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This financial proposal is being prepared in response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) made
by Persatuan Pengusaha Lombong Negeri Kelantan) (PPLK) to Ecogreen Environmental
Consultancy to submit the proposal to conduct Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
(Second Schedule) study on Gold Mining (17.2 hectares) at Lot 4147 Kg Lubok Bongor, Mukim
Lubok Bongor, Kuala Balah Jeli Kelantan Darul Naim.


This mining activities are subjected to an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) (Second
Schedule) study under the Environmental Quality (Prescribed Activities) (Environmental Impact
Assessment) Order 2015.

According to the Environmental Law (1974), the above-mentioned activities should comply with
the requirements of Environmental Impact Assessment Study (EIA) and to be submit to the
Department of Environment Putrajaya for review and approval by the Director of Environment
Department before any activity performed.


8. Mining

(a) mining of minerals in new areas involving large scale operation

(b) mining of minerals within or adjacent or near to environmentally sensitive area


a. To review and collate baseline data that describes the components of the
environment in the project area and to identify potential vulnerable components,
b. To examine project activities, identify, predict, evaluate and assess information
about the environmental impacts arising from project activities during design,
construction and operation.
c. To detail out abatement and mitigating measures to maintain/minimize the
impacts within acceptable level.
d. To propose plans for the management and monitoring of environmental effects.
e. To identify and evaluate significance residual environmental impacts and to
specify necessary monitoring programme.
f. To document the EIA and project planning process in a form that will enable
developer in securing DOE and relevant authorities approval to make appropriate
decision regarding the project and;
g. To comply all statutory and legal requirements.

The commencement of the EIA Study will be in accordance with these guidelines:
a. A Handbook of Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines.
b. National Physical Plan.
c. EIA Guidelines for Mines and Quarries
d. Urban Storm water Management System Manual (MSMA).


The EIA report will outlines the major work programme and the necessary environmental
protection to be undertaken by project proponent mainly during development and operation
phase of the project. The environmental components at the affected site sensitive to the
construction activities are highlighted and discussed.

The content of the EIA report will include the following areas:
Chapter 1 Project Title
Chapter 2 Project Initiator and Consultants
Chapter 3 Statement of Need
Chapter 4 Project Description
Chapter 5 Project Options
Chapter 6 Project Activities
Chapter 7 Baseline Environment - Existing Physical, biological & Socio-Economic
Chapter 8 Assessment Impact and Mitigation Measures (During Construction & Operation)
Chapter9 Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirement
Chapter 10 Residual Impact and Abandonment Plan
Chapter 11 Conclusion

The EIA report will be made available in required number of copies, subject to requirement of
DOE, in order to enable all parties/panel to evaluate the report

5.1 Project Description

This section will describe the proposed project as a whole and will discuss in particular, the
different components in the project, the acreage involved for various land use objectives,
infrastructure development, the approach of development activities including land clearing and
earthworks at different stages of project development and the distribution of activities within and
outside of the project area.

The Project Proponent shall provide the consultants basic information concerning the project
including detailed designs (project concept, project design, component, production capacity,
layout, equipment and facilities and mining method) as required. Where appropriate and
required, the consultant shall propose appropriate methods and estimates of resources required
based on existing standards and methods of project development.
5.2 Environmental Baseline

The existing environment characteristics within the proposed development area shall be
described based on primary data and reviews of available published information or on data
sourced from public and private organizations. The EIA Consultant shall carry out appropriate
reconnaissance surveys, during the tenure of the EIA study to supplement and/or update
available information. In addition, sufficient primary data shall also be collected and used in the
Table 5.1: List of Environmental Baseline Data
Component Sub-component
1 Physical Environment • Soil and Geology
• Drainage &Hydrology
• Water Quality
• Ambient Air Quality
• Noise Level
• Land use and landform, topography, etc.
• Climate & Meteorology
2 Biological • Terrestrial Vegetation
Environment • Mammals, birds and reptiles
3 Human Environment • Population distribution
• Demographic Profile
• Social Culture
• Social Awareness and well-being
• Economic activities, employment
• Transportation & traffic

5.3 Method of Assessment

5.3.1 Geological and Soil Assessment

a. To describe the geological conditions within the area of study, including the
subsurface conditions.
b. To determine the geotechnical properties of existing soil types within the study
c. To describe existing soil types within and around the study area.

Study Method
a. The geological description for the area will be obtained from existing geological maps
and reports published by the Department of Geoscience and Mineral, Malaysia and
other reports published by recognized institution and supplemented by actual ground
b. Subsurface assessment, in particular the geotechnical assessment will be based
on soil investigation reports
5.3.2 Topography

Topography can be described as physical features that make up an area include mountains,
valley, plains and bodies of water also the human-made features i.e. roads, railroads and
landfills. Terrain analysis will be conducted in order to identify the Classification of Slope in the
project area.

a. To describe the topography within the study area.
b. To provide information on land topography of the project area such as elevation,
forest area, drainage system i.e. rivers and streams that passthrough the proposed
project site and human• made features (settlement area and roads).
c. To identify which area can be developed and which area may pose high impact.

Study Method
a. Assessment of existing condition and surrounding areas of the proposed project
b. Using existing data available from previous preliminary historical records and
topography map.

5.3.3 Land use

Land use involves the management and modification of natural environment into built
environment such as plantation area, fields and settlements.

a. To identified land use pattern.
b. To provide information on land use of the surrounding area.
c. To identified impact on land use to surrounding area.
d. To recommend mitigation measure to avoid and / or minimize adverse impacts on
environmental quality through structural and planning measures.

Study Method
a. Obtain land use data from Local Plan.
b. Assessment of the land use during field study.
c. Using existing data available from previous preliminary historical records.

5.3.4 Climate and Meteorology

The description of rainfall, temperature, and wind speed and wind direction in the study area
shall be carried out using long term records that will be obtained from the nearest Malaysian
Meteorological Services station.

a. To describe the climatic conditions within the study area.
b. To provide baseline data that can be used for hydrological and soil erosion
Study Method
a. Obtain climatic data such as rainfall, temperature, humidity and evaporation from
the nearest meteorological station
b. Calculate and analyze statistically as stated below:
• Rainfall: mean, maximum, minimum, rain day, distribution, standard deviation (wet
and dry seasons).
• Temperature: mean, maximum and minimum.
• Humidity: mean, maximum and minimum.
• Evaporation: mean, maximum and minimum.

The proposed project site will then be classified climatologically using Hydrological
Procedure No 12 (DID, 1976).

5.3.5 Drainage and Hydrology

a. To access and analyses the existing hydrological data.
b. To establish the preliminary baseline information on hydrological characteristics
of the study area.
c. An assessment of the relationship between rainfall and streamflows.

Study Method
a. Using existing data available from previous preliminary historical records.
b. Empirical evaluation to estimate flow duration and low flow conditions.
c. River cross section survey to describe existing riverflow conditions (hydrographic

5.3.6 River Water Quality

a. To establish the baseline condition of the water quality for river water quality
within 500 m radius of the proposed project area.

Study Method
a. Determine sampling location and positioned in topography map or satellite image.
(upstream and downstream at proposed project site)
b. Sampling will be carried out at single depth about one (1) meter below the water
surface at predetermined coordinate
c. Sampling and analysis will be carried according to the Standard Methods as
specified in the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency procedures.
d. The water samples taken from the study area will be analyzed by an accredited
Table 5.2: Water Quality Parameter
Parameter Fresh/River Water
Physical Temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, DO,TSS
Anions Ammoniacal nitrogen,
phosphate, sulphate, chloride, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate
Cations / Heavy Metals Cr, Cd, Cu, Ni, Fe, Pb, Mn, As, Hg
Organics BOD, COD, oil and grease
Mircobial Feacal coliform, E-Coli

5.3.7 Air Quality

a. To describe and classify the existing air quality of the study area according to
Department of Environmental (DOE) recommended guidelines for air quality.

Study Method
a. Determine sampling location and positioned in topography map or satellite image
(nearest settlement to the proposed project site).
b. Sampling will be carried at predetermined coordinate.
c. Sampling and analysis will be carried based on the procedure outlined in the Method
of Air Sampling and Analysis, 3rd Edition, APHA Intersociety Committee 1998.
d. Laboratory analysis as followed.

Table 5.3:Parameter for Air Quality

Parameter Analytical Method Standards Applied

Total Suspended Particulate Gravimetry AS 2724.3

Nitrogen Dioxide, N02 Ion Chromatograpy Griess-Saltzman method
Sulphur Dioxide, S02 Ion Chromatograpy West-Gaeke method (ISC704A)
Particulate Matter (PM10) Gravimetry USEPA IO-2.1
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Sorbent Tube EC-01-P1 (KD Air Box)

5.3.8 Noise Level

a. To describe the existing background noise levels of the study area.

Study Method
a. The identified monitoring location is same as the proposed location for air
monitoring station.
b. Noise monitoring will be performed according to the Planning Guidelines for
environmental Noise Limits Control published by the DOE.
5.3.9 Terrestrial FloraandFauna.

a. To study the terrestrial ecology (flora and fauna) status within the proposed sites
and its impact zone.
b. To identify any rare or endangered species within the impact zone.
c. To identify the impact of the project implementation to the terrestrial flora and fauna
conditions of the area.
d. To propose conservation and mitigating in order to minimize the impacts.

Study Method
The team will establish the data based on ground and secondary survey. The species
found will be recorded and the conservation status will be identified. The conservation
status will refer to the guideline below (please refer to the Table 4.0).

Table 5.4: Conservation Status Checklist References

No Component References
1 Terrestrial Flora IUCN Red Data List as well as other references (e.g. I.M
Turner, 1995
2 Mammals 1. locally [Wildlife Act No 76 (1972)
2. IUCN red list of threaten species (lUCN, 1990)
3 Reptiles and avifauna IUCN red list of threaten species (IUCN, 1990)

5.3.10 Socio Economic Study

a. To describe local socio-economic and socio-cultural profile of all proposed sites.
b. To describe an existing facility and its accessibility of all sites.
c. To study the impact of the development to the local and regional development of
the area.
d. To proposed development, management and maintenance plan to ensure the
benefit of the project

Study Method
a. Prepare a socio-economic profile based on primary and secondary data covering
demographic and socio-economic aspect.
b. Conduct socioeconomic survey with the nearest community (5km radius).

Data collection tools and procedures allow for the systematic collection of information
pertaining to the baseline study objective. The primary data will provide detailed
information of the following criteria:

• Community structure and organization

• Local institutions/services
• Existing physical infrastructure
• Current demographic conditions
• Current employment situation
• Existing economic resources for community
• Expectation from the proposed project to the economic activities
• Expectation from the proposed project to the socio culture
• Expectation from the proposed project to the environment
• Level of acceptance to the project


The EIA Consultant shall predict the potential impacts to the environment and also current and
future impacts that may cause by the project. Modeling or simulation works will be conducted in
order to predict the impact accurately. The impact evaluation shall include the consequences of
all phases of the Project implementation i.e.:

6.1 Pre-construction stage

A description of the pre-construction activities including:

a. Site investigation
b. Preliminary study and survey.

6.2 Construction stage

The following details on the proposed project:

a. Construction of access road.
b. Earthwork and land clearing activities.
c. Construction of office and associate
d. facilities. Mining development.

6.3 Operation Stage

a. Mining activities
b. Site office and other facilities.
c. Other maintenance works


This section would present draft environmental management plans (EMPs) developed for the
Project. The EMPs should be developed from and be consistent with the preceding information
in the EIA study.

The EMPs should identify:

• Potential impacts on environmental values;
• Mitigation strategies;
• Relevant monitoring;
• Appropriate indicators and performance criteria;
• Reporting requirements; and
• Appropriate corrective actions, should an undesirable impact or unforeseen level of
impact occur.

The aims of an EMP are to provide:

• Commitments by the Project Proponents to practical and achievable strategies and
design standards (performance specifications) for the management of the Project to
ensure that environmental requirements are specified and complied with;
• An integrated plan for comprehensive monitoring and control of impacts;
• The community with evidence that the environmental management of the Project is


Residual environmental impact (those impacts which remain after mitigation measures have
been applied) shall be identified, analyzed, evaluated, and assessed to highlight their overall
performance and implications at all stages of development.

If the project is delay or stop (due to whatever reason), the abandonment plan is need to be
follow. This plan will be placed in EIA report in order to minimize the impact to the environment


The key personnel of the study team members that will be conduct the study are expert from the
respective fields. All of expert members are registered with Department of Environment under
Environmental Consultancy Scheme, as a qualified person to handled EIA study. They are also
will be assisted by experienced Research Assistant Team.

10.1 Timeline for Environmental Impacts Assessment Study (Second Schedule)

Table 10.1: Work Programme for EIA Study

Activity Timeframe

1. Data Collection and Review of Project Documents

• Letter of Award preparation for consultant 1-4 weeks
• Kick-off meeting with Client/ DOE
• Review Project document with Client and determine programme of action for the EIA study, including
surveys and investigations.
• Commencement of baseline monitoring programme
• Collection of secondary data & collect information from client
• Format reporting & gather information
• Preparation of TOR and ESI
• Data analysis
• Draft report writing
2. Study Survey and EIA Report Preparation
• Format reporting & gather information
• Data analysis 24- 32 weeks
• Draft report writing
• Sub consultant to submit 1st draft report
• Report review & amendment (if any) Prepare and submit Draft EIA report to Client for discussion and
• Finalize EIA report upon receipt of comments from client
• Public dialogue
• Online Paper advertisement
• Report printing and submission to DOE
3. Submission of Report for Approval by DOE
• Submit 3 copies of EIA report to DOE, Putrajaya*; DOE’s Client Charter for processing
• Liaison with the DOE for review of the EIA report; time frame is 12 weeks from date of
• Assist the Client during review of the EIA report; submission of report.
• Make presentations to DOE and the review committee;
• Client to organize site visit by DOE, where required; and
• Provide clarification to queries during review and to follow up till decision by DOE on approval of the
EIA report.
1. * - Numbers presented above are the normal copies requested by the DOE.
2. The environmental Impacts Assessment study will be conducted within 7-9 months from date of start until submitted of EIA report to
DOE. The process of EIA approval is 12 weeks from date of submission to DOE. Detail study flow will be as below:

3. Table 6.0: EIA (Second Schedule) Study Flow and Timeline

No Task
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
1 Kick off Meeting
2 Site Visit
3 Consultation with
4 Data collection for
5 Data analysis

6 Report writing

7 Submission of draft
EIA to client
8 Draft report review

9 EIA Submission to
10 EIA approval process 12 weeks from date of report submission to DOE

The breakdown of price is as below:

No. Item Quantity U/ Cost

Rate (RM)
1. Professional Consultants (A)
a. Air Quality
b. Water quality
c. Noise Lump Lump
d. Soil & Erosion sum sum 290,000.00
e. Geology
f. Noise
g. Flora & Fauna
h. Socio Economic
i. Hydrology
j. Waste management
k. Mining consultant
Sub Total (A) 290,000.00
Term of Reference (TOR) and
2. Environmental Scoping Lump Lump 15,000.00
Information (ESI) preparation (B) Sump Sum
Sub Total (B) 15,000.00
3. Expenses (C)
i. Advertisement in paper. e.g.
Berita Harian, New Straits 2 papers 20,000 20,000.00
Times online x 3
Public dialogue 5,000 5,000.00
• Rental for venue 1 day
• Refreshment
• Transport
• Field work (meal/lodging)
• Sampling/Data 20,000 20,000.00
Analysis/Data Entry Lump sum
• Consumables/Insurance/
Sub Total (C) 45,000.00
4. Data purchases / Mapping: (D)
i. GIS, Land use maps, local 12,000.00
plan, Topography and etc
ii. Secondary data: Meteorology
and etc 12,000.00
Sub Total (D) 24,000.00
Preparation of Environmental 3 copies 900.00 2,700.00
Impact Assessment (EIA) and
submission to DOE
Sub Total (E) 2,700.00
TOTAL (A+B+C+D+E) 376,700.00
The schedule of payment for EIA shall be as bellow:

a. Mobilization cost after appointment: 20%

b. Total cost after upon submission of draft report: 35%
c. Total cost after submission of EIA Report to DOE: 35%
d. Total cost after EIA report approval by DOE: 10% Payment shall be made within 30 days
from the date of invoice.

a. Validity period of proposal: 3 months
b. The cost quoted does not include the scope of work request by authority during panel
review/clarification meeting

This financial proposal is excluded cost as below as requested in the EIATRC meeting.
a. Qualitative Risk Assessment (QRA)
b. Health study
c. Geoteknik report (slope stability)
d. Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA)

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