Big Bang

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histroy of universe from big bang to today

Scientists has predicted that, universe is created by "big bang". big bang theory
says that, our universe is created around 13.8 billion years ago. In starting of
our universe. all energy of universe was concentrated at a single point. At that
time, matter didn't existed in our universe. only energy existed.

the whole energy of universe was concentrated at a single point. hence, "energy
density" and "temperature" was infinite at that "point". the volume of that point
was approxly zero. so, it was a "point" with "zero volume", where whole energy of
universe was concentrated.

then a explosion happened in that point. scientists don't know exactly, why
explosion happened. but the reason of explosion is guessed to be the "unstablity of
energy of whole universe" at a single point.

hence, due to unstablity, explosion happened in the "energy concentrated" at a

single point.

Then energy started moving at a high speed. then, energy of universe started
converting into matter.

first, quark soup was created by energy. quark was the initial state of matter in
the universe. Quark has mass, electric charge, and color, as its properties.

then "up" and "down" quarks combined in different proportion to form Proton and

Proton was created by combination of 2 "up" and 1 "down" quark.

Neutron was created by combination of 1 "up" and 2 "down" quarks.

Gluon is a exchange particle between neutron and proton. gluon, glue neutron and
proton togetherly in nucleus.

nucleus, contain only proton, combined with electron to create first hydrogen atom
in universe.

13.4 billion years ago. When universe came in a state of excess of hydrogen atoms.
hydrogen atoms came together and created a dense volume, full of hydrogen atoms, in
space. the density increased so much, that the pressure and temperature was very
high. At that high temperatue and pressure, hydrogen atoms started combining and
formimg helium atom, this is called "nuclear fusion". high amount of energy in form
of heat and light releases in this reaction.

in this way, 1st stars started forming in our universe. in this way, light started
spreading in our universe.

there is one problem in this theory. hydrogen atoms are not able to create that
much gravitational force on each other, by which, they can get enough close to each
other, to create "enough dense volume" in space, to start "nuclear fusion".

so, the solution is to assume that something, has high gravity, was present in our
universe. name that substance as "Dark matter". so, dark matter was present in our
universe at different places. dark matter has high gravity. so, it was able to
attract hydroggen atoms toward it. by this way, huge amount of hydrogen atoms were
collected in a small volume in space. due to which, pressure and temperature rised
so much. due to which, "nuclear fusion" started. and stars started forming.
In this way, stars started forming. and light started spreading in our whole

In this way, many stars formed. universe was full of stars and left hydrogen gases.

then some of the stars whose, all hydrogen was converted into helium. they started
converting helium into higher elements. but this requires enough pressure and
temperature. once there is not enough temperature and pressure. stars cool down
from inside, because no heat is generating by nuclear fusion anymore. but gravity
of star, still try to push star's gasses toward the center.

It's a balance of gravity, pushing in gasses of the star and heat and pressure
pushing outward gasses, from the star's core. When a massive star runs out of fuel,
it cools off. This causes the pressure to drop. The collapse happens so quickly,
that it creates enormous "shock waves" that cause the outer part of the star to

this explosion create enough temperature and pressure, by which helium can convert
into higher elements like carbon, Iron, Uranium, etc.. which was not possible in
star, during its life.

so, at star's death, higher elements forms.

12 billion years ago. when early stars of universe exploded, highers elements were

then enough elements were formed. by which asteroids were formed. and also planets
were formed.

many stars had enough gravity that, when they died. they formed black holes.

4.6 billion years ago, our star named sun, was formed. dust and gasses started
revolving around the sun. then dust and gasses attracted toward each other, due to
gravity, to form earth. this time, temperature and pressure was not enough to
create a star. so, earth became a planet.

In starting, earth had water in form of gas. and molten core and crust. earth had
all elements formed in stars and in supernova of stars, like Helium, iron, Uranium,
carbon, etc..

heavier elements like Iron, nickel went down in the earth. and lighter elements
drifted up. this formed a molten iron nickel Core of earth. this core created a
magnetic field around the earth which protects earth from "solar winds".

when earth cooled down with time. it got a solid crust. but still has molten "Iron
nickel" core.

then, there is a theory that predicts, "how moon was formed".

4.5 billion years ago, a mars sized object was collided with earth. due to which,
some part of earth spreaded into space, but trapped by earth's gravity. hence, that
part of earth, started revolving around the earth. then by gravity, that part of
earth came together, and created moon.
moon gave earth tilted axis and seasons. moon's gravity slowed earth's rotation,
which increased day time on earth from 6 hours to 24 hours.

4.4 billion years ago, water vapour streams existed in atmosphere of earth, started
raining, for millions of years. it created oceans.

3.8 billion years ago, earth had moon and permanent oceans and land. earth had
hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, etc.. elements required for life. required to
create DNA.

700,000 years after earth was 1st formed. life on earth begins in form of bacteria.

2.5 billion years ago, some very special bacteria started consuming sun's energy.
And released waste product "oxygen".

sea had "iron" in it. oxygen started rusting iron. rusted iron collected on the sea
floor. later, these huge deposits became major source of iron and steel for humans.

after iron was rusted, ancient bacterias created so much oxygen that filled oceans,
and escaped into atmosphere.

after that, 1st time, some bacterias learned to live on oxygen. large solid
continents emerged.

550 million years ago, ozone layer came to protect us from dangerous radiations.
ocean organisms started evolving, to live on land, later. first, plants started
living on land.

400 million years ago, animals started living on land and ocean togetherly, named
as "amphibians". amphibian's eggs needed moisture of ocean. so, they could not
leave ocean permanently. but some amphibians solved this problem by evolving a new
form of egg, with shell that keeps the moisture in. these evolved amphibians are
named as "reptiles". hence, reptiles could leave the ocean, permanently.

300 million years ago, life florishes in massive tropical form. when plants died
there, and barried deep in ground, give coal millions of years in the future.

250 million years ago, a very big disaster came. A biggest spike in volcanic
activity, since early days of earth came. atmosphere was filled with Carbon
dioxide. more than 70% of the species on earth, go extinct. this is known as
"permian extinction".

around 225 million years ago, dinasours started ruling over earth. they ruled for
around 160 million years. also, in this time, 1 continent seperated into many.

65 million years ago, a 6 mile wide object hitted earth. dinasour extincted. But
mammals survived, because of their small size.

then, mammals started evolving. also, all left organisms started evolving.

10 million years ago, "ice age" started coming on earth. cold mountains formed. it
changed the weather pattern.

7 million years ago, our ancestors "Apes" were living safely on trees. then, grass
emerged. due to which, amount of trees reduced. it reduced the amount of food for
Apes. so, Apes had to walk long, on their legs, in search of food. hence, Apes
started walking on 2 legs.
around 2.6 million years ago, early proto-humans came into existence. they could
walk on 2 legs. earth's rocks was loaded with element Silicon. silicon made the
technological revolution possible. this era called "Stone age". they created
weapons by use of silicon.

around 800,000 years ago, they controlled fire. then, they could cook their food

200,000 years ago, modern human fully taken shape. voice box which was higher in
the neck, decends, which made possible more complex sounds.

100,000 years ago, humans started migrating from africa to eurasia.

50,000 years ago, glaciers began to advance down, from north pole.

30,000 years ago, humans arrived china and australia.

20,000 years ago, human reached europe. As ice started freezing, bridges were
formed of ice, between different continents. ocean level also went down. humans
could go to different continents.

12,000 years ago, humans reached south america. humans had managed to colonise
entire globe, with "ice age" land bridges. But then, ice began to melt and sea
level rised again.

humans are seperated and trapped on unconnected continents. our todays world map
emerges. Heavy rain created rivers and lakes on continents.

As ice age overed, human begin to stop migrating. permanent settlement begins.
population growed. they needed more food. they learnt to plant seeds. wheat, etc..
were start growing.

middle east had all requirements to start farming and domestication. they
domesticated Cattle, Pig, Sheep, Goat, etc..

time passes, cities were made. but crop dependency arised. we clustered around
rivers and lakes. then, trade started of goods.

5000 years ago, humans entered the "Iron age". where they used iron products.

2600 years ago, hourse and iron weapons were started using in wars. it rised many

With passing time, Gun powder was acidentally invented. which resulted in discovery
of new weapon named "Gun".

300 years ago, Coal was discovered, and "Stream engine" was created by it.

As time passed, human understanding of how universe works, developed. they started
to understand the reason behind everthing. this study of knowing reason behind all
phenomenon called science.

with development of science, we understood how to use science to create technology,

like machines.

with development of technology, we reached today's level of life style. where we

have machines all around us. we can extract energy from wind, water, even from
nucleus. we can perform surgeries. we undertand genetics. we explore space. this
level of human development became possible, just because of Science.

Still, we are developing science, to create more advanced technology.

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