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A. Background of the Research

English has been used for all over the world in recent years as an International

language. It has an important role in people’s communication. English is taught in junior

high and senior high school as a foreign language that becomes one of the important

subject because it is included in the curriculum structure as a compulsory subject. This

subject is also tested in the National exam which shows the importance of this subject.

In Indonesia, English is taught from elementary school level to university level.

Learning English could not be separated from learning its four basic skills so students

should comprehend reading, listening, speaking, and writing. Reading is one of the skills

that should be mastered by students because it is an important skill of language

development. It also provides opportunities for students to learn language about

vocabulary, grammar, spelling, punctuation and the way to construct sentences,

paragraphs, and text which useful for language acquisition.

Reading is a neuronally and intellectually circuitous act, enriched as much by the

unpredictable indirections of a reader’s inferences and thoughts, as by the direct message

to the eye from the text” (Wolf,2007,p.16 in Hedgecock and Ferris, 2009,15). It is line

with Snow (2002:2), who also states that reading comprehension are supported by

empirical evidence. In mastering reading skills students have to understand some kinds of

reading texts such as descriptive, procedure, narrative, recount, and report.

Reading comprehension is the ability to process text, understand its meaning, and

to integrate it with what the reader already knows. Fundamental skills required in

efficient reading comprehension are knowing meaning of words, ability to understand

meaning of a word from discourse context, ability to follow organization of passage and

to identify antecedents and references in it, ability to draw inferences from a passage

about its contents, ability to identify the main thought of a passage, ability to answer

questions answered in a passage, ability to recognize the literary devices or propositional

structures used in a passage and determine its tone, to understand the situational mood

(agents, objects, temporal and spatial reference points, casual and intentional inflections,

etc.) conveyed for assertions, questioning, commanding, refraining etc. and finally ability

to determine writer's purpose, intent and point of view, and draw inferences about the


Based on the problems above, it is very suggested for teacher to select and to

prepare some variations of techniques in order to motivated students, encourage active

learning and make them work in group when learning reading comprehension. Moreover,

nowadays, many teaching methods and techniques are offered to facilitate teachers in

developing students’ ability in comprehending text of reading. One of those techniques

which are to improve students’ reading comprehensions is Numbered Head Together. In

this study, the researcher will focus on doing research of reading narrative text eighth

grade junior high school students, one of the text types which has to be learnt by them is

narrative text which focused on exploring report text such as the generic structure and

language features of text.

The researcher considers the Numbered Heads Together technique can be

implemented by the teacher to solve those problems, and also for the students to help

making the visual images as they read report text and write activities to enhance their

reading comprehension especially on reading to assist them in understanding the text.

The one from several types of cooperative learning is Number Head Together (NHT), in

this research, the researcher used Number Head Together (NHT) technique.

B. Scope of the Research

The reading text used will be report text and will concern to generic structure and

language feature

C. Statement of the Problem

Considering the problem above, the researchers formulated problem statements as

follow: What extend does the use of Number Head Together (NHT) improve students’

Reading Comprehension?

D. Statement of Problems

Based on the background of the research, the problem of the research can be

formulated such as:

1. Null hypothesis (HO) = The use of hypothesis the use of the report text in the

English language in Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Ternate.

2. Null hypothesis (HI) = The use of report text in the English language in Madrasah

Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Ternate.

E. Objective of the Research

The objective of the research is to know the improvement of students’ reading

comprehension by using Number Head Together (NHT).

F. Significance of the Researcher

There are two aspects in the results of this study, namely theoretically and practically.

1. Theoretically Significance

The results of this research are to add knowledge and information about Numbered

Head Together in reading comprehension.

2. Practically Significance

Practically, the findings of the research serve as a reliable reference for the teachers’

or lecturers’ of English who want to apply Numbered Head Together in Reading

Comprehension as a method training to students’ especially in improving reading




This chapter presents the literature review and the theoretical. In the theoretical

review the researcher discusses theory sand the research studies which are relevant


A. Theoretichal Concept

1. Definition of Reading

Reading is one of the language skills which have very complex process. Reading

is learning process of transferring information from writer to the reader by using written

form. The writer is the sender of the information, thoughts, ideas and the reader is the

receiver of the message. It is supported by Harrison (2004:3) who states that reading is

the importance of reading in relation to human development.

According to Mc Donough and Shaw (1993:110), Reading is the most important

foreign language skill, Much of the current thinking tends to focus primarily on the

purpose of reading because our reading processes will vary according to our purpose.

According to Grabe (2009:5), reading in citizen of modern societies must be good readers

to be succsesful, reading skills do not guarantee success for anyone but succsess is much

harder to come by without being a skilled readers. It involves certain attitudes and

reactions towards the text a reader is reading.

Reading becomes important because they are many sources of written

information. By reading a lot, student may enlarge their vocabulary and will be more

familiar with English sentence structure. When the student read, they also process and

transfer information on their brain, so they must focus on reading comprehension. In

reading process, one of the fundamental conditions of a successful ekstensive reading

programe is that students should be raeding material which they can understand (Harmer,

1991:283). The eyes have a function to see the printed or written text. The process of

reading not only see the printed or written text because many people see the text in the

way but he or she does not read it. So, the reading process is seeing the printed or written

text and trying to understand the text that he or she has read.

2. Definition of Comprehension

Reading and comprehension can not be separated from each other. that

comprehension instruction in the primary grades is not only possible but wise and

beneficial rather than detrimental to overall reading development, It is in line with Miller,

Debbie. (2006:50), who says that when readers can extract the required information from

a text, it can be said that they understand and comprehend a written text they read.

Comprehension is the ability to derive meaning and understanding it from printed text at

the word, phrase, or sentence. When the words are combined into phrases and sentence

the readers need to make sense of what they read by connecting the ideas in the text to

what they already know so that they can grasp the text.

According to Caldwell (2008:4-5). Reading comprehension is “the process of

simultaneously extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement

with written language”. The act of reading is not complete until comprehension has taken

plays, so without comprehension they will not be able to find out the meaning of a text

they read.

3. Definition of reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is a complex undertaking that involves many levels of

processing. One of the most fundamental aspects of comprehension is the ability to deal

with unfamiliar words encountered in text. Readers who struggle with word-level tasks

use up valuable cognitive space that could be allotted to deeper levels of text analysis.

Reading comprehension is essential for many children to ensure their transition from

beginning reading to reading proficiently Snow (2002.7). Mature readers need to process

a basic knowledge of “how word work” and a set of strategies for approaching new

words encountered throughout the day.

Reading comprehension includes all of the process related in acquiring and

understanding meaning from written language. In short, reading comprehension means

the ability in interpreting the words, understanding and constructing the meaning and the

relationship of ideas conveyed in a printed language that involves the reading process

elements in order to create a representation of a text in readers mind. Kligner, et al.

(2007:2) reading comprehension is the process of constructing meaning by coordinating a

number of complex processes that include word reading, word and world knowledge, and


4. Reading Comprehension Strategies

Reading comprehension strategies are tools that proficient readers use to solve the

comprehension problems they encounter in text. Identify seven reading comprehension


1. Activating or building background knowledge

2. Questioning Using sensory images

3. Using sensory images

4. Making prediction and inferences

5. Determining main idea

6. Using fix-up option

7. Synthesizing

5. The Purpose the Reading

There are many purposes in reading activity. Each person has their own purposes

in reading something. Reading is still a purposeful activity even if it is done for readers’

enjoyment. No matter what the purposes of readers to read, whether it is for learning

language, getting pleasure, or so on, the main purpose of reading is to get the message

from the text.

Most of the readers read for their pleasure, to get specific information, to located

material dealing with special problems, and many time readers read to share information

with others. As a skill, reading is clearly one of the most important; in fact, in many

instances around the world, we may argue that reading is the most important language

skill, particularly in cases where students have to read English material for their own

specialist subject but may never have to speak the language. (McDonough & Shaw,

2003:10). The reading purpose of readers in determined by their intention or aim in

reading a certain text.

6. Principles in Teaching Reading

According to Harmer (1998:70-71), the principles behind the teaching of reading are:

1. Reading is not a passive skill.

2. Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.

3. Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to

the language. It is especially important that they should be allowed to express their
feelings about the topic-thus provoking personal engagement with it and the


4. Prediction is a major factor in reading.

5. Match the task to the topic.

6. Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full

7. Numbered Head Together (NHT)

a. Definition Numbered Head Together

The use of techniques helps teacher infer a students’ comprehension of material read.

Numbered Head Together is an approach developed by to involve more students in

reviewing materials covered in a lesson and in checking their understanding of a lessons

content. (Arends, 2012:371). There are a lot of reading techniques that can help students’

to improve their reading comprehension.

Numbered Head Together can be used in English as a foreign language reading class

(Richards and Renandy, 2002:52).. In cooperative learning numbered head together,

students work in teams to learn. But that does not mean students can hide behind

teammates. If we are to have gains for all students, each student must be regularly held

individually accountable for his/her own contributions and learning (Kangan and Kangan,


Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning strategy promotes the cooperation

between students in groups to achieve learning objectives. it can be used by students to

complete a small group activity or, answer and respond a question which can be an

effective way to encourage students inquiry and problem solving. Numbered Head

Together (NHT) is also structure that can teacher used to teach lesson and to review
students’ comprehension of particular content. It means NHT is a group working that not

only considers about the group comprehension in answering or explaining the answer but

also focuses on the each member of the groups’ comprehension.

b. The Advantages of Numbered Head Together

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) has several advantages. First, it can improve

students’ academic achievement and be applied to almost all subject areas. NHT can

motivate students to learn since the technique has the sense of competition and fun for

students. Besides, they will be motivated because they are helped by their teammates.

Since they are being motivated, they will participate actively during the lesson.

NHT promotes a successful group work functioning because all of the members in each

group have to know and get ready to answer and explain their group’s answer Richards

and Renandya, (2002:52-53). Numbered Heads Together, each student must write their

best answer on their own and show it to their teammates before they put their heads

together to tutor and coach each other. Further, on each round, one student on each team

is randomly selected to share the team’s answer with the class and teacher. Thus all

students are individually accountable; each round they must perform in front of their

teammates, and on any round they may have to perform on their own in front of the

teacher and the class Kagan and Kagan (2009:5.11).

c. The Steps of Numbered Heads Together

There are four steps in doing Numbered Heads Together (NHT):

1. Each student in a group of four gets a number : 1, 2, 3, 4.

2. The teacher or a student asks a question based on the text the class is reading.

3. Students in each group put their heads together to come up with an answer or

answers. They should also be ready to supply support for they answer(s) from the text

and/or from other knowledge.

4. The teacher calls a number from 1 to 4. The person with that number gives and

explains their group’s answer.

(Richards and Renandya, 2002:52-53)

B. Relevant previous research

In order to make research valid, the researcher takes two previous research to support

the research. Firstly, the research was conducted by Ummi Nurul Hasanah with the title

“The Effectiveness of Numbered Head Together on Students’ Reading Comprehension of

Narrative Text”. The objective of this study was to obtain the empirical evidence of the

effect of using Numbered Head Together (NHT) on students ‘reading comprehension

narrative text to the second grade of MTs Nur Asy-Syafi’iyah (Yaspina) in the Academic

Year 2016/2017. The method used in this study quantitative method using quasi-

experimental design. The subject of the research was the second grade which consist of

30 students.

Secondly, the research that was done by Fithiawati with the title “The Effectiveness

of Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique on Students’ Reading Ability of

Narrative Text. The objective of this study was to know the effectiveness of Numbered

Head Together (NHT) on students ‘reading ability narrative text at the second grade
students’ of MTs Nur Asy-Syafi’iyah Rempoa in the Academic Year 2013/2014.

Population of the research was all of the second grade students’. Number of the students

in the second grade were 50 students that consist of two classes VIII.I and VIII.2.

Because all of the population used as a sample, this research used purposive sampling


There are some similarities and different of the research between the researcher and

other researcher. The similarities between the first and second previous study are the

researcher and other researcher using classroom action researcher to the subject of the

researcher. The first researcher and other researcher used same media, they are using

numbered head together.

While, This research is conducted which the respondent are 29 chosen convince from

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Ternate, who studied about Numbered head

together in eighth grade, and the different with these two studies conduct by Ummi Nurul

Hasanah research with the title “The Effectiveness of Numbered Head Together on

Students’ Reading Comprehension of Narrative Text”, which the respondent 30 students.

While by Fithiawati with the title “The Effectiveness of Numbered Head Together (NHT)

Technique on Students’ Reading Ability of Narrative Text. Which the respondent 50

students, that consist of two classes VIII.I and VIII.2.



This chapter discussed about research method, research field, population and

sample, technique of data collection, and technique of data analysis.

A. Research Method

The methodology used in this research is a quantitative. According to Muijs

(2004:2) quantitative research is essentially about collecting numerical data to explain a

particular phenomenon. The researcher used the experimental research. Experimental

research is a study that creates a condition to the subject of research as a treatment. So,

the meaning of the word experiment in this research is a way of trying something new,

especially in order to gain experience.

Diagram of Research:

O1 X O2

In which:

O1 : the value pretest (before giving treatment by using short story)

X : in the treatment by using short story in vocabulary

O2 : the value of the posttest (after giving treatment by using short story)

(Sugiyono, 2012:111)

B. Research Field

This research will be conducted at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Ternate

particular focus on eight grade student.

C. Population and Sample of Research

1. Population

Population is the area of generalatization consists of object has quality and certain

characteristic which is stated by the reseracher to learn and then to conclude

(Sugiyono, 2012:297). Total of student at eight grade student are 238 student consists

of nine classes. The population of this research is the eighth grade students in

Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Ternate in Academic Year 2019/2020.

2. Sample

Sample is a part of number and characteristic that is possessed on population

Sugiyono (2012:297). The researcher uses convenient sampling that consists of 29

students’ in class VIII-1 of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri 1 Kota Ternate.


Gender Total
Male 15
Female 14
Total 29

3. Instrument of the Research

The instrument used in this research is reading text. The test is an objective test

which is fill in blank by report text.

D. Techniques of Collecting Data

The instrument of this reasearch they are:

a. Treatment

The researcher is conducted in sixth meeting the steps are as follows: first

meeting, researcher will give an explanation of the report text. The second meeting,

researcher told the students to tell in front of the class about each experience they

had made at home. The third meeting, researcher divided students into several

groups and shared short dialogue texts for students later to have dialogue in front of

the class with their group friends. The fourth meeting, the researcher give them a text

and ask to read the text. Then, students front in the class one by one to retell the text.

b. Pretest

In pretest the researcher give them report text and retell of the text in front of the


c. Posttest

After the pretest, the researcher divided them into groups and filled in the blanks

of the report text that had been provided.

E. Technique of Data Analyzing

There are two kinds of evaluation of the data:

To analyze the data, the researcher used dependent-test is sample formed. L.R.Gay

(1992) to compere the result, the researcher uses the formulated as follow:

1. Calculating the mean score or the students’ answer by using formula :

S× D

T =Gossett Scores
S x D́ = Standard error of means

D́ = The difference between pretest and posttest

N = Total Sample

2. To analyze the formula above, that formula has been shown below:

a. Counting the difference between group one (X1) and group two (X2).


b. Counting standard error of means for the difference means.

∑ D2 D́2
√ N

c. Counting standard error of means for the difference.

S X́ D=
√ N −1
b. Computing t-Score

S X́ D

(L.R.Gay, 1992:421-472)


Arends. R. I (2012:370). Learning to Teach, Ninth Edition, (New York: McGraw-Hill

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Fithiawati (2014). The Effectiveness of Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique on Students’

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Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayahtullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

Gay, L.R (1992). Educational Research Competencies for Analysis and Aplication. New York:

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Grabe, W.( 2009:5). Reading in a Second Language (Moving from Theory to

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Harrison, C. (2004:3) Understanding Reading Development

Hedgcock. J.S and Ferris R. Dana (2009: 15 ) Teaching Readers of English

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Sugiyono (2012:297). Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Pendekatan kuantitatif, kualitatif dan

R&D. Alfabeta Bandung.


Appendix 1


Appendix 2: Teaching materials


Report text is one type of text that contains a detailed explanation of an object. it can be in the

form of a physical description, non-physical description, or scientific facts of an object.

From the definition, the report text looks almost similar to descriptive text. But it's actually

different. Report text describes a more general phenomenon. While descriptive text is a specific

and detailed explanation, identical to the five senses.

In addition, this type of text is based on factual explanations (factual report texts) that are

scientific in nature. While in descriptive texts, you will still find subjective sentences that contain

the author's opinion.


Text is created for different purposes. The purpose of the report text is to inform (to inform) or

describe (to describe) to the reader about an object in general. The object can be a place, animal,

plant, or human.


Like other texts, this text has special characteristics that distinguish it from other types of text.

Here are the characteristics.

1. Contains scientific facts

2. The title of the text is more general, not very specific.

3. The tense used is the Simple Present Tense.

Language Features

It is not linguistics to build the report text into a good unified text. Here's the explanation:

1. This text uses the first verb (verb1) and to be am, is, are.

2. This text uses general nouns. For example: Instead of using the word “my favorite cat” (my
favorite cat), in the report text you will find the word “persian cat” (persian cat).

3. The existence of technical terms according to the field of science the topic of the text. For
example, if the topic is "museum", you will find many terms related to history.

4. The paragraph in the report text contains the topic sentence.

General structure of report text

The general structure or often referred to as the generic structure in the report text is divided into

two parts, namely classification and general description.

General classification

The general classification is the beginning or the first paragraph of the report text. This section

contains general statements. This general statement describes the description of the report text

object itself


The description is the second part of the report text or report text. This section contains a

description of the situation or description of the phenomenon that occurred. It is in the form of its

parts, behavior, characteristics, characteristics, or habits. Here, the explanation is presented

scientifically. However, the text of the report is a news text but a scientific factual text.



Skin is the outer layer of the body. In human being, it is the largest organ of the system that

covers our body. Our skin has a function to protect our body from infection and extreme

temperatures, maintain fluid balance, and synthesize vitamin D for our personal needs.

Skin has three main layers, which are Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis that have their

respective tasks and need each other. The Epidermis layer is the outermost layer of the skin. This

layer does not contain blood vessels, and is formed from Merkel cells, keratinocytes, with

melanocytes and Langerhans cells. Under the Epidermis layer, there is Dermis layer. This layer

contains hair follicles, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, lymphatic vessels and

blood vessels. This layer is connected to the Epidermis layer with the basement membrane.

Structurally, this layer is divided into two regions, which are the region next to the epidermis

called the Papillary region, and the thick inner region that is known as the Reticular region.

Furthermore, there is Hypodermis layer which located below the Dermis layer. This layer is

known as Subcutaneous tissue. Hypodermis serves to attach the skin to the underlying bone and

muscle and supply them with blood vessels and nerves. The combination of these three main

layers has an average thickness of 1 mm.


From the text above, we can see that the text does not contain the subjective opinion of the

author and has the same characteristics as the characteristics of Report Text, namely:

• Contains scientific facts, such as: The function of the skin and the layers of the skin and its


• Title text is very general.

• All sentences in the text above use the Simple Present Tense. Example: Skin is the outer layer

of the body, etc.


1. General Classification

This section is located in the first paragraph of the text which explains in general about the Skin.

2. Description

This section is located in the second paragraph of the text above which describes the layers of the

skin and their functions.

Appendix 3: Instruments


Name :


Earthquake often happens around us. It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be

predicted and that makes lot victims.

Actually there are three kinds of earthquake. This kinds of earthquake are commonly base on the

factor and geological area where the earthquakes happen. These three kinds of earthquake are

tectonic, volcanic and explosion.

Tectonic earthquakes are most common one. This kind of earthquake happens while earth’s

crust rocks break because of the geological strength created by moving of the earth’s plates.

Volcanic earthquakes happen exactly with volcanic activity. Volcanic earthquakes are when the

volcano produces acidic lava, which drys quickly, when it dries quickly it blocks the top of the

volcano. This make no more magma can escape. Pressure starts to build up and eventually the

acidic lava can no longer stand the pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is

released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A volcanic earthquake is usually kept within 10-20

miles of the volcano.

Explosion earthquakes are the result of the collapse earthquakes that are small earthquakes

occurring in underground mines and caverns.


The members:


Mangrove Trees

A mangrove is a tropical marine tree. Mangroves have special aerial roots and salt-filtering tap
roots which enable them to thrive in brackish water. Brackish water is salty but not as salty as
sea water.

Mangrove trees are commonly planted and found in coastal areas. Mangroves can serve as
walls of protection for natural disaster in coastal area like tsunami. According to BBC News,
healthy mangrove forests had helped save lives in the Asia disaster tsunami and people tended to
respect these natural barriers even more, especially after the tsunami.

There are several species of mangrove tree found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity,
while others like to be very-close to a large fresh water source such as river. Some prefer areas
that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water every day
during high tide. Other species grow on dry land but are still part of the ecosystem. The Times of
India reported that rare species of mangrove had been found and was also known as the
looking-glass tree, probably because the leaves are silver-coated.

Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leave above the surface of the water. Yet they also need
to be firmly attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves.

Any part of root that appears above the water will flows oxygen to the plant under water surface.
As the soil begin to build up, these roots procedure additional roots that become embedded in
the soil.


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