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©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)

(1) (a) (i) Agriculture is the practice of A plants and B. It is a practice that belongs to the primary industry.
It has inputs, processes, and outputs. Therefore, agriculture can be viewed as a C. D determine the
type of E employed on F. It is generally maintained that there are three main types of farming.

Read the extract given above and label each of the following using only one letter from A-F.

Farm Cultivating System Livestock Inputs Processes

(ii) Define the term ‘manure’.

(iii What is meant by the term ‘desi’ variety of seeds?

(b) (i) Study Insert A which shows a process at a subsistence farm. Name the following:

A: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(ii) For each label that you have named in part (i) above, describe how each contribute to the overall
working of the process. You are required to write the name of the process.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [2]

(c) Study Figure 1 shown below.

©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)

Produce of subsistence farms and its usage (both in kg)

2016 2017 2018 2019

Overall Produce Subsistence Use A

(i) Give a suitable name to the label A and its use.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1]

(ii) Draw the missing bars in the Figure 1. [3]

(iii Make two comments on the pattern of the bar you have named in part (i) above
(iv) Explain two ways in which the pattern of the bar you have named in part (i) above can be put into
the phase of growth without making any change to the middle bar of Figure 1. [Note: Reference
must be made to both physical and economic resources.]

©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)

(d) Study Figure 2 which has been taken from an article about subsistence farming.

Earning of a subsistence farmer

2018 2019 2020

Carpenter Blacksmith
Sale of surplus produce

To what extent is it possible to make the earning of subsistence farmers in Pakistan more
consistent or even increase further? Give reasons to support your answer. You should refer to the
examples you have studied to attain maximum marks.

©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)


(2) (a) (i) Define the term ‘profit crop’


(ii) Explain two ways in which the factor of land ownership impacts the choice of cash crop farming
in Sindh.


(iii Cash crop farming works well in the regions of Indus plain due to supportive physical features.
) With reference to this statement, state four ways in which cash crop farming cannot work in the
regions of Western Pakistan.

©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)


(b) (i) With reference to Agriculture in Pakistan, define the term ‘distribution system’.


(ii) Explain how distribution system impacts the quality of output of the farms of Pakistan.


(iii Tobacco is grown heavily in Pakistan. State two ways in which the government can influence the
) production of Tobacco in Pakistan


(c) (i) Name a pesticide.


(ii) Explain two ways in which training to the farmers can aid to make a better use of non-natural
agricultural inputs on a cash crop farm.

©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)


(d) Owing to the increased local demand of wheat, its production must also be increased. In the light
of this statement, evaluate the extent to which various incentives by the government of Pakistan
can help to satisfy the increased local demand of wheat in Pakistan. Use examples in your answer
to attain maximum credit.


(3) (a) (i) Study Insert B which shows a plant. Name the plant shown.

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(ii) (a) More than half of the produce of crop shown in Insert B comes from the province of Sindh. In
the following Figure 3, name the region marked A.

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©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)

(b) Other than region A, name two regions in Sindh where this crop is grown.


(iii Crop shown in Insert B is grown at two-meter intervals in rows that are three meters apart.
) Suggest one way that farmers can use the three-meter strips of land between the rows of banana

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(iv) Crop shown in Insert B is exported to Europe and often labelled as organic. State two human
inputs that are essentially not a part of an organic crop.

(v) State how farmers who grow organic crops can control pests on the crop shown in Insert B.
©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)


(b) (i) Describe the geographical requirements for the growth of the crop shown in Insert B.


(ii) Crop shown in Insert B is stored in refrigerated containers at 13 °C and loaded onto ships. Suggest
why this crop is kept at 13 °C during the journey to Europe.

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(iii Crop shown in Insert B is sold cheaply in local markets of Pakistan. Suggest four reasons why this
) might be the case.

(c) Name two seasons in which the crop shown in Insert B is not sown in Pakistan.

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(d) Refer to the crop shown in Insert B again. Due to its cheap value in local markets, the farmer is
unable to make considerable profits. Read the two opinions below about how the profits to the
farmers can be increased.
©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)

Opinion A: Government policies and efforts can help increase return to farmers.

Opinion B: Private companies can help increase return to farmers.

Which view do you agree with more? Give reasons to support your answer. Use examples you
have studied to support your answer. You should consider different viewpoints in your answer.

©Ali Jan Damani (+92-321-2744563)



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