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Republic Act 5527

Republic Act No. 5527(*As amended by RA 6132, PD 498 and PD 1534.)

An Act Requiring the Registration of Medical Technologist, Defining Their Practice, and for
Other Purposes

Section 1. Title.- This Act may be also cited as the Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969.

Section 2. Definition of Terms.- As used in this Act,the following terms shall mean:

a. Practice of Medical Technology - A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of medical

technology within the meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee, salary or other compensation or
reward paid or given directly or indirectly through another, renders any of the following
professional services for the purpose of aiding the physician in the diagnosis, study and
treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general:

1. Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and body fluids by
various electronic, chemical, microscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic, serologic, immunologic,
nuclear, and other laboratory procedures and techniques either manual or automated;
2. Blood banking procedures and techniques;
3. Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques;
4. Histopathologic and Cytotechnology; provided that nothing in this paragraph shall inhibit a
duly registered medical laboratory technician from performing histopathologic techniques and
5. Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/or application
of medical technology knowledge and procedures;
6. Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others, provided such
reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use of their laboratory;
7. Clinical laboratory quality control;
8. Collection and preservation of specimens;

Provided, That any person who has passed the corresponding Board examination for the
practice of a profession already regulated by existing law, shall not be subject to the provisions
of the last four preceding paragraphs if the performance of such acts or services is merely
incidental to his profession.

b. Pathologist - A duly registered physician who is specially trained in methods of laboratory

medicine, or the gross and microscopic study and interpretation of tissues, secretion and
excretions of the human body and its functions in order to diagnose disease, follow its course,
determine the effectivity of treatment, ascertain cause of death and advance medicine by
means of research.

c. Medical Technologist - A person who engages in the work of medical technology under the
supervision of a pathologist or licensed physician authorized by the Department of Health in
places where there is no pathologist and who having passed the prescribed course (Bachelor of
Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene) of training and examination is
registered under the provision of this Act.

d. Medical Laboratory Technicians - A person certified and registered with the Board as
qualified to assist a medical technologist and/or qualified pathologist in the practice of medical
technology as defined in this Act.

e. Accredited Medical Technology Training Laboratory - A clinical laboratory, office, agency,

clinic, hospital or sanitarium duly approved by the Department of Health2 or its authorized

f. Recognized School of Medical Technology - Any school, college, or university which offers a
course in Medical Technology approved by the Department of Education in accordance with the
requirements under this Act, upon recommendation of the council of medical technology

g. Council - The council of medical technology education established under this Act.

h. Board - The Board of Examiners for Medical Technology established under this Act.
Section 3. Council of Medical Technology Education, Its Composition.- There is hereby
established a Council of Medical Technology Education, hereafter referred to as Council, which
shall be composed of the Director of Higher Education as Chairman; the Chairman of the
Professional Regulation Commission as Vice-Chairman; and the Director of the Bureau of
Research and Laboratories of the Department of Health,4 the Chairman and two (2) members
of the Board of Medical Technology, a representative of the Deans of Schools of Medical
Technology and Public Health, and the Presidents of the Philippine Society of Pathologists and
the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, as members.

Section 4. Compensation and Traveling Expenses of Council Members.- For every meeting
actually attended, the Chairman shall be entitled to a fifty pesos (P50.00) per diem while the
members shall be entitled to twenty-five pesos (P25.00) each regardless of whether or not they
receive regular salaries from the government. In addition, the Chairman and members of the
Council shall be entitled to traveling expenses in connection with their official duties.

Section 5. Functions of the Council of Medical Technology Education.- The functions of the
Council shall be:
a. To recommend the minimum required curriculum for the course of medical technology.
b. To determine and prescribe the number of students to be allowed to take up the medical
technology course in each school, taking into account the student-instructor ratio and the
availability of facilities for instruction.
c. To approve medical technology schools meeting the requirements and recommend closure of
those found to be substandard.
d. To require all medical technology schools to submit an annual report, including the total
number of students and instructors, list of facilities available for instruction, a list of their recent
graduates and new admissions, on or before the month of June.
e. To inspect, when necessary, the different medical technology schools in the country in order
to determine whether a high standard of education is maintained in said institutions.
f. To certify for admission in to an undergraduate internship students who have satisfactorily
completed three years of the medical technology course or its equivalent and to collect from
said student the amount of five pesos each which money accrue to the operating fund of the
g. Formulate and recommend approval of refresher course for applicants who shall have failed
the Board Examination for the third time.
h. To promulgate and prescribe and enforce necessary rules and regulations for the proper
implementation of the foregoing functions.
Section 6. Minimum Required Course.- The medical technology course shall be at least four
years, including a 12-month satisfactory internship in accredited laboratories, and shall include
the following subjects:

English Biochemistry
Spanish Gross Anatomy
Social Science Histology
General Zoology Physiology
Botany Clinical Parasitology
Mathematics General Pathology
College Physics Microbiology
General Chemistry Biostatistics
Qualitative Chemistry Clinical Laboratory
Quantitative Chemistry Methods including hematology, serology, blood banking, clinical
microscopy, applied microbiology, and parasitology, histopathologic techniques, and

The Council is hereby authorized, subject to the approval of the Secretary of Education to
change, remove from or add to the subjects listed above as the needs and demands of progress
in the science of medical technology may require.

Section 7. Medical Technology Board.- There is hereby created a Medical Technology Board
under the Professional Regulation Commission, which shall thereafter be referred to as the
Board composed of a Chairman who is a pathologist, and two (2) members who are registered
medical technologists who shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the
Philippines upon recommendation of the Professional Regulation Commission. The Chairman
and members of the Board shall hold office for three (3) years after appointments or until their
successors shall have been appointed and duly qualified: Provided, That the incumbent
members will continue to serve until the expiration of their terms. In case of death, disability,
or removal of a member of the Board, his successor shall serve only the balance of his term.

Section 8. Qualifications of Examiners.- No person shall be appointed as member of the Board

of Examiners for Medical Technology unless he or she is (1) is a Filipino citizen; (2) is of good
moral character; (3) is a qualified Pathologist, or a duly registered medical technologist of the
Philippines with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in
Hygiene/Public Health; (4) has been in practice of laboratory medicine or medical technology
for at least ten years prior to his appointment, and (5) is not a member of the faculty of any
medical technology school for at least two (2) years prior to appointment or having any
pecuniary interest direct or indirect in such institution: Provided, however, That for the first
three years following the approval of this Act, the requirements mentioned in number four (4)
shall be reduced to five years.

Section 9. Executive Officer of the Board.-

Section 10. Compensation of Members of the Board of Examiners for Medical Technology.-
Each member of the Board shall receive as sum of ten pesos for each applicant examined and
five pesos for each applicant granted a certificate of registration without examination.

Section 11. Functions and Duties of the Board.- The Board is vested with authority and
required, conformably with the provisions of this Act, to:

a. Administer the provisions of this Act;

b. Administer oaths in connection with the administration of this Act;
c. Issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the practice of medical technology
and medical laboratory technician;
d. Look into conditions affecting the practice of medical technology in the Philippines and,
whenever necessary, adopt such a measure may be deemed proper for the maintenance of
good ethic and standards in the practice of medical technology;
e. Investigate such violations of this Act or of the rules and regulations issued thereunder as
may come to the knowledge of the Board and, for this purpose issue subpoena and subpoena
duces tecum to secure appearance of witnesses and production of documents in connection
with charges presented to the Board; and

f. Draft such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act:
Provided, that the same shall be issued only after the approval of the President of the
g. To determine the adequacy of the technical staff of all clinical laboratories and blood banks
before they could be licensed with the Department of Health in accordance with R.A. No. 4655
and 1517;
h. To prescribe the qualifications and training of medical technologists as to special fields of the
profession and supervise their specialty examination conducted by the professional
organization of medical technologists accredited by the Professional Regulation Commission;
i. To classify and prescribe the qualification and training of the technical staff of clinical
laboratories as to: Medical Technology; Medical Technologist; Senior Medical Technologist;
Medical Technologist and Medical Laboratory Technician.
Section 12. Removal of Board Members.- Any member of the Board may be removed by the
President of the Philippines for neglect of duty, incompetency, malpractice or unprofessional,
unethical, immoral or dishonorable conduct after having been given opportunity to defend
himself in a proper and administrative investigation: Provided, that during the process of
investigation, the President shall have the power to suspend such member under investigation
and appoint a temporary member in his place.

Section 13. Accreditation of Schools of Medical Technology and of Training Laboratories.- Upon
the recommendation of the Medical Technology Board, the Department of Education and
Culture15 shall approve schools of Medical Technology in accordance with the provisions of this
Act, as amended, in conjunction with the Board of Medical Technology. The Department of
Health16 through the Bureau of Research and Laboratories shall approve laboratories for
accreditation as training laboratories for medical technology students or postgraduate trainees
in conjunction with the Board of Medical Technology. The laboratories shall show satisfactory
evidence that they possess qualified personnel and are properly equipped to carry out
laboratory procedures commonly required in the following fields: Clinical
Chemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Parasitology, Hematology, Blood Banking, Clinical
Microscopy, and Histopathologic techniques, and that the scope of activities of said
laboratories offer sufficient training in said laboratory procedures.

Section 14. Inhibition Against the Practice of Medical Technology.- No person shall practice or
offer to practice medical technology as defined in this Act without having previously obtained a
valid certificate of registration from the Board provided that registration shall not be required
of the following:
a. Duly registered physicians.
b. Medical technologist from other countries called in for consultation or as visiting or exchange
professors to colleges or universities: Provided, they are only practicing the said function.
c. Medical technologists in the service of the United States Armed Forces stationed in the
Philippines rendering services as such for members of the said forces only.

Section 15. Examination.- Except as otherwise specifically allowed under the provision of this
Act, all applicants for registration as medical technologist shall be required to undergo written
examination which shall be given by the Board annually in the greater Manila area, Cebu, and
Davao during the month of August or September on such days and places as the Board may
designate. Written notices of such examination shall be published in at least three newspapers
of national circulation by the Secretary of the Board of least thirty days prior to the date of

Section 16. Qualification for Examination.- Every applicant examination under this Act, shall,
prior to the date thereof, furnish the Board satisfactory proof that he or she:
a. Is in good health and is of good moral character;
b. Has completed a course of at least four (4) years leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science
in Medical Technology or Bachelor of Science in Public Health conferred by a recognized school,
college or university in accordance with this Decree or having graduated from some other
profession and has been actually performing medical technology for the last five (5) years prior
to the date of the examinations, if such performance began prior to June 21, 1969.

Section 17. Scope of Examination.- The examination questions shall cover the following subjects
with their respective relative weights:

Clinical Chemistry ...................................................... 20%

Microbiology & Parasitology ...................................... 20%
Hematology ............................................................... 20%
Blood Banking & Serology ......................................... 20%
Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and
other body fluids) ...................................………......... 10%
Histopathologic Techniques,
Cytotechnology, Medical
Technology Laws, Related
Laws and its implementing
rules, and the Code of Ethics ........................……….. 10%

The Board shall prepare the schedule of subjects for examination and to submit the same to the
Commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission for publication at least thirty (30)
days before the date of examination. The Board shall compute the general average of each
examinee according to the above-mentioned relative weights of each subject. Provided,
however, that the Board may change, add to or remove from the list of subjects or weights
above as progress in the science of Medical Technology may require, subject to the prior
approval of the Professional Regulation Commission, and publication of the change or
amendment at least three (3) months prior to the date of examination in which the same is to
take effect.

Section 18. Report of Rating.- The Board shall, within one hundred and twenty days after the
date of completion of the examination, report the result thereof to the Commissioner of Civil
Service,who shall submit such result to the President of the Philippines for approval.

Section 19. Rating in the Examination.- In order to pass the examination, a candidate must
obtain a general average of at least seventy-five percent in the written test, with no rating
below fifty percent in any of the major subjects: Provided, That the candidate has not failed in
at least sixty percent of the subjects computed according to their relative weights. No further
examinations, unless and until he shall have completed 12 months refresher course in an
accredited laboratory: Provided, That graduate of paramedical profession other than Bachelor
of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene admitted to an examination
under the provisions of this Act shall not be given further examinations after the provisions of
this Act shall be given further examinations after his failure to qualify for the third time.

Section 20. Oath Taking.- All successful examinees shall be required to take a professional oath
before the Board or before any person authorized to administer oaths prior to entering upon
the practice of medical technology in the Philippines.

Section 21. Issuance of Certificate of Registration.- Every applicant who has satisfactorily passed
the required examination for medical technologist shall be issued a certificate of registration as
such: Provided, That no such certificate shall be issued to any successful applicant who has not
attained the age of twenty-one (21) years. All certificate shall be signed by the members of the
Board and by the Commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission. The duly registered
medical technologists shall be required to display his certificate of registration in the place
where he works. Provided, that upon application filed and the payment of the required fee of
one hundred and fifteen pesos (P115.00) the Board shall issue a certificate of registration as
medical technologist without examination to persons who have been graduated with Bachelor
of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Public Health in duly recognized
schools of medical technology in the Philippines or in any foreign country, Provided, That in
case of the latter, the standard of medical technology education is substantially the same as
ours, and in addition shall have been in the practice of medical technology for at least three (3)
years prior to the filing of the application in laboratories in the Philippines duly accredited by
the Bureau of Research and Laboratories, Department of Health, or in foreign countries if such
performance began prior to June 21, 1969 and also to all other persons who having graduated
from other professions have been actually performing medical technology practice for the last
eight (8) years prior to filing of the application, Provided, that such performance began prior to
June 21, 1969. Provided, further, that the Board shall likewise issue a certificate of registration
as medical laboratory technician without examination to any person who upon application and
payment of the required fee of fifty pesos (P500.00) show evidence satisfactory to the Board

1. He or she passed the civil service examination for medical technician given on March 21,
1964; or
2. Has finished a two-year college course and has at least one (1) year of experience as medical
laboratory technician, Provided, that for every year of deficiency in college attainment two (2)
years of experience may be substituted; Provided, further, that an applicant who has at least
ten (10) years of experience as medical laboratory technician as of the date of approval of this
Decree regardless of his academic attainment may qualify for registration without examination;
3. Has failed to pass the board examination for medical technology but had obtained a general
rating of at least 70%. Provided, finally, that a registered medical laboratory technician when
employed in the government shall have the equivalent civil service eligibility not lower than
second grade.

Section 22. Fees.- The Board shall charge each applicant for examination and registration the
sum of fifty pesos for each certificate of registration issued without prior examination in
accordance with the provisions of this Act the sum of twenty-five pesos; for issuance of a new
certificate to replace certificate lost, destroyed or mutilated, the Board shall charge the sum of
ten pesos. All such fees shall be paid to the disbursing officer of the Civil Service Commission
who shall pay from the receipts thereof, all authorized expenses of the Board including the
compensation of each member.

Section 23. Refusal to issue Certificate.- The Board shall refuse to issue a certificate of
registration to any person convicted by the court of competent jurisdiction of any criminal
offense involving moral turpitude, or any person guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct, or
of unsound mind, or incurable communicable disease, and in such shall be give to the applicant
a written statement setting forth the reason for its action, which statement shall be
incorporated in the record of the Board.
Section 24. Administrative Investigation.- Revocation or Suspension of Certificates -
Administrative investigation shall be conducted by at least two members of the Board with one
legal officer sitting during all administrative proceedings, the respondents shall be entitled to
be represented by counsel or be heard in person, to have a speedy and public hearing, to
confront and cross-examine witnesses against him or her, and to all other rights guaranteed by
the Constitution. The Board may, after giving proper notice and hearing to the party concerned
reprimand an erring medical technologist or revoke or suspend his certificate of registration for
causes mentioned in the next preceding section or for causes enumerated in section twenty-
nine (29) of this Act, or for unprofessional conduct, malpractice, incompetency, or serious
ignorance or gross negligence in the practice of medical technology. No penalty of revocation
shall be imposed unless there is a unanimous vote of all the three members of the Board. The
Board may, by majority vote, impose the penalty or reprimand or suspension, the latter
however not to exceed two years. When the penalty of suspension or revocation is imposed by
the Board the medical technologist shall be required to surrender his certificate of registration
within thirty days after the decision becomes final, under the pain of perpetual disqualification
from the practice of medical technology in the Philippines for inexcusable failure to do so. The
suspension shall run from the date of such surrender.

Section 25. Appeal.- The revocation or suspension of a certificate made by the Board shall be
subject to appeal to the Civil Service Commissioner24 whose decision shall become final thirty
days after its promulgation, unless the respondent within the same period has appealed to the
office of the President of the Philippines.

Section 26. Reinstatement, Reissue or Replacement of Certificate.- The Board may, upon
application and for reason deemed proper and sufficient, reissue any revoked registration
certificate. The suspension of a certificate shall be re-issued to the medical technologist
concerned upon request without prejudice to further actions by the Board for violation of the
provisions of this Act or conditions imposed by the Board upon the medical technologist during
the period of suspension.

Section 27. Foreign Reciprocity.- No foreigner shall be admitted to examination, or be given a

certificate of registration or be entitled to any of the rights and privileges under this Act, unless
the country or state of which he is a subject or citizen permits Filipino Medical Technologist to
practice within its territorial limits on the same as the subject or citizens of said country or
Section 28. Roster of Medical Technologist.- A roster of Medical Technologist shall be prepared
annually by the Secretary of the Board, commencing on the year following that in which this Act
shall become effective. This roster shall contain the name, address and citizenship of each
registered Medical Technologist, date of registration or issuance of certificate, and other data
which in the opinion of the Board are pertinent. The roster shall be open to public inspection
and copies thereof shall be mailed to each person included therein, placed on file in the Office
of the President, furnished all Department Heads and all bureau, offices and instrumentalities
of the Department of Health and to such other offices, private or governmental, and to the
public upon request.

Section 29. Penal Provisions.- Without prejudice to the provision of the Medical Act of 1959 as
amended relating to illegal practice of Medicine, the following shall be punished by a fine of not
less than two thousand pesos nor more than five thousand pesos, or imprisonment for not less
than six months nor more than two years, or both, in the discretion of the court:

a. Any person who shall practice Medical Technology in the Philippines without being registered
or exempted from registration in accordance with the provisions of this Act;
b. Any medical technologist, even if duly registered, who shall practice medical technology in
the Philippines without the necessary supervision of a qualified pathologist or physician
authorized by the Department of Health;
c. Any medical technologist who shall knowingly make a fraudulent laboratory report;
d. Any duly registered medical technologist who shall refuse or fail, after due warning by the
Board to display his certificate of registration in the place where he works;
e. Any person presenting or attempting to use as his own, the certificate of registration of
f. Any person who shall give any false or fraudulent evidence of any kind to the Board or any
member thereof in obtaining a certificate of registration as Medical Technologist;
g. Any person who shall impersonate any registrant of like or the same name;
h. Any person who shall attempt to use a revoked or suspended certificate of registration;
i. Any person who shall in connection with his name or otherwise, assume, use or advertise any
title or description tending to convey the impression that he is a Medical Technologist without
holding a valid certificate of registration;
j. Any person or corporate body who shall allow anyone in his employ who is not a registered
medical technologist/medical laboratory technician to engage in the practice of medical
technology or recommend for appointment anyone to the position of medical
technologist/medical laboratory technician knowing that he is not registered as such.
k. Any person or corporate body who shall violate the rules and regulations of the Board or
orders promulgated by it after having been duly approved and issued by the President of the
Philippines upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Civil Service28 for the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this Act.

Section 30. Separability Clause.- All acts, executive, rules and regulations, or parts thereof
inconsistent with the provisions to any persons or circumstances is declare invalid by a court of
competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Act of the application of such provisions to other
persons or circumstances shall not be affected by such declaration.

Section 31. Repealing Clause.- All acts, executive, rules and regulations, or parts thereof
inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are hereby repealed: Provided, however, that
nothing in this Act shall be construed as repealing or amending any portion of the Medical Act
of 1959

Section 32. Effectivity.- This Act shall take effect upon its approval.

Approved, June 21, 1969.


Section 1. Short Title. This Act shall be known as "The 1971 Constitutional Convention Act."

Section 2. Composition of the Convention; Qualifications of Delegates. The Constitutional

Convention authorized by Resolution of Both Houses Numbered Two of the Congress of the
Philippines, adopted on March sixteen, nineteen hundred and sixty-seven, as amended by
Resolution of Both Houses Numbered Four of the Congress of the Philippines, adopted on June
seventeen, nineteen hundred and sixty- nine, shall be composed of three hundred and twenty
delegates who shall have the same qualifications as those required of Members of the House of

The delegates are hereby apportioned among the Representative Districts as follows:

ABRA, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

AGUSAN DEL NORTE, Including the City of Butuan Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

AGUSAN DEL SUR, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

AKLAN, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

ALBAY, Including the City of Legaspi

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

Third District TWO (2) Delegates

ANTIQUE, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

BATAAN, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

BATANES, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

BATANGAS, Including the Cities of Batangas and Lipa

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District THREE (3) Delegates

Third District THREE (3) Delegates

BENGUET, Including the City of Baguio Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

BOHOL, Including the City of Tagbilaran

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

Third District TWO (2) Delegates

BUKIDNON, Lone District THREE (3) Delegates


First District THREE (3) Delegates

Second District FOUR (4) Delegates


First District THREE (3) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

CAMARINES NORTE, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

CAMARINES SUR, Including the Cities of Iriga and Naga

First District THREE (3) Delegates

Second District FIVE (5) Delegates

CAMIGUIN, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

CAPIZ, Including the City of Roxas

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

CATANDUANES, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

CAVITE, Including the Cities of Tagaytay, Trece Martires and Cavite; Lone District
FOUR (4) Delegates

CEBU, Including the Cities of Cebu,Danao, Toledo, Lapu-Lapu and Mandaue

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District FOUR (4) Delegates

Third District TWO (2) Delegates

Fourth District TWO (2) Delegates

Fifth District TWO (2) Delegates

Sixth District TWO (2) Delegates

Seventh District TWO (2) Delegates

COTABATO, Including the City of Cotabato; Lone District TEN (10) Delegates

DAVAO DEL NORTE, Lone District FOUR (4) Delegates

DAVAO DEL SUR, Including the City of Davao; Lone District SIX (6) Delegates

DAVAO ORIENTAL, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

EASTERN SAMAR, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

IFUGAO, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

ILOCOS NORTE, Including the City of Laoag

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates


First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

ILOILO, Including the City of Iloilo

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

Third District TWO (2) Delegates

Fourth District TWO (2) Delegates

Fifth District TWO (2) Delegates

ISABELA, Lone District FIVE (5) Delegates

KALINGA-APAYAO, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

LAGUNA, Including the City of San Pablo

First District FOUR (4) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

LANAO DEL NORTE, Including the City of Iligan; Lone District THREE (3) Delegates

LANAO DEL SUR, Including the City of Marawi; Lone District SIX (6) Delegates


First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

LEYTE, Including the Cities of Ormoc and Tacloban

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

Third District TWO (2) Delegates

Fourth District TWO (2) Delegates


First District THREE (3) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

Third District THREE (3) Delegates

Fourth District THREE (3) Delegates

MARINDUQUE, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

MASBATE, Lone District FOUR (4) Delegates

MOUNTAIN PROVINCE, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

NORTHERN SAMAR, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

NUEVA ECIJA, Including the Cities of Cabanatuan, Palayan and San Jose

First District THREE (3) Delegates

Second District FOUR (4) Delegates

NUEVA VIZCAYA, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

OCCIDENTAL MINDORO, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

ORIENTAL MINDORO, Lone District THREE (3) Delegates

OCCIDENTAL MISAMIS, Including the Cities of Ozamis, Oroquieta, and Tangub, Lone
District THREE (3) Delegates

ORIENTAL MISAMIS, Including the Cities of Cagayan de Oro and Gingoog Lone
District FOUR (4) Delegates

OCCIDENTAL NEGROS, Including the Cities of Bacolod, Bago, Cadiz, La Carlota, San
Carlos and Silay

First District SIX (6) Delegates

Second District THREE (3) Delegates

Third District FOUR (4) Delegates

ORIENTAL NEGROS, Including the Cities of Bais, Canlaon and Dumaguete

First District FOUR (4) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

PALAWAN, Including the City of Puerto Princesa, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates
PAMPANGA, Including the City of Angeles

First District FOUR (4) Delegates

Second District THREE (3) Delegates

PANGASINAN, Including the Cities of Dagupan and San Carlos

First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

Third District TWO (2) Delegates

Fourth District TWO (2) Delegates

Fifth District TWO (2) Delegates

QUEZON, Including the City of Lucena

First District FOUR (4) Delegates

Second District FOUR (4) Delegates

RIZAL, Including the Cities of Quezon, Pasay and Caloocan

First District EIGHTEEN (18) Delegates

Second District FIVE (5) Delegates

ROMBLON, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

SAMAR, Including the City of Calbayog Lone District FOUR (4) Delegates


First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

SOUTHERN COTABATO, Including the City of General Santos, Lone District FOUR
(4) Delegates

SOUTHERN LEYTE, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

SULU, Lone District THREE (3) Delegates

SURIGAO DEL NORTE, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates

SURIGAO DEL SUR, Lone District TWO (2) Delegates


First District TWO (2) Delegates

Second District TWO (2) Delegates

ZAMBALES, Including the City of Olongapo; Lone District THREE (3) Delegates

ZAMBOANGA DEL NORTE, Including the Cities of Dipolog and Dapitan;Lone District
THREE (3) Delegates

ZAMBOANGA DEL SUR, Including the Cities of Basilan, Pagadian and Zamboanga;
Lone District NINE (9) Delegates

Section 3. Election of Delegates. The election of delegates to the Convention by the qualified
electors of each district shall be held on the second Tuesday in November, nineteen hundred and

Section 4. Persons Holding Office. Any person holding a public office or position, whether
elective or appointive, including members of the armed forces and officers and employees of
corporations or enterprises owned and/or controlled by the government, shall be considered
resigned upon the filing of his certificate of candidacy: Provided, That any government official
who resigns in order to run for delegate and who does not yet qualify for retirement under
existing laws, may, if elected, add to his length of service in the government the period from the
filing of his certificate of candidacy until the final adjournment of the Constitutional Convention.

Section 5. Disqualification to Run. Any person elected as delegate to the Constitutional

Convention shall not be qualified to run for any public office in any election or to assume any
appointive office or position in any branch of the Government until after the final adjournment of
the Constitutional Convention.

Section 6. Provisions Governing the Election of Delegates. The election of delegates shall be
governed by the provisions of the Revised Election Code, as amended, and Republic Act
Numbered Thirty-five hundred eighty-eight, as amended, except as herein provided, to wit:

(A) Certificate of Candidacy. Candidates shall file with the Commission on Elections
their certificates of candidacy, together with a number of clearly legible copies equal to
four times the number of polling places in the respective districts in which they are
running, at least sixty days before election day and in the manner provided for by the
Revised Election Code. The Commission on Elections shall immediately send copies
thereof to all the polling places of the district.
The person concerned shall state in his certificate of candidacy that: (1) he announces his
candidacy for delegate to the Constitutional Convention in the district in which he is
running; (2) he has the same qualifications as those required of members of the House of
Representatives; (3) his full name, including maternal surname; (4) his civil status and, if
married, the full name of his or her spouse; (5) his age, stating the date and place of his
birth; and (6) his post office address for all election purposes.

The certificate of candidacy shall likewise state his gross income, the expenses,
deductions and exemptions, and that he paid his income taxes as assessed, for the last two
years immediately preceding the election, including the receipt numbers and places of
such payments, unless the candidate exempt from paying income taxes, or his tax
obligations are pending final determination, in which cases he shall so state in his
certificate of candidacy; and shall furthermore contain a waiver of the privilege from
public disclosure of his income tax returns and tax census statements for the said two-
year period, except financial statements attached thereto, said waiver to be effective only
during the period of his candidacy. Failure to state the required information on income,
taxes, and waiver shall invalidate the certificate of candidacy.

The candidate may include a concise statement, not exceeding one hundred words, of the
principal constitutional reforms, programs or policies he proposes to advocate if elected
to the Convention. A copy of such statement shall be posted conspicuously in each
polling place in the district.

At least seventy days before the election, five or more qualified registered voters in a
representative district, acting individually, may file with the Commission on Elections a
nomination for a candidate, furnishing a copy thereof to the person concerned: Provided,
That said candidate shall indicate his acceptance by complying with the requirements of
this section.

The Commission on Elections shall prepare a standard form of the certificate of

candidacy and adopt such other measures as may facilitate the filing thereof.

(B) Non-Application of Limitation Upon Campaign Period. The provisions of Section 50-
B of the Revised Election Code, as amended by Republic Act Numbered 4880, with
respect to the limitation upon the period of the election campaign, shall not apply to the
election of delegates.

(C) Election Registration Boards. Within thirty days after the approval of this Act, the
Commission on Elections shall appoint as additional members of each Election
Registration Board created under Section five of Republic Act Numbered Three thousand
five hundred eighty-eight, as amended, two public school teachers, (preference being
given to those with the longest service as teachers and as election inspectors), who are
registered voters of the municipality, with the powers and compensation as the other
members of the board representing political parties: Provided, That neither shall be
related to each other, to any member of the Board or any candidate in the district wherein
they are to serve, within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity. The said
teachers shall hold office until relieved by the Commission on Elections for cause, or
until the day following the election of delegates, whichever is earlier: Provided, further,
That in case one or both teachers are relieved for cause, they shall be replaced by other
qualified teachers, the Commission may appoint any private school teacher or employee
in the civil service who is a registered voter of the municipality and is not disqualified by
reason of relationship as above-stated: Provided, finally, That the hearing and reception
of evidence on applications for registration shall be scheduled only during meetings of
the Election Registration Board, and be conducted by the said Board.

It shall be unlawful for any person who, knowing that he is related as above-stated to any
candidate or to any member of the Board, shall knowingly fail to notify the Commission
on Elections about such relationship, assume the office of member thereof and perform
the duties pertaining thereto.

(D) Election Precincts and Polling Places. The Commission on Elections shall fix ninety
days before the election the limits of all the election precincts and designate the location
of each polling place as required by Section Sixty-three of the Revised Election Code.

Whenever possible, such location shall be along a public road. No designation shall be
changed except upon written petition of the majority of the voters in the precinct or in
case the polling place is destroyed or cannot be used.

Each precinct shall not have more than three hundred voters: Provided, That the
Commission on Elections shall, in the interest of an orderly election, and in order to
facilitate the casting of votes, be authorized to divide a precinct not later than one week
after the last registration day. But the polling places of all the precincts created thereby
shall be located in the same building or compound where the polling place of the original
precinct is located, and if this is not feasible, in a place as close as possible to the original
precinct: Provided, further, That the polling place of the new precinct may be located
elsewhere upon written petition of the majority of the voters of the new precinct.

Whenever a precinct is divided into two or more precincts, the registered voters shall
included in the precinct wherein they reside. Every case of alteration of a precinct shall
be duly published by posting a notice of any such change in a conspicuous location in the
polling place, and in the municipal building or city hall, as the case may be.

(E) Boards of Inspectors. At least sixty days before the day of election, the Commission
on Elections shall appoint a Board of Election Inspectors for each election precinct, to be
composed of a Chairman and two members, one of whom shall be designated
concurrently as poll clerk, and all of whom shall public school teachers, precedence being
given to those who are civil service eligibles, and are registered voters of the district:
Provided, That in case of non-availability of public school teachers, the Commission may
appoint private school teachers or any officer or employee in the civil service who is a
registered voter of the municipality, to fill the vacancy or vacancies. The members of the
board as herein constituted shall uniformly receive a per diem of forty five pesos on
election day and for every day of work before the election: Provided, however, That the
members of the Board shall possess the same qualifications and none of the
disqualifications provided for in Section eighty-one of the Revised Election Code, and
that no election inspector shall be related to any member of the Board or to any candidate
within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity.

It shall be unlawful for any person who, knowing that he is related as above-stated to any
candidate or to any member of the Board, shall knowingly fail to notify the Commission
on Elections about such relationship, assume the office of member thereof and perform
the duties pertaining thereto.

(F) Board of Canvassers. The canvass of votes and proclamation of delegates elected to
the Convention shall be undertaken by the Provincial Board of Canvassers to be
composed of the Division Superintendent of Schools, as Chairman; and the Provincial
Treasurer, the Provincial Director, the Provincial Fiscal and the most senior District
Engineer, as Members: Provided, That in cases where there are two or more Division
Superintendents of Schools in a province, the Commission on Elections shall appoint as
Chairman the most senior among them, preference being given to the Division
Superintendent of Schools who is not a native of the same province. In case of non-
availability, absence or incapacity for any cause, of the Chairman, the Commission shall
designate as his substitute any of the aforementioned members of the Board. With respect
to the other members, the Commission shall appoint as substitute the District Health
Officer, the Register of Deeds of the province, or the most senior Clerk of the Court of
First Instance of the province, in that order.

In the City of Manila, the Board of Canvassers shall be composed of a representative

from the Commission on Elections who is at least a decision chief, as Chairman; and the
City Fiscal, the City Treasurer, the City Auditor, and the City Superintendent of Schools,
as members. In case of non-availability, absence or incapacity for any cause of the
Chairman, the Commission shall designate as his substitute any of the aforementioned
members of the Board: Provided, That with respect to the other members, the
Commission shall appoint as substitute the City of Engineer, the City Health Officer, or
the City Register of Deeds, in that order.

In no case shall the Chairman and the members of the Provincial Board of Canvassers or
the Board of Canvassers for the City of Manila, as the case be, be related to any of the
candidates in their respective jurisdictions within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity
or affinity.

(G) Canvass and Proclamation. The Board of Canvassers shall meet as soon as possible
within the fifteen days next following the day of election. The Provincial Treasurer or, in
the City of Manila, the City Treasurer, shall produce before it statements of the election
returns in the different precincts which may have been delivered to him. As soon as all
the statements are before it, but not later than fifteen days next following the date of
election, the Board shall proceed to make a canvass of all the votes cast in each district of
the province or the City of Manila, as the case may be, and shall make separate
statements of the votes received by each candidate for delegate for each district. Upon
completion of the statement, the Board shall proclaim elected as delegates to the
Constitutional Convention the candidates who shall have obtained the highest number of
votes corresponding to the number of delegates allotted to the district.

(H) When Statements are Contradictory. In case it appears to the Board of Canvassers
that there exist another authentic copy or copies of returns from an election precinct
submitted to the Board giving any candidate a different number of votes, or there is a
difference in the words and figures of the number of votes for any candidate, and in either
case the difference affects the result of the election, upon motion of the Board or of any
candidate affected, and after due notice to all candidates in the district, the corresponding
Court of First Instance shall proceed to determine summarily on the face of the original
and copy or copies of the returns whether or not the contradiction or difference is the
result of tampering, alteration or falsification of the original or any copy or copies thereof
after they had been signed by the Board of Inspectors; and should it so find, it shall direct
the Board to use whichever document or documents it finds authentic. Should the Court
entertain any doubt as to which document is authentic, or should the contradiction or
difference in their contents be an authentic discrepancy, and if there are no visible signs
on the key or on the clamp to which the key is attached and/or on the ballot box of an
attempt to open the box or replace the key nor signs of welding on any side which would
give the court reasonable grounds to believe that the integrity of the ballot box has been
violated, it may proceed to recount the votes cast in the precinct for the sole purpose of
determining which is the true result of the count of the votes cast in the precinct in
question: Provided, however, That if upon opening there are extraneous matters or visible
signs of replacement or tampering, the court may not proceed to recount and shall
forthwith close and seal the ballot box and deliver the same to the Commission on
Elections for safekeeping. Should it be impossible to determine the true result of the
count, the court shall instruct the Board that no votes shall be counted from the precinct.

(I) Correction of Statements. Whenever all the members of the Board of Elections
Inspectors certify that they have committed an error or an omission in preparing an
election return, on unanimous motion of the Board or of any candidate affected, and upon
proof of notice to all candidates in the district, the proper Court of First Instance shall,
after verifying the error or omission, proceed to correct the return.

(J) Effect of Orders in Pre-Proclamation Controversies. The decision made in any of the
foregoing proceedings shall not be appealable, but it shall only be enforced five working
days after receipt thereof by the Board. It shall not be binding in any election protest that
may be filed after the proclamation of the winning candidate.

Section 7. Registration of Voters. The registration of voters in the election of delegates to the
Constitutional Convention shall continue to be conducted in accordance with the provisions of
Republic Act Numbered Three thousand five hundred and eighty-eight, as amended by Republic
Act Numbered Four thousand seven hundred and thirty: Provided, That for purposes of this
election, the periods provided therein for special elections shall apply: Provided, further, That
thirty days before election day, the Election Registration Board shall start posting in the polling
places the corresponding precinct lists of voters and shall continue posting from time to time
such supplementary lists as may be necessary to complete the list of voters in each precinct:
Provided, finally, That not later than nine days before the day of the election, all Election
Registrars shall inform by special delivery or other expeditious means of communication each
registered voter in their respective jurisdictions of his precinct number and the exact location of
his polling place.

Section 8. Prohibited Acts. In addition to and supplementing prohibited acts provided for in the
Revised Election Code, in the election of delegates:

(a) No candidate for delegate to the Convention shall represent or allow himself to be
represented as being a candidate of any political party or any other organization, and no
political party, political group, political committee, civic, religious, professional, or other
organization or organized group of whatever nature shall intervene in the nomination of
any such candidate or in the filing of his certificate of candidacy or give aid or support,
directly or indirectly, material or otherwise, favorable to or against his campaign for
election: Provided, That this provision shall not apply to the members of the family of a
candidate within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, nor to the personal
campaign staff of the candidate, which shall not be more than one for every ten precincts
in his district: Provided, further, That without prejudice to any liability that may be
incurred, no permit to hold a public meeting shall be denied on the ground that the
provisions of this paragraph may or will be violated: and Provided, finally, That nothing
contained herein shall be construed to impair or abridge the freedom of civic, political,
religious, professionals, trade organization or organized groups of whatever nature to
disseminate information about, or arouse public interest in, the forthcoming
Constitutional Convention or to advocate constitutional reforms, programs, policies, or
proposals for amendment of the present Constitution, and no prohibition contained herein
shall limit or curtail the right of their members, as long as they act individually, to
support or oppose any candidate for delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

Likewise, no head of any executive department, bureau or office, official or officer

nominated or appointed by the President of the Philippines, head or appointing officer of
any government-owned or controlled corporation, shall intervene in the nomination of
any such candidate, or in the filing of his certificate of candidacy or give aid or support,
directly or indirectly, material or otherwise, in favor of or against his campaign for

(b) It shall be unlawful for any public officer, head, official or appointing officer or body
of a government office, agency or instrumentality, including corporations and enterprises
owned and/or controlled by the government; or any employer or officer of a commercial,
industrial, agricultural, economic or social enterprise, or any private person or private
corporation or association; or any head, minister, officer or authority of any religion,
religious, fraternal, civic or social organization, directly or indirectly to coerce any of
their subordinates, employees, tenants, members, affiliates, parishioners, or followers, as
the case may be, to aid, campaign, vote for or against any candidate in the election of
delegates to the Constitutional Convention.
The coercion referred to in this section shall include, but shall not be limited to, any of
the following acts: (1) To punish or threaten to punish with dismissal, expulsion,
ejectment, excommunication, transfer, reduction in wage, salary or compensation; (2) to
prevent, or unduly interfere with the performance of duty or work, or the exercise of the
freedom of worship; and (3) other forms of penalties or reprisal, as the case may be.

(c) Except upon prior written authority of the Commission after due notice and hearing, it
shall be unlawful for any head, official or appointing officer of a government office,
agency or instrumentality, whether national or local, including corporations and
enterprises owned or controlled by the government, to appoint or hire any new
employees, whether provisional, temporary or casual, or to create and fill any new
position within forty-five days before the election provided for in this Act.

The Commission shall not grant the authority sought unless it is satisfied that the position
to be filled is essential to the proper functioning of the office or agency concerned, and
that the position shall not be filled in a manner that may influence the election for

As an exception to the foregoing provisions, a new employee may be appointed in case or

urgent need: Provided, however, That notice of the appointment shall be given to the
Commission and to all candidates within the district within three days from the date of
the appointment.

Any appointment or hiring in violation of this provision shall be null and void.

(d) It shall be unlawful for any government official, including barrio officials, within
forty-five days before the election, to release, disburse or expend any funds for:

1. Any and all kinds of public works, unless the authority of the Commission on
Election is first obtained, which authority shall be given only after due notice and
hearing and only for necessary maintenance or repairs for the preservation of
existing projects.

2. The Department of Social Welfare and any other office in any other department
of the government performing functions similar to those of the said department,
except for salaries of personnel, and such other routine and normal expenses.
Should a calamity or disaster occur, all releases normally or usually coursed
through the said departments and offices shall be turned over to and administered
and disbursed by the Philippine National Red Cross, subject to the supervision of
the Auditor General or his representative, and no candidate or his or her spouse
shall be present during the distribution of any relief or other goods to the victims
of the calamity or disaster.

3. The Presidential Arm on Calamity Development and any other office in any
other department of the government performing functions similar to said
department, except for salaries of personnel and for such other necessary
administrative expenses as the Commission on Elections may previously
authorize after due notice and hearing.

(e) It shall be unlawful during the period of forty-five days before the day of election
provided for in this Act:

1. For any person (a) to make any reference to releases of public works funds or
barrio development funds, (b) to undertake the construction of public works with
materials or equipment procured before the forty-five day period, or (c) to make
deliveries of materials for public works purchased before the prohibited period,
for the purpose, in each of the foregoing cases, of influencing voters;

2. For any government official to give or promise to give any increase of salary or
remuneration or privileges to any government official or employee, including
those in government-owned or controlled corporation; and

3. For any government-owned or controlled corporation to give or cause to be

given, and/or to contribute or cause to be contributed any sums of money for any
charitable, religious, or social cause whatsoever.

(f) During the period beginning thirty days before the election and ending thirty days
thereafter, it shall be unlawful for any member of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
including the Philippine Constabulary, Special Forces, Home Defense Forces, Barrio
Self-Defense Units and all other para-military units that now exist or may hereafter be
organized, to swear his uniform or bear arms outside the clamp, garrison or barracks to
which he is assigned or detailed (or outside their homes, in the case of members of home
defense forces, barrio self-defense units and other para-military units), unless (1) The
President of the Philippines shall have given previous authority therefor, or (2) The
Commission on Elections authorizes him to do so, which authority it shall give only
when necessary, to assist it in maintaining free, honest and orderly elections, and only
after notice and hearing. All personnel of the armed forces authorized by the President or
the Commission on Elections to bear arms or wear their uniforms outside their camps and
all police and peace officers shall bear their true name, rank and serial number, if any,
stitched in black letters on a white background on the left breast of their uniform, in
letters and numbers of a clearly legible design at least two centimeters tall.

Nothing in this section shall be construed as in any manner affecting, or constituting an

impairment of, the power of the President as Commander-In-Chief of all armed forces of
the Philippines.

(g) It shall be unlawful for any member of the security or police organizations of
government departments, commissions, councils, bureaus, offices or government-owned
or controlled corporations, or privately-owned or operated security, investigative,
protective, or intelligence agencies, to wear his uniform or make use of his insignias,
decorations or regalia, or bear arms, except within the immediate vicinity of his
department, commission, council, bureau, office, corporation or agency during the
prohibited period as provided in this Act.

(h) The Commission on Elections shall decide all applications for authority under this
section within fifteen days from the date of the filing of such application.

Section 9. Arrest of Persons Committing Acts of Terrorism. Any person who publicly bears arms
in violation of Section 878 and 2692 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended by
Commonwealth Act Numbered 56, or publicly makes use of uniforms, or insignias, in violation
of Article 179 of the Revised Penal Code, or of Section three of Republic Act Numbered 75
anywhere during the prohibited period as provided in this Act, shall be subject to arrest at the
time he is actually committing any of the foregoing acts not only by a peace officer but also by a
private person even in the absence of the circumstances provided by Rule 113, Section 6 of the
Rules of Court.

Any person who publicly carries a firearm, and actually threatens voters to vote for against any
candidate, or not to vote at all, or prevents the Chairman or any member of the Election
Registration Board, the Board of Inspectors or the Board of Canvassers, or a duly appointed
watcher from freely performing his duties by means of force, violence, coercion, threats and
intimidation, shall be guilty of a serious election offense and may likewise be placed under arrest
as provided in the preceding paragraph.

Any person making the arrest with legal grounds shall, without unnecessary delay and within the
time prescribed in Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, take the person arrested
to the proper court or judge for such action as it/he may deem proper to take.

Section 10. Criminal Liability of Custodians of Illegally Released Prisoners Before and After
Election. The Director of the Bureau of Prisons, the Provincial Warden, the Keeper of the jail
and the person or persons who are required by law to keep prisoners in their custody who shall
illegally order or allow any prisoner detained in the national penitentiary, provincial, city or
municipal jail to leave the premises thereof sixty (60) days before and thirty (30) days after the
election for the purpose of terrorizing or intimidating any voter, the Chairman or a member of
the Board of Election Inspectors, the Board of Canvassers, or the Election Registration Board, or
a duly appointed watcher, shall, if convicted by a competent court, be made to suffer the penalty
of prision mayor in its maximum period: Provided, That if the prisoner or prisoners so illegally
released thus commits any such act of intimidation, terrorism or interference, then the penalty
shall be life imprisonment.

Section 11. Vacancy in the Position of Delegate. Whenever a vacancy occurs in the position of
Delegate, the Commission on Elections, upon due certification of the existence of such vacancy
and recommendation by the Convention, shall immediately call a special election to fill the
vacancy, which election shall be held within thirty days from the date of said call.

Should the vacancy occur before the start of the convention, the Commission on Elections, after
verification of the said vacancy, shall call and hold a special election as above provided.
Section 12. Regulations of Election Spending and Propaganda. The following provisions shall
govern election spending and propaganda in the election provided for in this Act:

(A) The Commission on Elections shall construct at least one billboard which shall be
known as Comelec billboard as centrally as possible in every city, municipality,
municipal district, and barrio of sufficient population density. Such billboard shall be of
sufficient size and permanency to allow each candidate in the district adequate space
therein to announce his candidacy with such design and with such brief statement of his
qualifications and/or views on constitutional reforms as the candidate may desire, subject
to space limitations which shall be allocated by lottery by the Commission equally and
impartially among the candidates of the district.

(B) The franchises of all radio broadcasting and television stations are hereby amended
so as to require each such station to furnish to the Commission on Elections, free of
charge, during the period of the campaign, at least one but not more than two hours of
prime time at least once each week, but not oftener than every other day, which shall be
known as Comelec time. The Commission on Elections shall determine, within the limits
herein set, how much time is required and shall allocate the Comelec time by lottery
equally and impartially among the candidates in the districts within the area of coverage
of said radio broadcasting and television stations.

(C) Outside Comelec billboards and Comelec time any candidate or other person may
produce or distribute, or cause to be produced or distributed, for the purpose of furthering
or opposing the candidacy of any person, only the following forms of election

(1) Pamphlets, leaflets, cards or other written or printed material of a size not
more that eight and one-half inches in width by fourteen inches in length,
containing the candidate's picture, activities, special qualifications or his views on
the issues of Constitutional Reform or other data relevant to his candidacy; and

(2) Handwritten or printed letters, urging voters to vote for or against any
particular candidate.

(D) It shall be unlawful for any candidate to avail of the franking privilege, and for any
official of the government to use or extend such privilege, for the purpose of furthering or
opposing the candidacy of any person as delegate to the Constitutional Convention.

(E) All other forms of propaganda are prohibited. Accordingly, outside of Comelec
billboards, it shall be unlawful to erect, attach, float or display any billboard, streamer,
tinplate poster, balloon and the like, of whatever size, shape, form or kind, advertising the
name of any candidate; and it shall likewise be unlawful to purchase, produce, request or
distribute sample ballots, or electoral propaganda gadgets such as pens, lighters, fans (of
whatever nature), flashlights, athletic goods or material, wallets, bandanas, shirts, hats,
matches, cigarette, and the like, whether of domestic or foreign origin. Any prohibited
election propaganda, propaganda gadgets or advertising may be confiscated or torn down
by the Comelec Supervisor upon authority of the Commission on Elections. In no case,
however, shall election supervisors or registrars be assigned to a district or districts where
they are related to any candidate within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or
affinity. Similarly, apart from Comelec time, it shall be unlawful for any radio
broadcasting or television station, moviehouse or theater to show, to display or to give
any advertising or propaganda to any candidate; nor may any candidate appear on any
interview or program, unless all other candidates in the district are also invited to appear.

(F) The Commission on Elections shall endeavor to obtain free space from newspapers,
magazines and periodicals which shall be known as Comelec Space, and shall allocate
this space equally and impartially among all candidates within the areas in which the
newspapers are circulated. Outside of said Comelec space, it shall be unlawful to print or
publish, or cause to be printed or published, any advertisement, paid comment or paid
article in furtherance of or in opposition to the candidacy of any person for delegate, or
mentioning the name of any candidate and the fact of his candidacy, unless all the names
of all other candidates in the district in which the candidate mentioned is running are also
mentioned with equal prominence.

(G) All candidates and all other persons making or receiving expenditures, contributions
or donations which in their totality exceed fifty pesos, in order to further or oppose the
candidacy of any candidate, shall file a statement of all such expenditures and
contributions made or received on such dates and with such details as the Commission on
Elections shall prescribe by rules. The total expenditures made by a candidate, or by any
other person with the knowledge and consent of the candidate, shall not exceed thirty-two
thousand pesos.

(H) Nothing in this section shall preclude news coverage by the mass media of significant
and newsworthy events, views, public meetings or rallies involving any candidate in any
news program, newsreel, newspaper, magazine, or other periodical: Provided, That it
shall be unlawful for any radio broadcasting and television station to schedule any
program or permit any sponsor to manifestly favor or oppose any candidate by unduly
referring to him or including him in its programs or newscast.

Section 13. Who May Convene. The Chairman of the Commission on Elections shall take charge
of all arrangements for the convening of the Constitutional Convention. The President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall jointly preside at its opening
session. The Convention shall meet in the session hall of three House of Representatives on June
first, nineteen hundred and seventy-one at ten o'clock in the morning. Thereafter, the Convention
may in its discretion hold its session at any other place within the Republic of the Philippines.
Unless the Convention provides otherwise, a majority of all its members shall constitute a
quorum to do business, but a smaller number may meet, adjourn from day to day, and compel the
attendance of absent members. The Convention shall be the sole judge of the election, returns,
and qualifications of its members and it may organize and adopt such rules as it may see fit.

Section 14. Administration and Technical Assistance. All government entities, agencies and
instrumentalities, including the Senate and House of Representatives, shall place at the disposal
of the Convention such personnel, premises, and furniture thereof as can, in their judgment, be
spared without detriment to the public service, without cost, refund or additional pay.

Section 15. Parliamentary Immunity. The laws relative to parliamentary immunity of the
Members of Congress shall be applicable to the delegates to the Constitutional Convention, and
the penalties imposed in Articles one hundred forty-three, one hundred forty-four and one
hundred forty-five of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, for offenses defined therein against
the Congress of the Philippines, its committees or subcommittees, or its Members shall likewise
apply if such offenses are committed against the Constitutional Convention, its committees or
subcommittees, or the delegates thereto.

Section 16. Per diems and Traveling Expenses of Delegates. Each delegate shall be entitled to a
per diem of one hundred pesos for every day of attendance in the Convention or any of its
committees and to the necessary traveling expenses to and from his residence when attending the
sessions of the Convention or of its committees.

Section 17. Powers of the Commission on Elections. The Commission on Election shall, in
addition to the powers and functions conferred upon it by the Constitution and the Revised
Election Code, as amended, have the following powers:

(a) To promulgate rules and regulations to carry out the provisions of this Act within
thirty days after its approval:

(b) To require all law-enforcement agencies and instrumentalities of the government and
authorize ROTC Cadets to act as deputies for the purpose of insuring a free, orderly and
honest election;

(c) To execute it s decisions, directives, orders and instructions on any matter affecting
the conduct of the election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention; and, in the
implementation thereof, the same decisions, directives, orders and instructions shall have
precedence over those emanating from any other authority except the Supreme Court, and
those issued in habeas corpus proceedings:

(d) By unanimous vote of the members, postpone the election in any political division or
subdivision when it shall find, after due notice to all candidates concerned and proper
hearing, that the holding of a free, orderly and honest election therein is rendered
impossible by reason or reasons of fraud, violence, coercion, terrorism, or any other
serious cause or causes. The Commission shall immediately call for the holding of a
special election in said political division or subdivision when in its judgment the
conditions therein warrant the holding of the same.

(e) Whenever the Commission determines, after notice and hearing, that no voting has
been held or that voting has been suspended before the hour fixed by law for the closing
of the voting in any precinct or precincts because of force majeure, violence or terrorism,
and the votes not cast therein are sufficient to affect the results of the election, the
Commission may call for the holding or continuation of the election in the precinct or
precincts concerned. Pending such call, no candidate whose election may be affected by
the holding or continuation of the election, shall be proclaimed elected.

(f) The Chairman and members of the Commission on Elections, being in charge of
enforcing this law and exercising quasi- judicial functions, aside from being subject to the
prohibitions provided under the last paragraph of Section 8 (A) of this Act, shall also be
subject to the Canons of Judicial Ethics.

No member of the Commission on Elections, including the Chairman, shall sit in any case
arising under this Act in which he has manifested or harbored bias, prejudice, or antagonism
against any party to the case, or in any case in which he would be disqualified under Rule 137 of
the Rules of Court.

Section 18. Penalty Clause. A violation of any of the provisions of this Act shall be considered a
serious election offense carrying a penalty of imprisonment of not less than one year and one day
but not more than five years.

The offender shall be further sentenced to suffer disqualifications to hold any public office and
deprivation of the rights of suffrage for not less than one year but not more than nine years; and,
if he is a foreigner, he shall be deported immediately after service of his prison term. Should the
violation be committed by a political party or any organized group hereinbefore prohibited, the
individuals who induced, ordered, directly participated, or indispensably cooperated in the
commission of the same shall be equally liable, and shall suffer the penalties herein provided.

Section 19. Petition for Declaratory Relief. Any natural or juridical person whose rights are
affected by any provision of this Act, may, before breach or violation thereof, bring an action to
determine any question of construction, validity or constitutionality arising under this Act and for
a declaration of his rights or duties thereunder.

In any action involving the construction, validity or constitutionality of any provision under this
Act, the Solicitor General shall be notified by the party contesting such provision and shall be
entitled to be heard upon such question.

The petition shall be filed with the Supreme Court and shall be given precedence over any other
civil business pending therein.

Section 20. Appropriation. There is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National
Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of seventeen million pesos for the holding of the
election of delegates to the Constitutional Convention which shall upon request, be made
immediately available to the Commission on Elections only for purposes of this Act and twelve
million pesos for the expenses of said convention.

Section 21. Separability Clause. If for any reason any section or provision of this Act, or any
portion thereof, or the application of such section, provision or portion to any person group or
circumstance, is declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of the Act or the application
of such provision to other persons, group or circumstances shall not be affected by such

Section 22. Repealing Clause. Republic Act Numbered 4914, and all other laws, rules,
regulations, or parts thereof which are inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed, amended or
modified accordingly for purposes of the election of delegates as herein provided.

Section 23. This Act take effect upon its approval.

Approved: August 24, 1970

PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 498 June 28, 1974

WHEREAS, Republic Act No. 5527, An Act Requiring the Registration of Medical
Technologists, Defining Their Practice, And For Other Purpose took effect on June 21, 1969;

WHEREAS, in the implementation of said Act, some provisions were found to be prejudicial to
the interests of some medical technology practitioners who would otherwise qualify for
registration as medical technologist without examination; and

WHEREAS, it was likewise found that some provisions were inadequate to meet the primary
objectives of maintaining the high standard of the medical technology profession, hence, there is
an imperative need to correct these deficiencies of the said Act.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Republic of the

Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution as Commander-in-Chief of
all the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1081 dated September
21, 1972, as amended, do hereby order and decree:

Section 1. Subsections (a) and (d) of Section 2 of Republic Act No. 5527 are hereby amended to
read as follows:

"Sec. 2. Definition of Terms. As used in this Act, the following terms shall mean:

(a) Practice of Medical Technology. A person shall be deemed to be in the practice of

medical technology within the meaning of this Act, who shall for a fee, salary or other
compensation or reward paid or given directly or indirectly through another, renders any
of the following professional services for the purpose of aiding the physician in the
diagnosis, study and treatment of diseases and in the promotion of health in general:

1. Examination of tissues, secretions and excretions of the human body and body
fluids by various electronic, chemical, miscroscopic, bacteriologic, hematologic,
serologic, immunologic, nuclear, and other laboratory procedures and techniques
either manual or automated:

2. Blood banking procedures and techniques;

3. Parasitologic, Mycologic and Microbiologic procedures and techniques;

4. Histopatholgic and Cytotechnology; provided that nothing in this paragraph

shall inhibit a duly registered medical laboratory technician from performing
histopathologic techniques and procedures.
5. Clinical research involving patients or human beings requiring the use of and/or
application of medical technology knowledge and procedures;

6. Preparations and standardization of reagents, standards, stains and others,

provided such reagents, standards, stains and others are exclusively for the use of
their laboratory;

7. Clinical laboratory quality control;

8. Collection and preservation of specimens,

Provided, that any person who shall passed the corresponding Board examination
for the practice of a profession already regulated by existing laws, shall not be
subject to the provisions of at last four (4) preceding paragraphs if the
performance of such acts or services is merely incidental to his profession.

(d) Medical Laboratory Technicians. A person certified and registered with the Board as
qualified to assist a medical technologist and/or qualified pathologist in the practice of
medical technology as defined in this Act."

Section 2. Section 3 of the same Act is hereby amended and now to read as follows:

"Sec. 3. Council of Medical Technology Education, Its Composition. There is hereby

established a Council of Medical Technology Education, hereafter referred to as Council,
which shall be composed of the Commissioner of the Professional Regulation
Commission as Chairman, the Chairman of the Board of Medical Technology as Vice-
Chairman, and the two (2) members of the Board of Medical Technology, and the
Director of Private Education or its duly authorized representative, the Director of the
Bureau of Research and Laboratories of the Department of Health, and a representative of
the deans or heads of the private schools of medical technology, as members."

Section 3. Section of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 4. Compensation and Traveling Expenses of Council Members. For every meeting actually
attended, the Chairman shall be entitled to a fifty pesos (P50.00) per diem while the members
shall be entitled to twenty-five pesos (P25.00) each regardless of whether or not they receive
regular salaries from the government. In addition, the Chairman and members of the Council
shall be entitled to traveling expenses in connection with their official duties."

Section 4. Section 7 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 7. Medical Technology Board. There is hereby created a Medical Technology Board under
the Professional Regulation Commission, which shall thereafter be referred to as the Board
composed of a Chairman who is a pathologist, and two (2) members who are registered medical
technologists who shall be appointed by the President of the Republic of the Philippines upon
recommendation of the Professional Regulation Commission. The Chairman and members of the
Board shall hold office for three (3) years after appointment or until their successors shall have
been appointed and duly qualified: Provided, That the incumbent members will continue to serve
until the expiration of their terms.

In case of death, disability, or removal of a member of the Board, his successor shall serve only
the balance of his terms."

Section 5. Paragraph 3 and 5 of Section 8 of the same Act are hereby amended to read as

"Sec. 8. Qualification of Examiners. No person shall be appointed a member of the Medical

Technology Board unless he or she:

1) . . .

2) . . .

3) is a duly registered medical technologist of the Philippines with the degree of Bachelor
of Science in Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene/Public Health;

4) . . .

5) is not a member of the faculty of any medical technology school for at least two (2)
years prior to appointment or having any pecuniary interest direct or indirect in such

Section 6. Subsection (c) of Section 11 of the same Act is hereby amended and subparagraphs
(g), (h) and (l) are hereby added to read as follows:

"Sec. 11. . . .

(c) Issue, suspend and revoke certificates of registration for the practice of medical
technology and medical laboratory technician;

(g) To determine the adequacy of the technical staff of all clinical laboratories and blood
banks before they could be licensed with the Department of Health in accordance with
R.A. No. 4655 and 1517;

(h) To prescribe the qualification and training of medical technologist as to special fields
of the profession and supervise their specialty examination conducted by the professional
organization of medical technologists accredited by the Professional Regulation

(i) To classify and prescribe the qualification and training of the technical staff of clinical
laboratories as to: Chief Medical Technologist; Senior Medical Technologist; Medical
Technologist and Medical Laboratory Technician."
Section 7. Section 13 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 13. Accreditation of Schools of Medical Technology and of Training Laboratories.

Upon the recommendation of the Medical Technology Board, the Department of
Education and Culture shall approve schools of medical technology in accordance with
the provisions of this Decree. The Professional Regulation Commission upon
recommendation of the Medical Technology Board shall approve laboratories for
accreditations as training laboratories for medical technology students or post graduate
trainees upon satisfactory evidence that said laboratories possess qualified personnel and
are properly equipped to carry out laboratory procedures commonly required in the
following fields: bacteriology, serology, parasitology, hematology, biochemistry and
blood banking, and that the scope of activities of said laboratory offer sufficient training
in said laboratory procedure."

Section 8. Subparagraph (b) of Section 16 is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 16. . . .

(b) Has completed a course of at least four (4) years leading to the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Medical Technology or Bachelor of Science in Public Health conferred by a
recognized school, college or university in accordance with this Decree or having
graduated from some other profession and has been actually performing medical
technology for the last five (5) years prior to the date of the examinations, if such
performance began prior to June 21, 1969."

Section 9. Section 17 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 17. Scope of examination. The examination questions shall cover the following
subjects with their respective relative weights:

Clinical Chemistry 20%

Microbiology & Parasitology 20%
Hematology 20%
Blood Banking & Serology 20%
Clinical Microscopy (Urinalysis and other body fluids) 10%
Histopathologic Techniques, Cytotechnology, Medical Technology
Laws, Related Laws and its implementing rules, and the Code of 10%

The Board shall prepare the schedule of subjects for examination and to submit the same to the
Commissioner of the Professional Regulation Commission for publication at least thirty (30)
days before the date of examination. The Board shall compute the general average of each
examinee according to the above-mentioned relative weights of each subject. Provided, however,
that the Board may change, add to or remove from the list of subjects or weights above as
progress in the science of Medical Technology may require, subject to the prior approval of the
Professional Regulation Commission, and publication of the change or amendment at least three
(3) months prior to the date of examination in which the same is to take effect."

Section 10. Section 21 of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 21. Issuance of Certificate of Registration. Every applicant who has satisfactorily
passed the required examination for medical technologist shall be issued a certificate of
registration as such. Provided that no such certificate shall be issued to any successful
applicant who has not attained the age of twenty-one (21) years. All certificate shall be
signed by the members of the Board and by the Commissioner of the Professional
Regulation Commission. The duly registered medical technologist shall be required to
display his certificate of registration in the place where he works. Provided, that upon
application filed and the payment of the required fee of one hundred and fifteen pesos
(P115.00) the Board shall issue a certificate of registration as medical technologist
without examination to persons who have been graduated with Bachelor of Science in
Medical Technology/Bachelor of Science in Public Health in duly recognized schools of
medical technology in the Philippines or in any foreign country, provided, that in case of
the latter, the standard of medical technology education is substantially the same as ours,
and in addition shall have been in the practice of medical technology for at least three (3)
years prior to the filing of the application in laboratories in the Philippines duly
accredited by the Bureau of Research and Laboratories, Department of Health, or in
foreign countries if such performance began prior to June 21, 1969 and also to all other
persons who having graduated from other professions have been actually performing
medical technology practice for the last eight (8) years prior to filing of the application,
Provided, that such performance began prior to June 21, 1969.

Provided, further, that the Board shall likewise issue a certificate of registration as medical
laboratory technician without examination to any person who upon application and payment of
the required fee of fifty pesos (P50.00) show evidence satisfactory to the Board that:

1. He or she passed the civil service examination for medical technician on March 21,
1964; or

2. Has finished a two-year college course and has at least one (1) year of experience as
medical laboratory technician, provided, that for every year of deficiency in college
attainment two (2) years of experience may be substituted; Provided, further, that an
applicant who has at least ten (10) years experience as medical laboratory technician as of
the date of approval of this Decree regardless of his academic attainment may qualify for
registration without examination; or

3. Has failed to pass the board examination for medical technology but had obtained a
general rating of at least 70%. Provided, finally, that a registered medical laboratory
technician when employed in the government shall have the equivalent civil service
eligibility not lower than second grade."

Section 11. Section 29 subparagraph (j) of the same Act is hereby amended to read as follows:

"(j) Any person or corporate body who shall allow anyone in his employ who is not a
registered medical technologist/medical laboratory technician to engage in the practice of
medical technology or recommend for appointment anyone to the position of medical
technologist/medical laboratory technician knowing that he is not registered as such."

Section 12. Repealing Clause. All laws, executive orders, decrees, rules and regulations or parts
thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed, amended or
modified accordingly.

Section 13. This Decree shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 28th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and

WHEREAS, Presidential Decree No. 498 amended certain sections of Republic Act No. 5527
otherwise known as the Philippine Medical Technology Act of 1969;

WHEREAS, in the implementation of said decree, certain sections thereof have been found to
hamper or render ineffective certain functions and duties of the Department of Education and
Culture and the Department of Health; and

WHEREAS, the aforesaid Decree contains provisions which prejudice the practice of anatomic
and clinical pathology by qualified physicians thus negating one of the primary objectives of the
original Medical Act of 1969;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of

the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order and decree:

Section 1. Section 3 of Republic Act No. 5527 as amended by Presidential Decree No. 498 is
hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 3. Council of Medical Technology Education; Its Composition. There is hereby established
a Council of Medical Technology Education hereafter referred to as the Council, which shall be
composed of the Director of Higher Education as Chairman; the Chairman of the Professional
Regulation Commission as Vice-Chairman; and the Director of the Bureau of Research and
Laboratories of the Department of Health, the Chairman and two (2) members of the Board of
Medical Technology, a representative of the Deans of Schools of Medical Technology and
Public Health, and the Presidents of the Philippine Society of Pathologists and the Philippine
Association of Medical Technologies, as members."

Section 2. Paragraph 3, Section 8 of Republic Act No. 5527 as amended is hereby amended to
read as follows;

"Sec. 8. Qualification of Examiners. No person shall be appointed as a member of the Medical

Technology Board unless he or she: . . . is a qualified Pathologists, or a duly registered Medical
Technologist, of the Philippines with the degree of Bachelor of Science in Medical
Technology/Bachelor of Science in Hygiene/Public Health; . . . ."

Section 3. Subparagraphs (g) and (i) of Section 11 of Republic Act No. 5527 as amended are
hereby repealed.

Section 4. Section 13 of Republic Act No. 5527 as amended, is hereby further amended to read
as follows:
"Sec. 13. Accreditation of Schools of Medical Technology and of Training Laboratories. The
Department of Education and Culture shall approve schools of Medical Technology in
accordance with the provisions of this Act, as amended, in conjunction with the Board of
Medical Technology. The Department of Health through the Bureau of Research and
Laboratories shall approve laboratories for accreditation as training laboratories for medical
technology students or post-graduate trainees in conjunction with the Board of Medical
Technology. The laboratories shall show satisfactory evidence that they possess qualified
personnel and are properly equipped to carry out laboratory procedures commonly required in
the following fields: Clinical Chemistry, Microbiology, Serology, Parasitology, Hematology,
Blood Banking, Clinical Microscopy, and Histopathologic techniques, and that the scope of
activities of said laboratories offer sufficient training in said laboratory procedures."

Section 5. Section 12 of Presidential Decree No. 498 is hereby amended to read as follows:

"Sec. 12. Repealing Clause. All those Executive Order, Decrees, Rules and Regulations, or parts
thereof inconsistent with the provisions of this Decree are hereby repealed, amended or modified
accordingly: Provided, however, That nothing in this Decree shall be construed as repealing or
amending any portion of the Medical Act of 1959 (Republic Act No. 2382, as amended by
Republic Act No. 4224), and the Clinical Laboratory Act of 1966 (Republic Act No. 4688), and
the Blood Banking Law of 1956 (Republic Act No. 1517), and the Rules and Regulations issued
pursuant to these laws."

Section 6. This Decree shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 11th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and
Beloved PAMET

From various lands races and places

with grateful hearts we blend our voices

This day to our beloved. PAMET

from whence unity and love cometh.

We join together in brotherhood

to live up to thine ideals we should

In fields of advancement and learning

Thy noble goals maybe our bearing.

Loyal and true we'll be to thee

Beloved PAMET this we say,

for service to God and humanity

With joy we sing for thee till eternity.

Music: Francis Jerota Pefanco

Lyrics: Hector Gentapanan Gayares, Jr.

Med Tech Prayer

O God, Who, by calling us to the vocation of a

Medical Technologist, has placed upon us the obligation
of being a constant help in the
scientific care of the sick,
grant us Thy divine light a deep insight
into the serious responsibilities of our tasks.

By Thy divine wisdom awaken in us

a growing zeal and determination
to increase our knowledge of how to
search for the underlying causes of sickness and disease;
how to recognize the evidence of physical changes;
how to make important chemical analyses,
and other valuable tests so helpful
in caring for the sick.

By Thy divine love permit us in this way

to share with those who directly care for the sick,
that thus we may be constantly working through
the Eternal Physician, Christ, Our Lord.

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