Test Anxiety NCLEX Boot Camp Student Workbook

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Test Anxiety Boot Camp

Student Workbook
A ReMar Review Course Created By:
Regina M. Callion MSN, RN

The information in this workbook is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a
substitute for medical or professional guidance or advice. For medical assistance please seek the appropriate medical services.
NCLEX Test Anxiety
A ReMar Nurse - BOOTCAMP

Most nursing students who have it know what feels like and how it can affect your performance
during an exam.

What We’ll Study
This course also helps test-takers identify the true source of their anxiety and begin changing
their thoughts related to the meaning of tests. With repeated practice, this course will help
nursing students tackle test anxiety and take and show their true potential.

What You’ll Learn

The course created by Regina Callion MSN, RN will help you effectively manage test anxiety and
approach the NCLEX RN or LPN exam with greater confidence and focus. ReMar Nurses will learn
to work with their thoughts, emotions, and bodies as they reduce anxiety and prepare for tests.

Who this Event is For

This course is intended for nursing students in school and preparing for NCLEX! When you sign
up for our FREE course you will receive our workbook with the event agenda.

The topics we will discuss are:

Þ What is test anxiety?
Þ Challenging text anxiety myths
Þ Assess your anxiety with these 2 basic tests
Þ Tackling Test Anxiety
Þ Test-Taking Strategies to Reduce Anxiety on the Big Day

We want you to be prepared to meet the intellectual goal of learning the content while also being
prepared for the mental challenge of managing stress, anxiety, or doubt. Remember you can pass
NCLEX! With God it’s possible, I’m here to help and the ReMar Nurse Family is here to help you
real your NCLEX and nursing goals!
Schedule your Calendar & Tell a Friend!

The NCLEX Anxiety Boot Camp Premieres

Wednesday Nights on FB & YouTube

April 14th – April 21st

The class premieres live a t 2:0 0 PM EST!

Things to do before the boot camp begins!

Þ #1 Check emails for event tips and updates.
Þ Note the 2:00 PM Eastern time zone for the class.
Þ Follow & Subscribe to YouTube channel for notifications.
Þ Find special offer code for NCLEX Virtual Trainer if review is needed.

Wait! Read this before we get started…

“The best way to overcome anxiety is by being prepared”

On the following pages I will share with you my #1 of preparing ReMar Nurses to pass NCLEX by studying the
content in a simple straight forward manner and only studying what you absolutely need to know to pass the
exam. I’ve put all of this information that you need to pass into the NCLEX Virtual Trainer. On the following pages
will tell you more about the program that will help you pass NCLEX! Finally, one of the biggest stressors is time.
Join the Virtual Trainer during this event I’ll give you one extra month free (with a $29 discount) taken at checkout
for new subscribers when you enter the code: NOSTRESS

Let me know if you have any questions before ordering and my team will get that information to you. If you have
any questions you can ask during the live or send my team an email to Support@ReMarReview.com. The one-
month discount code ends 4/30/2021 at www.ReMarNurse.com
NCLEX Test Anxiety Boot Camp
Regina Callion MSN, RN – ReMarNurse.com

Day 1

1. What is ______________ __________________?

🔺Anxiety is defined as the "psychological mechanism whereby the current

intensification of a dangerous drive results in the elicitation of defenses.

The first point to know is that test anxiety is very:

It can come up as a:

Sweaty palms Racing thoughts

Freezing up
Headache Tachycardia Going
How do you experience anxiety? Write below.





ReMar Nurse Tip During the exam focus on:

2. Test Anxiety ______________________________

Myth #1 Test anxiety isn’t

Myth #2 Any level of anxiety is


A little nervousness before a test is normal and can help sharpen your mind
and focus your attention.

Myth #3 Test anxiety doesn’t affect

Truth People with high _______ get test anxiety.

Myth #4 If I just study really hard the test anxiety
will go away.


Myth #5 It is impossible


Myth #6 Test anxiety is

3. Assessing Test Anxiety

Directions: Take this before the exam and or take the

assessment measure now.


You do not suffer from test anxiety. In fact if you score at this
range, a little anxiety may be healthy to keep you focused.

Although you exhibit some of the characteristics of test

anxiety, the level of stress and tension is probably healthy.

You are experiencing an unhealthy level of test anxiety and

should evaluate the reason for the distress and identify
strategies for managing your anxiety.
Scoring Guide Results

The questions from this range refer to physical symptoms. 0 indicates

no physical anxiety and 20 indicates a high level of physical anxiety.

The questions from this range refer to mental symptoms. 0 indicates

no mental anxiety and 20 indicates a high level of mental anxiety.
Test Anxiety Self Reflection Homework Worksheet

Directions: Reflect on past and current experiences while taking exams.

Answer the following questions below.

1. While growing up what messages from teachers, family, and even friends did
you receive about tests and exams?

2. When do you first remember taking exams?

3. When do you first remember having test anxiety?

Test Anxiety Self Reflection Homework Worksheet

4. How would you describe what your body feels like during the various stages of
the exam taking process? Write down what it feels like physically or

Before the exam -

During the exam -

After the exam -

5. Describe the surrounding environment when your test taking anxiety is at its
worst? What type of room are you in, how many people are around, what kind
of exam is it- in person, online, timed, untimed?

6. What does it mean to you to fail a test?

7. What actions do you do that make your test anxiety worse? (Ex. not studying
enough, cramming, studying with distractions, comparing yourself to others,
8. Do you have these same feelings of anxiety when you are not taking an exam?
If yes, what are you doing? Is there anything that makes the anxiety decrease?
Is there anything you can do to make the anxiety worse?

9. Reflecting on your answers was there anything that surprised you? Write your
thoughts down here.

We’ve reached the end of Day #1

You Can

You Will

You Must

NCLEX Test Anxiety Boot Camp
Regina Callion MSN, RN – ReMarNurse.com

Day 2

NCLEX Test Anxiety Fast Fixes




Tackling your Physical Anxiety


No stress breaths, air only gets to chest, this is done in a state of anxiety
it does not provide enough oxygen. Puts body in flight or fight response.
This can create panic attacks.


Tackling your Emotional Anxiety


Address ________________ ______________________



b. Overgeneralization -


***Positive Thinking Activity***

The following statements are common for those who experience test taking anxiety.
For each statement, challenge the initial thought and write as many positive
statements as you can think of that will help to reframe the thought.

1. I received a low test score, I am not very smart.

2. I really do not want to do this, I hate taking tests. I wish it was over.

3. It does not matter how much I study I will not pass the test.

4. Everyone else is finishing the test faster than me. They must know all the
answers and are doing better than me.
Test Day Plan

Þ Wear the same outfit that you have been studying in.
Þ Read directions carefully
Þ Remember deep breathing exercises
Þ Slow down
Þ Expect some anxiety-it is normal
Þ Change positions to help you relax
Þ Think of someone positive and what they would say to you
Þ Plan a reward for yourself after the exam

Belly Balloon Breathing to Decrease Stress

Belly breathing is a great tool to cope with NCLEX test anxiety.

Step 1: Get into a comfortable position. You can be sitting up or lying down if you

Step 2: Imagine there is a balloon in your belly.

Step 3: As you take a deep breath in through your nose try to fill the balloon up so
that your belly puffs out. Count to 4 as you breathe in. Example: Inhale...2...3...4

Step 4: Now breathe out through your mouth to let all of the air escape.
Example: Exhale...2...3….4

Repeat until you are calm.

*Note - If stressful thoughts or images enter your mind just acknowledge them
without judgement (good, bad, right, wrong) and release them. Now is not the time
to deal with outside thoughts. You are to remain focused on belly balloon
Progressive Muscle Tension and Relaxation Exercises

Step 1: Find a space free of distractions. Then sit or lay down comfortably.

Step 2: Start by taking a few slow, deep breaths.

Step 3: Tense the following body areas for 5-7 seconds followed by 10-20 seconds
of relaxation:

Þ -Fists, Wrists, Forearms

Þ -Biceps (Bend at elbow)
Þ -Forehead (Wrinkle forehead, lift eyebrows)
Þ -Mouth (Make a frown with mouth and forehead)
Þ -Eyes (Squeeze shut)
Þ -Jaw (Open mouth wide)
Þ -Neck (Roll head slowly)
Þ -Shoulders (Lift to ears)
Þ -Stomach (Take a deep breath and then let breath out)
Þ -Back (Arch back)
Þ -Butt and thighs
Þ -Legs (Straighten, drop toes to ground, lift toes towards shins)
Þ -Ankles (Roll)
Þ -Feet (Clench toes)
Visualization Techniques
NCLEX Test-Day Success

This is a great way to feel calm, capable, and competent during your exam.

Visualizing yourself doing well on test-day and then working through your
anxiety can improve the way you deal with anxiety.

Step 1: Find a space free of distractions. Then sit or lay down comfortably.

Step 2: Start by taking a few slow, deep breaths.

Step 3: Begin to visualize the test facility in as much detail as possible as

you breathe deeply.

Þ -See yourself sitting in front of your test

Þ -See your hands in front of you
Þ -What can you see around you to the left and to the right?
Þ -Are you alone or are people sitting next to you?
Þ -What does your test look like?

Take a moment to pay attention to your anxiety.

Þ -What does it feel like? Racing heart, butterflies, or shaking hands

Þ -Pause a moment and day “I’ve got this. I can get through this

Visual yourself continuing with the test

Þ -What can you see?

Þ -What can you hear?
Þ -Can you hear other students rustling around?
Þ -Do you hear the A/C or heater?

Turn page to continue exercise…

Visualization Techniques
NCLEX Test-Day Success

Welcome all that you can see and hear!

What can you touch and taste?

Þ -What is the temperature in the room?

Þ -What do your clothes feel like?

Imagine you are answering some questions, easily knowing the answer, and
getting it right. Practice feeling excited and proud about your success and
give yourself encouragement such as “I am going to beat this exam. I have
come too far!”

Visualize anything else that you think would be helpful, including being done
with the test and feeling proud that you are done.

In closing take a few deep breaths and return to the room.

Congratulate yourself for being one step

closer to effectively managing your anxiety!

+ Will Regina MSN, RN actually be teaching ?

- Absolutely! Regina MSN, RN will personally be leading each course with the ReMar Nurses and share the
class as a live premire via Facebook & YouTube. Please be sure to subscribe to both pages and turn on your

+ How can I reach ReMar to ask questions or receive support?

- The best way to contact Team ReMar is by email at Support@ReMarReview.com

+ How long will the NCLEX Anxiety Bootcamp be available?

- ReMar Nurse Anxiety Bootcamp is a live NCLEX event and is not guaranteed to remain posted. Please try to
watch and share each class daily at 2 PM EST and confirm your time zone. Lectures will be placed inside of
the NCLEX Virtual Trainer 30-days after they air.

+ How long will the Virtual Trainer discount be available?

- The Axiety Bootcamp discount be available for the duration of the event ending April 30, 2021. Use the
code: NOSTRESS at www.ReMarNurse.com

+ What does the Virtual Trainer come with?

- The NCLEX Virutal Trainer has 3-months online access and two physical workbooks; the VT workbook which
is much like this same workbook and Quick Facts for NCLEX.

+ How long does it take to finsh the Virtual Trainer review?

- Many of our ReMar Nurses have finished their Virtual Trainer review and passed NCLEX in just three-weeks.
You’ll have 3-months in the VT and our recommendend study time is six-weeks.

+ Do I have to begin my Virtual Trainer Account Immediately ?

- Yes – Your access to the VT begins immediately upon order and your book is shipped via USPS Priroty mail
in 3-4 days. You will have a full three-months to study with the Virutal Trainer with monthly renwal of
$29/mo at the end of your initial three-months of access. Student may cancel the monthly subscription at
any time!

+ Is ReMar Nurse Virtual Trainer all that I need to pass NCLEX ?

- Yes. Absolutely! The VT is a comprehensive NCLEX Review based upon the core nursing content for NCLEX!
- This is everything that you need to pass NCLEX following this material inside of the NCLEX Virtual Trainer.
Students may opt for additional questions depending on personal study prefereance and habits.

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