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General Mathematics

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MODULE 6 – Gen Math Subject Teacher:


Name: Section:
DIRECTIONS.Readandanalyzethefollowingstatementscarefully.OBSERVENEATNESS.( points)
A. Determinewhethereachofthefollowingpropositionsiscompoundornot.WritethewordSIMPLE or
COMPOUND on your paper. If your answer is compound, identify the specific type of it
2-Compound (Disjunction)
4-Compound (Negation)
5-Compound (Negation)
6-Compound (Conjunction)
7-Compound (Conditional)
9-Compound (Conditional)
10-Compound (Conditional)
B. Writewhatisbeingasked(converse,inverse,contrapositive)onthefollowingconditional
1•If Batman is not the Dark Knight, then Superman is not thr man of steel.
2•If a polygon does not have six sides, then it us not a hexagon.
3•If it is a mammal, then it is an animal that has hair.
4•If he is atleast 16 years old, then he is a student who has his driver's license.
5•If your breath will not stink, then you will not smoke cigarettes.
C. Translatethefollowingstatementsintosymbolsandviseversa.
LetP=Jennawillpasstheexam,Q=JennawillgetherlicenseandR=Jennawillbecome successful.
C. 1. Express the following as natural English sentences:

1. ~𝑅 ↔ ~𝑄 Jenna will not become succesful if and only if she will not get her license.

2.(~𝑃 ∧ Q) → R If Jenna will not pass but will get her license then she will become succesful.

3. ~(𝑄 ∨ ~𝑅) Jenna will neither get her license or become succesful.

C. 2. Convert the following statements into symbols. Use the letters given above.
(P~Q)→(~R) 4.IfJennawillpasstheexambutwillnotgetherlicense,thenshewill not
(P∧Q)∨R 5.EitherJennawillpasstheexamandshewillgetherlicenseorshe will

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