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What is the novel coronavirus? How can you prepare yourself

Educate yourself on COVID-19 from trusted sources.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause Keep physically active to ensure good physical
illness ranging from the common cold to more severe condition.
diseases. The novel coronavirus is a new strain, not Have over-the-counter medicines and medical
previously identified in humans. COVID-19 is the supplies (e.g. tissues, thermometer) to treat fever.
infectious disease caused by the latest discovered
coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). If taking any prescription medicines, refill them, or
consider using a mail-order for your medications.
Have enough groceries and household items for
How does the virus spread? approximately 2-4 weeks. Prepare gradually and avoid
panic buying.
People can catch COVID-19 from others who have the
Activate your social network. Contact family, friends,
virus through inhaling small droplets from people with
COVID-19 who cough or sneeze or through touching neighbours or community health care workers in
contaminated surfaces. advance and make joint plans on what to do when
COVID-19 is spreading in your community or if you
become ill.
What are the symptoms? Practice social distancing if COVID-19 is spreading in
Many people who become infected experience mild your community:
illness and recover, but it can be more severe for • Avoid crowds, especially in confined and poorly
others. ventilated spaces.
The symptoms include a combination of: • Do your grocery shopping at off-peak hours. Isolate at home if sick
• Avoid using public transport during rush hours.
• Exercise outdoors instead of indoor settings. Observe quarantine if healthy but
Difficulty breathing
Follow instructions from national authorities on how to were exposed to virus.
prepare for emergencies.
Muscle pain
Continue to practice general hygiene. HELP FIGHT COVID-19.

Insert national link here
What is isolation at home? What is quarantine?
NATIONAL INFORMATION ON For people with mild symptoms of COVID-19, hospitalisation How can you protect yourself and others
may not be necessary. Instead, healthcare providers may
COVID-19 recommend isolation at home, to limit further spread of the
Quarantine refers to the separation and restriction of
movement of people who have potentially been
Isolation at home, self-isolation or home isolation means
[National information] exposed to COVID-19, but who are currently healthy
remaining at home or in a designated setting, in a single,
[National number +xx xxx xxx xxx] and do not show symptoms. In general, quarantine
dedicated, adequately ventilated room and preferably using a
is mandatory and is mainly at home, duration is
dedicated toilet. This measure can be recommended for people
minimum 14 days, but in specific situations can be
while showing symptoms or for a certain period of time.
done in a hospital or in dedicated facilities.
While in home isolation, observe the If you are required or recommended by authorities to
following rules: quarantine at home, please take into consideration
the following:
Do not allow visitors. Stay at home (i.e. don’t go to work, school or public
Only household members who are caring for the person places) and:
suspected or confirmed of having COVID-19 should stay at • Self-monitor for appearance of COVID-19
home. symptoms, including fever of any grade, cough or
Separate yourself from other people in the household. difficulty breathing. If symptoms develop, call your
Use facemasks, if you have one, when in the same room local health care services for advice.
with other people, to protect them. • If you become ill with symptoms of cough, fever
Stay in a well-ventilated room with a window that can be and difficulty breathing, use medical facemasks, to
opened. protect those around you from getting infected.
• Arrange with your employer to work from home, if
If a dedicated toilet is not available, the isolated person
should clean the toilet thoroughly after each use.
• Clean and disinfect your home, particularly
Use separate towels, eating utensils, drinking glasses, frequently touched surfaces and toilettes.
bedding or any other household item commonly shared in Activate your support system: ask friends, neighbours
the family setting. or community health care workers for help to run
Activate your support system: ask friends, neighbours or essential errands, e.g. grocery and medicine
community health care workers for help to run essential shopping.
errands, e.g. grocery and medicine shopping. Keep in touch with family and friends via telephone,
Avoid direct contact when interacting with them, for email or social media.
example, by arranging groceries to be dropped at the door. Keep yourself informed on COVID-19 from trusted
Wash hands directly before and after any interaction with sources.
others. Keep physically active to ensure good physical and
mental condition.
Follow the advice of your healthcare provider and call them
For further information: if your condition worsens.
[national website]

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