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Antonio's Pigafetta's First Voyage Around the World

About The Author

Antonio Pigafetta ( 1492-1534) He was born in Vicenza in 1492 and also die in there in the year of 1534.

- He was a key player of one of the most amazing world exploration trips. And that’s because he
was the person who wrote, ” The First Voyage Around the World” one of the most valuable
contributions of Antonio Pigafetta
- He was an Italian seafarer and geographer. He was part of the first world circumnavigation that
was started by Ferdinand Magellan
- Joined the Magallanes-Elcano famous expedition to the Moluccas begun in August 1519 and
finished September 1522. Was known as the first chronicler who accompanied Magellan in his
circumnavigation of the world.

The First Voyage Around the World

- Considered one of the most important documentary evidence relating the geographical
discoveries of the Sixteenth Century.
- Antonio Pigafetta’s own narration about the first world circumnavigation was one of the
greatest achievements in the history of navy exploration and discovery.
- In this narration can be found descriptions of peoples, countries, goods and even the languages
that were spoken, of which the seafarer was trying to assemble some brief glossaries.
Pigafetta faithfully documented plants and animals, manners and customs, languages and
geography of lands and seas never before seen by Europeans. What Magellan and his party did,
and what Pigafetta saw and recorded so well, forever changed our concept of the world and
vastly enlarged our knowledge of it.

Historical Content / Brief Description

- King Charles V provided the Spanish fleet named Armada de Molucca which was led by Magellan
Antonio Pigafetta heard about Magellan’s expedition, and being wishful to learn about the
world, he asked for and obtained the permission to join in the voyage.
- In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan, leading an expedition of five ships and over 270 men, set sail from
Spain in search of the Spice Islands and to discover the western route to the Moluccas.
The 5 ships are known as:
1. Santiago- where there are 32 crew, under the command of Juan Serrano, the
smallest of them all and the first ship that has been lost
2. San Antonio- 60 crew, under the command of Juan De Cartagena soon led by
Alvarado De Mesquita, Largest in the Fleet, and the second ship that has been lost
3. Concepcion- 43 crew, under the command of Gaspar de Quesada, Captain was
executed because of mutiny, was burned and the third ship that has been lost
4. Trinidad- 55 crew, under the command of Ferdinand Magellan, The Flagship, Was
attacked by Portuguese ship, left shipwrecked, Fourth ship that has been lost
5. Victoria- 43 crew, under the command of Luiz Mendoza; soon led by Juan Sebastian
Elcano, Where Antonio Pigaffeta on board, the first ship circumnavigated the world
and the only ship to complete the voyage.
- Magellan’s fleet weighed anchor from Seville on August 10th of the same year with five smaller
vessels, heading towards Canary Islands and down along the African coast, and across the
Equator. From there they sailed towards Brazil coast , where they stayed for some time, making
supplies and weaving friendly contacts with the cannibalistic natives who dwelled there.
- Then they arrived in Patagonia, where they spent winter months in a desolate solitude.T hey
met local people, who looked like giants in their eyes full of wonder, because of their robust
body types.
- They proceeded until the discovery of the strait, named after, Magellan himself, on October 21st
1520, and went through, although one of the ships deserted, sailing back to Spain. Magellan
named the archipelago Islas de los Ladrones, the Islands of Thieves.
- Finally, From the Marianas, Landrones Islands, the fleet moved on to the Philippines. But out of
the 5 ships, only 3 ships reached in the Philippines.

On March 18, 1521

- Nine men came and showed joy and eagerness in seeing them.
- Magellan realized that the men were reasonable and welcomed them with food, drinks and gifts
- Pigafetta characterized the people as "very familiar and friendly", they willingly showed them
different islands and the names of these islands. Intoduced the Palm tree and other usage of it
The island were they stayed at was named Humunu; nevertheless, because they found there
two springs of very fresh water they named it the “Watering Place of good signs”, and because
we found here the first signs of gold.

March 25, 1521

- They saw 2 ballanghai/balangay (a long boat full of people in Mazzava/Mazzaua

- Magellan and the king of balangay exchanged gifts and expressed their desire to become
March 31, 1521
- First Mass held in the Philippines
- Magellan planted a giant cross in our land, became the famed Magellan's Cross which is still
preserved at present day.
- The king of Cebu was baptized as a Christian
- People wished to become Christians through their free will and not because they were
April 14, 1521
- Pifagetta showed the image of Child Jesus and a cross to the queen and asked to keep in place
of her idols
- The Child Jesus is known today as Santo Niño, which is celebrated every January in Cebu.

April 27, 1521

- The Battle of Mactan. The dispute between Magellan and Lapu-Lapu was that when Magellan
ordered for the “idols” to be burned. They mistakenly burned one of the villages that was under
in Lapu-Lapu tribe and it caused great grief and anger to Lapu-Lapu.
- 49 versus 1,500 "Here Lapu-Lapu and his men repulsed the Spanish invaders, killing their leader,
Ferdinand Magellan, Thus Lapu-Lapu became the first Filipino to have repelled European
After the Battle of Mactan, their man is enough to man two ships: Trinidad and Victoria. Until,
they returned to Spain, only one ship survived which is Victoria, one of the 18 survivors was
Antonio Pigafetta which kept the journal about their expedition. His diligent and detailed
accounting of the expedition is the fullest, most valuable narrative of the voyage and one of the
most important geographical documents known.

Upon the advice of Pigafetta’s associates, he presented his account to Pope Clement VII, Philippe de
Villiers I’Isle-Adam, and to Louis of Savoy to finance its publication. But, he was unable to find a

The original journal of Pigafetta did not survived throughout the history. What was handed to us
was just the manuscript that never came out of the press during his lifetime
- His journal was posthumously published by Giovanni Battista Ramusio around 1550-1559.
- The English versions of the book were already edited by scholar Theodore Cachey Jr. and Henry
Edward John Stanley.


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