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Through the history of the Philippines indolence’s of Filipinos have been there, it

was said that Filipinos don’t work hard, because it was an already existed nature by the
time Filipinos occupied by the Spaniards, the trouble that the Filipino experience to the
immigrants become a continued behavior and develop to become indolence. although
the indolence’s in the Philippines is by nature and not a hereditary one, rather when
Filipinos want to do something there are no sufficient resources in terms of what they
want. Just like when Filipinos tried to cultivate their lands and establish businesses,
there was insufficient capital and government protections, rather they were made and
forced to pay extraordinarily high taxes and exploited by the foreign rulers. But before
Spaniards arrived on the Philippines the natives were able to business with other

One of the reasons of a Filipino being known as indolence’s is because they

have no sufficient jobs to be able to become productive, these reasons become most
probably the problem by Filipino. There is no sufficient job when Filipinos applying for a
decent job, making it difficult for Filipinos to lift themselves and to become a hard-
working person, that’s why they stop looking for a job and neglected about it. other
things are that there are no opportunities for Filipinos to become a productive person as
they don’t have the ability to get along with their surrounding rather just doing nothing.

Back then Filipinos had been occupied by the Spaniards, but now it’s been
improved, and able to become a free country, that’s why there is now an opportunity for
every Filipino to become a hardworking person. if the nature of indolence’s is still in the
nature by every Filipino there’s a chance that the next generations will suffer because of
it. The next generations must be given protection and become an inspiration to every
Filipino in the Philippines, as now known as a hard-working and kind people by other
countries, because of the inspiration they given to their surroundings that is need by
every Filipino in the Philippines.

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