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1. Are the following obligations valid, why, and if they 5.

In June 1988, X obtained a loan from A and

are valid, when is the obligation demandable in executed with Y as solidary co-maker a promissory
each case? note in favor of A for the sum of P200, 000.00. The
a. If the debtor promises to pay as soon as he loan was payable at P20, 000.00 with interest
has the means to pay; monthly within the first week of each month
b. If the debtor promises to pay when he beginning July 1988 until maturity in April 1989. To
secure the payment of the loan, X put up as
security a chattel mortgage on his car, a Toyota
c. If the debtor promises to pay when he
Corolla sedan. Because of failure of X and Y to pay
becomes a lawyer; the principal amount of the loan, the car was
d. If the debtor promises to pay if his son, extrajudicially foreclosed. A acquired the car at A’s
who is sick with cancer, does not die within highest bid of P120, 000.00 during the auction sale.
one year.
After several fruitless letters of demand against X
2. Pedro promised to give his grandson a car if the and Y, A sued Y for the discovery of P80, 000.00
latter will pass the bar examinations. When his constituting the deficiency.
grandson passed the said examinations, Pedro
refused to give the car on the ground that the Y resisted the suit raising the following defenses:
condition was a purely potestative one. Is he a) That Y should not be liable at all because X was
correct or not? not sued together with Y.
b) That the obligation has been paid completely by
A’s acquisition of the car through “dacion en pago”
3. In 1997, Manuel bound himself to sell Eva a house
or payment by cession.
and lot which is being rented by another person, if c) That Y should not be held liable for the
Eva passes the 1998 CPA examinations. Luckily deficiency of P80, 000.00 because he was not a
for Eva, she passed said examinations. co-mortgagor in teh chattel mortgage of the car,
which contract was executed by X alone as owner
a. Suppose Manuel had sold the same house and mortgagor.
and lot to another before Eva passed the d) That assuming he is liable, he should only pay
1998 CPA examinations, is such sale the proportionate sum of P40, 000.00.
valid? Why?
b. Assuming that it is Eva who is entitled to Decide the defense with reasons.
buy said house and lot, is she entitled to
6. Four foreign medical students rented the apartment
the rentals collected by Manuel before she
of Thelma for a period of one year. After one
passed the 1998 CPA examinations?
semester, three of them returned to their home
country and the fourth transferred to a boarding
house. Thelma discovered that they left unpaid
4. In a deed of sale of realty, it was stipulated that the
telephone bills in the total amount of P80, 000.00.
buyer would construct a commercial building on the
The lease contract provided that the lessees shall
lot while the seller would construct a private
pay for the telephone services in the leased
passageway bordering the lot. The building was
premises. Thelma demanded that the fourth
eventually finished but the seller failed to complete
student pay the entire amount of the unpaid
the passageway as some of the squatters, who
telephone bills, but the latter is willing to pay only
were already known to be there at the time they
one fourth of it. Who is correct? Why?
entered into the contract, refused to vacate the
premises. In fact, prior to its execution, the seller
7. Joey, Jovy and Jojo are solidary debtors under a
filed ejectment cases against the squatters.
loan obligation of P300, 000.00 which has fallen
due. The creditor has, however, condoned Jojo's
The buyer now sues the seller for specific
entire share in the debt. Since Jovy has become
performance with damages. The defense is that the
insolvent, the creditor makes a demand on Joey to
obligation to construct the passageway should be
pay the debt.
with a period which, incidentally, had not been fixed
1. How much, if any, may Joey be compelled to
by them, hence, the need for fixing a judicial
2. To what extent, if at all, can Jojo be compelled
by Joey to contribute to such payment?
Will the action for specific performance of the buyer
against the seller prosper?
8. Butch got a loan from Hagibis Corporation
(Hagibis) but he defaulted in the payment. A case
for collection of a sum of money was filed against
him. As a defense, Butch claims that there was Felipe to pay him in cash in the amount of P5, 600.
already an arrangement with Hagibis on the Claiming that the previous payment was not in
payment of the loan. To implement the same, legal tender, and that there has been extraordinary
Butch already surrendered five (5) service utility deflation since 1998, and therefore, Felipe should
vehicles (SUVs) to the company for it to sell and pay him the value of the debt at the time it was
the proceeds to be credited to the loan as payment. incurred. Felipe refused to pay him again, claiming
Was the obligation of Butch extinguished by reason that Gustavo is estopped from raising the issue of
of dacion en pago upon the surrender of the legal tender, having accepted the check in March,
SUVs? Decide and explain. and that it was Gustavo's negligence in not
depositing the check immediately that caused the
9. Jerico, the project owner, entered into a check to become stale.
Construction Contract with Ivan for the latter to a) Can Gustavo now raised the issue that the
construct his house. Jojo executed a Surety cashier's check is not legal tender?
undertaking to guarantee the performance of the b) Can Felipe validly refuse to pay Gustavo again?
work by Ivan. Jerico and Ivan later entered into a c) Can Felipe compel Gustavo to receive US$100
Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) revising the instead?
work schedule of Ivan and the subcontractors. The
MOA stated that all the stipulations of the original 14. X, who has a savings deposit with Y Bank in the
contract not in conflict with said agreement shall sum of P1, 000, 000.00, incurs a loan obligation
remain valid and legally effective. Jojo filed a suit to with the said Bank in teh sum of P800, 000.00
declare him relieved of his undertaking as a result which has become due. When X tries to withdraw
of the MOA because of the change in the work his deposit, Y Bank allows only P200, 000.00 to be
schedule. Jerico claims there is no novation of the withdrawn, less service charges, claiming that
Construction Contract. Decide the case and compensation has extinguished its obligation under
explain. the savings account to the concurrent amount of
X’s debt. X contends that compensation is
10. A, B, C, D and E made themselves solidarity improper when one of the debts, as here, arises
indebted to X for the amount of P50, 000.00. When from a contract of deposit. Assuming that the
X demanded payment from A, the latter refused to promissory note signed by X to evidence the loan
pay on the following grounds: does not provide for compensation between said
a) B is only 16 years old. loan and his savings deposit, who is correct?
b) C has already been condoned by X.
c) D is insolvent. 15. Stockton is a stockholder of Core Corp. He desires
d) E was given by X an extension of 6 months to sell his shares in Core Corp. In view of a court
without the consent of the other four co-debtors. suit that Core Corp. has filed against him for
State the effect of each of the above defenses put damages in the amount of P10 million, plus
up by A on his obligation to pay X, if such defenses attorney’s fees of P1 million, as a result of
are found to be true. statements published by Stockton which are
allegedly defamatory because it was calculated to
11. True or False injure and damage the corporation’s reputation and
The renunciation by a co-owner of his undivided goodwill. The articles of incorporation of Core Corp.
share in the co-owned property in lieu of the provide for a right of first refusal in favor of the
performance of his obligation to contribute to taxes corporation. Accordingly, Stockton gave written
and expenses for the preservation of the property notice to the corporation of his offer to sell his
constitutes dacion en pago. shares of P10 million. The response of Core corp.
was an acceptance of the offer in the exercise of its
12. Define compensation as a mode of extinguishing rights of first refusal, offering for the purpose
an obligation, and distinguish it from payment. payment in form of compensation or set-off against
the amount of damages it is claiming against him,
13. Felipe borrowed $100 from Gustavo in 1998, when exclusive of the claim for attorney’s fees. Stockton
the Phil P - US$ exchange rate was P56 - US$1. rejected the offer of the corporation, arguing that
On March 1, 2008, Felipe tendered to Gustavo a compensation between the value of the shares and
cashier's check in the amount of P4,135 in the amount of damages demanded by the
payment of his US$ 100 debt, based on the Phil P - corporation cannot legally take effect. Is Stockton
US$ exchange rate at that time. Gustavo accepted correct? Give reason for your answer.
the check, but forgot to deposit it until Sept. 12,
2008. His bank refused to accept the check
because it had become stale. Gustavo now wants

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