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Data/Info/ Fact of your Family


a) Mother and Father have attained higher education

b) Sister has vocational training in midwifery

c) Grandmother is a dietician, and an instructor of Zumba class in the community hence encourages the
whole family to exercise regularly


Minor Determinant

The family is literate to understand health conditions, and risks that may be harmful to their health,
therefore it may influence the way they perceive the importance of their food intake. This is beneficial
to them because they can conduct self-care, which may result to good well-being.

Physical Environment

a) High Noise pollution level in the Family’s residence

b) There’s poor air quality in the city

c) Close to sites with toxic materials


Major Determinant

The family is vulnerable to health diseases due to the environmental condition because it affects the
ability of the family to live a healthy life, since clean is fundamental. Also, because the family has health
diseases that may increase risk of severity.

Employment and Working Conditions

a) Mother works in an office setting from 8am to 5pm every week

b) Father drives vehicle during differential business hours

c) An elder sister works from home every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7am to 4pm


Major Determinant
The family is prone to influenza, and other health risks because they are often interacting with other
people, as they travel from and to their workplace. Most especially now that the world is dealing with
the pandemic.

Social Support Networks

a) Mother is part of the alliances in the barangay hence she has a good support system in the

b) Father is known in the community because of his work, which enables him to have friends from other
parts of the city

c) An elder brother is an advocate of environment as he promotes healthy living in the community

through a non-government organization


Minor Determinant

This contributes to their widening their knowledge in terms of the health conditions of the people in the
community, and through having a great social support it enables them to live healthier by collaborating
with others about what’s the best healthy lifestyle, which would give them comfort, and security of
having no diseases.


a) Parents trust superstitious beliefs when it comes to health risk without consulting to health

b) Father has a high salt intake, for he is used to eating foods with condiments aside

c) Mother prefers not to go to the hospital for a check-up because she believes that if it’s not deadly
then there’s no need to go to the hospital.


Moderate Determinant

The health beliefs of Filipinos are difficult to combat, and it is one of the leading causes why it is difficult
for Filipinos to see physicians because it has been instilled to them for the longest time, however the
family should understand the science behind the fallacies and learn that it may affect their health


a) Father has a diabetes, which he inherited from his mother

b) Mother and younger sister have asthma

c) Grandfather (Mother side) has high blood pressure


Major Determinant

Genetics have a grave impact on health of the family, it is good that the family were able to detect the
disease at the early stage so it can be treated as soon as possible since it plays a key role in the lifespan.

Personal Behavior and Coping Skills

a) An elder sister exercise regularly, and often eats healthy foods

b) Mother loves eating fruits and vegetable every day

c) Father is a night owl who likes to sleep late but doesn’t have any vices aside from having poor dietary


Moderate Determinant

The family have some variations when it comes to their health behavior, and it is important to stick to a
routine because when an individual continues having a bad habit it becomes detrimental to their health,
such how sleeping late can cause insomnia and other diseases, although the work condition of the
father must be considered since there is no specific hours indicated in his line of work.

Health Services

a) Family residence is near to a public hospital and healthcare center

b) Mother’s sister is a licensed nurse

c) Mother and Father have health insurances


Minor determinant

This is not a concern to the family since health services are accessible to the area, and because they
know someone who is knowledgeable enough to assist them in case there is an unfortunate event
happens. Aside from this, the health insurance is a great help to the family since it may protect them
from costly expenses.

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