Online Examination Code of Conduct For Students

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Online Examination Code Of Conduct For Students

(To be followed by all students appearing in online examinations and to be guided by concerned guardians)

1. All students appearing in online examination must log in to Google Classroom through their official Email_Id
at specified time.

cgnfO{g k/LIffdf ;xefuL x'g] ljBfyL{x?n] lgot ;dodf u'un Snf;?ddf ljBfno åf/f k|bQ cflwsfl/s Od]n
cfOl8 dfk{mt HjfOg x'g' kg]{5 .
2. Students need to be dressed in school uniform as far as practicable and in case of new students, they must be
dressed in formal descent uniform during examination.

;a} k/LIffyL{x? k/LIffsf] bf}/fg :s"n o'lgkmd{df x'g'kg]{ 5 / gofF ljBfyL{x?sf] xsdf /fd|f] cf}krfl/s n'uf nufpg'
kg]{5 .
3. Students are required to show their digital admit card to the teacher on duty before they can get question papers.

k|Zgkq kfpg' cufj} ljBfyL{x?n] k|fKt u/]sf l8lh6n P8ld6 sf8{ lzIfsnfO{ clgjfo{ b]vfpg' kg]{5 .
4. As soon as examination time starts, examinees are required to answer all quiz questions and submit them
properly in first 20 minutes. After the quiz time is over, question paper for the written examination will be
provided by the teacher conducting the examination.

k/LIffsf] ;do ;'? x'gf;fy klxnf] @) ldg]6df k/LIffyL{x?n] lSjh k|Zgx?sf] pQ/ tof/u/L lzIfsn] lgb]{z lbP
cg';f/ ;ald6 ug{k' g]{ 5 / tTkZrft\ lnlvt k/LIffsf] k|Zgkq lzIfs åf/f l8:kn] ul/g] 5 .
5. After completion of written examination, examinees will require to submit the soft copy (all pages in one pdf
file) within 15 minutes to the destination as instructed by the teacher.

k/LIff cjlw ;dfKt eP kZrft\ !% ldg]6 leq pQ/k'l:tsfsf] kmf]6f] lv+rL lkl8Pkm kmfOn agfO{ lzIfssf] lgb]{zg
cg';f/ k7fpg' kg]{5 .
6. Examinees are required to keep the answer sheets safely and submit every two days’ answer sheets to school
k/LIffyL{x?n] pQ/k'l:tsfx? ;'/lIft ;fy /fVg' kg]{5 / k|To]s b'O{ lbgsf] slk ;'/lIft tj/n] ljBfnodf k7fpg' kg]{5 .
7. All students require to keep video and audio on or off strictly according to the directive of the teacher in charge
of the examination.

k/LIffsf] bf}/fg ljBfyL{x?n] clgjfo{ ?kdf lzIfssf] lgb]{zg cg';f/ lel8of] / cl8of] cg÷ckm /fVg' kg]{5 .
8. Proper cooperation of the concerned guardian is expected to maintain the sanctity of the online examination.

cgnfO{g k/LIffsf] dof{bf sfod /fVg ;DalGwt cleefjssf] ;lqmo ;xof]u ck]lIft 5 .
ljBfno k|zf;g

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