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1. Achilles - The central character of the Iliad and the greatest warrior in the Achaian army.
The most significant flaw in the temperament of Achilles is his excessive pride.
2. Agamemnon - The well-meaning but irresolute king of Mycenae; commander-in-chief of
the expedition against Troy. He is a brother of Menelaos.
3. Odysseus - is the shrewdest and most subtle of all the Achaians and a brave warrior
besides, as he demonstrates on many occasions.
4. Helen - Originally married to Menelaos, she ran away to Troy with Paris and became his
wife. Supposedly, she is the most beautiful woman in the world; however, she is also
5. Aeneas - a Trojan nobleman.
6. Hektor (Hector) - Prince of Troy and son of Priam and Hekuba. Hektor is commander of
all the Trojan and allied forces. He is the greatest of the Trojan warriors and one of the
noblest characters in the Iliad. He is a devoted and loving husband and father.
7. Andromache - The wife of Hektor. She seems to illustrate Homer's idea of the good wife
and mother; she is loyal, loving, and concerned for her family, and is willing to accept the
decisions of her husband.
8. Paris (Alexandros) - A prince of Troy; son of Priam and Hecuba; also husband of Helen.
His reputation is that of a "pretty boy." His smoothness and glibness are not admired by
the warriors of either side, and they often accuse him of cowardice.
9. Priam - King of Troy. He is very old and no longer able to command his army in the
field, but his great courage is seen when he travels to the Achaian camp one night to
ransom Hektor's body.
10. Thetis - Mother of Achilles, a sea nymph. She is a staunch advocate of her son in his
quarrel with Agamemnon and does all she can to help him, but she is not otherwise
involved in the war.
11. Poseidon - Younger brother of Zeus; god of the sea. He is a strong supporter of the
Achaian cause, having an old grudge against Troy.
12. Briseis - the love interest of Achilles. Briseis is a war prize given to Achilles, taken by
Agamemnon, and returned to Achilles. Briseis is a virgin priestess of Apollo.
13. Eudoros - was the second of Achilles' five commanders at the Trojan War. he is one of
achille's loyal friends
1. (The boat scene; the scolding of Hector to Paris)
- The scolding of Hector to Paris caught my attention as I can somehow relate to it as
my sister does the same to me. I was really in favor of Hector during this scene, I was
astonished at how he quick-wittedly point out the irrational decisions of Helen and
Paris for running away besides the fact that they know the consequences, yet they still
pursued their selfish judgment.
2. (The scene of love making between Breseis and Achilles)
- During this scene, I was captivated by the love hate relationship between Breseis and
Achilles, it felt like I was watching a modern high school love hate romance and I
admired the chemistry of an unexpected couple in the movie.
3. (The kissing of king Priam to Achilles hand)
- I felt the undying love and compassion of King Priam to his son Hector while
watching this particular scene, he did the bravest decision of kissing the hand of the
killer of his son, and I was captivated by not only King Priam but to Achilles as well,
as he showed respect and sympathy even to his enemy and even gave twelve days of
peace to the kingdom of Troy. It made me admire Achilles even more as I saw how
brave, respectful, and bold he is, a man that fights for his own and the ones he loves, a
soldier that can never compare to a foolish and self-centered, unlike Paris.
There are two moral lessons that I got from the movie and I concluded them in a simple
quotation, "think of the consequences before doing something you might regret later" and
"be true to yourself and do your own will" these two quotations pertains to two different
characters in the story, the both have very different personalities and characteristics. The first
one describes the foolishness of Helen and Paris for who started the war and ruptured the
supposable peace between Troy and Sparta that has resulted in the bloodshed of many brave
soldiers and innocents. And thus, it is certainly a great lesson not just for me but for everyone
as well no matter what age or status of life we are in, it can apply anytime when it comes to
decision making. The second quotation pertains to the brave warrior Achilles, to be honest
when I watch the first few minutes of the movie my first impression of Achilles was a bad
person who only knows killing and wars, but in the latter part of the movie, I began to
understand his actions and I realize how honest he can be with his will and feelings. I take
Achilles as a person who can be a role model to myself. I wanted the capabilities of Achilles of
his freedom and perseverance cause I as well aim to be more honest to myself on what I want
to pursue and what want to be for myself and to the people I care about.

Achilles, Briseis, and Hector are only three among all the characters in the movie but this three
have touched and amazed me the most. What I saw in these characters is something that I wanted
to have for myself. Like Achilles's honest will and courage that he chose not to fight for any king
but he fought for his soldiers and himself. Briseis represented bravery as a woman and her will to
defend herself and I admired her love for Achilles that gave him peace cause I wanted to have
someone as strong and handsome as him someday (LOL). Hector on the other hand showed
compassion to his country and people and he also showed bravery for facing Achilles after
committing his mistake of killing a young boy he still stood and fight until his death, not only he
tolerated his foolish brother but he was a dedicated and a loving father and husband.

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