A Beautiful Nightmare

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A Beautiful Nightmare

In a one gloomy afternoon, a cheerful little girl was lost in the middle of a teak- brown forest. She
walked and roamed around, wondering what is in the woody heaven have. A sweet surrendering scent
of the moist afternoon dew that cascades all around her nostrils. And as she continued her path, its
heart is what she found.

The isolated forest remained untouched by the destructive essence of man is seen. And being rose again
from death is what she is feeling as she continues her path. Then, the mixed cool breeze approaches her
and made leaves fall from the fortress. It was like they were dancing in the motion of turning a brittle
brown. And as she steps, the sound of shattered glass that emphasize the leaves being crunched. And
the beautiful dress she was wearing sway like she was dancing accompanied by the voices of birds
singing. And as she looks up the sky, the time seems in a hurry and begun to set down.

She found a bed of flowers and lied in it. Letting the time passed by. Suddenly, she had fallen asleep.
And a light feeling as she wakes up comforts her from a beautiful nightmare.

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