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April 11, 2011 2:00 p.m. Fayetteville Town Center

I. Call to Order –

II. Welcome New Commissioner – Hannah Mills

III. Reports
A. Approval of Minutes for March 11, 2011 regular monthly meeting
B. Financial Report
1. HMR Revenues – Marilyn Heifner
2. Financial Statements -
3. Update from City Attorney re: delinquent tax collection efforts – Kit
A. Change in HMR ordinance
C. Clinton House Museum Report -
D. Visitor Bureau Report –
E. Town Center Report – Sandra Bennett
F. Executive Director Report – Marilyn Heifner
G. Advertising Agency Report – Mike Sells

IV. Old Business

A.Approval of chair bids – budgeted $60,000
Mity Lite – $60,188.50
Virco - $56,000.00
B.Update on Town Center remodeling

V. New Business
A.Presentation by Stephens regarding using HMR for bonds

VI. Adjourn

Funding requests were received.

March 11, 2011

Commissioners Present: Neal Crawford, Bob Davis, Lioneld Jordan, Brandon Karn, and Justin

Commissioners Absent: Bill Lyle and Maudie Schmitt

Staff Present: Marilyn Heifner, Sandra Bennett

Lioneld Jordan called the regular monthly meeting of the Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion
Commission to order on March 11, 2011, at the Fayetteville Town Center at 2:00 p.m.


Mayor Jordan thanked Neal Crawford for his service on the A & P Commission. He said it had
been an honor to serve with him on the Commission.

Moved by Davis, second by Tennant to appoint Hannah Mills to the term expiring in 2015.
Mills is assistant manager at the Dickson Street Inn. Motion carried.

Moved by Davis, second by Tennant to approve the minutes of the February 15, 2010 meeting.
Motion carried.

HMR Revenue – Marilyn announced that February HMR collections were $158,037.
This represents a 9.80% increase over 2010 collections. Year to date collections are up 8.70%.

Financials – Keith Glass explained the year end accountant’s compilation report and
discussed how this fits into the overall city financial audit. January financial statement is in line
with budget for most accounts. Town Center collections fell short of budgeted amounts.

Update from the City Attorney – Kit Williams reported that the City Prosecutor’s office
collected $4,050.20 in the month of February. Five cases are closed; however, 17 new and old
cases remain open.


The Museum had 52 visitors in February, despite the bad weather which caused closing for 3
days. New displays featuring former owners are being developed. “ Bo Swanson” aka Marilyn
Heifner entertained a group tour from Mena. Featured menu was Swanson’s chicken pot pie,
salad and brownie.
Bureau staff issued leads for the Artic Classic adult softball tournament and the annual
convention meeting of the Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas. Total economic value of
definite bookings for the month was 16 meeting days of 2,850 people with a value of $671,000.

Visitor Center sales increased 256.3% to $1262.24 and visitor count was up 13.9%.

No business was lost.

Returned sales contracts in February were down from 20 to 11. Sales were off 53% and
collections were down 27%. This was due in part to the inclement weather.


Marilyn presented estimate for remodeling of Town Center.

Carpet – est. $80,000, actual $67,994
Paint – est. $25,000, actual $21,455
Audio Visual upgrade of projectors and sound – est. $17,000, actual $16,327
Tables/chairs for plaza – est. $10,000, actual $5,244
Chairs – est. $60,000 (bids have not gone out for this)

Two hundred thousand dollars has been set aside for project.

Sympathy was expressed in the loss of Dickson St. business owner Bruce Walker. Bruce was
one of the profiles used in the 2011 Visitor Guide and was a big supporter of Fayetteville. He
distributed many Visitor Guides through his business and contact with visitors on Dickson Street.

Brian Bailey is leaving the CVB at the end of the month to start his own business.

Mike Sells reported that the media plan has kicked off. The media plan will have 3.4 million
impressions in print and over 6 million impressions on line.

Casey Worthington was introduced. Casey has been working selling ads for the Fayetteville

Jade Gustin presented new creative 1) Track capital of the world, 2) Gardens and 3) Nature. A
new sign has been designed for XNA airport. They are working on the Fayetteville guide
creative. Web stats were presented as well.

Bids for carpet and painting remodeling were received. Low bid for painting was Stucki Paint
and Wallcovering for $21,455.00. Low bid for carpet was from Miller Commercial Flooring for
$67,994.00. Heifner recommended that the contracts be awarded to low bidders. Moved by
Davis, second by Karn to approve the bids from Stucki and Miller. Motion carried.

Moved by Davis, second by Karn to approve issuing bids for chairs. Motion carried.

Moved by Tennant, second by Davis to forward a recommendation to city council to revise HMR
ordinance so that HMR is collected from all food vendors at all festivals. Motion carried.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Marilyn Heifner
Executive Director
Advertising and Promotion Commission
For month of March 2011

Current Year HMR Collected (2120.0912.4101.00) $ 168,444.95

Prior Year Collected (2120.0912.4101.01) $ 648.16
First Security Investment Interest Revenue (2120.0912.4708.00) $ 994.59

Total Revenues $ 170,087.70

Annual Bond Audit Expense (2120.9120.7602.60) $ -

Collection Expense (2120.9120.5333.00) $ (3,381.86)
Bank of OK Quarterly Fee (2120.9120.5712.00)
Town Center Bond Payment (2120.9120.5712.00) $ (56,304.00)
2008 Property Taxes on Town Center (2120.9120.7602.60)

Total Expenses $ (59,685.86)

Total Check to A&P $ 110,401.84

City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Monthly HMR Tax Collections 2008-2011

2008 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011

Total Total Change Over Total Change Over Total Change Over
HMR Taxes HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year HMR Taxes Prior Year

January $174,005 $166,214 -4.48% $166,645 0.00% $179,546 7.74%

February $158,693 $167,141 5.32% $143,940 -13.88% $158,037 9.80%

March $172,804 $180,027 4.18% $172,662 -4.09% $169,093 -2.06%

April $183,672 $191,542 4.28% $187,730 -2.00%

May $175,064 $190,320 8.71% $185,096 -2.74%

June $194,447 $190,237 -2.17% $184,371 -3.08%

July $188,253 $180,944 -3.88% $196,323 0.08%

August $174,648 $167,897 -3.87% $180,741 7.65%

September $190,244 $176,463 -7.24% $184,471 4.54%

October $187,125 $189,728 1.39% $195,169 2.87%

November $197,814 $190,887 -3.50% $213,494 11.84%

December $174,682 $174,568 0.00% $171,511 -0.18%

Total $ $2,171,451 $2,165,969 0.00% $2,182,155 0.75% $506,675 4.84%

Kit Wiiliams
City Attorney
TO: Mayor Jordan Jason Iì. Kelley
A & P Commissioners Assistant City Anorney

CC: Don Marr, Chief of Staff

FROM: Kit Williamr

DATE: April S,20ll

RE: Overdue HPIR collection efforts

The active overdue HMR collection case

list shrank from 22 to 17 inMarch.
Five or six of those cases were dismissed
or showe d a zero Delinquent Balance.
The city Prosecutor collecte d s2r440.41 in
ivtarct, for a year-to-date total of

Alderman Justin Tennant has agreed to sponsor

an ordinance to amend the
HMR tax code to longer exempt concession srands operated fJ;¡o,¡
of time (for festivals). I hãve attached,a copy äti,j
oitr,i, proposed ordinance.

coDE oF pevErrE**l_ï"
$35.19 AND $35.30 DEF'INITIONS
rHE oppñlnou oF

,o"rfr"ruiî""1HåÏ*%îrl" rHE cIrY couNcrl, oF rHE crry oF,

Section l:
That the City Council of
the City of Fayefteville,
$35'19 Derinitions-and g3s'3óõ"niit¡on, Arkansas hereby amends
"concession stands" ttt"it t"irrä,t,r ui
"rir,. åií.îåï"", 9o_d" ¿"l"ri"e the definitions of
.niirrtiãr ä"¿ .nu.ting
definitions as forows:
stands. Except for stands
run bl
Slij:Ï;',"rïj,,1q"il; *d o,h", r"áã'ã' ¿i"r. concession stands are


this lgrh day of Apr il,20ll.

LIONELD ¡OnnÃF, rr¿ayo, By:
E-mall: hotcheck@ö
(479) 575€378
Hot Checks: (479) SZS{AS4


TO: K. Williams
Fayetúeville City Attorney

FROM: Casey Jones

Fayetteville City prosecutor

DATE: April 4,2011

RE: Status of Active HMR cases

1. Acambaro Four Jesus Socarro Delinquent Balance: $1,469.04 (5 & 6, 09)

Active Criminal Summons
2. Brenda's Drive-In Collin L. Wilkins Delinquent Balance: -0- (10/10)
Active Criminal Summons
3. Butcher Block Gary W. Bell Court Ordered to pay $200.00 per Month
Delinquent Balance: $ l,g7l.2g
Active Contempt of Court
4. Delta Soul Nels E. Danielson, Jr. Active Criminal Summons (11/10)
Nels E. Danielson, Sr. Criminal Summons (l l/10) - Dismissed
@ Anaignment
James H. Bullock Criminal Summons (l l/10) pulled
per PA
Paid: $355.26 (tt/t})
Delinquent Balance: -0- (l l/10)
5. Dickson Street Theater Benton S. Bandy Arraignment 4/22 (I2/ I0)
Clinton W. Ogle Arraignmen t 4/22 (t2/ I 0)
Paid: $794.71 (t2/10)
Delinquent Balance: -0- (12/10)
6. Dominoes Pizza Lloyd W. Hardison Delinquent Balance: $4,590.66
TD: 7/08/09 - Court ordered ro pay
$200.00 a monrh
Criminal Summons (Fail to pay HMR)
Trial Date: 9/15/10 - No Show
Active FTA Warrant
Telecommunicafion for the Deaf TDD (479) SZt-tets
Kit Williams
Apnl 4,2011

7. Elenitas Elaine M. Reyes Paid: $572.44 (fi &,12,10)

Delinquent Balance: -0-
Active Criminal Summons
8. Frulatti Mary A. McNeil Paid: $200.00
Todd E. McNeill Delinquent Balance: $l 59.34
9. Hallabong Korean Paul S. Yeo DelinquentBalance: -0-(9& 10, l0)
Criminal Summons - Dismissed at
10. Hogwild Pizzena David S. Mackey Delinquent Balance: $1,330.00 (l _ 3, 09)
Delinquent Balance: No Forms (4/0g)
TD: 10/28/09 -90 days to pay
TD: 7/l4lt0 Gail ro pay HVfnl
Settled (90 days ro pÐ
11. La Duena Vfaria D. De-Aguilera Delinquent Balance: No Forms (g & 10, t0)
Pending Criminal Summons
12. Lightbulb Club Benton S. Bandy Anaignment: 4/22 (l2l l0)
Clinton W. Ogle Araignmenr : 4/22 (IZ/t})
Paid: $368.00 (12fi0)
Delinquent Balance: -0- (12110)
13. Mama Deans Meneria D. Msrrison Arraignment 4/t (Il &,lZ, t0)
Terry L. Morrison Arraignment 4/25 (ll & lZ,l0)
Delinquent Balance: -0- (l I &.12,10)
14. Seafood Market Bar/Grill Craig E. Dowd Paid: -0-
Delinquent Balance: 54,942.60
TD.: 9/16/09 - Time pay: $200.00 by the
30ú of every month.
Trial Date: S/t9/10 (Fail to pay HMR)
Settled - to pay $100.00 a month

15. Shanghai Chinese and Hsiao L. J. Shen Paid: -0-

China Garden
Delinquent Balance: $3,090.00
16. Soul Restaurant & Lounge Cus"y E. Dighero Paid: $150.00
Delinquent Balance: $1,343.64 (3 & 4, l0)
Trial Date: 10/13/10
Settled -to pay $150.00 amonth
Kit Williams
Page 3

17. WOW Japanese Bistro Chong N. Kim Delinquenr Balance: $33.00 (2/10)
Delinquent Balance: $44S.00 (3/ l0)
Trial Date: 7/ZB/10 Senled
- ç2. A. í, rc¡
Delinquent Balance: $704.00
i+ A 5, f O¡
Trial Date: tI/03/10 (4 &. s, tò¡ _ No Show
Set for Trial: S/4/ll (4 &,5, 10i
Delinquent Balance: 5276.00
Set for Trial: S/4/tt (6/10)
Delinquent Balance: $21 6.00 (7 /10)
Set for Trial: 514/tt (7/10)
Delinquent Balance: $360.00 (g & 9, 10)
Set for Trial: 5/4/ll (g & 9, l0)
Delinquent Balance: No Forms (10/10)
Pending Criminal Summons (10/10)
Delinquent Balance: No Forms (nlrc)
Active Criminal Summons (l t/lò)

TOTAL: 92,440.41

The Clinton House Museum had a total of 162 visitors in March 2011. March has brought many
spring break visitors marks the beginning of the House’s “busy season”. Additionally, we are
having more and more local visitors. Our increased presence in print, network, and social
media has been a great success for the House. The House is also featured in this month’s AY

We are in the final states of completing exhibits featuring the former owners of the House –
H.H. “Scotty” Taylor, Gilbert and Bo Swanson, and Dr. Warren Gifford. All items in the house,
both on display and in storage have been inventoried and Accession Records (based on the
American Association of Museum guidelines) have been created for each item. During this
process, we have “uncovered” unique and interesting items. In addition to these “finds,” over
the last few months have acquired many individual collections and donations of Clinton
memorabilia. Displays are also under construction featuring these items.


On St. Patrick’s Day, we welcomed a bus tour from Mena, AR for the LUCKY CHARMS TOUR.
Visitors were greeted with coffee and muffins and were challenged to find the hidden
Leprechauns throughout the House and Gardens to receive a prize.

In the works, are redesigns of a new brochure for the Museum to include the First Ladies
Garden and the visit by President Clinton this past August. The spring will launch fundraising
efforts in the form of another Buy-A-Brick Campaign and Engraved Stone Pavers with quotes
of First Ladies to establishing a rock walkway in the Garden.

The grounds of the House have seen some amazing improvements. The wooden railings on the
front porch have been replaced with decorative iron railings to more reflect the House’s Tudor
Revival architecture of the 1930s. We were also able to mimic this on the edge of the driveway
leading up to and including the lower steps up to the front walkway. In terms of safety, this
was paramount. The west side of the House has also been completely transformed as a part of
our First Ladies Garden Project. It features a holly hedge, three magnolia trees, and rock area
where benches, a center fountain, and potted yellow rose trees will be placed. Daffodils lining
the front rock wall are also in full bloom, in addition to the tulips, hyacinths, and lilies
throughout the property.
Fayetteville Visitor Center - 2011 Sales & Visitor Count
Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Sales Totals $854.92 $1,262.24 $2,450.88
2010Totals $557.65 $354.29 $745.44 $2,166.24 $2,296.32 $2,360.35 $3,516.20 $3,557.59 $2,680.20 $2,889.62 $2,515.90 $5,694.64
% Change
from 2010 53.3% 256.3% 228.8% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0%

Visitor Count 295 238 691

2010 Totals 213 209 432 901 945 1,062 1,378 1,304 1,049 1,145 816 754
% Change
from 2010 38.5% 13.9% 60.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0%

2011 Goal = $30,000/year or $2,500/month on pace for: $0.00

Yearly $4,568.04 Monthly $0.00
Totals 1,224 Averages 0
% Change = divide the difference between the two numbers by the 2010 number
then move the decimal two spaces right

20 10Monthly Sales Average=$2,444.54 2010 Monthly Visitor Average=851

2010 sales per visitor = $2.87 2011 sales per visitor = $3.97
Sales Leads by Date Issued
March 2011 Meeting Dates Decision Date Attend Peak Rooms $ Value
Arkansas Activities Association 05/20/2011 250 100 200 77,850
State Soccer Finals 05/22/2011

Arkansas Activities Association 05/20/2011 250 100 200 77,850

State Softball Championships 05/22/2011

Arkansas Activities Association 06/19/2011 2,000 250 1,500 1,038,000

All Star Week 06/23/2011

Hispanic Caucus 08/26/2011 200 30 30 41,520

Fall Conference 08/27/2011

National Federation of the Blind - Arkansas Chapter 10/14/2011 100 15 30 31,140

State Conference 10/16/2011

Irish Dance Competition 06/15/2012 250 100 200 77,850

Summer Competition 06/17/2012

Sub-Total for March 6 Meetings 3,050 2,160 $1,344,210

GRAND TOTAL 6 Meetings 3,050 2,160 $1,344,210

Printed: 4/4/2011 4:49PM Page 1 of 1

Definite Bookings By Booking Date
March 2011 Meeting Dates Attnd Peak Rooms $ Value
Mountain Home Charter Service, Inc 03/17/2011 42 0 0 4,360
St. Patricks Day Tour 03/17/2011
Arkansas Activities Association 05/20/2011 250 100 200 77,850
State Soccer Finals 05/22/2011
Arkansas Activities Association 05/20/2011 250 100 200 77,850
State Softball Championships 05/22/2011
Fayetteville Parks & Recreation 02/24/2012 500 25 50 155,700
Arctic Classic Adult Softball Tournament 02/26/2012

Sub-Total for March 4 Meetings 1,042 450 $315,760

GRAND TOTAL 4 Meetings 1,042 450 $315,760

Page 1 of 1 Printed: 4/4/2011 4:47PM

Lost Business By Reason
Business Turned Lost Between 03/01/2011 and 03/31/2011
Athletic Facility Conflict Rep Mtg Dates Attd Rm Nts $ Value
VYPE MARLO 06/24/2011 1,500 1,600 $467,100
7 on 7 Select Football Tournament 06/26/2011
UA Football camps pushed back due to snow days & also the football facilities construction.
They will move event to Tulsa for this year
Lost To: Tulsa

Subtotal for Athletic Facility Conflict 1,500 1,600 $467,100

Insufficient Rooms Downtown Rep Mtg Dates Attd Rm Nts $ Value

Historic Preservation Alliance of Arkansas SHELLY 05/18/2012 150 270 $46,710
Annual Meeting 05/20/2012
Subtotal for Insufficient Rooms Downtown 150 270 $46,710

Printed: 4/4/2011 5:20PM Page 1 of 2

Convention Calendar
Attendance/ Peak/Rooms
Meeting Dates Headquarters

March 2011
3/2/2011 UA College of Education & Health Professions 100 10 10
3/3/2011 Symposium on Autism Spectrum Disorders Cosmopolitan Hotel

3/10/2011 UA Information Technology Research Institute 300 25 25

3/11/2011 Women in IT Citywide

3/16/2011 UA Information Technology Research Institute 0 0 0

3/16/2011 IT Day for Students

3/17/2011 UA Supply Chain Management Research Center 100 0

3/17/2011 Annual Conference UA Reynolds Center

3/17/2011 Mountain Home Charter Service, Inc 42 0 0

3/17/2011 St. Patricks Day Tour

April 2011
4/1/2011 Midwest Cheer and Dance Association 500 25 50
4/3/2011 Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/1/2011 All Sports Productions** 1,100 75 150

4/3/2011 Iron Pig Festival Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/2/2011 Association of Mechanical Engineers 200 50 50

4/2/2011 District E Conference Citywide

4/2/2011 Friends International 35 0 0

4/2/2011 Backyard Billionaire Tour

4/6/2011 Mt Sequoyah 35 0 0
4/6/2011 Clinton House Museum Presentation

4/7/2011 UA Mathematical Sciences 40 40 40

4/9/2011 Spring Lecture Series Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/7/2011 Frances Custom Tours 45 0 0

4/7/2011 U of A driving tour and dinner@ Power House

4/8/2011 American Institute of Chemical Engineers 250 75 150

4/10/2011 Regional Conference Holiday Inn Express

4/8/2011 Arkansas Comets - Soccer 1,000 300 600

4/10/2011 Ozark Classic Cup Citywide

4/9/2011 Hogeye Marathon & Relays 1,000 150 150

4/10/2011 Hogeye Marathon Cosmopolitan Hotel

4/9/2011 Frances Custom Tours 45 0 0

4/9/2011 Student Group

4/13/2011 Mt Sequoyah 35 0 0
4/13/2011 Clinton House Presentation

4/15/2011 UA Alumni Association 1,000 300 600

4/17/2011 Black Alumni Reunion Citywide

4/15/2011 Dream Journeys 50 0 0

5/16/2011 Fayetteville Tour- Farmers Market and Golden Coral
Convention Calendar
Attendance/ Peak/Rooms
Meeting Dates Headquarters

April 2011
4/15/2011 UA Engineering 500 250 500
4/17/2011 Engineering Academy Citywide

4/15/2011 Dudley Thunder Series 200 25 50

4/17/2011 Adult Softball Tournament Holiday Inn Express

4/20/2011 Arkansas Parks and Tourism Commission 42 0 0

4/21/2011 Monthly Meeting

May 2011
5/5/2011 All Sports Productions 1,000 100 300
5/8/2011 Joe Martin Stage Race Cosmopolitan Hotel

5/11/2011 Southwest Tours 52


5/11/2011 Southwest Tours 50 0

5/13/2011 Clarion

5/11/2011 University of Arkansas 5,000 0 0

5/11/2011 Dalai Lama Visit

5/13/2011 University of Arkansas** 15,000 1,600 3,200

5/15/2011 Graduation Citywide

5/20/2011 Arkansas Activities Association 250 100 200

5/22/2011 State Soccer Finals Citywide

5/20/2011 Arkansas Activities Association 250 100 200

5/22/2011 State Softball Championships Citywide

5/31/2011 Wal-Mart** 20,000 1,000 3,000

6/3/2011 Annual Shareholders Meeting Citywide
Inquiries Tabulated by Source/Mode
From: 3/1/2011 To: 3/30/2011

NOTE: This report shows only active modes and sources, and can only display the first nine active modes defined in your system.

Source 800 Number e-mail Formatted - Formatted - Totals
Bulk First Cl
@ Website 5 6 0 193 204

Arkansas Group Travel 0 1 0 0 1

Midwest Living 0 0 52 0 52

Southern Living 0 0 7 0 7

Travel Guides Free 0 0 65 0 65

Travel 0 0 314 0 314

UA Graduate School 0 0 0 42 42

Totals: 5 7 438 235 685

Page 1 of 1 4/4/2011 04:12 PM

Fayetteville Convention & Visitors Bureau

21 S. Block, Suite 100 ~ Fayetteville, AR 72701
Phone: (800) 766-4626, (479) 521-5776 ~ Fax: (479) 571-4731 ~ ~ Web:


AE 1 1
Alabama 14 9 4 27
Alaska 2 4 6
Alberta 1 1 0 2
AP 1
Arizona 12 11 4 27
Arkansas 125 75 96 296
British Columbia 2 2 4
California 34 27 20 81
Colorado 8 14 11 33
Connecticut 1 3 1 5
Delaware 1 1 2
Florida 29 33 22 84
Georgia 23 15 6 44
Hawaii 1 1
Idaho 2 2 2 6
Illinois 66 49 37 152
Indiana 23 30 17 70
Iowa 36 22 17 75
Kansas 43 23 30 96
Kentucky 12 16 4 32
Louisiana 38 19 19 76
Maine 1 2 2 5
Manitoba 1 1
Maryland 6 6 3 15
Massachusetts 3 11 4 18
Michigan 33 32 23 88
Minnesota 39 28 14 81
Mississippi 14 14 5 33
Missouri 139 74 50 263
Montana 4 3 1 8
Nebraska 15 8 11 34
Nevada 7 1 3 11
New Brunswick 3 4 2 9
New Foundland
New Hampshire 4 1 1 6
New Jersey 7 9 5 21
New Mexico 5 6 3 14
New York 19 23 18 60
North Carolina 25 10 5 40
North Dakota 3 3 2 8
Nova Scotia 2 1 3
Ohio 27 38 20 85
Oklahoma 74 22 35 131
Ontario 5 6 9 20
Oregon 3 4 3 10
Pennsylvania 16 25 12 53
Prince Edward Isl. 0 0
Puerto Rico 1 1 2
Quebec 3 2 2 7
Rhode Island 2 2 4
Saskatchewan 1 1 2
South Carolina 20 9 6 35
South Dakota 5 2 7
Tennessee 15 25 19 59
Texas 135 82 83 300
Utah 9 6 1 16
Vermont 3 3
Virginia 12 7 13 32
Washington 18 6 7 31
Washington, D. C. 2 1 3
West Virginia 7 8 6 21
Wisconsin 42 31 19 92
Wyoming 4 6 10
Military 0
TOTAL 1197 880 685 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2761
Restaurant Week
February 17-27, 2011

37 Restaurants participated

Average Ticket $22.81

1192 Entries Collected

Restaurants that collected the most entries

US Pizza 151
Burger LIFE 133
Tim's Pizza East 117
Huhot Mongolian Grill 112
Restaurant Frequency

AQ Chicken 79
Big Momma's 22
Bliss 60
Buffalo Wild Wings 6
Burger LIFE 133
Café Rue Orleans 5
Clarion Inn 9
Common Grounds 28
Courtyard by Marriott 3
Foghorns #2 5
Formosa 1
Geraldi's 34
Golden Corral 75
GreenHouse Grill 37
GrubsBar & Grill 16
Gusano's 4
Hjem Restaurant 27
Hugos 36
Huhot Mongolian Grill 112
Jammin Java 11
JJ's Grill and Chill 6
Jose's 12
La Hacienda 9
Lucky Luke's BBQ 10
Meiji 9
Mermaids 1
Powerhouse Seafood and Grill 29
Qdoba 3
Spiedini Italian Grill 43
The Dixe Café 5
Tim's Pizza East 117
Trailside Café & Tea Room 29
Tropical Smoothie café 19
US Pizza 151
Village Inn 1
Whole Hog Café 3
Ye Olde King Pizza 42

Total 1192 Feb 14, 2011 - Mar 4, 2011
Dashboard Comparing to: Site

600 600

300 300

0 0

Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28

Site Usage

1,545 Visits 43.43% Bounce Rate

2,688 Pageviews 00:01:11 Avg. Time on Site

1.74 Pages/Visit 81.68% % New Visits

Visitors Overview Map Overlay


600 600

300 300

0 0

Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28

1,305 Visits
1 1,531

Traffic Sources Overview Content Overview

Referring Sites Pages Pageviews % Pageviews

672.00 (43.50%)
Direct Traffic / 1,416 52.68%
611.00 (39.55%)
Search Engines /specials.html 1,222 45.46%
262.00 (16.96%)
/contact.html 47 1.75%

/index.html 3 0.11%

1 Google Analytics Feb 14, 2011 - Mar 4, 2011
Traffic Sources Overview Comparing to: Site

600 600

300 300

0 0

Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28

All traffic sources sent a total of 1,545 visits

39.55% Direct Traffic Referring Sites

672.00 (43.50%)
Direct Traffic
43.50% Referring Sites 611.00 (39.55%)
Search Engines
262.00 (16.96%)
16.96% Search Engines

Top Traffic Sources

Sources Visits % visits Keywords Visits % visits

(direct) ((none)) 611 39.55% fayetteville restaurant week 80 30.53% (referral) 243 15.73% 34 12.98%

google (organic) 217 14.05% dineinfayetteville 32 12.21% (referral) 173 11.20% dine in fayetteville 24 9.16% (referral) 74 4.79% 13 4.96%

3 Google Analytics Feb 14, 2011 - Mar 4, 2011
Content Overview Comparing to: Site

1,000 1,000

500 500

0 0

Feb 14 Feb 21 Feb 28

Pages on this site were viewed a total of 2,688 times

2,688 Pageviews

2,389 Unique Views

43.43% Bounce Rate

Top Content

Pages Pageviews % Pageviews

/ 1,416 52.68%

/specials.html 1,222 45.46%

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Fayetteville Restaurant Week: Promotional costs breakdown

February 17th to 27th, 2011

50 Glass jars for giveaway entries $54.63

6 Nook eReaders for giveaway $976.70

5,000 Restaurant Week stickers for restaurant staff $813.91

Total cost: $1,845.24

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