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Name : Huzaifa Ameer Reg. No.


Department: BSMC

Subject: Reaserch Method

Effects of violent movies and trait

hostility on hostile feelings and
aggressive thoughts
Article 1
Craig A. Anderson

First published: 06 December 1998;2-P


Every time you watch TV, you're sure to see some sort of violence
whether it be a killing, beating, or some kind of cruel act. I was
watching a movie the other day with my lovely girlfriend of course,
by the name of "The Matrix" The phenomenon has been a social
issue for decades with some people supporting it while others are
condemning the trend sternly. They need to teach there kids that
what they see on TV is not real and should not be reenacted in real
life. This is a cause-and-effect analysis paper discussing the effects of
violent movies on children.
Article 2

Exposure of US Adolescents to Extremely

Violent Movies
Keilah A. Worth, Jennifer Gibson Chambers, Daniel H. Nassau, Balvinder K.
Rakhra and James D. Sargent

Pediatrics August 2008, 122 (2) 306-312


There are few data on youth exposure to violent movies, so this

study examined such exposure among young US adolescents. The 40
violent movies were seen by a median of 12.5% of an estimated 22
million US adolescents aged 10 to 14 years. The most popular
violent movie, Scary Movie, was seen by >10 million (48.1%)
children, 1 million of whom were 10 years of age. Black male
adolescents were at particularly high risk for seeing these movies.
Article 3

Violent Movies and Severe Acts of Violence:

Sensationalism versus Science
Human Communication Research, Volume 41, Issue 2, 1 April 2015,
Published:01 April 2015

Violent media has often been blamed for severe violent acts. Violence in
movies has increased substantially over the last few decades. Time series
analyses found that violent films were negatively, although nonsignificantly,
related to homicides and aggravated assaults. Results suggest that caution is
warranted when generalizing violent media research.
Article 4

Some Effects of Violent and Nonviolent

Movies on the Behavior of Juvenile
Available online 11 April 2008.
Author links open overlay pane loss D.Parke2LeonardBerkowitz3Jacques P.Leyens4Stephen G.West5Richard J.Sebastian6


Scarcely any new subjects in friendly brain research have produced

as much contention as the effect of openness to film and TV
savagery on the conduct of spectators. Albeit countless research
facility examinations have exhibited that survey hostility can
increment ensuing watcher animosity, doubters have genuinely
scrutinized the generalizability of these lab determined outcomes to
genuine circumstances. The part surveys considers that give a more
sufficient trial of the impacts of openness to film viciousness in a
naturalistic setting. Three field tests are portrayed in which juvenile
young men are presented to a few full-length unedited business
films in their typical climate. Perceptions of relational hostility
framed the reason for the reliant records. The motivation behind
this methodology was to beaten a portion of the typical issues of
generalizability. A concise assessment of these issues and an audit
and investigate of past field test investigations of film savagery are
introduced in the part.
Article 5

Violent Movies and Criminal Behavior

of Delinquents
Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS) Vol. 33, No. 2 (2013), pp. 243-254

Noshina Saleem Assistant Professor,

Institute of Communication Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan



Researchers from the field of sociology, psychology, and media

studies have traced out a few factors that enhance the probability
why adolescents engage themselves in criminal and violent
activities. The children who don't have proper guidance either by
their parents or by the community get more affected by this kind of
material. The study is designed to ascertain whether exposure to
action movies has some relation with criminal behavior of

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