = 0.
a. I & II are linear b. I & III are linear c. II & III are linear d. only III is linear
158. Given the function: f(x) = x3 – 3x – 5, the minimum value of the function in the domain –5 < x < 5 is:
a. 1 b. –1 c. –7 d. –3
159. In an unbiased coin toss, the probability of getting heads or tails is exactly ½ . A coin is tossed and one gets
head. If the coin is tossed again, the probability of getting head is:
a. 1/3 b. ¼ c. 1 d. ½
160. The shortest distance between two points (0, 3) and (5, -6) on an x-y graph is:
a. 34 b. 106 c. \/106 d. \/34
161. The series  [(-1)n] / k from k = 1 to ∞
a. diverges if n = 2 b. converges if n = 1 c. converges if n = k d. both a & b
162. The inflection point of the function: f(x) = 3x5/3 is:
a. 0 b. ∞ c. –1 d. 4/3
163. lim sin (5x) – 2x is:
x→0 x
a. ∞ b. 3 c. 1 d. 0
164. The acute angle between the two straight lines: y = 3x + 2 and y = 4x + 7 is close to:
a. 0 b. 90o c. 4.399o d. 5.194o
165. A bag contains 4 red balls, 3 green balls and 5 blue balls. The probability of not getting a red ball in the first
draw is:
a. 1/3 b. 2/3 c. 7/12 d. ¼
166. The equation of a circle on the x-y plane is given by: x2 – 2x + y2 + 2y = 0. The center and the radius of the
circle are respectively:
a. (1,-1), \/2 b. (-1,1), 2 c. (1,-1), 2 d. (-1,1), \/2
167. The intercept of a straight line on the y-axis is –3. If (5,2) is a point on the straight line, the slope of the
straight line is:
a. –3 b. 1 c. 5 d. 0.2
168. The velocity of a body is given by v(t) = sin(πt), where the velocity is given in meters/seconds and t is given
in seconds. The distance covered in meters between t = ¼ and ½ seconds is close to:
a. –0.2251 b. 0.2251 c. 1.2251 d. 1
169. A 40 lb missile moves with a velocity of 150 ft/sec. It is intercepted by a laser beam which causes it to
explode into two fragments A and B which weigh 25 lbs and 15 lbs. Respectively. The fragments travel with
the 25 lbs at 45o above the horizontal and the 15 lbs at 30o below the horizontal. Find the magnitude of
velocity of fragment A.
a. 101.25 ft/s b. 73.21 ft/s c. 31.06 ft/s d. 43.92 ft/s
170. A square sheet of metal 18 inches on a side is to be used to make an open top box by cutting a small square
from each corner and bending up the sides. What is the height of the box so that the volume of the box is
a. 3 inches b. 6 inches c. 2 inches d. 4 inches
171. Consider 10 throws of an ordinary coin. The probability for heads or tails is equal to ½. What is the
probability that exactly 5 heads will turn up?
a. 0.25 b. 0.50 c. 0.35 d. 0.45
172. The equation 3x2 + 6xy + 2y2 – 4y = 10 represents which conic section?
a. ellipse b. circle c. hyperbola d. parabola
173. The integral of a function between certain limits divided by the difference in abscissas between those limits
gives the _______________ of the function.
a. mid point b. intercept c. average d. asymptote
174. Find the area under the curve y = 1/x between the limits y = 2 and y = 10.
a. 1.61 b. 2.39 c. 3.71 d. 3.97
175. Find the area of the shaded region between y = 6x – 1 and y = ¼ (x) + 3 , bounded by x = 0 and the
intersection point.
a. 32/529 b. 16/23 c. 32/23 d. 1440/529
176. What is the constant of integration for the following integral if y = 1 at x = 1.
y(x) =  ( e2x – 2x ) dx
a. C = 2 – e 2
b. C = 3 – e2 c. C = 4 – e2 d. C = ½ ( 4 – e2)

177. If d2y / dx2 = 1 what is y(x) if it passes through the points ( 0,2) and (1,4).
a. y = (x2 + 3x) + 2 b. y = ½ (x2 + 3x) + 2 c. y = (x2 - 3x) – 2 d. y = ½ (x2 + 3x) – 2
178. Determine the solution of the following differential equation: y’ + 5y = 0 ?
a. y = 5x + C b. y = Ce-5x c. y = Ce5x d. y = Ce-5x + 5x
2 2
179. What is the general solution of the differential equation d y / dx + 4y = 0 ?
a. y = sinx + 2tanx + C b. y = ex – 2e-x + C c. y = 2x2 – x + C d. y = sin 2x + cos 2x + C
180. What is the constant of integration for the differential equation xdx + 6y5dy = 0 if y = 2 when x = 0.?
a. 4 b. 8 c. 16 d. 64
181. A tank contains 100 gallons of pure water at the beginning of an experiment. Pure water flows into the tank at
the rate of one gallon per minute ( 1 gpm). Brine containing ¼ pound of salt per gallon enters the tank from a
second source at the rate of one gallon per minute ( 1 gpm ) . A perfectly mixed solution drains from the tank
at the rate of two gallons per minute ( 2 gpm) . How much salt is in the tank eight minutes after the
experiment begins?
a. 12. 5 lbm b. 10.67 lbm. c. 5.75 lbm. d. 1.85 lbm
182. A nuclear waste storage facility has received a large amount of radioactive material whose half life is 100,000
years. Studies have determined that until the radioactive materials decays to 10% of the original amount , it
will threaten human life in the neighboring community. How long will the radioactive threat last?
a. 332,193 years b. 328,363 years c. 279,790 years d. 481,241 years
183. Consider a series RL circuit. Elementary circuit theory predicts that the current i in the circuit satisfies the
following differential equation: L [di(t)/dt] + Ri(t) = e(t). If e(t) is a step function of amplitude V o and the
current is initially zero, what is the current i(t) for t > 0 ?
a. [ 1 – e (R/L) t ] b. Vo [ 1 – e (R/L) t ] c. Vo/R [ 1 – e (R/L) t ] d. Vo/R [ 1 – e -(R/L) t ]
2 2
184. What is the inverse transform of : F(s) = 3 / [s (s + 9)] ?
a. f(t) = 3t – sin 3t b. f(t) = 9(3t – sin 3t) c. f(t) = 3t + sin 3t d. f(t) = (3t – sin 3t) / 9
185. If V1 = 7i – 3j and V2 = 3i + 4j , what is the angle between the two vectors?
a. 78.1 deg. b. 76.3 deg. c. 90 deg. d. 86.4 deg.
186. If V1 = 2i – 3j + 6k and V2 = 8i + 2j – 3k, calculate the cross product of the two vectors?
a. 3i - 54j + 28k b 3i + 54j + 28k c. 3i + 54j - 28k d. -3i + 54j + 28k
187. Solve for the eigenvalues of the matrix: 1 2 2
A= 1 2 -1
-1 1 4
a. ( -1, -3) b. ( 1,3 ) c. ( -1,3 ) d. ( 1,-3 )
188. An elliptical plot of garden has a semi-major axis of 10 m and semi-minor axis of 7.5 m. If they are increased
0.25 m. each, find by differentials the increase in area of the garden in sq. m.?
a. 14.74 b. 13.74 c. 16.74 d. 1.74
189. Find the second derivative of y = x + ( x exponent – 2 )?
a. 1 – 6(x exponent – 4) b. 1 – 2(x exponent – 3)
c. 6 ( x exponent 4) d. 6 ( x exponent – 4)
190. Find the value of x which provides the minimum y in the function:
y = 2x3 – 24x + 14
a. –1 b. –2 c. 1 d. 2

x + tanx
191. Evaluate the following limit: Lim --------------
x0 sin 3x
a. 1 b. 2 c. ½ d. 2/3
192. What is the point of inflection for y = 9x3 + x2 – 15x + 32 ?
a. ( -27, -175.981) b. (-21.15, -84.351) c. ( -0.037, 32.56) d. (0.037, 31.45)
193. The strength of the rectangular beam varies as the product of the width and the square of the depth. Find the
dimension of the strongest beam that can be cut from a circular log of diameter 15 inches?
a. 8.66 x 12.25 b. 6.23 x 3.23 c. 10.36 x 20.45 d. 7.28 x 6.24
194. At noon a ship S1 is 20 miles North of ship S2. If S1 is sailing south at a rate of 6 miles per hour and S2 is
sailing East at the rate of 8 mi/hr, find the time when they are nearest together?
a. 12:34 PM b. 12:56 PM c. 12:45 PM d. 1:12 PM
195. A lot is in the shape of a quadrant of a circle of radius 100 meters. Find the area of the largest rectangular
building that can be constructed inside the lot?
a. 5,000 sq.m b. 6,000 sq.m c. 7,000 sq.m d. 8,000 sq.m
196. Two posts, one 8 m high and the other 12 m high, stand 15 meters apart. They are to be stayed by wires
attached to a single stake at the ground level, the wires running to the tops of the posts. How far from the
shorte post should the stake be placed, to use the least amount of wire?
a. 3 m b. 4 m c. 5 m d. 6 m
197. Water is flowing into a vertical tank of radius 2 ft at the rate of 8 ft 3/min. How fast is the water level rising?
a. o.567 ft/min. b. 0.156 ft/min c. 0.636 ft/min d. 0.854 ft/min
198. A balloon is being inflated at the rate of 15 cu.ft. per min. At what rate in ft per minute is the diameter
increasing after 5 min. Assume that the diameter is zero when time is zero.
a. 0.19 b. 0.29 c. 0.39 d. 0.35
199. Find the partial derivatives of x2 + 3xy – 4y2 with respect to x ?
a. 3x – 8y b. x + y c. 2x + 3y d. 8 + xy
200. The rate of increasing the edge of a cube is 30 cm/min. Find the rate of change in volume when the edge is 8
a. 90 b. 95 c. 94 d. 96
201. Find the maximum area in square inch of an isosceles triangle whose perimeter is 18 inches?
a. 15.59 b. 34.56 c. 56.45 d. 25.25
202. If f(x,y) = 2x2 – xy, find fx (2,3) ?
a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5
203. Sand is pouring from a spout at the rate of 25 cubic centimeter per second. It forms a cone whose height is
always 1/3 of the base radius. At what rate is the height increasing when the cone is 50 cm high?
a. 0.0354 b. 0.00354 c. 0.000354 d. 0.3540006
204. A particle moves according to the following functions of time; x(t) = 3sint y(t)= 4cost. What is the resultant
velocity at t =  ?
a. 0 b. 3 c. 4 d. 9
205. Find the equation of the normal of the line y = x3 + 3x-1 at ( 1,4) ?
a. x = 4 b. x = 3 c. x = 2 d. x = 1
206. Two particles have positions at time t given by the equation S1 = t3 – t and S2 = 6t2 – t3. Find their velocities
when they have the same acceleration?
a. 2 & 7 b. 2 & 9 c. 3 & 6 d. 4 & 6
207. A rectangular lot is fenced off along a highway. If the fence on the highway side costs P 180/m and on the
other sides costs P 120/m, find the area of the largest lot in square meter that can be fenced off for a total cost
of P 48,000.
a. 6000 b. 8000 c. 7000 d. 9000
208. An object is thrown vertically upward with an equation of S = 1000 + 750t – 75t2. determine the time
required for the object to reached the maximum height?
a. 4 b. 5 c. 3 d. 2
209. Sand is pouring from a spout at the rate of 25 cubic centimeter per second. It forms a cone whose height is
always 1/3 of the base radius. At what rate is the height increasing when the cone is 50 cm high?
a. 0.0354 b. 0.00354 c. 0.000354 d. 0.354000
210. A man 5 feet tall walks toward a straight light at the rate of 1 m/sec on the ground. What is the rate of
shortening his shadow in meter per second when the light is 15 ft. above the ground ?
a. 1 b. 0.5 c. 2 d. 2.5
211. Find the maximum points of the curve y = x3 – 9x2 + 15x –5 ?
a. 2,3 b. 5,6 c. 2, 1 d. 1,2
212. Find the equation of the line tangent to y = x (2-x)2 at point (1,1) ?
a. x = y = 1 b. x + y = 2 c. x + y = 3 d. x + y = 4
213. The electric power which a transmission line can transmit is proportional to the product of the design voltage
and current capacity and inversely to the transmission distance. A 110 kV line rated at 600 amperes can
transmit 50 MW over 100 km. How much power in MW can a 220 KV line of 1000 amperes capacity
transmit over 200 km.?
a. 83.60 b. 75 c. 62.5 d. 50
214. Determine the radius of the sphere whose equation is: x2 + y2 + z2 – 2x + 8y + 16z + 65 = 0.
a. 5 units b. 3 units c. 4 units d. 6 units
215. The central circle has 10 cm. radius. Six equal smaller circles are to be arranged so that they are externally
tangent to the central circle and each tangent to the adjacent small circle. What should be the radius in cm. of
each small circle?
a. 6 b. 4.167 c. 10 d. 5
216. A small line truck hauls poles from a substation stockyard to pole sites along a proposed distribution line. The
truck can handle only one pole at a time. The first pole is 150 m. from the substation and the poles are to be
50 m. apart. Determine the total distance traveled by the line truck back and forth, after returning from
delivering the 30th pole?
a. 37.5 km b. 30 km c. 52.5 km d. 40 km
217. The vibration frequency of a string varies as the square root of the tension and inversely as the product of the
length and diameter of the testing. If the testing is 3 feet long and 0.03 inch diameter vibrates at 720 times per
second under 90 pounds tension, at what frequency will a 2 ft, 0.025 inch string vibrate under 50 pounds
a. 6210 b. 966 c. 6831 d. 788
218. How many diagonals can be drawn for 12 sided polygon?
a. 58 b. 50 c. 60 d. 54
219. A survey of 500 television viewers produced the following results: 285 watch football games, 195 watch
hockey games, 115 watch basketball games, 45 watch football and basketball games, 70 watch football and
hockey games, 50 watch hockey and basketball games, and 50 do not watch any of the three games. How
many watch Hockey games only?
a. 65 b. 110 c. 80 d. 95
220. Two numbers differ by 40 and their arithmetic mean exceeds their geometric mean by 2. What are these
a. 75 and 115 b. 81 and 121 c. 84 and 124 d. 78 and 118
221. Determine the area bounded by: y = x2 – 4 , the x –axis, and the lines x= -1 and x = 1.
a. 8.87 sq units b. 8.07 sq. units c. 7.33 sq. units d. 6.67 sq.units
222. Which plane figure has the highest ratio of perimeter to area?
a. equilateral triangle b. circle c. regular hexagon d. square
223. Integrate xydx from x = 0 to x = 6 given the parametric equations: x = 6 cos  y = 2 sin .
a. 26 b. 22 c. 24 d. 20
224. Solve for x and y by determinants: 2x + 5y – 4z = 3 ; 3x – 3y + 7z = 2 ; 5x + 8y –3z = 5.
a. (1,1) b. (2,-1) c. (-1,-1) d. (-1,2)
225. Determine the inverse Laplace transform of 1/(s + a)2.
a. te-at b. t2e-at c. t2/e-at d. t/e-at
226. In a restaurant, 100 tables had been served. Of these tables, 15 had dish A only, 20 had dish B only, 15 had
dish C only, 10 has dishes A and B only, 15 had dishes B and C only, 15 had dishes C and A only and 10 had
all these dishes. In how many tables can dishes A or C be found?
a. 80 b. 90 c. 70 d. 65
227. Two squares each with 12 cm sides, overlap each other such that the overlapping area is a regular octagon.
Determine the overlapping area in sq. cm. ?
a. 102.84 cm2 b. 132.09 cm2 c. 123.41 cm2 d. 119.30 cm2
228. If cos (9C) = 1/Csc (3C + 6) , find C in degrees
a. 9 b. 8 c. 7 d. 6
229. A number between 1 and 10000 (inclusive) is randomly selected. What is the probability that it will be
divisible both by 4 and 5?
a. 0.20 b. 0.25 c. 0.05 d. 0.10
230. Solve for the gradient of the function f(x,y,z) = x2 + y2 + z2 at point ( 1,2,3) and determine the magnitude of
the gradient of f ?
a. 7.48 b. 8.25 c. 6.0 d. 7.21
231. With a throw of 3 dice, what is the probability of getting 9 or an 11?
a. 56/216 b. 54/216 c. 52/216 d. 50/216
232. If ln x = 3 and ln y = 4, determine ln ( x3 / y4) ?
a. 1 b. 1.8750 c. –7.0 d. 0.300
233. Three circles C1, C2, C3 are externally tangent to each other. Center to center distances are 10 cm. between
C1 and C2, 8 cm between C2 and C3 and 6 cm. between C3 and C1. Determine the total areas of the circles.
a. 46.18 cm2 b. 45.08 cm2 c. 43.98 cm2 d. 175.93 cm2
234. Determine the eigenvalues of the following matrix: 5 3
0 2
a. 3,4 b. 2,5 c. 1,6 d. 4,1
235. A bookstore purchased a best selling book at P200 per copy. At what price should this book be sold so that
giving a 20% discount, the profit is 30%?
a. P450 b. P500 c. P350 d. P400
236. Determine the sum of the infinite series; S = 1/3 + 1/9 + 1/27 + … + (1/3)n + …
a. 4/5 b. ¾ c. 2/3 d. ½
237. Determine the divergence of the vector: V = ix2y + j(-xy) + k (xyz) at coordinates ( 3, 2,1).
a. 9 b. 7 c. 12 d. 15
238. Find the value of x which will satisfy the following expression: / x-2 = /x + 2.
a. 3/2 b. 9/4 c. 18/6 d. none of the above
239. In a race 1000 m can be run by a father in 120 sec., and his son in 100 sec. How long will it take for the son
to gain a lead of 30 meters on his father?
a. 14 sec b. 16 sec. c. 18 sec d. 20 sec.
240. The area of a circle is 89.42 sq. in. What is the length of a side of a regular hexagon inscribed in this circle?
a. 5.533 in. b. 6.335 in. c. 7.335 in. d. 5.335 in.
241. A pile of logs, each layer contains one more log than the layer above and the top contains just one log. If
there are 105 logs in the pile, how many layers are there?
a. 12 b. 13 c. 14 d. 15
242. A 100 kg salt solution originally 4% by weight NaCl in water is evaporated until concentration is 5% by
weight NaCl. What percentage of the water in the original solution is evaporated?
a. 16.53% b. 18.54% c. 25.76% d. 20.83%
243. What time after 3 o’clock will the hands of the clock be 60 degrees for the second time?
a. 3:20.28 b. 3:27.27 c. 3:17.62 d. 3:24.42
244. Ten liters of 25% salt solution and 15 liters of 35% salt solution are poured in a drum originally containing 30
liters of 10% salt solution. What is the percent concentration of salt in the mixture?
a. 19.55% b. 22.15% c. 27.05% d. 25.72 %
245. What is the equivalent identity of csc  cos3 tan .
a. cos  b. sin2 c. 1 - sin2 d. 1
246. Find the 10 term of the G.P. 3, 6, 12, 24, ….

a. 1536 b. 1563 c. 1356 d. 1653

247. If 38.5 to the x power = 6.5 to the ( x-2 ) power, what is the value of x?
a. 2.70 b. –2.10 c. 2.10 d. –2.02
248. Five coins are each flipped once. What is the probability that at least two coins will show heads?
a. 0.156 b. 0.813 c. 0.800 d. 0.840
249. A stack of bricks has 61 bricks in the bottom layer, 58 in the second layer, 55 in the third layer, and so on until
there are 10 bricks in the last layer. How many bricks are there all together?
a. 638 b. 637 c. 639 d. 640
250. What time after 4 o’clock will the hands of the clock be opposite to each other?
a. 4:57.57 b. 4:51.51 c. 4:54.54 d. 4:59.59
251. The time required for an elevator to lift a weight varies directly with the weight and the distance through
which it is to be lifted and inversely as the power of the motor. If it takes 30 seconds for a 10 Hp. Motor to
lift 100 lbs. through 50 feet , what size of motor is required to lift 800 lbs. in 40 seconds through 40 feet?
a. 48 Hp b. 50 Hp. c. 55 Hp. d. 60 Hp.
252. Eight men can dig 150 ft. of trench in 7 hours. Three men can backfill 100 ft. of the trench in 4 hours. The
time that it will take 10 men to dig and fill 200 ft. of trench is:
a. 9 hrs 52 min b. 7 hrs 16 min c. 7 hrs 16 min d. 4 hrs 42 min
253. A coin is weighted so that heads is twice as likely to appear as tails. What is the probability of a head on the
first toss?
a. 0.667 b. 0.333 c. 0.456 d. 0.893
254. Twice the sum of two numbers is 28. The sum of the squares of the two numbers is 100. The product of the
two numbers is:
a. 48 b. 24 c. 12 d. 36
255. Given the following linear algebraic equations: x – y = -1 ; x + y – 2z = -3; y + z = 5.
Solve for y:
a. 4 b. –3 c. 3 d. 2
256. Simplify the expression: ( M x N ) x P
M = 3I + 2j N = 2i + 3j + k P = 5i + 2k
a. 0 b. 20 c. 60i + 24 k d. 180
257. If the number a-6/8 = 0.001 , Find a ?
a. 100 b. 1000 c. 10 d. 10,000
258. Find a positive root of the square root of ( 20 – x ) = x?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 6 d. 9
259. What is the sum of odd numbers from 1 to 61 ?
a. 981 b. 916 c. 918 d. 961
260. Find the 7th term of the arithmetic progression if the 10 th term is 32 ?
a. 23 b. 34 c. 24 d. 32
261. What time after 4 o’clock will the hands of the clock be perpendicular for the second time?
a. 4:38.18 b. 4:25.17 c. 4:28.18 d. 4:35.64
262. Runner A and B , starting from the same point, run in opposite direction in a circular track field. Their
circular path has a diameter of 800 meters. If the average speed of runner A is 3 kph and that of runner B to
be 4 kph, compute the time they will meet?
a. 21.54 min. b. 10.32 min. c. 18.65 min d. 28.46 min
263. How many different sequences of six signal flags can be constructed from four red flags and two green flags?
a. 15 b. 10 c. 12 d. 20
264. Box A has 4 white balls, 3 blue balls, and 3 orange balls. Box B has 2 white balls, 4 blue balls and 4 orange
balls. If one ball is drawn from each box, what is the probability that one of the two balls will be orange?
a. 27/50 b. 23/50 c. 9/50 d. 7/25
265. Two thousand kilograms of steel containing 8 % nickel is to be made by mixing a steel containing 14 % nickel
with another of 6 % nickel. How much of the 6 % nickel is needed ?
a. 1000 kg b. 1,500 kg c. 1,800 kg d. 800 kg
266. A student must answer 6 of 8 questions on an examination. If two questions are mandatory, how many ways
can he do the examination ?
a. 12 b. 18 c. 15 d. 21
1 1 1
267. The determinant of 2 1 1
1 2 1
a. 0 b. 1 c. 5 d. 7

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