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1. Police Patrolman Nagugulohan de alamgagawin, assigned at PNP Manadaluyong Police Station has
received two conflicting orders from two senior PNP generals ordering him to change the facts of the
case in his criminal investigation report. Police General Kurakot ordered him to change the amount of

from one (50) grams to one (1) gram. Another Police General Galit sadroga ordered him not to change
his report.

QUESTION: What principle of an organization or principle of an efficient management is violated?

Explain or justify your answer.

ANSWER: Officer Patrolman Nagugulohan should not change his investigation report because any Office
that changes its report is Obstruction to justice. It is seen as lying and hiding information from justice. It
is an offence if an office changes its investigation report. When changing your report, you obstructing
property of the law and will be seen as a criminal if you decided to do so.

Obstruction to justice, is when your break the law or take and or lie in law. When you are writing your
reports you are to write every last detail truthfully and to not miss or make up anything in your report.
The reason your count on you to tell the truth in your reports is so the right justice is severed and all the
facts are accurate.

During officer Patrolman Ngugulohan’s report, he states 50grams of drugs and General Kurakot wants
him to change it 1grams. This is obstruction it is hiding the truth and lying about the criminal offence so
the criminal doesn’t sever the right time or trouble in the eyes of law.

Officer Nagugulohan would be an obstruction to justice and he could serve time if he changing his
report. He could get charge for obstruction of property, Falsely evidence and obstruction to peace or
obstruction of justice. The principal of these charges is to ensure that no officer states false information
and or contaminate evidence. Nagugulohan has a principle to serve under the law truthfully and to
protect and sever and bring justice to the table as an officer.

2. PCOL. Boom Panot was assigned at the QCPD Cubao police station 7 as the Chief of Police. He had
more than 1,000 police personnel under his command which is more than the required maximum
number of personnel for the C.O.P. to handle. Because of this, he encountered difficulties supervising or
controlling all his subordinates within the police station especially in the implementation of Proper
discipline. In fact, some of his subordinates were reported engaged in the killing three drug suspects and
involvement in Drug trafficking. But he did not order an investigation despite of the strong evidence
against the involved policemen, because according to him, such investigation will only destroy the good
image of the police in general.

The difficulties he experienced as the COP, prompted him to ask the help of the District Director of
Quezon City Police District. Upon hearing his concerns, the QCPD Director ordered P/COL Jose
Mayabang to help P/COL Panot in managing the Police Station 7. He was happy that a Police Colonel like
him was designated to help him run his station. But one day, his men had complaint, that they received
conflicting orders from him and from P/COL. Mayabang. Another headache for him.

QUESTION: What are the principles of organization being violated in this case problem. Explain your
answers in not less than 300 words

ANSWER: Based on this case scenario, the principle of organization that is violated is the unity of
command. According to it, each individual unit and/or situation should be under the control of only one
direct unit supervisor. It is based on the belief that an individual should be held accountable to one and
only person at any given time and situation. As per this case, it all started when PCOL. Boom Panot had a
conflict between his subordinates due to the fact that he had more than 1,000 police personnel under
his command and it is truly above the limit. Because of this, it became hard for him to discipline them
and monitor their actions. As a result, they commit killings of three person that is involved in drug
trafficking case and unfortunately, he did not want to conduct an investigation because of the image and
credibility that he wants to maintain. As the desperate time comes, he seeks for help on the District
Director of Quezon City Police District and upon hearing his problems, the QCPD Director ordered P/COL
Jose Mayabang to lend a hand in running the operation on the station. From this point, this is where the
violation begins. Just like what is stated in the unity of command principle, it should require a single
supervisor with the requisite authority to direct all forces in pursuit of a unified purpose. To simply put it
out, it means that in one mission, there should only be one boss. If P/COL Panot had a problem with his
personnel, he should be the one to solve it because he is the one who's in-charge. Truly, it is not good to
see that there are two leaders within a group. It may happen to have a contradicting decision which
could also lead to confusions of subordinates. As per one of the aspect of unity of command, issuing
orders to subordinates must be conducted as if the orders were own by the supervisor. This is an
important aspect of unity of command because in life and work experiences, it shape how we think and
act. Therefore, we may not always agree completely with the decisions of what other's make so that
every detail of it should be concrete and reliable. Furthermore, no matter what shortcomings that might
happen within his personnel, all the blame should be in him and he must face consequences. He is the
responsible for ensuring discipline within their unit so if he wants to maintain the integrity and
credibility of their troop, he should do it alone.

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