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A Research
Presented to the
Senior High School
University of Santo Tomas

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the Course
Practical Research 2


YABUT, Christina Regina

ALBERTO, Allysa Patrice
DRAUG, Princess Jan
LOSARIA, Denesha Jane
PANGANIBAN, Kyle Christopher

John Justin C. Mesias, Msc
May 2018


Earthworms are a major component in maintaining the functioning of the soil ecosystem. It
improves the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil through their activities including
the breakdown of organic matter in soil, aeration, fragmentation, and releases nutrients needed by
plants. Earthworms can also change the soil environment by altering and maintaining soil
properties including soil pH. Soil pH is important to be considered because it influences how
plants can easily take up soil nutrients. This paper was reviewed to understand the role of
earthworms in soil dynamics and how they are referred to as ecosystem engineers. It was also to
find out the role of earthworms in the pH of soil. Five setups of soil with earthworms were tested
for five weeks, using a soil pH meter. ANOVA testing was performed and the results show that
earthworms have a significant effect to the soil pH. It shows how they increase and maintain the
soil pH, letting it stay in the optimal pH range. Soil that passes through the gut of the earthworms
contains more nutrients than the surrounding soil making their casts beneficial to the soil.

Keywords: earthworms, soil pH ,fertility, nutrients, structure, ecosystem



1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Objectives of the Study 2
1.1 Significance of the Study 3
1.2 Scope and Limitation 3

2.0 Review of Related Literature 5

3.0 Research Methods 13

3.1 Research Design: Experimental 13

3.2 Subjects and Study Site 13
3.3 Research Instrument 13
3.4 Data Gathering Procedure 14
3.6 Data Analysis 14

4.0 Results and Discussion 15

5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations 18

References 21


1.1 Background of the Study

Soil pH serves as a measurement of the chemical

properties of the soil, it determines whether it is acidic,
neutral, or basic. It is a measure of the activity of ionized
H (H+) in the soil solution. It indicates if the soil has a
sufficient amount of nutrients and elements needed by a
plant (Lean, 1982). Earthworms are very sensitive to soil
pH. A neutral soil pH is preferred by most of its species,
but pH of 5.0 to 8.0 can be tolerated by them. Low or
high pH is generally unfavorable for many species of
earthworms and increase or decrease in soil pH may
cause decline in earthworm count (Edwards and Bohlen,

Earthworms are classified under the phylum

Annelida, class Oligochaeta and order Opisthophora.
They are mostly found in the grasslands, woods, tropical
areas and least in the desert since it is highly dependable
on the soil, water, and temperature. Although, it can adapt
in various environment conditions (Bawa, Bukar,

Abdullahi & Samuel, 2016). Earthworms are considered a

significant aspect in soil fertility, they act in accordance
with the location and temperature (Mayilswam & Reid,
2010). They are most likely to be effective in improving
soil structure at natural tropical areas (Blanchart, et al.,

Worms play a significant role in the soil systems. As

earthworms dig burrows they deposit casts, which is
organic material that has been digested by worms, while
mixing soil horizons and burying above ground litter.
This results in

an increase in the porosity, aeration and an

improvement in the hydraulic properties and structural
stability of soil. Due to the worms selecting the nutrients
that they consume, it results in their casts having higher
soil organic matter, nutrient contents and even protecting
the soil from erosion (Lavelle, et al., 1998). Earthworms
are known to be the “ecosystem engineers” because of
their responsibility in improving the physical processes in
the ecosystem such as water retention and enhancement,
nutrient cycling, climate regulation, decomposition of
organic matter and other ecosystem services in tropical
environments, earthworms exert more energy in order to
consume large amount of minerals (Blouin, et al., 2013).

Since the Philippines has a comparatively favorable

soil base for a humid tropical soil (Garrity, Kummer &
Guiang, 1993), earthworms can favor the soil
environment that we have in our lands. Earthworms are
an integral part of the soil organisms in almost all global
soils, they exhibit a notable proportion of the soil biomass
and are consider as a useful indicator of soil heath and

quality (Edwards, 2004). Earthworms can help our soils

to enhance its physical and chemical properties. These
impacts on ecosystem in using earthworms can sustain
and improve the management of agro-ecosystem as well
as rehabilitating degraded and polluted lands (Bawa, et.
al., 2016).

1.2 Objectives of the Study

-To show the relationship and significance of earthworms to the soil pH.
-To determine the influence of Earthworms to the soil ecosystem.
-To classify and evaluate the importance of earthworms in the environment.

1.3 Significance of the Study

To the farmers. The farmers will have an idea on how the earthworms will be of great use
to the soil pH which affects the growth of their crops. They will now know what it means when
they have earthworms living in their soils.
Common people usually disgust earthworms as they do not know its help to the society.
Through this research, they will be familiar with the earthworms and its ecological roles especially
if they are interested in farming or other botanical activities.
The future researchers can base on this study to know more about Earthworms, its role
and function in the ecosystem. They will also have the opportunity to go deeper with the topic as
they examine the study thoroughly.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This study was conducted to determine the ecological role of earthworms on soil pH and
to review its impact on soil function and ecosystem services. The researchers will review and read
literature that focuses on the topic. This includes all about the soil pH, earthworms and its role in
soil structure and fertility, nutrient cycling, etc. How earthworms affect soil, like its physical
structure, nutrients and its relationship with soil organic matter will be discussed in chapters 1, 2,

and 3 but will not be measured in the actual experiment. The only variable the researchers will
measure in the experiment is the pH of soil.

The experiment was done in Bagong Silangang Quezon City. The duration of the study
will be performed for 5 weeks, from February 4 to March 10. The setup for the experiment has 5
identical containers or cans that contains 240 kg of raw soil for all. The subjects of the study are
earthworms which were acquired from the farm of one of the researchers. There will be a control
group which contains no earthworms. For the remaining 4 cans, the earthworms will have a
sample size of 10, 20, 30, and 40. For collecting data, an instrument will be used which is called a
soil pH meter. This meter indicates the pH, light, and moisture, but only the pH will be measured.
The recording of data will be done every after 5 days.


2.1. Soil pH
Soil pH is a quantitative measure of the number of hydrogen ions in the solution of soil,
it is also a good chemical indicator in terms of soil quality. The potential of hydrogen, known as
pH, also measures the acidity and alkalinity of the soil from a scale of 0 up to 14. Hence, a pH of 7
is said to be neutral. While as the scale decreases from 7, the acidity of the soil gets higher.
Otherwise, as the range increases from 7 the alkalinity of soil gets higher. Soil pH is the key factor
for proper management in crop productivity (Xiao, 2014).

2.1.1. Relationship with availability of nutrients

Soil pH has a direct effect on the availability of nutrients for the plant’s health, growth,
and production. As the pH decreases (acidity increases), the toxicity of manganese and soluble
aluminum increases which leads to the prohibition of root growth, degradation of phosphorus
uptake, and black necrotic spots on leaves that will lower the ability of the plants to survive and

According to McKie (2006), for pastoral soils a good “rule of thumb” has a soil pH
between 5.5-7.5. At this range, most of the nutrients required by the pasture plants will be
available and thus, all things being equal, optimum growth can be expected. At different pH level,
different nutrients are available too. Others are available at a higher pH (calcium, magnesium),
while others at lower pH levels (manganese, iron, copper, zinc). On the other hand, most nutrients
are available at a slightly acidic/neutral pH (phosphorus, potassium, sodium, boron, selenium,
molybdenum). The availability of some nutrients (nitrogen, Sulphur) is not greatly related to soil
pH level. However, between pH 5.5-7.5 all the plant essential nutrients will be available.
2.1.2. Liming
In the Philippines, most soils are acidic which is brought by the high intensity of rainfall(
(Noller, 1980). The rain washes down the basic salts which leaves most of the acidic substances in
the upper soil layers. The element calcium can neutralize acid substances in soil and limestone is
one which contains the element calcium. Liming applies a calcium- and magnesium-rich materials
in different forms, including chalk, limestone, or hydrated lime to a particular soil that will be used
in crop production. In acid soils, these materials react as a base and neutralize soil acidity. The
increase in acidity have negative effects on the growth and production of plants. The application

of liming lowers soil acidity, increasing soil pH, which reduces the toxicity of soluble aluminum
and manganese which causes a more suitable environment for plants (Higgins, 2012).

2.2. Earthworms
Lumbricus terrestris or commonly known as Earthworm is a reddish-gray, tube-shaped,
segmented worm that is considered as the most important creatures living in soil. As of 2015,
over 3,500 lower classifications of earthworm are elucidated. In addition to that, further surveys
and studies claim that this count will considerably be larger in the future (Bohlen et al., 2002).
Earthworms perform a major role in soil processes such as microbial structure and properties,
health, and fertility of the soil, nutrients and carbon cycling, agricultural restoration and
sustainability, an indicator and bio concentration for contamination (Xiang et al., 2015).
There are about 400 different species of earthworms have been identified. These different
kinds of Earthworms promised to provide quicker and cheaper solutions to several
environmental problems. Earthworms have been divided into three primary ecological
categories that may contribute differently to ecosystem processes and thus ecosystem
services. .Endogeic earthworms feed directly on the soil and they live in horizontal burrows. Anecic
species produce and live in vertical burrows and feed on surface litter, they are also mostly large in
size. Lastly, the epigeic species exist in the litter and creates casts at the soil surface affecting
the macropores distribution and roughness(Bouch´e, 1977; Lee, 1985)Earthworm participation
enhances natural bio-degradation and decomposition of organic waste from 60 to 80 percent
(Published in The Environmentalist, vol. 22 (2), June 2002.).

2.2.1 Role in soil fertility and agricultural sustainability

Earthworms’ contribution to processes in soil fertility has been described in several
hundred books and papers (Satchell 1983; Lee 1985). Earthworms participate in nutrient cycling
processes including nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus and processes in soil including soil structure
regulation and organic matter dynamics. The impact of earthworms on soil characteristics such as
pH, organic matter, granulometry, nitrogen, etc. are because of their involvement in creating and
destructing the soil particles by ingesting it through their gut. Charles Darwin referred to
earthworms as ‘unheralded soldiers of mankind and farmer s friend working day and night under
the soil’. It manages industrial waste through biodegradation, stabilization and converts it into
fertilizer (Gupta, Kushwah & Yadav, 2014).

To sustain physical soil fertility, there must be a joint presence of both compacting and
decompacting species. Compacting species tends to increase water retention capacity and decrease

infiltration rates while compacting is the opposite of that. Organic residues are also necessary in
agroecosystems. In the study “The Effects of Earthworms on Soil Structure and Physical Properties”,
it is seen that in the agroecosystems of Yurimaguas Peru, the activity of P. Corethrurus, a compacting
specie and the fusion of surface casts in the absence of organic residues develops a compact surface
crust which interferes water infiltration. But in the presence of organic residues, a favorable
macroaggregate structure is developed.

2.2.2 Effects in soil physical and structure or properties (water infiltration, soil aggregation,
and bulk density)
Soil structure is a very important component of soil fertility as it affects nutrient cycling
(immobilization, mineralization, ion exchange), physical processes (thermal and mechanical
properties of soil, runoff, erosion, infiltration, soil evaporation, drainage, aeration, water
retention), biological activity (microorganism activity, movement of soil fauna), carbon cycling
(physical protection of organic matter and humification, root and microorganism turnover, organic
inputs, respiration, decomposition, localization of organic matter) (Dindal, 1985; Elliott and
Coleman, 1988;Jastrow and Miller, 1991; Lee and Foster, 1991;Lavelle etaI., 1992;Oades, 1993).
In 1881, Charles Darwin was one of the first scientists who stated that the topsoil consists of
earthworm casts.

Earthworms impact on soil physical properties whenever they ingest, or excrete soil that
creates burrows (Shipitalo & Bayon, 2004). Their tissues and burrowing activities affect the
nutrients supply that produces aggregates and pores in the soil that cause changes in physical
properties, nutrient cycling, and plant growth. Their stability together with the concentration of
organic matter impacts the soil physical properties and SOM dynamics. Moreover, the effect of
earthworms on organic matter dynamics varies depending on the time and location. In humid
tropical areas, it enhances the organic matter, nutrients, water and microbial activity in the gut
(Bhadauria & Saxena, 2010). They have also been reported to improve soil physical properties by
increasing stability of aggregation and water infiltration and reducing the bulk density (Aina, 1984;
Barois et al. , 1993; Blanchart et al., 1990, 1996; Blanch- art, 1992; Lal, 1988; Mulongoy and Bedoret,
1989). Bundle of excrements which are wastes discharged from the body form compact soil which
causes water infiltration. Water management depends on the earthworms; the absence of
earthworms increases the porosity of the soil which provides water retention (Blanchart, 1999).
Increase in water infiltration due to earthworm activity lessen surface run-off, increases plant-
available water and avoids overland transport of sediments, nutrients and agrochemicals. The soil

ingested amount depends on the size, composition and activity of the earthworms (Shipitalo &
Bayon, 2004).

The effects of earthworm in the physical structure or property of the soil vary depending
on their sizes. Large earthworms like Pontoscolex corethrurus and Millsonia anomala defecate big,
compact casts. These kinds of earthworm, often specified as compacting species, increase the
relative amount of large aggregates in soil and bulk density. On the contrary, small earthworms
like eudrilid worms defecate smaller and delicate aggregates and feed partially on large compact
casts. These worms decrease the relative amount of large aggregates in soil and bulk density and
are specified as decompacting species (Blanchart et al., 1999). Changes in the physical properties
of soil is also evident with an introduction of earthworms to agroecosystem. When compacting
species are acquainted with agroecosystems, the infiltration rate decreases and the water retention
capacity increases. Howevever, when decompacting species are acquainted with agroecosystems,
the infiltration rate increases and the water retention capacity decreases (Blanchart et al., 1999).
The endogeic macrofaunal communities increases the stability of macroaggregates because the
casts have the ability to protect the organic matter from decomposition which obtains a structure
that is most favorable (Martin, 1991; Blanchart et al., 1993).

2.2.3. Nutrient Cycling and Mineralization

Earthworms play a role in nutrient cycling along with mineralization due to their mixing,
burrowing, and casting actions (Lee, 1985; Edwards and Bohlen, 1996; McLean and Parkinson, 2000
and Bohlen et al., 2004a-c). As they eat their way into the ground, the digested soil that passes through
their bodies is brought to the ground surface which creates a circulation of soil. The mixing of
earthworms makes the nutrients available to plants and in most species, they release significant
amounts of assimilable nutrients(N,P,K,and Ca) in their casts (Syers et al., 1979; Lavelle et al.,
1992; Brossard et al., ). It also permits the distribution of organic matter through the soil and improve
soil fertility.

Earthworms enhance mineralization by mixing and fragmenting soil organic matter and
microorganisms which creates new contact surfaces between the two (Parmelee et al., 1998). They
also likely affect nutrient mineralization because of the different ecological groups of earthworms that
prefer distinct food resources. Endogeic earthworms ingest soil and humified organic matter in the
topmost layer of the mineral soil. Anecic earthworms on the other hand, absorbs litter materials into

mineral soils, making it accessible for the soil food web (Bossuyt et al., 2006). Earthworms are
also known to increase nitrogen mineralization, directly and inirectly. Directly through the release of
nitrogen in their metabolic products like urine and casts, and indirectly through organic matter
fragmentation and the changes in the physical properties of soils.

2.2.4. Earthworms and Soil Organic Matter

Organic matter is the portion of the soil that includes plant and animal remains which
consists of complex, carbon containing compounds. It includes dead leaves which largely consist
of compounds like sugars, starches, cellulose, fats and waxes, and proteins. Almost all life in soil

is dependent on organic matter for energy and nutrients including earthw orms which
tend to feed on plant debris (dead roots, leaves, grasses,
manure) and soil. They play a major role in decomposition and breakdown of
organic matter. The nutrients contained in organic matter are also recycled and released by

earthworms . Soil organic matter is a key component of any

ecosystem, and variation in its abundance and nature has
profound effects on many of the processes that occur in
the system. The amount present in soils is the result of
input of organic materials and their breakdown in soil (A.
V. Spain, R. F. Isbell and M. E. Probert). These worms
are really key organisms in the organic matter breakdown
and the transformation of both minor and major mineral
nutrients (Edwards and Bohlen, 1996).

2.2.4.a Earthworms and Soil Nitrogen


The effect of earthworms on the emissions of N2O

is complex. It has shown that the earthworm activity can
increase microbial population in earthworm casts; and
can lead to increased rates of mineralization, nitrification,
and denitrification (G. Giannopoulos, M. Pulleman, and J.
W. Groenigen). They also have multiple effects on rates
and patterns of N-mineralization and immobilization in
natural and managed ecosystems (P. J. Bohlen and C. A.
Edwards). Earthworms increase soil N availability and
cycling by stimulating the transfer of N from plant
material to inorganic forms that can be utilized by
microorganisms and plants. The earthworm gut is an
optimal environment for N2O production in terms of
microflora, anaerobicity and concentration of mineral N
and available C. As a result, N2O emissions are elevated
from the soil matrix. They also affect the overall physical
properties of the soil from bioturbation, casts deposition
on the soil surface and litter incorporation. These
earthworm-mediated physical properties may in turn
affect N2O emissions by changing its gas diffusion rates

(of N2O out of the soil and O2 into the soil) and soil
moisture condition (E. Rizhiya, et. al.).

2.2.4.b Earthworms and Soil Phosphorus

Phosphorus is the second most limiting element for plant growth after nitrogen. It is an
important plant nutrient which is responsible for the transfer in the metabolic reaction of cells and
for storing energy. They are also far less soluble in water and consequently less mobile and
available to plants compared to other major nutrients in soils (Vance, et. al.). There are several
factors that increases the phosphorus content in soil through the intestinal tract of earthworms: a
significantly greater PH level in gut contents, large amounts of mucus secreted, and an increase in
microbial activity during digestion processes. Not only the concentrations but also the chemical
forms of P may be modified by the ingestion and the thorough mixing of soil in the earthworm gut
(R. L. Bayon and R. Milleret).

2.2.5. Relationship with pH

The term pH tells much more about whether the soil is acidic or alkaline/basic. Toxicity of
elements and availability of nutrients can both be estimated because of their relationship with pH.
Earthworms participate in the construction and destruction of soil particles which causes them to
influence soil characteristics including the pH. Soil is ingested by earthworms which undergoes
chemical and microbial changes in the gut (Edwards et al., 1996). Edward, (2004) found out that when
soil and organic materials pass through the stomach, humic acid, plant residues, calcium, and
polysaccharide are glued altogether that forms earth feces. These feces are porous and loose which
gave the advantages of high capability of nutrient nourishment, sturdy water stability, and availability
of nutrients. Both pH and microbial activity of the gut contents increase when organic matter is
digested (Edwards et al., 1996; Lukkari et al., 2006). Soil characteristics including the pH are
influenced by earthworms because of their participation in the organic matter transfer and also in the
construction and deconstruction of soil particles.


3.1 Research Design: Experimental


In an experimental design, the researchers attempts to predict or determine what may

occur, and this is why there is a null and alternative hypothesis. In an experiment, there will act as
a control group and the independent variable which is the number of earthworms will be
manipulated. The effect of this independent variable to the dependent variable will be measured
and analyzed.

3.2 Subjects and Study Site

The subjects involved in this research are the a hundred pieces of
earthworms obtained from Open fields in H. Dela Costa V Homes, Burgos,
Rodriguez, Rizal. The research experiment will be conducted at Block 12, Lot 3
Peach St., Spring Heights 2 Subdivision, Brgy. Bagong Silangan, Quezon City
and it stay there for five weeks.

3.3 Research Instrument

A soil pH meter will be used in this experiment. This meter measures the voltage between
two electrodes and display the result converted into the corresponding pH value. With that it
would get the pH of the soil. Soil pH is a measure of the acidity and alkalinity in soils. The pH
levels range from 0 to 14, and 7 indicates neutral. A pH reading above 7 is considered alkaline or
basic while a pH reading below 7 is acidic. The acidity or pH of the solution relates to the
difference in electrical potential.

3.4 Data Gathering Procedure

The materials needed are prepared for the experiment. This includes, the soil pH meter,
earthworms, cans, and raw soil. All the cans are of similar size and soils are placed in each
container. The soils should all be equal in quantity, and to do that, the cans are weighted using a
weighing scale making sure it reads 240 grams. The first can will serve as the control group
putting no earthworms in it. On the second can, 10 earthworms are placed. On the third can are
20, on the fourth can are 30, and lastly on the fifth can, are 40 earthworms. The cans are place
where it can still reach the sunlight. The soil is watered everyday to maintain its moisture. The soil
pH is measured in every can using a soil meter every 5 days and data will be recorded.

3.6 Data Analysis

Analysis of Variance will be conducted to determine if there is a significant effect or
difference on the pH of soil by earthworms. One way ANOVA will be used which is a statistical
analysis to determine whether there are any differences between the means of two or more
independent groups. In this analysis, the dependent variable is the soil pH, and the independent
groups are the amount or number of earthworms (0,10, 20, 30, and 40). The ANOVA result is
reported as an F-statistic and its associated degrees of freedom and p-value. Based from the
results, it is seen that earthworms have a significant effect to the pH of soil at p<.05 level for the
five conditions [F(4, 20) = 3, p = 0.043]. Our results suggest that earthworms can maintain the pH
of soil, letting it stay on the optimal pH range which is between 5.5-7.5. These pH levels pertain
that the essential nutrients are available and present in the soil.

Table 1

Week Setup 1 Setup 2 Setup 3 Setup 4 Setup 5
Week 1 7 7 7 7 7
Week 2 7 7.5 7.5 7 7
Week 3 7 7.5 7.5 7 7
Week 4 7 7 7.5 7 7
Week 5 7 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
Table 1 shows the data wherein the pH was measured every after 5 days in a duration of 5
weeks from February to March 3, 2018. Five setups are done, Setup 1 is the control group

containing no earthworms and it starts at a neutral pH,7. The setup 2 contains 10 earthworms,
setup 3 has 20, setup 4 has 30 and lastly for setup 5 has 40.

Figure 1: Soil pH results for the 5 setups for 5 weeks

Null Hypothesis: Earthworms have no significant effect to the pH of soil

Ho: μ1=μ2=μ3=μ4=μ5

Alternative Hypothesis: Earthworms have a significant effect to the pH of soil

Ha: μ1≠μ2≠μ3≠μ4≠μ5

μ1 =Control group, 0 earthworms

μ2 =10 earthworms
μ3 =20 earthworms
μ4 =30 earthworms
μ5 =40 earthworms

Table 2

Table 2 above shows the calculation of a one way ANOVA testing to compare the effects of
soil pH in 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 earthworm conditions. The five setups has a grand mean of soil pH
which is 7.18 (SD = 0.2449); the control group had a mean of 7 (SD = 0); the setup with 10
earthworms had a mean of 7.3 (SD = 0.274); the setup with 20 earthworms had an mean of 7.4
(SD = 0.224); the setup with 40 and 30 earthworms both had an average soil pH of 7.1 (SD =
0.224). The effect of earthworms to soil pH is therefore significant, [F(4,20)= 3, p=.04], rejecting
our null hypothesis.

It reveals that earthworms affect the level of soil pH in comparison with the soil that contains
none. This supports Edwards et al., 1996; Lukkari et al., 2006 findings, that earthworms activities
such as ingesting soil or organic matter and excreting it as feces can increase the level of soil pH.
Earthworms benefit a lot to the soil pH as it increases nutrient availability and a more stable soil
structure for plants. The increase in the availability of nutrients is due to their role in mineralization
and organic matter decomposition (Brown et al., 2004). The optimal pH level that is best for soils
between 5.5-7.5 is maintained all throughout because of worm casts.

The gut of the earthworms helps in digesting the organic and mineral substances in the
food that they eat, so their casts are richer in available nutrients. They are known to select the

mineral and organic components they ingest which results a higher content of soil organic matter
and nutrients in their cast than the surrounding soil (Lee 1985). The earthworm gut contains a
bacteria which plays a role in destroying the harmful chemical that was ingested by these worms
(Ramsay and Hill, 1978). When the cast is excreted, the chemicals that was once present will not be
able to harm the crops anymore. It also helps some acidic soil to adjust their pH levels since
earthworms can alter and maintain its soil behavior.


5.1. Conclusion
To show the relationship and significance of earthworms to the soil pH.
The relationship between earthworms and soil pH showed that the presence of
earthworms in the soil is a good indicator that the condition of soil is suitable for plant growth.
Furthermore, earthworms has a significant and positive effects on soil pH. It maintains the pH of
the soil and improved its structure for drainage through earthworm tunnels which serves as a
passageway for lime and other essential materials. It is a soil characteristic that is affected by
earthworms because of its ability to construct and to deconstruct soil particles. Soil pH does not
only identify whether a soil is acidic or basic, it is also related with the availability of nutrients.
Soil that passes through the gut of the worms undergoes chemical and microbial changes. This
leads to excreted casts containing more nutrients than the surrounding soil. Furthermore,
earthworms help clean toxic wastes and can loosen up the soil from being acidic to the plants and
other organisms.

To determine the influence of Earthworms to the soil ecosystem.

Earthworms play a vital role in nutrient cycling and mineralization, soil structure,
organic matter turnover, soil fertility, and maintenance in the soil pH. They improve s oil fertility
through the impact of their burrowing activities on the soil’s structure and physical properties such
as water retention and infiltration. As earthworms eat, they create tunnels which keeps the soil
open and full of paths for water and air. Without these creatures, the soil would be compacted and
smashed down, making it difficult for water and air to reach the plant roots. In addition, through
the various earthworm activities they are included in the nutrient cycling and mineralization which
increases the soil nitrogen, carbon and phosphorus. Earthworms also contribute to a maintainable
function of all the ecosystem since it has a major role in the nutrient cycling in the soil, which is
also beneficial to other microorganisms that live in the soil. The mixing and circulation of soil by

earthworms makes organic matter and nutrients available in plants and in soil species or

To classify and evaluate the importance of earthworms in the environment.

Earthworms are known to be ecosystem engineers having direct benefits to
humans through their action in the soil processes. With the availability of resources, they leave
their nutrient-rich casts through the soil providing a favorable environment to the area. Plants
would grow better and will contain more nutrients when earthworms are present.
They can be considered as a resource for the farming system and are now greatly
relied for the increase in crop yield in agriculture systems. Because of all that, they portray an
excellent partner for humans in managing ecosystem services. Commercial production of
earthworms are even starting to gain popularity because of the different studies that proved the
efficiency of these organisms.

5.2. Recommendations

Further research must be done about the severe depletion of soil quality in terms of
pesticide residues, heavy metals, erosion and organic contents. The degradation of these soils
leads to many environmental and social problems including the depletion of soil organisms which
includes earthworms. Management of their communities would really make a progress in
agricultural practices. The difference in the soil pH, soil structure, and nutrient cycling are all
related to casts, which is a topic not discussed much in papers. An assessment in the nutrient
dynamics in earthworm burrows is one way to understand the ecological impact of casts in soil. More
research is needed in this area to really complete and broaden our knowledge of the role of

earthworms in our soils. Doing this would also make us develop strategies or techniques for a better
management in our soils.


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