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Arabic – B – GWPS – Year 4 – Key Vocabulary – Theme “In The Hotel”.

Pronunciation Meaning Words in Arabic

in English
Al’fon’doq The hotel ‫الفندق‬
Is’teq’ba’l Reception ‫استقبال‬
Moo’wa’zaf is’teq’ba’l Receptionist ‫موظف استقبال‬
Ma’mar Corridor ‫ممر‬
Ghor’fah mof’ra’dah Single room ‫غرفة مفردة‬
Ghor’fah moz’da’wa’jah Double room ‫غرفة مزدوجة‬
Ham’mam bathroom ‫حمّام‬
Ha’dee’quh Park- garden ‫حديقة‬
Mat’um Restaurant ‫مطعم‬
Mas’bah Swimming pool ‫مسبح‬
Ghur’fat Al Bu’khaar Steam room ‫غرفة البخار‬
Sa’lah ray’a’day’yah Gym ‫صالة رياضية‬
Ja’nah suite ‫جناح‬
Maw’qef say’ya’rut Car parking ‫موقف سيارات‬
Al’e’ja’zah holiday ‫اإلجازة‬
Za’hab’to went ‫ذهبت‬
Ha’jaz’to booked ‫حجزت‬
Ah’je’zoo book ‫أحجز‬
hal Is- Are – Do- Does ‫هل‬
O’ree’do want ‫أريد‬
Ta’aam food ‫طعام‬
men from ‫من‬
fee in ‫في‬
ela to ‫إلى‬
A’la on ‫على‬
Be’ja’neb beside ‫بجانب‬
A’mam In front of ‫أمام‬
khalf behind ‫خلف‬
Arabic – B – GWPS – Year 4 – Key Vocabulary – Theme “In The Hotel”.

Key Adjectives

words Meaning Pronunciation

Big( male) ‫كـبـيـر‬ Ka’beer
Big( female) ‫كبيرة‬ Ka’bee’rah
Small( male) ‫صـغـيـر‬ Sa’gheer
Small ( female) ‫صغيرة‬ Sa’ghee’rah
Wide ( male) ‫واسـع‬ Wa’see’a
Wide ( female ) ‫واسعة‬ Wa’see’ah
Narrow( male) ‫ضـيـق‬ Da’ye’q
Narrow ( female) ‫ضيقة‬ Da’ye’qah
Beautiful( male ) ‫جـمـيـل‬ Ja’meal
Beautiful ( female) ‫جميلة‬ Ja,me’lah
Wonderful( male) ‫رائـع‬ Ra’e ‘a
Wonderful ( female) ‫رائعة‬ Ra’e’ah
High( male) ‫عـالـي‬ A’lee
High ( female) ‫عالية‬ A’le’yah
Tidy( male) ‫مـرتـب‬ Moo’rat’tab
Tidy ( female) ‫مرتبة‬ Moo’rat’ta’bah
Clean ( male) ‫نـظـيـف‬ Na’zeef
Clean ( female) ‫نظيفة‬ Na’zee’fah
Delicious ( male) ‫لـذيـذ‬ La’thee’the
Delicious ( female) ‫لذيذة‬ La’thee’thah
Long( male) ‫طويل‬ Ta’weel
Arabic – B – GWPS – Year 4 – Key Vocabulary – Theme “In The Hotel”.

Long ( female) ‫طويلة‬ Ta’wee’lah

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