Position Paper - SDG 16

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SDG 16 entails to target political will and practical action for good governance to

generate, yet with the plight of states that have weak governance, I agree that it is

necessary to strengthen institutions, and impose global standards for peace and justice.

This SDG is designed to enable each state to have an effective governance, however,

each state faces adversities in varying factors. In combating global issues there must be

an imposed provision based on the rule of law, due to the government is solely

responsible in implementing a sustainable system for their citizens. I coincide with the

targets that is included in the SDG, since I believe that the states are accountable for

their lapses, thus issues like this must be discussed to raise awareness.

When the state cannot efficiently deploy resources, and experiences financial

shortfalls that it portrays low quality services, and heavily affects the citizens as well as

the socioeconomic of the state (Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era).

The lack of resources to mobilize policies, and programs is the birth of the citizens’

vulnerability to basic needs. Recently, the International Criminal Court states that they

will investigate President Duterte’s death spree due its severity, and violation of human

rights (Castaneda, 2021). More than this, countries like Afghanistan that is because of

how weak their government system in handling the situation (Cockburn, 2021).

Therefore, citizens are forced to stand on their own to survive, which makes them at

risk. The state is at fault in times like this, for they do have the power to rule their

people, yet they failed to prioritize the safety of the citizens, thus, covering the issues on

peace, justice and national institutions are vital as SDG 16 promote it globally for a

collective reform. However, it is important to consider that each people, especially adult

is liable to afford to pay their expenses including the condition of their condition.
The global targets of SDG 16 centralize on empowering national institutions to

function productively, and fight against violence among the citizens who are unprotected

with their own representatives. This depicts the ineffective governance of the state,

which fails to provide resources, and opportunities to its citizens, who are victims of

injustice, inequality, and others. I highly suggest for the SDG 16 to be used as a basis,

in transforming the society that would aid developing countries to be in pace with

developed countries that has an infirm government system.


Castaneda, J. (2021) International court probes Duterte-era death spree.

Retrieved from https://asiatimes.com/2021/09/international-court-probes-duterte-era-


Cockburn, P. (2021) It is government weakness, not Taliban strength, that

condemns Afghanistan. Retrieved from


United Nations Children’s Fund. Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions.

Retrieved from https://data.unicef.org/sdgs/goal-16-peace-justice-strong-institutions/

Grondona et al. (2016) SDG 16 Policies to address the gender dimension of Illicit

Financial Flows. Retrieved from



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