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DRAUG Princess lan _G. — — ~ oe - ____COVID-I4:: 4 Aspects of a Disease Precess 1. Etiolagy. —— — - ______Cavin=19_is a viral ingection_caused by Severe Acute Respicatocy —_Syndrome__Cernayicus 2_( SARS-CoV 2) vicus strain. It is positive single __ ___stranded_RNA virus with a_crwn-like appearance. This virus girst appeared ——in_Wuihan city, China last December 31,2019; it came from _an_uacongicmed —__ source, whether bats or man=made.SARS=CoV=2 variants include! Alpha” 5 “peta” grom Sout ‘ca. * Gamma" . “Delta” rom India _and_UK_,” Epsilon’ grom calipornia , US, and “Lambda” + Location : SARS-CoV-2 yicus_settles_in_the cells that lines the nose. nw comity and throat. Arter a week or two, it will invade — —__the_healthy.ceils_of_an_icnmunocampramised person 3 then, it will_start to reproduce andattack the lungs Cupperand lower) __ tis would lead to_tung_inglammertion due_te the tuild_up __ fluid and _mucis_, thus making it harder for the ingected — person to breathe ~ = ___*.Mode of transmission: ee _ — _.____9 Direct transmission _( €-9.. physical contact with an ingected persen) _ oo _____d. Nosocomial transmission nt 8 Inclieect_pransmission via_fomites Ce.g., inpected inanimate objects.or surpaces) + Arp ipicortion Test) and Antigen test detects proteins from the virus) through nasal_or_thmat swab+Anathec test is __ called on _rttibody tect which looks por ontibodies that respond toc ¥10-14 inthe immune. system. The sample por tis test is bload_prom_gingerstiak ot venipuncture. = = fever or chills = mild_symptems up to ___~people_who tests positive — dry cough mild prewar ____gor-cown=1@ without symptom: = firedness st Severe mast cecovers aptor 2 Less common ty spriesn -hrypoxin 527. = aches_and pains ____lung ingeetion _+ Mil Symptomatic _ ____7 sore throat 3 diamheq ___+ Critical ________=peeple who tests positive _ ___> Beadache 5 numny nese ____= respiratory Failure. shock. far CONID ~I4 with symptoms ____-= Rash on skin 3 discoloration __aind_ multiorgan dysfunction __like_pever, cough or loss of taste and_senell _—_________“mosty rewvers agter 2 weeks 08 a period ef 20 days ___ + Severe = far people aged G0 years -_ ____-old_and_abeve__and_these_ ———= chest pain_or pressure itis comorbidities C asthma. _ — oypectension heart disease.or — diabetes). = recovery may take for_at — least _@ weeks = aici — _. a — 7

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