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The course includes design and analysis or digital circuits. This course cover both
Course Description combinational (synchronous and asynchronous) logic circuits with emphasis on solving
digital problems using hardwired structures of the complexity of medium and large-scale
Number of Units for 3unitslecture
Lecture and Laboratory 1 unit laboratory
Number of Contact Hours 3hours lecture
per week 3 hours laboratory
Prerequisite Electronics Devices and Circuits
Co-requisite Logic Circuits Laboratory
Course Objectives After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Define the operation of the basic combinational circuits including decoders,
encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, ALUs, and memory circuits.
2. Define the operation of basic sequential circuits including flip-flops,
counters, and registers and
3. Analyze and design synchronous and asynchronous sequential circuits.
1. Review of Number Systems
2. Review of Boolean Algebra and Didgital Logic
2.1 Basic Definitions of Different Logic Gates
Course Outline 2.1.1 Gates Diagram
2.1.2 Truth Table
2.2 Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra
2.3 Boolean Functions
2.3.1 Canonical and Standard Forms
2.3.2 Representation of Boolean Functions using Logic circuits
2.4 The Map Method
2.5 NAND and NOR Implementation
3. Combinational Logic
3.1 Design Procedure
3.2 Adders and Subtractors
3.3 Code Conversion
3.4 Decoders and Multiplexers
3.5 Ready-Only Memory (ROM) and Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
4. Synchronous Sequential Logic
4.1 Representation of Flip-Flops
4.2 Flip-Flop Excitation Tables
4.3 Design Procedure
4.4 Design using State Equations
4.5 Design of Counters with Logic Diagrams
4.6 State Reduction and Assignment
4.7 Analysis of Sequential Circuits
Laboratory Equipment Please refer to Annex IV – Laboratory Requirements

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