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Korean Accent Familiarization

Teacher Miles

Saying Hello
How are you.
Hello, lady.
How are you.
Hey! Ben. Pretty good. How are you?
Hi! Makkie. I got your call. What’s up?
What’s up guys? This is Justin.
Hey! What’s up baby sister?
How are your class today?
How are your class gone?
Summer? Long time no see.
Suzy? Hi! Long time no see.
How have you been?
Lydia Jasmine Cruz, long time no see.
What’s going on?

Saying Goodbye
See you then, goodbye! Bye-bye see you next week.
Alright! See you later. Bye-bye! And I will see you later.
And I hope to catch you again. Okay? Take care. Bye-bye.
Goodbye! Suddenly Martha. Take Care.
Take Care, Changmin have a safe trip on.
Have a good day. Bye!
Have a good day Madame and we hope to see you again!

Introducing yourself
Hi there! My name is R. My name is Cameron but you can call me Ken.
Good morning, my name is Bond, James Bond. Hello you must be Luke? Yes you must be Alex.
It’s nice to finally meet you in person.
Excuse me? But you must be Mary?
I’m Jack. Nice to meet you.
Mr. Kurt? Very nice to meet you. A pleasure to meet you later.

Stating Likes
I like pancakes. I like my school. I like watching movie quite a bit.
Nice! I love consult day. Go roller skating. I love roller skating.
God, I love this fun! And as someone who is fun on an almost daily basis but I enjoy it it’s really fun.
Oh! I’m crazy about it.
Stating dislikes
I don’t like when my mom wears make up. I change my mind I don’t like the fit. No, I don’t like sweet
drink. I don’t like it. I think you are affected. Thanks for coming with me. I had doing banking. I had to let
this day really scare me. I hate rainy days, there’s nothing to do. There is nowhere to go. I can’t stand
summer weather. Oh, it is too hot I can’t stand it anymore.

Basic Questions
What’s your name? Can I have your name? Could you tell me your name please?
Where do you live? What kind of place do you live in? A house? A flat or a palm tree? Okay?
And could I have your address please? So, do you have a part time job? What do you do?
So, what do you do for a living? When is your birthday?

Meeting New People

Okay, first I’d like you to tell me about your family. Tell me about your family. What’s your favorite
sport? Where do you play? What about actors? Who are some of your favorite actors? What are your
hobbies? My hobby is collecting coins. Do you have a hobby? What kind of TV shows do you like to
watch? What kind of music do you like?

Catching Up
Hey guys! Good to see you both again. How was your camp? Hey! How was your vacation? Hi Pit! I
haven’t seen you for a long time. Hello Sarah, I haven’t seen you for a couple of years. My goodness
you’ve grown. Hi Mike, what are you up to? So, what have you been up to since your retirement?
What are your plans for thanksgiving this year? Sure, are you still planning to work during the summer
break? Have you heard about the friends, about the designer crop? Hey! Have you ever heard about the
first work? Is Dennis’s friends meeting you here?

Asking for help

Sim, can you help me set up table? Can you help me with the tomorrows Math homework?
Bekky, can you help me make cake? Will you help me with my English homework? Will you help me find
the princess? I’m sorry to bother you but, would you help me please? Would you help me get down
form this pole? Hey Changmin! Can you do me a favor? Mina, can you do me a big favor? Can I borrow
some money? I need your help Dom, I need your team.

Offering Help
Do you need any help? Can I help you? Hello, may I help you? Excuse me, can I help you? Sure, do you
need anything else? I shall be happy to assist you sir. How can I help you today? Of course, how can I
help? What’s the matter? What can I get you sir? Do you need a hand? Let me give you a hand with your

Expressing Gratitude
Thank you very much everybody. Thank you very much and Goodluck. Thank you so much, God bless
you. Thank you so much really thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for your help. Thank I
really appreciate your advice. I appreciate it so much and you are amazing! Many thanks! I really
appreciate this. Thank you, Bill. How thoughtful of you. I’m grateful to them.
Respond to “Thank you”
You’re welcome! You’re very welcome. Sure, anytime. Oh yes! No problem. I’m glad to help. No worries
don’t worry about it. My pleasure. The pleasure is mine. Of course, Mr. Miller. Don’t mention it, not at
all. My pleasure. By all means, pass your glass please. There you are! Sure thing.

Aking about feelings

What’s the matter? Are you sick? You look pale. What’s the matter? Hey! What’s the matter? And do
you have a problem? Christian, are you alright? Hey are you alright? You sound terrible. Pardon me.
Excuse me? Hannah, are you okay? Mommy is here, are you okay? You don’t look happy. What’s wrong?
You don’t look well. What’s wrong with you? Do you want to talk about it with us?

Talking about feelings

I’ve been here for a good few years, so I’m happy to be here. I’m happy that I get to do what I want to
do. Yeah, so I’m happy. I think it’s a wonderful job. And I confess I’m excited to see Mickey. I’m excited
because my family is gonna come home from Morrocco. I’m worried about little Dilbert. He’s not like
other kids. Maybe I’m worried you’re running around with the wrong crowd. I’m very sad and very
ashamed of what I’ve done. I was very angry I left then I went to the restaurant.

Giving Complements
Hey! You look great. Wow you look great in that red shirt. You’re so smart that he was named employee
of the year. What a smart guy. That’s an impressive hairstyle. You have that kind of pull that’s
impressive. She’s one of the most amazing talented artists here. To the beautiful and talented and as
gifted as Ellen De Generes. I give a piece of my best. So lady gaga you’re incredible.

Remembering things
Do you remember that file we created on his wife? Jeez, I remember that place. I love it down there. I
love working for you guys. But above all I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to. I was in
Canada, and I’ll never forget it. At that time I was 170lbs. and I was just very raw at that time. I was 39
years old but then we were a small company with the big idea but then all they have to play was a stick.

Asking for an opinion

What do you think was the best present you gave to them? What do you think of the food here so far?
So, what do you think? Which is the best solution? What is the best thing for us to do? And what is the
best reaction you’ve seen so far? What is the best advice that anyone has given you? So, how do you
feel about going back home? How do you feel about the situation? Thank you, Tan. What’s your opinion

Expressing opinion
Cool, me too! You are right! So, I agree with you completely. Indeed, indeed. Me neither. Yeah, I know
what you mean. Tell me about it. It feels like you just got here. That’s true! Absolutely. That’s exactly
what I was thinking. That’s exactly right.

Expressing Disagreement
I don’t agree with you. Well, I don’t think so. But I don’t think it’s scary. I doubt it, Sally. But I’m afraid I
disagree with it. I disagree with that statement. I just respectfully disagree with that. But with all due
respect I humbly descent. Not in my opinion. With all due respect Oyon. I beg to differ.
Making Request
Could you please turn that down? Oh yeah could you please bring the water glasses from the lazy
Suzan? Could you please wait here for a moment? Would you please hold me? Winston, would you
please put out the cigarette? Would you please tell Mr. Cooper that I’m here? Would you mind bringing
the drinks menu? Would you mind telling me what this is about? Please don’t call me, please. Please
don’t be late for dinner in the future.

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