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y pry’ ‘The Education of the Un-Artist, Part IT (1972) CCatbirds Mews, Copycat Ply What can he nari do when ar thing? Tita ie as efor Jump ih in Shwe ters ow “The mona mentioned in ort 1 aa of rxmbance, 1s Aye, snl "the putt stares, Canepa Aet fle the fens lingunge a eptemsogeal method; Eatworksdupicte oughing sed ecavatingehoighs opens oF wind onthe sands ‘Rte repay he operons rgd Iter baw a hgh ‘ry males ase moe deconal eerodoes the sound of rio ater vilecaped cumple: of Bodyworks look lke slose-op of Cio deaorae commer Hendy mae versione of the same gene, ented ao wily lined by ats thir ory ate tains i the Sons a he Sondion “ar asignd io what i no ee ar fetes me thing thx cs th ld something More accra as Ben reeked in taught wihoo performing or aking» py do iat ornate, washing reer ere thing or ston en taspored to the gly, sage or hall or dacamens and acount are publhed or we een ty the arse acing gid. The omsrvaivepraco- tr eendh Duchnp® geur fling the ebje ston to ‘heart comen, which brackets wee he opie neds iy artconcoualic who ear the ot racket adnan ther ‘ras fr ustantaplestonsnywhre Thee mes ientiy the transction between mode and phi fn Rerwar, whacer combs the Readymade i avomatilly ann a sa NE ath asurhee Readyrnade, The cre oss a ats bent on imitating Be, Iifeimiates ort All now shovels in hardware tore imitate Ducane “This eesti in art of philosophical and personal ingury the forerof natere our taneformation ofthe ernment andthe tacle land audiory experience ofthe “let age” doesnot are, could be suppoed ou af renewed interest the theory of ata mimes Whether we ae talking about clos copies, spposimaton, or an legac, such tating has no bi inet alla hat rst be ite point. Hut ether ii aed oa an apprenticeship vo Bde nfaaiae wo ar ater which t wll be iadisine rm pais, man fccurig, o ilogy. Because noariss may beatae initiely to mimetic behavior already presen in these fields and in ature as well their activity parle aspects of cular and tality a8 whole For insane, small ow, hike 2 nati, ian amplified nuclear family. Gd and the pope (pup are adv projcctions of «childs Felings about the divinity of father. The governance ofthe church tnd of heaven and fll nthe Midale Age echoed he workings of seclar governments ofthe ime "The plan af a ity i ike the human ciclo seem, with heat sod major toad called arteries A computer alles 10a rie ‘mentary bran, A Victorian arnchair was shaped ike a worsen th 2 bade and ic aceally wore a dre ‘Not everything i anthropemerpie: Machins tate animal and insect eens airplanes are ied, submarines ar ih, Vlkswaens are betes. They a imitate acheter, Aut design in the streamlining tthe thre and the tailins ofthe fifty, had the airplane in ind ‘Kitchen appliances have contol panels that lok ike those f= ‘ording sto. Lips containers resemble ble Stapler that shoot fils and movie cameras that shoot people and senes have Wiggers and are shaped like guns Then the shyt of ie and death: we speak of «stock market. ‘ora iiizaton growing and declining, aif cach were a living organ- Sam We imagine family tory av atc and race our ancestors om is limb. By extension, the grander theory of Wester history peo poms that coc generation vats oa immedi pata «on ret to is her. Since the ps raced to pst, too, very other ener ion ale (Meyer Schapiro, "Nature of Abtact Ar” Meret nar tery, January-March 1939, “The nonhuman world a seme to imitate ewes offre specie Took silat ery stages of developeat, whereas sme but Tees of diferent speci are disimiar when young but lok the Same in maturity, Certain Gh, insects and animals are camouflaged toblend with thee surroundings The mockingbird mimics the ones tf acer bids The rot of a plan reflect its branches. An atom is ‘ny planetary sstrn Sch matchings continve without apparent end, ‘ieing ony in deta and degree ‘Th inference that eur role aye that of copycat rather than maser of tre secet oats, Quentin Fire and Marshall Metaban Gn Wr and Peace in the Global Vilage (New York: Me Greil, 1968p 50) quote Lag von Bertanfy on this: "With few ecepons. nature’ technology surpsns tat of man—to the ‘tea th te adiional elationshipberween bile and weeny ters een revered wile mechani bielogy Wied to explain a {pn fanctions in terme of man-made machines, the young ence of Phonics tres to imitate natal inventions Triation ofthis srt in science or ata cough ai, Even iu frequent wits profound sometimes approaching exiential rials tin! prof But when i cer thatthe mest modern af the as are hgage in intatins of 4 world continuous imitating eat cn [erate ano mare tha an istnce ofthe preter scheme, nota & prima source, The oblescene of ha instance doesn dict the Trimet imple bu plight a tri ole 2 an soating ds ‘lineata momen when partition calle or Leaving the ars ic vee enh to overcome tis cbt the ta, for oneself and for “rent estore portation inthe natal design through com “Goss emulation of noni etre. The feng tha ones part ‘tthe wold would be quite an accomplishment a self but there’ in ndde pol: the fedboce lop i pever exact As I have sid, ocrhing ne comes nt inthe proset—nowledge well-being, reson inthe eae of bins, uel techno. Everywhere as Playground |When the un-ania copcs wha ing ouside of ano copies Tes vise "natae in ee anser of epeason”(Caomaraswamy), iL He ocst have to bea somber busines. That would be too anh ike work. Ito be done with gato, wit, fan 0 be pay. Ply is sty word. Used inthe common sense of foi, make- elev, and an atte ee of cae for moral r practical tility conmots for Americans arid many Europeans lene, mmatanty, fd th bene of vein and sultans Is pray ven bade to small than imiton, with es callenge to our taiton of the ew and cig Bu a f to compound the indiscretion) sche sine the time of Plat hive noted a ital ink Between the idea of psy and thatofiitaton Besides its sophisticated oes, istintive imitation in young animale and humans ake the form of play. Among, themselves the young mimic their parent? movement, sounds ad social pers, We know with some serait tha they do this to gone ad sarvive Bu they play withou that cansciorintenton apparent, {i the only evident sano tthe plestare gives them. Ths they Fel cloe to, and become prt fhe grown up emmy. or alsin the pss imitative creme as play that ought ther caer to eaiy ists mote (lt oe tanscndent apt JoRan Hoizinga writes in the st chape of is valuable book Hamo Laden [Bosta: Beacon, 1955] tha the nals repre comic hppering an een i the natural proces The word epee” howe, dosnt coer he art ‘ening ofthe cat at ent leh moder cotati fo ere “representation rely ete of he een. The he dc tefl wich hen ats mach hw atic aly rpc in the acon. The fet of thee eos, from being eri natin canes the morhppen to a. Teipte inthe ced happening sole In the same chapter he sp: As Leo Fran pas i ca an plete oder fete ioprine on his cnnonnee Inthe ect ps 0 Froeio. ‘hk, need the pheomens of vegetation ad anal Ue and hen concede of ine snd wp, of ton sd tenon, ofthe cure of the nad the moon And owe as thi grat poco ode of exit tn sacred pla te through which beats ane o Yorn” the cre ore ‘ered a ths Hps matin the casi onder, Frbeias es xen more echng nso rm hia at mature” He ‘Tete arog pio al cl Ode ad sal sitions Repectentatonl ply its a instrumental oreo, it sacred Hung, shor aie commenting on Frobenius, quotes Pla- ws Lowe ‘Gnd lanes wai of pee serous bu mani God pi ‘hina te heft art af ha. hei everyman a Sri shuld le nga ly the ws es ad lantern rn hat hey rt peset. Pat coeron Staand conte Lale nt be ed t la ying games, Taking cnn sc singing a ating then an wel eae pointe the le nd fen uel gaint hase tod win the conte Huizinga gos on to aks “How a lo] such sacred activities a proceed within the Fras of pay fe, metic forms) alo preced in the atte and mood of play?” He aonwers "Genuine and sponancoss play an abo be pro- Found serio... The jon texsicably bound up with playing an farm not ony int tension, but ste elation. Fev and ecany are ‘he ein ples tween which play moves” ‘Sport, feasts, and parties on liday hay das) are po less sured For beng eoyabl Tes heen eserves fen enough that nowadays we haye no sacred iu et that hve even the rtmoetrepesentatinaly and therfore ‘rotate, anti that anyone can observe, ch es fe. Only in hc spor assuring, matorcyele racing, ad sky diving; in sci rote suc a siting nd i gambles agaist the onknown such as noon landings do we approximate them Unficly. And Tor most of Uh thee experiences are acquired sndtety,chrough television. We ripe alone immobilize “Tsimaatne sty of mera adults tied ear is probably inatineive lke ehldens Like cikee' it abo ranges fom being “Soman, a 1 would Bucs the ening of fareture was in the ‘Vetrian ers to beng deliberate and concious the case of ean rt and sent today. ut i geera i haphazard and cea sional a specilze fneson of profesions concerned with ther mat ters, The designer ofan atomie submarine doc think bes Iona ‘making whale for himsl, een cough he may Know tat pede cessor studied whales and Sah apd their aquadynamics, The faker ofan Apolo ocke may be fair wah poplar Frenan sind, bute sn mainly our crest an ret penis Nether se ot ily tohave fun, “Serio practices, competition, money, and other sobering ‘consideration get in the way. Such dsconiney and peclization produce a sen of separation fom the while of ie ad alo vel the fnitatveaetivity slong withthe enjoytnene tat ight be had for it ‘The esl plays eis wore Work, Work, Work Epworth, Fghind (UPD—Minte afer 2 gang af workmen had heeds new gra othe in set of tts Milas town, ante gig of workin apes od bran dig ip. Ts uso cscdence tat hath gang mee waking he we Sie aa oll si, Bota bed a be ne’ Runner St Louis Minar, Washington Unie ay) A mil of te ‘april lng the shoul of vod Cart Mick a ted en the paper very wen fe (God dy) Pedr epee in ees cond aye pape Laide Bt gain repeated in opps ie, (Gr day Trpeper and concedes ity AK, Rey 9 Imitation a practiced by noma atts maybe a way of approach ing pay on a madern yet transcendent plane, which beast i inllcral or better, eligen—can beep by adult aad of ‘being els. Juss chide’ imitative play may bea survival itu, thir could bea tratgem forthe sural of suit In the pase {rom arte uate sr let for revealing the intercngeabilisy of things could he made vale "civilization ands disconten “hatha word, euld be ws for Bringing togeter what has been taken spar util dhe secur work's potental playground, the ne taboo agin playing in so ation to tse dea of work. Work cans emi by ft mus be replaced by something bee. To se cho that may be done gequres an examination ofthe meaning of ‘ror in out soiey-—ece Hf wth minimal expersie. One thing is ‘eur: the concept of work incompatible with that of py, cake oral Home Work ‘Westen Europe andthe Unite Sates, ia the pure of nus tio, developed a praca ifeyle of sel scrifc for the purpose of romana fattening sachin Pechaps evolved inal asa mide Elan "con jo" om laborer, aon conned the con men. Work and fin were internalized a rte om high they were ight forthe so IF not excl fr the body (ince that passed nt the machine. Bot the picture has changed. ndustralization has accomplished its purpose, ard we lise in the lal village” of communicational ‘otac wihall he new insights and robles this ena The ase ‘vw at production but distibution i not even simple distribu ‘Son but the quality and organic eles of dstbution. And what ates the quality and dtrbution, oto goods alone, but as of Farming, mining, and. ananufictring ia this couney, largely mecunie cach yea ree fower ditional workers implement Sey rising level of cup Te probable that the work force will level off andthe dep sharply with neeasing automat. n contest, the capunding service industri, consisting mainly of people eather th gods an equipen, now repeesent about 5D percent ofthe rion’ ermployed snd are expected to increase to 7 percent of the total work fore inthe next few decades Fortane, March 197, p- Bur servicer they inchde lel and federal goverment, tan portion, lies and semmuniation as wll 3 ade, finance in Retancey rel ett, andthe pofesions—series ae themseves ‘hanging, Menial and domese workers and othe routine service ptasscenanhieniscscacinm eee workers rch t mail carr, mechani msi clerk, bus ne {hu inswrance agen eld jos wih ie rowth petental ne hare Siocon sil stato ll oy rather portly od hr leo no Inbeon tres thc a eatinn. ls pero fle ele mer thy, sea and sc hey appear be dead ends vey pi ing cha thn performing ach pi are thence de. All he wile billed, engin, snd tclison cts beckon eveyone othe god if of avenarus vel, sx and tral ou {he US. president himself dedicates i governet iprving the “aul of ie" Labor unions sie no only fr higher wage ut ala for beter conditions a ringe beni shortr hors ea longer hid action: Enjoyment and renewal for everyone Given these pe fetes ts potable tht many ofthe dredge copa wl even {oly be stomated along was nds while here wl simpy Bi Spears workrs bade tem [Thc sure moder creme sch me cxpors sven cinch earch envionment proves Cranoricaiony paeiog exuafatin, nei dpnerizy te wie fill of mass clucaon, sed iteration outer pace and eres low, re growing aan expect ete They ar wil seit svt cing oid pls for devopmnt (erfre or essa development they ofr lobe wal id eh experenes they py wel and thr et considerable Wheres riers are mere nce the now evs re important. Routine eves xy rege ke of worker tt time thinks to machines and lgiltion; though she new serves Sct take op more neh fancon sn mae Bexley n= ‘te goming” ne, Time that merely il dba ba ne that ele snd personae lee time, The sly to one in apce how and ind a mena fran, Ax more yung frople demand and rv etrive eatin the rank of he mod Erasers willwel the publi appette ons hat hey ar Srl faces, andthe wold wil mtn to dange—wble ae bl i orl bas wl ean rooted in che pt work "Work? For neu eveyone, the wake has been rece 2 five day, Workday re steed seul, olday periods length neds The fury week i being inteasingly ied ou ai ache ay weck hs be peie Even hin pedo i i {ante pychologcl expan poplar and fee pertarmance om the oh, Asa test the meaning of work x Becoming uncer since aay pest eto eliminate to fly it cate elninated “The ue i tainly Fought oot by ig busines (ha iy the produce, goods, trensporation, and fase service nse) and by Eran which el epesen the bal ofthe country’s work ore ates business want tontomate and serp expensive payrol That ‘leaison may mean shorter workweck, which i turn may cos chou Sand thi oe and sity more than can afford iach reaction, "The resale are surely welEevident. Labor steps i immediately and jnsntson work cems when one worker oF none tall is need. Man fizment safer by being prevented fom modernizing; bor sles by doing patently dshonet work. I amount to this ether busines pe abo partially interested in etling leisure ime hey want to rake money and money i token of work. Labor wil acept Shores hour management psp for them, bat when a eded Work: Sneek rman forfeing jabs ot had-won granted verve pay lo thr wil oppove the change [a fc doe; se, ey Newsteck, ‘August 23 197, p 63). Hence the concep "werk" maintained at Feil, can only ect the mow cyicl rerponies in society. “Tho arts are among the last high-status vostigos ofthe | handoraft and cottage industria. tis curious to note how Seopy tod they are tothe idea ot abor. Ariss work st ‘hoirpaintings end poems; auto he sweat come. ‘works of at, Fotovang the Russian revolution, artist ‘Svoryiere began calling temealos workers, no cfler- ‘cnt rom thoes in factories. Today, the potiical reformist ‘Ar Workers Goation, nits name and some os retori, ‘continues to appeal tothe raving values of "he people” ‘Sed Manonest day's work” A to work, Is usin In contest to thi work ets, our underyng ates eoward fe goals are shifing, an notin work habits ne. The “fun marke Entrainment, recreation, toursm—accordeng to Laok magne {Faly 29 19%, p25), amounts to abou $150 Bilin a yar and ic Forest reach $250 blion by 17%, "traning al che eto the conom Butt atone for hit indlgene, the American publi pee tnited is government ip 1970 spend more than $78 bilion o 37 event of is annual budge, on war and azenaments (confidently spre by global out in 190, of sme $20 billion). In fet, ‘cording to Sentor Vance Hartke in rpore othe Senate Finance {Cammitee our itary oly was about $79 bln i 168 and has teen rsing at yearly rate of 12 percent since 194; with chi at of increase, mila spending in 1971 wil be 107. bilion (is, March ‘Ap 192, p52 "The State is cur outspoken concene. Fu, it ems it not yet fan; thas hardly diverted u fom the common "weekend neuroses ‘which ever ws aous play bu unable: More atonement oe yng Tes sbundaody cea that we dont want to work but fel we shoul ‘So we boo ad ight. Paying relly issiaing. Every day hundreds of books, ls, lee es, seminars, sensitivity sessions, and aries gravely acknowledge fur worties ener our incapacity to fely enjoy anything. But such commentaries when they ole el, fer the wtong kind by ecg the standard oral: work at, wor at ply T lp, they have to urge a wholeale revision of cor commitment to labor and uit, ‘whi they won't do, We ive by a carcxy mentality ina potentially rps economy. With ime on oe hands that we cannot inf n> ‘ur personal lie, we damn rele a we've een taught For war ing ime Basically, our way of ile elected in out love eas well arin our focign policy, believes in the way things wed tobe. As lang aga a4 the writing of the Deaton of Independence, an ambivalence to ward please was hinted atin dhe sale to ou ight toe, ies nd the pursuit of happines.” The “pursuit” prt of Sem to have ‘ecuped most of our time implying that happiness oly a deem ‘We strugle not strug Playing and Gaming The mation’ eeation sytem must take mach of the resposiity for perpetuating and championing whats wrong with ws: oar vale, the goods and bade, the dan and dont, Educators in the nent Century, we all know, operate in loco parent rina and deans Beto my the Lai words ressuringly bcs tyknow how neti imporsble ii for wher and fters ta ring up thee den, with allthis te conruted sation onthe highways, shoping. vce soning, and working: Amd, sides, ike everyone, parents re pei Iss at whatever they do, So hey depend dhe specialists, the eu {tors todo what thy cant and worry that TV is doing a eter jb ‘han bth ‘Conier what happens to chide after the age of feo sik. At first they enjoy school ofen bey to go. The teacher appears to ike it too ech the eather and the children play. Bt by the Bt or second trad, Dick and Jane discover dat leasing and winning «pac in the well re not ctl’ playa all but hae, fen deadly dll work “That vale underscores neal ll educational programs "Work Iheds and you'll ot tend” ie 4 pide aot onl for sudents but for fluctrs. “Ahead” means being hesd man. Auhosarianism cles ‘ut play’ inviting cle and substates the compete game. The tives of failure and mil fr not being suong hangs ows every Individual rom ellege president to school wperntendent on down Students compete for gales, teachers forthe well behaved ass, principals fr higher budgets Each perfor the ritual of the game Sordi to strlen, sexneimes atl, Bee ft reais that he many ate stving fr what only the few may have: power. Calender ating 2 sae of tk Sod gr ke ating nother gro ie pecs plhcing oar more gure fn pes roel ie ling» ae of dry tt Sl gr ke pling aber So gon de es dey plang four more squares In pace progres greener ny AK, Cafe Taf oe Insite of and perhaps cae ofthe disnures of Fret and ‘ther payeholosts, the games people play ate played to win. The fous of sport, ches, and ther diversions ae symbolic akin the forms of business, love, and be. Hsing clase Homo La ses, quoted before, richly documents the pervasive of sich ans ferences. As ect play i denied 0 adult and gradalydeoraged in children, the impulse oly emerges notin true games alone, ut ‘in unwated one of ower nd deeion; people find themeles pay ingles with each other than ono ff exch aes. ‘Ach plays his mether of aginst his father, sing action a {he game's reward. Inthe ane of international diplny, omg ation lays at helping weaker ons to gin thei poll subodina {ona force the hand of competitors A young eect on the ‘vay up plays of one empany's oer of advancement again anthers Inthe same pista lrge business simulate and plays onthe publics appetites in its advertising camps, galing aguine the silat tactics of an enire industry, War ite tthe play of general, whore febearale ae appropriately cilled war gums Ax chviizaton lives to fompete and competes to ive, ts no acide that edt in most part of the world x deeply invalved in games of aggressive struggle Education plays at ignoring o denying such stage useage metaphors of demecacy) while prfesing fre and encouraging tiption in icin every casioom exercise (ae, for an example, feof i pleacanter versions the spelling be ‘Those who plan public instrction programs need fist o ear, and then telat, the ex of lay-—bot playa inherently worth While, play stripped of game cheery, thats of winners and leer Huang, writing and leering inthe thes in an economically epressl and politically unstable Europe, ally peblching his bck in Switzerland ducing World War I, could not easly have imagined the sail potential of play without cones For Hazing, pla nthe form ofthe agon was way of discharging and elaifying violence and ‘unrest, Although he and eater theorist, frm Kant and Shiller to Lange and Grows acknowledged pure ply they did not beret to be enough by ise twas “primiine” and needed dhe higher’ forms of tragic awareness tht games and ae een a3 ame) provided ‘Tay, the conttons ar diferent, and ii obvious that poise gamer, no mater how ritualized, are tein tothe Forts they ‘woul sblimate. Anyone who has sen Her Obmpad, Leni Ric festa’ reat film onthe 1986 Olympic game, neds no persuasion, "Though at and sport it powerlly persuaded vewers that a maser ace wi he prize of pepeual srugge ‘Similar the veal subwance ed the stimuli of oa Tan marke fparcclarly in entertainment and sporti recestion, ae superstars ‘eco sles, populrity eating prize, geting someplace scathing the biggest, bestng the howe t Las Vegas, Some fun! chrty baying ile fd chabes ashing etl anders ving the back {oad hing rer hl ie at Dr “This erie iercce beeen gaming ad playing anno be ignored. Both inet ee fanay a apparent synth may tere cee stre bt nay onc requ spel hls hat thane the yng, Py, ever fer ton, m8 ne Sted patil otone sone mmdate xzompbsent, bt rater {Reontnuos priate Ting sds, vary and teal lv ay ae the ce egies of game ply tee wares age one sus at winning Mating he wos ec, comeing + wok tic no ov of pls weld mangigup ose rg ine ron and Merging yy aoe me pls an, hat weld can teat hats dene We eneay we eto fame Thins ctl Sat wee fe dng ith ow Ton Chin ves abd demo Crees al sng ‘cymnastice, suring, long-eatance running, gor thing {re among those sports sometimes practiced apart ‘nom compotion, and almost approach the conetion of Play. n each, an idea is probably ntomalized and acta lou of an opponent butt mative for developing al sndintonee Involvament falls considerably short the ‘combat mentaty that moet sports, sucha footal e= endian. ‘Genoraty, coaches and gym teachers conetict hele protections with mitary20al and sometimes murderous ‘Gacipine, But anew breed, more philosophical and ploasurecriented, could use noncompetitive sport, ‘ian and atborne seecangs, as departures forthe ivon= ‘ion by students of trash actly devold of win-lose poset. eis not the history of crimes commited in the name of ides that reed tobe noe but the pefely el meant, spmpthetie “god works of humankind implied by expressions ik "ood, clean spor "alan bomb" just war” "fighing prt and re ntepie” isthe connivance bough wees, and wheler-dslering netay 10 pss every enlightened law on iil sight, abortion reform ot ob ‘portunity. Ths particular mode of deferedgeatieaton xcoed at transcendent cmpettion or a necessary ei, as eaused wr practice the eae opposite of what we preach ‘A ypieal example of snnoeative learning in high school is the simulation game. Stadens i a clas dying international polite sume roles 8 the leaders of eran maton. They act out cl cs ‘eorts gather "itllience” om poll journal, and spy en ne another they ty to work ot deal exert varius forms of pres, ‘se “public forums” sich as their own prs or thee version of the UN: they figute the mathemati odds on every proposed move tempe trkery and deception —and in general ty to win powe for the country they eepeesent The teacher acs a observer referee nad keeps score Such like education has proved eet, xpecally for the none ad daughter of white lens part Helly paralels tesning programs piven by industry and goverment to ther most promising ete in fop management, the dilemaic corps and the Sly. ‘The imue i obviouly an edition one, Education can help change he stem sven enh mead onc. Neher parents nor sriBlortooe nor commns that samen wer in single TER forms of ring can seasualy fe vale. [o “Sitar iced nen holst io educations mo er “Sain and tnly each the as mdin—teevisn, rai ln, ‘Sopsinc llr—and the sure ads Al th “eet the mei and he ern a uel pespets forkely Thy te dri by Gh potintcrsoven wilt eter derloped by mena wore of weommon nage BERT pent th fro een community series forced wees goermen and the ax sructre Asking the repec a commat enema ies sod ce expnaew the pro- or af papules wou ft thy woul have wb sewn hacer the et ind play “Feber mer he poblic sly tdebound io habit, bo search juntos they ae Pig and techs ar ore Tay Re mchber of the Bsns commanity to ante ipl aes tangern human we, Tadonaly they have viewed {To ran sy pestering» ponte ven sono sca fe Ter Attmugh cel sche ar we kaow the may ae wy 0 Hace of ut commana nd een, tuton in ply ea begin kidegren ad teachers eal "i ot ey foto of senate expen som wld bench ny twenty fre ye iim, with as ice fe yesh aloud outed, fshin-dhe-pan we Tae pogeame red te changing pla amination woul roel the question Financing woul ave tome aru fom ir uct ermmisns, major pulicminded futons “Ey and peti lasing tox pograms a alow sree indcemens more fly han thy pete “in un thenonare me populating the lbs who oninatt belive ty at pr of the Of Church of Ar ht {Rik sau ow fling the psn ian how by wating hat dropping ot ofthe thy hey might direct ee is ward the ae thn vee, Pull mee rsa calleaguen whe col ten bin own or once GL RRmemary and ecm poe svat, Tho unr twenty ive today tet fel Kenly sbout performing sme human itarian servic, but among vanguaed tits the dese Furey 2 pofeson lacking inherent tity. The prope aleratve nt only liminates this peablem bat alto avoids the diner of popalist sle tins that watered down and ruined major talensin Soviet Ras td Europe and in the United Sater nthe hit. [Not enough has been made of the drawiacs in ats celebrated welssness Utopian visions of society sided or ran by ati have Tailed because at itself as filed as 2 social iserament Since the Renaissanee ar has bee a discipline of privacy the testament of the ‘outer inthe mist of expanding urbaization, That the crowd is Taney ints wm wry doesnot give the att an sudisnce or plea rol, since the row doesnot wan tobe remind ofthe dep fits tanhappnes and canoe rele ity the att dct by senting euntles personal commologies. No does the arise scr, ike Wiliam Blake, autmatially know how to cle wage dispute and platen poblems. The separation har been comple ike tat ofthe ul fom the oa. ‘aly when setive artis wing cease to be ari ca they con vert ther abies, ike der nto yen nto something the Word ean spend play. Pays curency. We ca best een eo ply by example, and un-artss can provide it In tei ew job a edcstorn they net simply play as they ance dd under the Banner of a, ba among hore twho donot are abou tht, Gradually the pigs “ar” wl secede Ino relevance rupee tha tate word, ariculaly names, are greater dete: rents than socal cutomt to the changes brought boat by such nonverbal force a jet transportation. Adjutnen t the me aa oF afr i slowed down by Keeping an old ate, 34 when, wt ute rece, one spoke of embarking on and debarking fom a jeder Memories of the Queer Mary were eked. Comsieshow the ies financier, pchiari, mpreanc, or profesor buen those 0 ‘whom they ae api wath the weight of each profeon’ acum laced abuts and meanings each vitally impos a peformance of ws known frames of reference. A profesor act ike» profesor, tnd sounds ike one. An artist obeys certain inbred iit on pee eption, which govern how reality is acted om and costae. Bat few names may asi social change, Replacing arr with ple, a if adopting an ala, sa way of azrng fied enti, And a hang wenity i pincile of obi, of going Irom one pace toanother ot work, «sr of mora paradigm for an exhausted work ei, is cnering int play Ava four word in society sien en ply does what al dnty words do: tips bare the myth of Saar by he ast, eve Doctor MD (1973) ‘What goo is istry? Marcel champs legaey contains a small but Jnuenial boy of quasar, often bordering om pomp. A cae fully styled let at work, in which inked vs and verbal pans are couched in narative fon, operations proces, commen a jects and wordsmenn ota much be send fad, He was oppo to the ste of his time for optical mane in panting; be questioned whether modern at had tz own Languige doubted that such 2 “dumb”, which addreed il othe eye could be nig, -Alsoyeal he wanted at be intligent. Today thanks tithe isco isiseparable Tem whatever other tat is ade of Con- eptulism, for example, "inconecvable”withow Duchamp. Te followed that his positon equally questioned the psy of parely vba itligence, Profesional pulsopy bound up ait was ‘with words ane, was a fies a6 ure punting. Tha the barb Contained! in his pins: human aepiration hat unl rexel sought tundertanding through specialization was both file and surly ‘musing. Mulimedia experiments ofthe sities were at cated by Duchamp alone, bathe dared he rca eting or ther emergence enc, bir terbal-vual pla, perhaps born of mined skeptic anu dandy, confronted 3 mantic tration of high, often agi, Seriousness inet making: Humor war supa. ven humor arch 2shis was erst by the deeamork of Surreal andthe existe Struggles of Absuact Expresinim. But since Pop art (ill indeed toh) ass are quite funy and all avant garde! Te Flax mone ment, many Bodytvorkers, Conceptual, ad Happeners ae eri- dence of the pennission he gave eo wit Wit, frm the Duchamp Despectiv, isthe condition and consequence of ken thought IF you see things eal, really cea, youve goto laugh bese nosing’ een accomplished Theresa Zen sory about one of the gest ptr “The Publisher wishes to acknowledge vith grate the generous support af the {annun Foundation in uring the Lanne Sve of Coneporary Art Critic, ‘whic is devoted to presenting (he writing of contemporary it a well a tha of carly writers who helped te shape eonternpoary Sadelich Harman: Crit! Modeit clit by Jane Calhoun Weaver " “The Hydrogen Juke: Sled Writing of Peter Selah cited by MaLin Wilson m Allan Kaprom; Eonyeon the Bling of Art and Life ‘ited by Je Kelley ESSAYS ON THE BLURRING OF ART AND LIFE ok ALLAN KAPROW Edited by Jef Kelley UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS © Fy Al gre rua Maing ea ne (An Kapow ted le el, et — (ann eis cf etompry a ee ; 9) sui cn ae Leet Tae MLS i aed Cie Maca ANS ODBC | ( CONTENTS: “The Lepcy of iki Pll (1958) Neo the Creation of Tn Ar (858) Happenings ia the New York Sane 961) pari (1960) “The Ait a2 Mon ofthe Wed (964) “The Happenings Are De Lng Lie the Happening (8) sperimental Az (1960) Mani (196) Popsaing Haprnings (1967) “The Shape of the Art Enroame (1968) “The Basco fhe UA, Pt 197) “The Edactin fhe Un Ari, Par (172) Doctor MD (1975) “The Eaton of he Un Avi, Pr 1 (97) Video Ars Old Wine, New Hee (197) Formas: Flogging + Dead Here (874) ‘NomieaiclPformanes (1976) isipatonPerfarmanc (977) sing Le (97)

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