Bachelor of Engineering in Interior Design Course Descriptions

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Appendix B






Studio 1 Kitchen and Bath Design IDS 101 2 6 4 Freshmen 1
Course Description:

Introduction to visual communication skills: Hand drafting, freehand sketching, conceptualization to

communicate interior design concepts visualizing 2 & 3 dimensional representations. Since this is the first
studio in a sequential series of design courses in which students apply their skills, knowledge, and
understanding of the design process to kitchen and bath projects. Emphasis is placed on the
interrelationship of design elements and principles, spatial organization and sequencing, human
anthropometrics and conceptual problem solving in three-dimensional space.

Prerequisite: Pass Prep. Year

Co-requisite: None

Studio 2 Residential Design IDS 102 2 6 4 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

Residential designs project that focusing on creative thinking to enable the student to gain an
understanding of design process. Assignment of a studio project in the residential field utilizing
programming, schematic design and design development with emphasis on the circulation and space
planning. Students will specify all materials for the living space and complete the project by preparing a
presentation drawings and mockup model.

Prerequisite: IDS 101

Co-requisite: None

Studio 3 Small Commercial Facilities IDS 203 2 6 4 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

Students will be introduced to programming, specification, and the use of systems furniture as they relate
to planning small commercial facilities. Emphasis is on the design process using space planning concepts
and methods, problem solving, and application of design theory specific to commercial office
environments. Students are introduced to evidence-based design theory.

Prerequisite: IDS 102

Co-requisite: None

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Studio 4 Hospitality Design Project IDS 204 2 6 4 Sophomore 2
Course Description:

Building on previously studied design concepts, students work collaboratively to apply their knowledge
and skills in the production of a comprehensive hospitality design project. Projects emphasize research,
creative problem solving and effective communication.

Prerequisite: IDS 203

Co-requisite: None

Studio 5 Interior Renovation & Restoration IDS 305 2 6 4 Junior 1

Course Description:

The aim of the course is to gain the ability of problem solving in interior renovation and restoration
assigment to large scaled projects that considering the user requirements and needs. The course is focus
on the analysis stage of interior renovation (including period restoration). Students will prepare as-found
drawings, compare past and present interior details and develop design requirements. The students will
explore the concepts and relations of interior design in large scaled projects in accordance with design
practices, gain the ability of seeing and thinking of the environmental factors, learn the analysis methods
considering the existing building system properties.

Prerequisite: IDS 204

Co-requisite: None

Studio 6 Institutional Healthcare Project IDS 306 2 6 4 Junior 2

Course Description:

This is an advanced design studio course for seniors. Students will demonstrate their knowledge and skills
acquired from previous courses by completing a large-scale institutional healthcare design project.
Emphasis is placed on the student's ability to creatively apply evidence-based research in the
development of the physical site to utilize ideation throughout concept development and to successfully
communicate design solutions using a variety of digital and hand-rendered presentation techniques.
Projects emphasize research, creative problem solving, effective communication, sustainability and the
application of LEED C-I standards.

Prerequisite: IDS 305

Co-requisite: None

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Studio 7 Internship IDS 407 40 6 Senior 1
Course Description:

This course is an introduction to the interior design profession through directed course work and practical
work experience at participating interior design and architectural firms. Students will complete one
semester of practical work experience (Practicum) under the supervision of the Program Director and the
host organization. Students are allowed two semesters to complete the Internship.

Prerequisite: IDS 306

Co-requisite: None

IDS 408 is optional (If student unable to get training placement)

Studio 7 Senior Project I IDS 408 2 12 6 Senior 1

Course Description:

This course is an opportunity for students to participate in an interior design local / international design
competition. Students may participate individually or within a team of up to five members.

Prerequisite: IDS 306

Co-requisite: None

Studio 8 Senior Project II IDS 409 2 6 4 Senior 2

Course Description:

This final studio course honors and reflects design as a contextual "living in the world" tradition. Students
will speak with a personal voice in the design of a complex thesis-based project that demonstrates the
understanding that all design decisions are an essential part of a diverse framework encompassing a wide
range of cultural, socio-economic, political and environmental issues. Emphasis is placed on the student's
ability to create a project that successfully demonstrates all aspects of the design process, as well as the
skills and knowledge they have learned to this point in their studies in the presentation of an evidence-
based creative solution to a self-defined issue or implication. Students are expected to utilize research
methodology to organize and define their project. An aspect of the project solution is the use of
appropriate methods to effectively communicate research findings as well as effective presentation
techniques used to express the proposed design concept. Senior project presentations are evaluated by a
multi-disciplinary panel of jurors.

Prerequisite: IDS 407 or IDS 408

IDC 302
ID 307
GS 301
Co-requisite: None

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Introduction to Interior Design ID 101 2 2 3 Freshmen 1

Course Description:

The course provide students with an overview of Interior Design profession, Explores the design process
as it relates to human factors and introduces the principles and elements of design as they relate
specifically to interior design. Covers construction and materials, furniture arrangement, furniture selection
and floor plans.

Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None

Drafting (CAD) IDC 101 1 3 2 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

This is an introductory level course of using Autocad software, covering from basic drafting skills, such as
line technique, lettering, dimensioning and symbols, to the development of a set of technical drawings.
Lessons include site plans, foundations, walls, wall sections, floors, roof design, stairs, elevations,
sections, and construction details.

Prerequisite: Math 103

Co-requisite: None

Color Theory and Application ID 206 2 0 2 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

In-depth study of color to explore objective rationale and subjective experience of color in interiors through
execution of problems in color contrast and color scales.

Prerequisite: ID 103
Co-requisite: None

Elements of Design 1 IDE 101 1 2 2 Freshmen 1

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the basic principles and elements used in two dimensional design
solutions with emphasis on the use of line, shape, pattern, and rhythm. Course work will offer students the
opportunity to develop an aesthetic vocabulary, abstract problem solving skills and the ability to evaluate
the design process independently and critically.

Prerequisite: Pass Prep. Year

Co-requisite: None

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Elements of Design 2 IDE 201 1 2 2 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

This course introduces students to the ordering principles used for organizing and defining the relationship
of space and form. Students develop concepts and express them volumetrically in three-dimensional
projects and massing models. Design vocabulary and analytical skills learned in previous design courses
will be applied and expanded.

Prerequisite: IDE 101

Co-requisite: None

English Composition 1 ENGL 101 3 0 3 Freshmen 1

Course Description:

This course presents the rhetorical principles of modern essays, which in practical application enable
students to compose college level expository and argumentative essays. This course contains a required
speech component. Student will demonstrate college-level writing and communication skills through
multiple assignments.

Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None

English Composition 2 ENGL 102 3 0 3 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

Focuses on essay writing strategies, clear expression, correct syntax, grammar and diction; basic
organizational principles, researching ideas, documenting reference sources, reading longer, more
complex material, determining flaws in an argument, and presenting group oral reports.

Prerequisite: ENG 101

Co-requisite: None

Physics PHYS 111 2 3 3 Freshmen 1

Course Description:

Physics course covering mechanics, electricity, heat, light, sound and acoustic. It presents a survey of the
major fields of physics with a concentration on how to understand and describe physical phenomena
related interior design.

Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None

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Physical Education I PE 101 0 2 1 Freshmen 1

Course Description:

A required course sequence commencing in the freshman year. Students take a semester-long course
and study at least one sport of their choice, and choices may be made from various sports offered in the
college and physical fitness center. They are expected to actively participate in all physical activities.
Attention will also be paid to knowledge of the sport or activity being presented, as well as the skill and
attitude of the student

Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None

Physical Education II PE 102 0 2 1 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

This is a continuation of the PE 101 emphasizing on physical activities focusing on one sport chosen by
the students.

Prerequisite: PE 101
Co-requisite: None

Functional Grammar ARAB 101 2 0 2 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

Topics covered in this course include: studying chosen parts of Arabic grammar, verbs, the five verbs,
nouns that are subject to desinential infliction with letters, derivatives, abrogative, indeclinable, numbers,
and hamzah in a practical way with numerous applications.

Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None

Objective Writing ARAB 201 2 0 2 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

Topics covered in this course include: sources and forms of objective writing, objective essay, reporting,
evaluation, administrative messages, summary, and scientific research.

Prerequisite: ARAB 101

Co-requisite: None

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CAD 3D IDC 201 1 3 2 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

This course is to learn 3 dimensional software tools for interior design with exploration of using Sketchup
and Autocad to produce 3D models with rendering effects.

Prerequisite: IDC 101

Co-requisite: None

Historical Styles ID 202 3 0 3 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

This survey course is an introduction to the architectural movements of the 20th Century. Students will
study noted architects, key buildings and furniture, and will examine specific design movements in terms
of their social and historical context.

Prerequisite: ID 101
Co-requisite: None

Graphic Design ID 103 1 3 2 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

An introduction to visual principles as the basis of graphic design communication and elements and issues
of visual language. Using industry standard software and related programs, students develop the ability
and confidence to determine appropriate and successful designs. Demonstrate effective use of color,
dominant and subordinate elements, typography, and production skills to make effective design layouts,
which meet industry standards.

Prerequisite: IDE 101

Co-requisite: None

Green Interiors ID 201 2 2 3 Sophomore 1

Course Description:

Introduction to the changing world of sustainable and green design interiors utilizing specific vocabulary,
best practice and design methods through the understanding of local and national resources, professional
organizations and governmental Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) standards

Prerequisite: ID 102
Co-requisite: None

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Working Drawing ID 303 1 3 2 Junior 1

Course Description:

Students will receive an introduction to designing and drafting a working drawing. Students will work
towards completing a full to-scale working drawing and create working drawings using predetermined
specifications. CAD software will be used and students will understand and be able to draw elevations,
sections and details in relation to working drawing design.

Prerequisite: IDC 201

Co-requisite: None
Digital Multimedia - Visual Communication ID 305 1 3 2 Junior 2

Course Description:

Visual communication with introduction of alternative presentation methods. Essential tools: Adobe
Photoshop, Adobe Flash and website development tools are included in this course.

Prerequisite: ID 103
Co-requisite: None

Lightweight Structure ID 307 2 0 2 Junior 2

Course Description:

An overview of components and concepts of structural systems in steel, concrete, and wood as used by
interior designer and architects. Includes conceptual design and detailing.

Prerequisite: ID 306
Co-requisite: None
Math - Geometry Math 103 2 0 2 Freshmen 1
Course Description:
This is a course examining two and three dimensional geometric figures and their properties, geometric
constructions, deduction and induction, making conjectures, drawing conclusions, and development of
formal logical proof.
Prerequisite: None
Co-requisite: None

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Introduction to BIM IDC 301 1 3 2 Junior 1

Course Description:

This course explores both technical and philosophical approaches to the use of the computer in design
analysis, design development, information management, and document delivery. Students will learn the
basics of Building Information Modeling (BIM) using Revit® Architecture, students will produce Building
Information Models (abbreviated as BIMs), which define the geometry, spatial relationships, geographic
information, and the quantities and properties of all the systems components that go into constructing the

Prerequisite: IDC 201

Co-requisite: IDC None

Lighting Design ID 205 2 0 2 Sophomore 2

Course Description:

Fundamental of lighting course that covers basic lighting terminology, specifications, concepts and
principles of lighting design.

Prerequisite: PHYS 111

Co-requisite: None

Textile & Finish Materials ID 204 2 0 2 Sophomore 2

Course Description:

Textiles and finish material for residential and commercial interiors. Analyzing physical properties,
application, testing system, regulations and specification.

Prerequisite: IDE 201

Co-requisite: None

Human Factors GS 201 2 0 2 Sophomore 2

Course Description:

Human Factors is the study of the relationship between the individual and the built environment. The study
topics will be related to ergonomics and anthropometrics, environmental and spatial behavior, universal
design, life safety issues and issues of social responsibility. Human Factors issues will be discussed in the
context of various types of design, including private residence design, retail and hospitality design, offices,
and design for special populations

Prerequisite: ID 201
Co-requisite: None

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Building Construction ID 207 3 0 3 Sophomore 2

Course Description:

Survey of basic construction techniques and procedures through project applications. Topics include
concrete, masonry, wood frame and lightweight steel construction methods and materials.

Prerequisite: IDE 201

Co-requisite: None

Heritage of Saudi Arabia GS 202 2 0 2 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

This course covers interior architecture and decorative arts within a cultural context of architecture in the
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ancient times through the 20th Century will be illustrated.

Prerequisite: IDE 101

Co-requisite: None

Islamic Ideology & Thought ISLM 101 2 0 2 Junior 1

Course Description:

Topics covered in this course include: fundamentals of Islamic ideology and thought, main characteristics
of the Islamic faith, Islamic description of the universe, human beings and life, effects of faith in our lives.

Prerequisite: ARAB 201

Co-requisite: None

Building Codes & Standard ID 301 2 0 2 Junior 1

Course Description:

This course examines current International Building Code (IBC) and Saudi Building Code (SBC)
requirements, life safety and environmental issues, occupancies and building classifications, exiting,
universal and barrier-free standards and requirements in both residential and non-residential structures.
Students study code-mandated materials and methods of construction, sustainability guidelines, project
liabilities and state regulations.

Prerequisite: ENGL 203

Co-requisite: None

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Furniture Design ID 203 2 2 3 Sophomore 2

Course Description:

This is an introduction to the concepts, functions, materials and construction techniques of furniture
design. It also is a review of design theory development in two- and three-dimensional forms of a basic
furniture concept or design. Students to solve furniture design problems in drawing and model techniques.

Prerequisite: IDE 201

Co-requisite: None

Interior Details ID 302 2 2 3 Junior 1

Course Description:

Explore the design and detailing of interior finish systems such as interior cabinetry, ceiling, tiling design
and wall finish.

Prerequisite: ID 203
Co-requisite: None

Building System ID 306 3 0 3 Junior 1

Course Description:

This course explores the components of interior construction and building systems as they relate to the
interior design professional. The course emphasizes the understanding of the structural and non-structural
envelope and the distribution systems, including power, mechanical, plumbing, HVAC, and data and voice
communications as they work individually and collectively with various control and security systems to
define interior space. Also included is an introduction to building acoustics and how basic principles affect
design layout and material and furniture selection for a variety of building and construction types.

Prerequisite: ID 207
Co-requisite: None

Professional communication ENGL 203 2 0 2 Sophomore 2

Course Description:

This course will focus on the development of communication and presentation skills through a study of
both professional communication theory and traditional approaches to public address. Students will learn
how to research, prepare and deliver presentations. The interpersonal skills of listening to, and critiquing,
presentations will also be taught.

Prerequisite: ENGL 102

Co-requisite: None

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Work Ethics in Islam ISLM 301 2 0 2 Junior 2

Course Description: Topics covered in this course include: good behavior for the integrated Islamic
personality, principles of social dealings, work and professional ethics

Prerequisite: ISLM 101

Co-requisite: None

Research Methodology GS 301 3 0 3 Junior 2

Course Description:

This course introduces students to a diversity of research techniques and trains them in experiencing the
research process that involves identifying problems, collecting, analyzing, interpreting and reporting data,
for the purpose of using opportunities, or solving problems in the interior environment. Emphasis will be
given to descriptive research design (such as survey research), measurement and sampling, commonly
used data analysis methods, data interpretation, and writing and reporting of research findings. Students
are also trained to write a research proposal in planning for the thesis assignment in their final semester

Prerequisite: ID 301
Co-requisite: None

Professional Practice ID 304 3 0 3 Junior 2

Course Description:

This course explores standard business procedures commonly associated with the practice of interior
design. Students will study various types of design practices, financial management and compensation,
ethical practices, professional development, legal liability, and issues related to licensing and certification.
The management of a typical interior design project will be studied, including writing proposals and
contracts, specifications, bidding procedures, budgets, construction schedules, contractor negotiations
and collaboration, and project administration.

Prerequisite: IDS 305

Co-requisite: None

Advance BIM IDC 302 1 3 2 Junior 2

Course Description:

Students will learn the advance system of Building Information Modeling (BIM) using Revit®

Prerequisite: IDC 301

Co-requisite: None

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Environmental Studies ID 102 2 0 2 Freshmen 2

Course Description:

This course examines global environmental issues and the impact of human intervention on the earth's
ecosystems. Topics include air and water pollution, finite and renewable energy sources, the impact of
urbanization, destruction of rain forests, climate change, depletion of the ozone layer, waste disposal,
hazardous waste treatment, environmental theories, philosophies, movements and politics.

Prerequisite: ID 101
Co-requisite: None

Interior Plantscaping ID 402 1 2 2 Senior 2

Course Description:

Students will learn types of indoor and outdoor planting. Students to select, install, manage, maintain and
design plantings within buildings as well as to understand the effects of interior plants on people and the

Prerequisite: IDS 407 or IDS 408

Co-requisite: None

Portfolio Presentation ID 401 1 3 2 Senior 2

Course Description:

This course focuses on the organization and preparation of a portfolio showcasing a student's creative
work in preparation for employment in the field of interior design. Students will explore visual composition
and organization, document assembly methods and various reproduction and image management
techniques. Computer photo editing and printing, paper and digital portfolio preparation, and the
implications of using a portfolio in the interview process for employment are emphasized.

Prerequisite: ID 305
Co-requisite: None

Project Management ID 441 2 3 3 Senior 2

Course Description:

This course addresses the basic nature of managing general projects, especially focuses on type of
projects, and project life cycle as the organizational guideline. Contents will cover the whole process of
project management, including project initiation, project planning, project implementation and project
termination and the characteristics of project and management. The course also covers essential areas of
Project Management Body of Knowledge, defined by PMI.

Prerequisite: IDS 407 or IDS 408

Co-requisite: None

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Professional Studies (Elective I) IDX 411 3 0 3 Senior 2

Course Description:

Project Cost Estimating

This course covers the primary methods for cost estimation needed in systems development, including
parametric estimation, activity-based costing, life cycle estimation, and probabilistic modeling. The
estimation methods are placed in context of a Work Breakdown Structure and program schedules, while
explaining the entire estimation process. Students will learn how to use cost models through real-life case

Prerequisite: ID 304
Co-requisite: None

Professional Studies (Elective 2) IDX 412 3 0 3 Senior 2

Course Description:

Contemporary Furniture Design

Students gain an overview of current trends in contemporary furniture design and manufacture, current
field of furniture and an understanding of its historical evolution. Furniture will be considered as an
element of social and economic development. Exploration of the development of furniture relative to both
the domestic market and public sphere will frame the social role of furniture in our culture. The course will
cover the development of styles and their sources, as well as the evolution and organization of furniture
manufacture, cabinetmaking techniques, development of machine technologies, and the impact of the
effects of globalization on the craft and industry of furniture making.

Prerequisite: ID 304
Co-requisite: None

Professional Studies (Elective 3) IDX 413 3 0 3 Senior 2

Course Description:

Advance Green Interiors

Advanced exploration of sustainable and green design interior solutions. Emphasis is placed on
application of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) professional standards and other
recognized methods and practices.

Prerequisite: ID 304
Co-requisite: None

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Art & History (Elective 1 ) IDX 401 3 0 3 Junior 2

Course Description:

Islamic Ornamentation
This theory/studio course will guide students through Islamic design. Theory will focus on decorative
patterns and motifs that distinguish this illustrious period of architecture. Islamic ornamentation and
geographic origin will be considered to include Turkish, Persian, Indian, Moroccan, Spanish and Egyptian.
Students will learn how Islamic ornamentation has influenced interiors and furnishings. The studio
application will demonstrate applications of Islamic geometry.

Prerequisite: ID 304
Co-requisite: None

Art & History (Elective 2) IDX 402 3 0 3 Senior 2

Course Description:

Islamic Architecture

This course surveys the art and architecture of the Islamic world from the 7th through the 20th centuries. It
examines the form and function of architecture as well as the social, historical and cultural contexts,
patterns of use, and evolving meanings attributed to buildings by the users.

Prerequisite: ID 304
Co-requisite: None

Art & History (Elective 3) IDX 403 3 0 3 Senior 2

Course Description:
History of Interior Architecture

This course is an introductory overview of the history of design in furniture, interiors, and architecture from
the ancient world through 1820. Lectures, readings, and field trips focus on the development of major
forms, period styles, and ornament from ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome through the Renaissance,
Baroque, Rococo, and Neoclassical eras.
Prerequisite: ID 304
Co-requisite: None

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