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Carpentry (CTW 111)

Classification of Tools: It’s Function and Maintenance

Recitation #2

Name: ____________________________

Course, Year, & Section: ____________

I. Enumerate different maintenance activities

of the tools listed below:
• Rough Facing or Striking Tools:
• Measuring Tools (3 each)
a. Hatchet, Adze and Axe (5 for this item)
a. Zigzag Rule
• Toothed Cutting Tools
b. Caliper
a. Hand Saws (General) (10 for this item)
d. Divider and Compass
b. Circular Saw (5 for this item)
• Marking Tools (3 each)
c. Miter Saw (5 for this item)
a. Charcoal Line
d. Chainsaw (5 for this item)
b. Scratch Awl and Scriber
e. Table Saw (5 for this item)
• Testing and Guiding Tools (3 each)
f. Files (5 for this item)
a. Level Bar
• Sharped-Edged Cutting Tools
b. Level Hose
a. Chisel (7 for this item)
c. Plumb Box
• Smooth Facing Tools (5 each)
d. Miter Box
a. Spoke Shave
e. Miter Shooting Board
b. Manual Planer
f. Sliding T-Bevel and Angle Divider
c. Electric Planer
g. Try Square and Miter Square
• Boring or Drilling Tools (5 each)
h. Combination Square
a. Gimlets and Augers
• Fastening Tools (5 each)
b. Hand Drills
a. Claw Hammer
c. Electric Drill
b. Wrench

c. Screwdrivers
Carpentry (CTW 111)
Classification of Tools: It’s Function and Maintenance
Recitation #2

• Holding Tools (5 each)

a. Clamps (General)

b. Vises

• Sharpening Tools

a. Grindstone and Oil Stone (3 for this item)

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